#if theres any mistakes ill find them tmrw w an axe !!!!
alienaiver · 2 years
"happy new year."
"shinsou, it's 4am." you sigh into the phone, surprised at how sober he sounds despite the late call. you groan as you move your legs, still aching with the pain you've been feeling the entire day. "yeah, i know, i'm sorry... i just got off a shift."
your eyebrow quirks up at that, "aren't you at kami's place?"
you hear a sharp intake on the other end, "yeah uh, no, i... i took a shift. someone called in sick, or that was the excuse, at least." he laughs at the end but it's strained and you can almost hear the gears in his head going into overdrive. you think he already expects what you say next, "but you weren't on call."
he sighs before opening his mouth, "yeah it wasn't...." his voice trails off and the silence stretches out. you try to shift position again as you ask if he's there. an affirmative sound comes back to you and you're confused as to what's going on as you try to grab your waterglass without straining your arms too much.
"are you okay?"
he wheezes out a laugh at your question, "shouldn't i be the one asking?" you shrug your shoulders, "meh. i'm used to the pain at this point. but why did you take a shift on new year's eve?"
he sighs out and you hear him shifting around, imagining him changing which ear his phone is by as he searches his mind for a reply. you've seen him do this when he feels interrogated by his dads. "the party wouldn't be the same... without you."
you spit out the water you just drank and choke on the rest. he frantically says your name and asks what's going on but it feels like he's on the other side of a bubble with unexpected confessions like that.
confessions? does it count as one? you regain your breathing and assure him that you're okay and that you just got water down the wrong throat. he tuts at you and reminds you to be more careful. you can hear the relief and his smile in his voice.
"anyway, happy new year to you too." you mumble, your fingers drawing mindless circles onto your sheets. "thanks. did you do anything special when the clock struck 12?"
"i was sleeping, got knocked out by the pills. what about you? caught a well-timed villain as the bells rang?" you joke, enjoying the chuckle you're rewarded with.
"no there wasn't any, actually. i was just thinking about kissing you the entire time, if i'm honest."
your eyes widen before you clear your throat and ask, "what was that? the last part? i think i misheard." you feel your heart beat a thousand times a minute and out of the corner of your eyes notice your hand has stopped fidgeting and are instead shaking. he chuckles again, strained as in the beginning of the conversation but you can almost sense the smirk from blindsiding you like this.
"nah, i'm pretty sure you heard, didn't you? i just wanna know, would you return the kiss? or punch me?"
you almost laugh but it only comes out as you blowing air aggressively through your nose, surprised by his sudden straightforwardness. "i think i'd do both, honestly."
"yeah? can i come over?"
"what's gotten you like this? are you sure you're not just done drinking at kami's?"
shinsou laughs, "i think it's a new year, new me kind of situation."
you laugh this time, already planning to scold him for doing this in the middle of the night and make you spill water on yourself and the bed. when you're done laughing, the smile doesn't leave your face, "well that certainly changes things. i'm awake now anyways, so i'll gladly unlock the door for you."
"great, 'cos i'm only five minutes away."
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