#if they're repentant i think? point being that all of us are sinners and a character doesn't have to be perfectly good to be a believer
I have a dumb question, and I really hope this doesn’t sound rude. What’s the logic for some of the characters? Like, if they’re the “hero” in their storyline, but they don’t seem to follow Biblical doctrine… does that even count? I’m sorry if that sounds snotty; I don’t mean to have an attitude.
No, you're fine!!
Short answer: I don't know, I'm not the one sending in the characters 😂
But really I would say there's not necessarily a consistent logic that they have to fit. That's part of the beauty of Christianity, isn't it? Anyone who repents and believes is welcome; it's not limited to any certain type of people. For the characters people are sending in here, I think there are a few categories. There are some that fit what you said, who already hold Christian morals and who one could easily headcanon as being Christian within the story. Sometimes people send in villains who they want to have redemption arcs and become Christian. Sometimes it's characters who are Christian; mostly it's characters people would like to see become Christian.
#my favorite character who i headcanon as Christian is one who generally has very Christian morals and really wants to do good#but also lies a lot. and i think in that case it's like i could see him being Christian in the story#because Christians aren't perfect and even people who don't have their whole act together can believe#I'm not justifying continuing to do wrong. I'm trying to figure out how to phrase it#i think there's some post I've seen about how even terrible characters who do terrible things can be Christian#if they're repentant i think? point being that all of us are sinners and a character doesn't have to be perfectly good to be a believer#because none of us are. and a line from a song i know 'though I'm wretched i am not faithless' about a character who#has done bad things and is struggling to reconcile his actions with God's love and forgiveness#anyway. i was saying the character i like comes across to me as an imperfect Christian but also as someone who could really benefit from#learning and growing in the faith. i want to see that character grow morally stronger and become more like Jesus!!!#it would be good for him 🤷‍♀️#and that's kinda the point of most of the characters people send. they either seem like they could genuinely BE Christian#or are characters people think really need Christianity in their lives#sometimes it's 'this character seems Christian' and sometimes it's 'i like this character and want them to become Christian'#i think characters who don't follow Biblical doctrine fall under either imperfect and learning Christian or needs Jesus in their life#ask
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
Oh! How about 11 and 41 for the relationship ask game? How do Regill and Minovae feel about these? 🤗
Thank you for the ask!
11. Who causes the most arguments?
Arguing is a strong term for them - they rarely ever fight fight but more get into heated discussions and disagreements. As for who causes the most? I think they're about equal. Neither are afraid to speak up and vocalize a disagreement with the other, and both are just as likely to do or say something that the other will think needs addressing.
The major exception is Mino's reluctance to share her problems with people, especially him at first. He will get very annoyed she keeps trying to do everything herself even when he can see she is clearly struggling. This usually prompts a more serious argument.
41. What green flags do they have for one another?
Mino to Regill: the small concessions he does make. He seems so iron-willed and rigid to everyone, unable to compromise, but Mino sees he is actually always compromising in some way. He is the most strict on himself and while he will always put his viewpoint and preference first, when others object or suggest otherwise, he almost always compromises in some way. It takes a rather objectionable order for him to absolutely plant his feet and brace.
Few others see it too especially in the Crusade because there aren't many civilians around, but he definitely does not hold anyone outside of the military to the same ridiculously strict standards that he does himself, fellow knights, soldiers, etc. He treats those in the Crusade with such severity because, well, they chose to be here. They signed up for this and are consenting to extreme measures that need to be taken in a war the literal Abyss. With civilians outside of the warfront, however? They're who he's fighting for and they get a completely different type of treatment (though it's a little more condescending, like a "just keep your head down and don't worry about what's going on that's our job you don't need to know").
Lastly - his focus on preserving lives. Victory at all costs is his primary objective, but Mino sees in most of his military council suggestions and of course serving with him that his secondary objective is "--and get as many of us through this as possible." Sometimes it simply isn't possible, but asking for more heavily armored units, balking at bravado and cavalry charges, shoring up the front line for a more powerful backline. There's no point in such rigid order if there's no people left in the end to see the fruits of it. He sees nothing glorious in death in battle and prolonged deaths either. His orders to kill the wounded at the Reliable Redoubt came from a cold mercy: it'd be better to die quickly and humanely than carried off and torturously turned into a ghoul to fuel the enemy forces and fight against your former brothers.
Regill to Mino: She is full of mercy and patience, and while he sees her get hurt from it often, he also is fully aware that she always puts herself in that defensive line. She sees little issue with trusting and extended second chances because if someone gets hurt, she is the first in line, and she would rather risk harm to herself than not giving someone truly repentant another chance. He knows that the second the risk extends past herself though, or if someone is truly beyond saving, her ability to enforce order and justice is a frightening sight to behold. Her mercy can run out, and she can be the Hellknight she was trained to be without question once that point is reached and The Little Linnorm emerges from its hibernation.
He does acknowledge that one of the major roadblocks he has to his idea of orderly society is that there must be a focus on reform as opposed to just punishment. Hellknights are forged through the practices of Hell: punishment and suffering to reforge oneself into a stronger willed being and protector much like a sinner's soul is tortured and burned until everything is purged from it and a devil is born. But civilians? There is no way one can expect civilians to calmly submit to punishment and just be improved from it.
He admires her for this greatly even as much as her tendency towards self-sacrifice worries and frustrates him on a more personal level.
Her bright personality is also a green flag, as he knows that while it would be ideal if every civilian just behaved perfectly and cooperated as necessary with Hellknights on sight and recognition alone, that is an impossible goal. Mino's bright appearance and her ability to get the common people to trust her is a major asset, and while he would disapprove of most other Hellknights being so 'flippant' or 'carefree' he knows that hers is a tool as much as it comes naturally to her in her line of work. It's a deliberate choice and she can also put on that more typical Hellknight disposition as necessary.
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papirouge · 2 years
im interested in converting to christianism but im confused as i dont know what are the differences between christians, catholics, orthodoxes and protestants. how do i chose? how do i know which one is the correct one? i heard there are also several different bibles? i got one free "the bible" in my non-christian country christians and i dont even know which version it is
Basically speaking, the biggest crux of opposition between Catholics and Protestans is that Catholics worship Mary, pray with idols and sustain the idea the Mary remained virgin AFTER Jesus birth, when the very two commandments and Matthew 12:46-50 contradict such positions😭 They also have a whole literature called Cathechism where they establish a set of rules and you'll often see Catholics pull it out to explain their doctrine...to defend their belief system going against what Bible explicitely condemns (ex: praying for the dead, idols, saints worshipping, etc).
Protestant have their whole share of questionnable beliefs too - especially USAmerican evangelicals. They're the ones who've been managing the church like a whole business - which is ironically what they've been accusing the Catholics of doing during the Roman Catholic Empire era lel. They don't have the same concern about social issues as Catholics do (in Europe, many NGO are Catholics, and help the poor, offer shelter, etc) ; they tend to be quite hypocrite too : like they'll go off against gays and abortion but will be silent about any social injustice they'll snarkily downplay as "woke culture".....
I'm not familiar with Orthodoxy but it comes off as Catholicism lite™️
And you don't have to "choose" any denomination, anon. There are thousands of Christian denomination, which is a heresy. There shouldn't be any divison within the Church. No denomination is "correct" in the sense that there shouldn't be any to begin with.
And yes, there are countless versions of the Bible. I often see debate of USAmericans as of which version is the best (King James Version, NIV, ESV, NASB, etc.) and all of this so.....pointless and tone deaf? 1 BILLION of Christian and there you have, a handful of self centered english speaking Americans arguing over one (1) version of the bible just because...?
Real talk anon: unlike what's often being said, the Bible can be altered. Look at the Jehova Witnesses. Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons.... Even during slavery, slave owners cropped some Bible passages (about freedom) to not give ideas to slaves....
Yes, the Bible is the Word of God, but these words on a paper can be altered and manipulated. The Bible isn't some sort of magical book turning any person reading it a Christian granted you read the "right" version. Some atheists have read the Bible more than actual Christians. I knew an agnostic Christian theologian student ; she was studying the Bible while not being Saved herself. Jehova Witnesses do think that "their" bible is the real deal. Same for Mormons or whatever other Christian sect.
That's why THE HOLY SPIRIT is so important. Because while human can twist and alter words written on a book, the Holy Spirit will never lie and no one can bend it over falsehood. That's precisely why Jesus is called "the Word" "made flesh" (John 1). By PRAYING and asking the Holy Spirit for guidance, you can be set free from the bondage of falsehood and He will guide you towards truth.
I've read/watched plentiful of testimonies from former Mormons/Jehova Witness/7th Day Adventist/witches/satanists, etc, etc and guess what? Not a single one said "I read the KJV version of the Bible and realized I was wrong". It just....doesn't work this way. They instead went to a point were they got troubled in their belief, prayed, and asked for the Lord to show them the way. This leap of faith happened because of the Holy Spirit ; the change of heart that changes us from sinners to repentance comes from God, not a Bible version.
You'll be good with your random Bible anon. It's already a blessing you've got one between your hands. Just rely to the Lord, not a name stamped Bible version to build a real relationship with God. First Christians didn't have any Bible to build up their walk with God (could they even read?). Yes, the Bible is extremely helpful, but it shouldn't be the be all and end all of Christianhood.
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zaruba-needslove · 2 months
some more update on their defense of the Vcine
[It’s not a departure from what was established in the show.
Michinaga wasn’t able to convince Keiwa to abandon the dark road he set out on because he felt guilty for setting him down that path in the first place. That no longer applies in this case, especially now that Michinaga is in lock-step with Ace’s ideals. Michinaga using words to calm the kid down shows this growth as a character, not some sort of retcon because they never said “oh Michinaga has always been great with words, he’s got this”.
Dooms Geats being a departure from the Ace we know was already explained in the movie. In the 1000 years that lie between Dooms Geats’ time and the events of the show, Ace lost his faith in humanity after observing them for that period of time. His friends died out so long ago that and nothing really changed. That’s why he has the white hair and blue eyes. He’s become a dispassionate arbiter of human lives. That’s not a retcon because we had never seen Dooms Geats up until this point and our present-day Ace remains the same as always.
The only “retcon” you claim that I can somewhat agree with is the Michinaga being part-Jyamato bit. But even that’s super minor because they can always say that continuous use of the Jyamato buckle results in a permanent physiological change that can’t be reset, only suppressed. Beroba even mentions in the movie that that part of him is never going away. It’s not that big of a deal.]
and the guy who kept on insisting that the vcine was a huge retcon overall is being downvoted to hell lol.
This will be a LONG RANT. Kinda a pity i cant direct this rant at them.
because he felt guilty for setting him down that path in the first place.
And I thought said 'guilt' would be a strong motivation for Bitchy to try THEIR BEST to convince Keiwa to leave the dark side. I dunno blaming Keiwa for ruining the world was Bitchy trying 'hard' to convince Keiwa to leave Jitt and Kekera? I dunno him justifying killing Sara and the other parasite victim as inevitable since they can no longer be saved was bitchy's way of expressing his remorse? I din knoe blandly saying you killed someone's sister was 'great' way to show that one was feeling guilty? Not until being almost killed by Kekera did Bitch ever admit that he was wrong/commited a grave mistake AND SAID SORRY. But apparently that was how some1 supposed to show that they're 'repenting'. Don't tell me Mich's had been reflecting on his wrong doing all these times while still acting an arrogant jerk who did no sin. Cos he sure dont look like it. Like until he accidentally 'killed' Sara and saw how devastated Keiwa was afterwards, that guy didn't seem bothered about the other kills he had committed. Before or after. Did that guy ever think about Sara when he dropped Keiwa to their death during H&H stage? Don't think so.
MichCow couldn't convince Keiwa to escape the dark side because he felt guilty abt Keiwa? You gotta be kidding me. If he was really feeling guilty, he'll do EVERYTHING he could to get Keiwa back... instead of giving up.
What a ridiculous joke. (i so need a Spanner react gifs) 😧
Ace lost his faith in humanity after observing them for that period of time.
He’s become a dispassionate arbiter of human lives.
That's just lazy writing. Like are they really saying there won't be any other humans having the same heart as Keiwa Neon Win Hotaro Rinne Spanner etc being born/designed throughout the span of those 1000 years? For the dude who insist on 'Hate the sin and not the sinner' it felt like a regression of Ace character to turn White Ace as evil. Why don't we get a goth Black Ace instead? As in white Ace starting to rot away and leaving the darkness... creating black Ace? Then THAT Ace could go evil for all I care. Or have Suel corrupt Ace from the inside. That made more sense than the whole 'become dispassionate' stuff.
Beroba even mentions in the movie that that part of him is never going away. It’s not that big of a deal.
But it DID go away post-JGP, right?
It's no big deal they said, it's minor. Yet post jyamashin onwards Mich DID act like the part of him that turn Jyamato had completely go away; not the way Daichi's Jyamato healing ability and Jyamato powers remained intact post Keiwa's wish despite losing all the other 'perks' he got from eating the fruit frm his Tree of Knowledge, but more to how Neon's and Kanato and Mario's Jyama-zombification went away post game completion. Also the very fact that this was only mentioned in this v-cine already screams retcon. Like the writing suddenly wanted to make the half jyamato thing relevent again despite forgetting about it for almost the entirety of the Yearning and Creation arc.
they can always say that continuous use of the Jyamato buckle results in a permanent physiological change that can’t be reset, only suppressed.
Thing is.... DOES Mich even use Jyama buckle THAT much to cause perma change? Was Jyama buckle on the same level of Boost Mk II in that sense? There wasn't any mention of that.
'It isn't a big deal' but isn't Jyamato Awaking about Hazuki, Haruki and to an extent Daichi and fam and the cow trying to find their place in the world despite their Jyamato side? So shouldn't the plot about Mich actually still retain his Jyama bit be treated better instead of only mentioning it when its convenient?
Like it'd made more sense if it was established that the true source of Jyamashin's power was due to the Jyama cells and not just the Goddess's powers. Also the whole Jyamashin not effective against Jyama armour n Premiums should've be explained better. Like why is it like that?
And one would've think after being turned into half Jyamato undead the guy could show some empathy/hesitance before taking down the parasite Jyamato (Like how Keiwa hesitated abt attacking Rook, even more since these are actual ppl being turn to Jyamato instead of copying the appearance of their 'fertilizers') but nah... he treat em the same with any other Jyamato. Mich still treat things black and white with the same unfeeling attitude. Heck I'd even buy the reasoning that he refused returning to society post JGP was just him self aware then he's no longer full-human and dont fit in. And not cos he's supposed to be dead. cos then the lead up to JyamaAwaking din feel cheap. But the show not doing that, did they?
Like ppl find it hard to believe how the show treat Neon's mom's change of attitude (which is actually not that much diff either) yet when that happened to Michi suddenly the drastic transition from ass to not!ass was 'believable'. For eg. Mich never really properly show how he changed from wanting ALL Kamen Riders to die/want to crush all KR (cos anyone who accepted the drivers to get the wish are inherently selfish and don't deserve to get their wishes granted) to 'I want to save them from their greed/want to protect other people's happiness. Esp when the guy spent a good part of the earlier arcs acting like it's fine if players get killed in-game by the Jyamato... showing that he DON'T care if other people die as long as he wins and gets the power to crush all KR (in which even THAT wish can also go either direction as much as Keiwa's wish to revive DGP victims can either go bad or good). And even when told that even civillians could be sacrificed despite them not chosing to get involved with the DGP, he still DID NOT CARE as long as he can win his game. Heck, Ace could've gone to help Keiwa reach Sara during the Saboten second run but Mich care more about stealing Ninja away so he can be hero instead. (and cos of that Sara was taken) Is THAT the action of a guy who cared about protecting other people happiness from the start?
So they really believe Mich was so caring about other people's innocent lives (aside frm taking revenge for Tohru) from the very beginning? Since when did Mich cared about other ppl's happiness early on?
It's also jarring to see cow go from thinking that killing Ace was what gonna solve all the problems to 'I believe in Ace' stance. Like since WHEN did he believed that? If he really believed in Ace, Mich should also had faith in Ace who still believed in Keiwa and TRUST that there still good in Keiwa enough that he seriously want to SAVE K-chan. If he really believed in Ace, he wouldn't complain abt why Neon got her core id back despite how he already destroyed it (like some sore loser feeling bitter that Ace didn't only care about him but also care a lot about Keiwa, Neon, Win, Daichi, etc)
Daichi's redemption was at least done slightly better than 'sweep under the rug' bullshit redemption. (As in Daichi taking responsibility in taking care of the Jyamato he helped cultivate post series.) And tat's even without us knowing why Daichi obsess about having all knowledge aside frm being a trivia king.
Lel i rant so much to the point i dunno if I make sense anymore.
Michi acting like he had tons of empathy now and can unabashedly go huggy wuggy felt OOC just like it was weird seeing Kusaka being actual nice to innocent Orphnoch kids.
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Bro. Calvin Nii Bannerman Ghana
DATE: 13th OCTOBER, 2020
Heavenly Father we thank you for another opportunity to minister, Father forgive us our sins and let the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all unrighteousness and let your presence cover us in Jesus name. Amen
There are churches that make people feel condemned, they will tell you what they are against and they will let you feel guilty then there are other churches, they don't want to make people feel condemned, their number goal is to make people feel comfortable so they rarely talk about sin.
When you study the life of Jesus, this is what you'll find, Jesus did not offend everybody but He did offend people some of the time and the reason why He did that was He was balanced.
Two things I'm going to talk about is Grace and Truth.
Jesus was perfectly balanced between Grace and Truth. Let me give you a background, John was very close with Jesus, he was part of the inner circles of Jesus, he tells us about why Jesus was a captivating figure
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
The first part of John's scriptures talks about incarnation, that is the unbelievable truth that God literally came to earth and took a form of a human being and dwelt among men.
When John talks about seeing His glory , he's talking about all his life from his birth to to his death and to his resurrection.
John says it's an amazing thing,in His birth He came out of a womb and in his death He came out of a tomb.
From a womb , He was a God that came out of a womb but from the tomb He was a man that came back from the dead.
This is the foundation of Christianity, John gives us another dimension of who Jesus is, what was so special about Jesus that made Him so attractive that everyone wanted to touch Him and meet Him, that when He came to the synagogue, or to the pharisees or the scribes , these were the people that came and listened to Him.
In verse 14 John says He was .. full of grace and truth. Jesus was perfectly balanced, if you follow Jesus, you'll be full of grace and truth. If your church follow Jesus, it will be full of grace and truth, if your ministry is follow Jesus, it would be full of grace and truth.
Here's the difference, with Jesus it came naturally, some of us are more into grace than into truth, for example in my family mum was madam grace and dad was mister truth, if you want something you go to grace. Mr truth will discipline no matter how you beg. With Jesus, grace and truth were cut up and we're perfectly balanced, he never shared grace at the expense of truth or never shared the truth at the expense of grace. What I want to share with you is,how our churches can be balanced.
Our churches needs to be balanced, our conviction needs to be balanced our ministry needs to be balanced, we as individuals and believers need to be balanced. Why this balanced is very important
Now listen to what John says, John says Jesus was full of grace and truth, I believe it wasn't coincidence that grace came first before truth,let me tell you, if you were a Jew 2000 years ago, in the first century of Jewish culture, most people value truth , they wanted to hear truth teller.
So if you were a Jewish child and you were growing up and reading the Torah, you grew up and learning the Jewish bible from a young age many of the Jewish people have learned or memorized the old testament by the time they will get to the high school.
John also talking to the Jewish people said you understand the truth better than you understand grace because the over archive of the Torah was on Truths.
When we think of the old testament , we think of the commandments, You shall do this, You shall not do that, You shall go here, You shall not go there, You shall say this and You shall not say that.
It's all about laws, from divorce to regulations, so the Jewish religion was all about Truth. You do find grace in the old testament, God was going to restore the entire world in the flood, when He looked at the world all He saw was evil, all He saw was wickedness, He even got to a point He regretted making the world.
Then you read this beautiful verse in Genesis, but Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord, that word favor literally means grace, God in His wisdom chose not to destroy the world and everything in it.
The world won't be here if it wasn't for grace, that story like many other story in the old testament illustrates grace but the truth of the matter is the primary emphasis of the old testament was not grace, the primary emphasis was law.
That's why John points out in verse 17, For the law was given by Moses, but then John said Jesus showed up, the light of His grace shined out of His life so brightly everybody could see it, when you got around Jesus you could smell grace , you could taste grace, you could feel grace.
Jesus loved hanging around with sinners and sinners loved hanging around with Jesus, Jesus drew lawbreakers and unbelievers like a magnet draws iron.
We need the compassion of grace but we need the conviction of truth. Now let's read the verse again,... Jesus was full of grace and truth.
Jesus wasn't one sided in the approach to people, when Jesus came to any table , He brought two things, on one hand He brought grace and the other hand He brought truth.
Grace says there's a way to God for anyone, truth says there's only one way to God. Grace says redemption is possible, truth says repentance and turning from sin is necessary.
Grace says I love you just the way you're, truth says I love you too much to let you stay that way, grace says I love sinners, truth says I hate sin.
Grace says anybody can come to God, truth says everybody must come through Jesus
Grace says God is loved, truth says God is Holy, Grace says there's a heaven and you can go there truth says there's a hell and you can go there.
Grace says there's salvation for all and for those who desire it, truth says truth says there's judgment for those who don't.
Grace says you're saved by grace through faith, truth says faith without works is dead.
We need the compassion of grace but we also need the conviction of truth , when you put those two things together , therefore we need the combination of the two, so listen to John's concluding statement.
John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
In other words grace and truth are joined by him, let me you why this is so important, grace without truth is deceptive , truth without grace is defective , let me put it to you mathematically.
Grace minus truth equals liberalism, truth minus grace equals to legalism. Those who want truth without grace are quick to judge and slow to forgive but grace plus truth equals to liberty.
So if you want grace without truth, you will be quick to excuse and you'll be slow to confront. If you want truth without grace you'll be quick to judge and slow to forgive.
What is liberalism and what is legalism all one brings liberty, birds need to wings to fly, with only one wing they're grounded forever. The gospel is the most important message Paul said in Romans 15:16 That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.
The only reason we are here in the group is the gospel, even the gospel has to have two wings before it flies without them they're grounded that is grace and truth.
I want to speak the truth but I want to speak in the spirit of grace , I want to give grace but I want to give it in the spirit of truth.
Jesus wasn't 50% grace and 50% truth, He was a 100% grace and a 100% truth, when you go to Jesus' ministry all you'll find is grace , on the other hand Jesus welcomed sinners and tax collectors. He went to their homes, He hangout with them, He put His arms around a leper when no one will.
He welcomed little children to come to Him and sit on His lap, He will touch the untouchable, He healed the lepers the lame and the blind, He was full of grace , He made sure a convicted person of felony that was hanging on the cross next to Him received an eternal life before he died.
He lived full of grace and died full of grace, He was also all truth , He condemned the religious leaders in his time and called them lies and hypocrites, He talked more about hell than he talked about heaven , He said , you want to be my disciple, 'You have to take up your cross daily and follow me'.
He looked at the city He loved the most, Jerusalem and said judgment will come on you because you rejected me and the God that sent me.
Let me close with this, If you want to find the perfect balance of grace and truth , go to the cross of Jesus because grace and truth were joined at the heap at the cross because here is what happens, when you stand under the cross and you look up at the cross you'll hear two voices speak, you'll hear the voice of grace and grace will be saying, no matter how sinful you're ,your sins can be forgiven.
On the other hand, you'll hear the voice of truth that says, but the only reason your sins can be forgiven is because Jesus died for your sin and you must receive Him as your Lord and personal Saviour. Hallelujah
Let's fast forward, I want you to think about this, that moment when you draw out your last breathe and you open your eyes, and you're in the presence of God, you're in heaven , I believe that moment , when we walk through the corridors of eternity , you'll see grace and truth eternally personified.
When you walk in heaven, you'll say wow I'm here even though I don't deserve it and then truth is going to say when you look into those nails scars of Jesus, I am only here because You died for Me.
Heavenly Father In the name of Jesus Christ, may our life, our ministry , our words, our actions all that we are and all that we have,may it always be balanced between grace and truth and I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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papirouge · 3 years
the absolute Irony of seeing rightoid Christian/Antis bitching about how brainwashed leftists are by popular culture when they're doing the same, but on the opposite spectrum???
All that frenzy about civil war, rebellion, overturning government, survival stick.. Do you think it came from a vaccuum? Don't you realize these too have been pushed by Hollywood, pop culture, Netflix, video game industry, etc. for decades? None of you are above this shit, you just think you *are* on the right side, that's all.
But for the most part, you ALL watch the same shitty movies, stupid degenerate paganist anime, play the same shitty games funded with American military money to make war cool & exciting. And also dehumanizing the ennemy. Unsurprisingly the zombie apocalypse genre has become very popular lately.... it's no coincidence.
Civil war is ugly guys. It's very obvious that Western millennials and zoomers have been so pampered to the point they do not grasp how awful it can be. I lost family members to civil war. So it's unbearable for me to see American or Western European twats getting a hard on while talking about getting rid of leftists and unbelievers during some phantasmagorical "retribution day". This is chaos. There won't be any right or left, patriots or government, right or wrong. Only violence. Lots of you have no idea of what you're talking about/calling into existence.
Everyday I'm seeing "Christian" foaming at the mouth at the thought of a civil war to kill leftists. Do you think it's healthy as Christian to entertain this energy? Don't you realize there's a demon behind this nasty spirit? Do you think God doesn't love these people? We were ALL sinners. If God was as righteous as you think you are (to the point of feeling entitled death to God creatures), He would have killed US before we had the opportunity to repent (arguing the lot of you did, which I'm getting highly doubtful)
When Jesus said to love our neighbor, do you think he only talked about people we liked? The Bible warns us there is NO POINT in showing love & compassion only the people we appreciate:
Matthew 5:43-48
You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
You make me ashamed to share the same label of "Christian". Everyday cussing and mocking and running your foul mouth. Lots of pagans behave much better than you do.
Yes we can be angry, yes words can override our thoughts, but some you made an entire mood and personality of cussing and mocking and entertaining toxicity. For what purpose? Do you actually PRAY for these people? Do you actually pray for PEACE? Or do you want to exercise your weird moral superiority complex of being Christian? We really need to inspect our ways before grabbing out keyboard and ask ourselves : is it really honoring God or my ego? Would you do or say the same thing if Jesus was sitting next to you?
I know some you have this black and white like of thought consisting of antagonizing anyone who doesn't think/live like you (leftists, pro vaccine, LGBT, communist, unbelievers, feminists, BLM, etc.) but the thing is...none of it will matter when shit hits the fan. Civil war is the definition of chaos. Your own family, comrade will snitch & turn on you to have you killed. You are all children with a big mouth, you wouldn't survive facing all this crap IRL, trust me.
This is not the Retribution Day some you imagine to be. We will ALL be victims of this. It's really irresponsible of you to entertain this toxic energy and almost call for it. None of it stands right to God. And you will have to give accountability for that on Judgement Day.
You might have all the guns in the world, but none of them wil save your life because you cannot save you soul with guns ; "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword". Learn to get right before God to get His protection rather than through worldly demonic means. These won't save you if God decides to make you die because of your rebelliousness.
Walk with the light of the Christ, not the flaming torch of satan.
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