#if this makes no sense please be advised that it is 2:58am
there is no way in hell this is marwa’s ending. i don’t even mean this in a ‘this ep was fucked up’ way (even though it was turbo fucked!) — i mean that the treatment of her character has gone from ‘bad but in a haha way that fits the show’s tone’ to ‘oh this is a legitimate horror movie’ so quickly, and the past few eps have really explicitly highlighted that. there’s no way they’re leaving her story like this. like seriously, the writers would have to be actively malicious and horrible at writing a cohesive narrative to just end her story here. they are not leaving it like this when they’ve been building up the horror and tension without releasing any of it at all, but god am i worried about how they’ll conclude it next week.
post finale edit: nvm. bye forever.
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