#if there were any other decent calendars at this point i'd cancel this one and get a different one
madegeeky · 10 months
Company whose advent calendar I bought back in fucking August and still don't have: Don't worry, it'll be shipped out this week and we guarantee you'll have it by 1 Dec.
The optimist in me: They still have 18ish hours. There's still time! :)
The pessimist in me: They only have 18 hours before its proven that they're liars. And those 18 hours are a Sat so the chance of them being sent out in the time frame they promised is incredibly unlikely. >:(
The part of me that wants to assume the best of people: This has all been an honest mistake. They really did think that they'd be shipped out at this point and they'll do their best to rectify the situation, like doing faster shipping or something.
The part of me that assumes the worst of people: They just straight up lied to my fucking face, multiple times at this point, and considering it took me four emails and asking to speak to a higher up to get any information out of them, they're definitely lying liars who lie all the time.
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