#if theres a grammar mistake then whoopsie daisy
comicinksans · 2 years
Tango woke inside his home, not knowing how he returned there. His head hurt like he had been struck with a metal bat, yet it was completely unharmed and unmarked. His last memory was that of the Deep Dark, and the escape he had made from it. At his side, he saw a familiar figure with a hat covering it’s face. He knew the person, but his eyes hadn’t yet adjusted so he couldn’t tell who was there. Reaching through his memories of the previous night(?) he found little bits and pieces of the circumstances that led him here. He new he had summoned a Warden as he had done before, and he knew it had reached the surface. He remembered Jimmy’s arm grabbing his wrist and sprinting to the top of the nearby hill.That was it.
“Darn Warden… Ugh…” The figure by Tango’s side had mumbled (MUMBO’D?!?!?!?!?) something in his… sleep? It was hard to tell if they were asleep or just talking to themself. Tango continued to look around, trying to figure out some more details. The house was in tact, luckily. The door was shut, but not barricaded, so it couldn’t be a serious issue. 
*Maybe I just… fell at the hill? There are some stones up there buried in the snow.* Working through the possibilities only made his headache worse, so he stopped there. Soon, maybe ten minutes later, the figure moved their hat and stood. The figure stretched, their hat falling, revealing short blond hair and a face that Tango *knew* he recognized. Hearing the voice of the figure, he finally knew who was there.
“Ugh… How long have I been out? Whatever. I should get going to catch up to- TANGO!” Jimmy quickly spun around, his eyes meeting his ranchmate’s. “Oh my god how did I almost FORGET about you??” Jimmy placed his arms on Tango’s shoulders and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re awake!!” 
“What… What happened…?”
“Oh… It was that bad? Woah boy…” Jimmy stood up, and paced for a few moments. “Well… to start, you summoned another Warden. ‘Your son’. Then, you released it: again. It was more aggressive than the last one, and followed us instead of going off to the bases. We ran up the hill, but it caught up and Sonic Blasted you. You grabbed your head and fell to your knees, then passed out on the ground. Do you remember any of that?”
“Only summoning the Warden.” Tango held his palm to his forehead. *Did I really forget THAT much?* “Did… Did you guys get it?”
“Well…..” Jimmy’s eyes darted quickly to the side, not making eye contact with Tango. “If you’re asking if we *killed* it, then I will refrain from answering.”
“What does that mean?!”
“Jimmy. Where is the FREAKING *WARDEN???*” Tango, unexpectedly, shot up in bed.
“Well… outside in a cage? That’s why there’s carpet everywhere.” Tango didn’t say a word, but Jimmy could sense the feelings rushing through him. “Anyways! Are you alright?”
“I have a RAGING headache but other than that, I’m fine.” Tango took a few seconds to calm himself before answering any further questions.
“Here. try this.” Jimmy pulled out a cookie: From where? Who knows. “I know I get headaches a lot, and sugar sometimes helps out.”
“Okay but… Where did you get this???” “Well, I uh… I went out last night and found some cocoa beans to make them for you fresh. I felt bad about what happened so I wanted to do something to help make it up to you.” Tango took a bite, and chuckled to himself.
“These… aren’t that good.” 
“Hey! I worked hard on tho-”
Tango cut off Jimmy, “I’m not saying they taste bad!! They’re very good on that front. But they’re a little weird texture-wise.” Tango continued to eat and laugh.
“Well, well you try making a cookie for the first time with ONE cocoa bean!!!” Jimmy’s face got visibly red, and Tango could tell he was getting under his skin.
“Well I can’t since you only had one cocoa  bean.” Tango locked eyes with Jimmy, smiled smugly, and took a final bite of the cookie.
“Oh, come on!” Tango reached out for Jimmy, and Jimmy fell into his embrace. “I’m okay, the cookies are alright. That’s what’s important.” 
“I guess…” Jimmy pouted as he sat by Tango’s side.
“Oh you’re fine. Now; what are we doing about the Warden outside…?”
“Well last night we said that was a tomorrow Jimmy problem, which means it’s now a today Jimmy problem. Crap.”
“Who says it can’t be a tomorrow Jimmy problem again…?” Tango looked up at Jimmy. “I mean, we’re safe in here. Plus my head still hurts.” He feigned a swoon, placing the back of his palm to his forehead. “Won’t you aid me?”
“Oh you little!-” Jimmy pushed away his worries and embraced Tango once more. “Of course I will.
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