#if theres any typos reply or message me or whatever i WILL probably add more to this later but not Now
deadaggressor · 11 months
as much as i find the initial freedom reboarding scene very poignant of kira and lacus' relationship and their trust to each other in destiny it also very blatantly showcases why they should just not ever be romantically involved together without a third person.
kira and lacus have this mutual passivity over the others harmful actions toward themselves. they have a mutual enablement of the others issues as the only person who can understand the other, which is furthered by their Sword and Wielder dynamic.
kira and lacus ever having a genuine romantic dependence on the other would actually make them so much worse. it would so quicky become this twisted obsession to the other in vastly different ways adhering to these percieved roles of their relationship on a foundational level of what brought them together in the first place
its not INTENTIONAL either is the thing when it would come to the  romantic aspect. kira with his belief of being used in a relationship is  normal and lacus, whos trying to be the clearheaded one, cant help  slipping into the manipulation because its what would be making kira feel fulfilled within the relationship.
knowing she has to do this for kiras fulfillment in the relationship would lead to this dangerous cycle of both of then drastically worsening. kiras specific needs lead her to reinforcing the personal belief that she is only suited for this type of manipulative relationship.
like as much as it would be nice to see them in a healthy relationship. i dont believe they are capable of it without also both loving someone else who can help them heal from these mental states and separate them from their deep trauma-based psychological attachment to each other.
kira and lacus have a very unhealthy and precarious relationship in destiny according to fukuda himself. its entirely possible they may "break up" from their platonic situationship in freedom, or something else will happen in this case.
if kira and lacus do end up being an actual endgame romance with gundam seed freedom i genuinely hope they both have their acts together and are a bit more stable and less psychologically dependent on the other.
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