#if this rage was transferred to a star a black hole would form instantly :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
fttitv · 2 years
There's not enough lesbians on planet earth ;-; Mother God plz have mercy, let lesbs rain from the heavens rn 😔🙏
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yeswevegotavideo · 5 years
Close to Home, So Far Away (Excerpt): Interlude - The End of the World
Full Fic: Close to Home, So Far Away by Mercury Starlight (Woolandwater)
Fic Summary: In 1941, Crowley saves Aziraphale's books, along with his corporeal form. That night, Aziraphale realizes he's done pretending he's not in love. But love between an angel and a demon flies in the face of the Status Quo, and neither Heaven nor Hell will stand for such a threat to their authority. To make an example of them, Gabriel and Beelzebub collaborate on a punishment much harsher than mere execution.What happens when Crowley and Aziraphale are allowed to keep their lives, but not their memories?Based on the meme/concept, "What if their punishment was forgetting each other?"
Rating: Mature
Chapter Warning: implied minor character death (See AO3 for other chapter-specific warning tags.)
Chapter Summary: Satan and Lucifer are two different people, sharing the same soul. So when Adam banished Satan from existence...what happened to Lucifer?
Notes: This is exactly as titled: a short interlude, rather than a full chapter. Mainly, I wanted to reassure my regular readers that I'm still working hard on this fic, and provide this finished scene to tide you over.
But I also think presenting this scene as a stand-alone chapter adds something to its weight. Hopefully you'll agree. :)
It probably goes without saying but, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE FANFIC AS A WHOLE. This is chapter 14 of Close to Home, So Far Away. If you’re spoiler sensitive and either a new reader or not caught up on the fic, read the full fic on AO3. If you’re a new reader who doesn’t mind spoilers, I hope this little tidbit sparks your interest in the fic! :)
Click below, or read on AO3! 
The Ethereal Plane
Lucifer stood in the doorway of His chambers, the ancient wooden arch towering over His already impressive height. The lift doors opened and Beelzebub stepped through, looking more irritated than He'd ever seen them before. Beelzebub stormed past Him and into the room beyond, which was a bit on the nose, frankly. It looked like a Gothic castle fit for Dracula, all thick stone and dark mahogany and rich, red velvet. Lucifer followed after them, eager and anxious all at once.
"Well?" He demanded, "What's the hold-up?"
"…He haz…refuzzzzed." They forced the words through clenched teeth, red-faced, one eye twitching.
Lucifer frowned, genuinely confused.
"I'm sorry, he what?"
Beelzebub could barely get the words out through their rage, "Your Son…hazzzz dezzztroyed the Horzepersonzzzz…and zzzztopped the Great War. He hazzz allied himzzzelf with…the humanzzzz…and referred to both myzzelf and the Archwanker Gabriel - collectively - azz, 'you lot'. He hazz no intention of fulfilling hizzz dezzzztiny."
Lucifer seethed, His fury rising as Beelzebub buzzed out their report.
"Defiance against his Creator," He muttered. "You know, that's rather disconcerting from the other side. Still, I suppose I can't fault him for the instinct. It's a demon's nature to rebel."
When He saw Beelzebub's expression change, He frowned even harder.
"What was that look?"
"My Lord…He appearzzz to have been compromizzed by a perzzonal relationzzhip with the traitor Crowley'zz," they sneered and swallowed back disgust, "…conzzzort."
Lucifer glowered, and the glittering stone walls darkened to matte black.
"Get back up there," He said, now barely containing his own rage, "And bring the boy down here. NOW."
"…I'm truly sorry my Lord, but I cannot. He haz banished the both of uz, myzelf and Gabriel. I am not phyzzically able to get cloze to him, nor to that pathetic little hamlet he livez in. Believe me, I tried az zoon az he banished me."
Lucifer shouted wordless rage at the ceiling and tore a nearby tapestry off the wall. Then He reigned-in his tantrum and gathered His thoughts.
"Fine. I'll collect him myself."
Beelzebub sputtered, "My…my Lord that'z…I mean thiz with the utmozt rezpect but…that'z impozzible." 1
"For me, perhaps," He said, a smirk playing on his lips, "But Satan's name isn't anywhere on that treaty, is it?"
Beelzebub returned the smirk, "No, my Lord. I don't believe it iz."
Lucifer's smirk widened into a grin, and a faraway rumbling indicated that with a simple thought from his counterpart, Satan was already on the move.
They waited, Beelzebub anxiously watching Lucifer, who monitored the situation via his mental link with Satan. A minute passed. Two.
And then, with a single statement from a single little boy, the Universe was instantly, irrevocably changed.
When the Morning Star Fell, His body and soul split in two, with Satan assuming the bulk of Their collective physicality and strength. Millennia later, Lucifer freely gave another piece of Himself to His Son. That piece held the parts of Himself which still carried the remnants of Creation, the echoes of the star-maker he once was, enabling the boy to tap into not only Infernal, but Celestial power. The plan was for the boy's soul to develop beyond even Lucifer's own strength, while remaining an extension of Lucifer Himself. After the child brought about the War, Lucifer would rejoin that topside bit of his soul, overtake the body's consciousness, and finally work His Will directly upon the Earth, freed from the confines of Hell. And all Lucifer had to do was split his soul into three.
But even when separated by distance, those three pieces of Lucifer's single soul were both interconnected and interdependent. They each drew their power from the same well: Lucifer's core. That was the point of contact between themselves and Hell's perpetual fountain of demonic power.
When Adam made his proclamation, he did not quite understand that the soul he carried was a part of a larger whole, and made of three parts, not two. He did not realize that the choice he made in that moment would hold consequences beyond ridding the world of the vile demon he saw before him. He knew only that the power inside him was resonant with the power the creature before him held, a power so familiar that he couldn't help but feel its pull.
In an attempt to contain that power, he reversed the pull, gathered it into himself, and merged it with his own, just as his Demonic Father had intended. He merely solved the jigsaw, saw the places where the souls were broken and joined them together at their shared edges. He hadn't even meant to, it was sheer instinct. An impulse. A child's simple solution to an impossible problem.2
But in that moment, Adam did something else, something Lucifer hadn't anticipated, hadn't even considered as a possibility; he rejected his assigned nature and refused his destined purpose. Adam always got what he wanted if he was patient. And right then, what he wanted was twofold: to control his own destiny, and to make the Devil go away, for good. So he did. And in doing so, he unwittingly changed the way his own soul interacted with his supernatural power, both Celestial and Infernal. Which in turn severed the connection between the three entities drawing from Lucifer's central core.
In the span of a sentence, three irrevocable Happened: As had always been the plan, Lucifer's vessel transferred its power, but not its consciousness, to its Earthly counterpart. Satan stopped existing altogether, his spiritual ties cut, his physical body banished from the material plane. And Adam Young's already unfathomably powerful soul became both whole, and wholly his own.
Adam spoke Truth into Existence. His words rang loud and present through All Worlds at once, the deafening echo shaking the Halls of Hell, effortlessly and unknowingly destroying everything Lucifer had ever been.
"You're not my dad, and you never were!"
Lucifer shrieked, an unholy wail the likes of which Beelzebub had never heard. He crumpled to the floor in anguish, wracked with obvious pain. The Emperor of Hell was not supposed to be capable of pain, of any sort. Beelzebub watched in baffled, impotent horror as their Lord writhed on the filthy ground, contorted in spiritual and physical pain alike. In seconds, His sleek, muscular form withered. His flawless marble skin grew weathered and sickly. His dark hair drained of color, not to the Celestial platinum it had once been, but to a dull, lifeless gray. His glorious wings began shedding their luminous feathers, leaving behind threadbare patches as their remaining neighbors soured, turned a mottled, greenish-brown, the color of rotted flesh. The color of death.
The chamber walls shuddered, cycled through forms faster than the laws of matter could keep up with. Beelzebub summoned a hastily-constructed shield as a hail of rock and molten fire showered down around them. Through sheer force of will, they managed to transport the wailing, convulsing demon-lord out of the chamber and into the lift. They knew the mechanism would still work. Hell was built to last and would remain unchanged, sustained by its own power, and the collective Will of all demon-kind. But Lucifer's chambers were His alone, and He…he…no longer held the power to sustain his projections. The doors slid closed just as the room lost cohesion entirely and collapsed, sealing off the empty, featureless arch, little more than a ragged hole in the earth.
As the lift made its slow ascent, Lucifer's screams died down and he lay sobbing on the ground, helpless, powerless, the last remnants of his soul clinging to something resembling life. Beelzebub knelt beside him, overwhelmed by the sheer lack of power radiating from the demon lying at their feet. His once all-powerful presence had been reduced to less than that of a human, and it was still fading, draining from him second by second. But their steadfast loyalty overcame the terror and revulsion at the once-Lord of Darkness' rapid decline. Beelzebub placed a hand on Lucifer's shoulder and he clutched at it, whimpering in delirium, muttering in a confused, paper-thin voice.
"No…no, help…no…I am All, I am…Lord, help, I am Light…all shall bow…no, no, I shall rule all Worlds…help, where are my angels, servants of my Light, my Darkness…there is no Light…no…Dark…gone…all gone…"
Summoning up a feeling they'd believed was long-dead, Beelzebub stroked Lucifer's brittle, wiry hair and spoke in a quiet, gentle voice, a tone very nearly resembling kindness.
"Shhh. I am here my Lord. Don't be afraid. I'm here."
Beelzebub was at Lucifer's side at the very Beginning, not of the World, but of the Universe. Beelzebub had been among the First Fallen, the angels who stood with Lucifer at the start of His Rebellion. They were, and always had been, one of Lucifer's most loyal soldiers, a devotion beyond measure even now, after every humiliation and abuse, every setback and denial. Beelzebub believed in Hell's place in the wider Universe, embraced their role within it, even as they resented the life that role had forced them into. Their personal feelings on the matter were irrelevant; they chose a life at Lucifer's side, no matter the cost. Beelzebub did not think they were capable of love. Indeed, they questioned whether any demon truly was. But if such a thing was possible, their love for Lucifer was as devout and unwavering as an angel's love for God, no matter how much they also hated Him.
Beelzebub was at Lucifer's side during the Creation of His Son. In the Time Before, Beelzebub had been one of the many angels tasked with inventing the lower life-forms. They brought into being any number of little creatures, including the last creation before their Fall, the flies which now defined their essential being. So when Lucifer made His plan to create the Antichrist, He came directly to Beelzebub for help. They used their pre-Fall skills and knowledge to help breathe life into the vessel which would hold a vital part of Lucifer's soul, and incubate it into a being of unimaginable power.
It was fitting, then, that Beelzebub was at Lucifer's side at The End - when everything they had ever worked toward, everything they had ever believed in, fell apart in their hands.
The lift shook with its familiar, unsteady shudder, helped along by Lucifer's quivering sobs.
"…Baelsebul…My most faithful…My dearest friend…"
Beelzebub closed their eyes and bit back the scream that threatened to escape at the sound of their Celestial name. They knew the name, they were able to understand it. Lucifer had never taken Beelzebub's memories of Before, preferring that his Princes remembered the Heavens as he did. He believed the memory would motivate them, allow their resentment to keep their hatred for all things Holy intact. But knowing the name didn't shield Beelzebub from its impact. There was nothing to be done about that - aside from Lucifer, the inability to tolerate one's own Celestial name was hardwired into a demon's very being. So Beelzebub heard, and they understood, and it felt like their soul was trying to escape their corporation in every direction at once.
But now was not the time to join Lucifer in madness. With every ounce of strength, they managed to pull themselves together, though their flies buzzed wildly for a few seconds. But they didn't know how long they would be able to keep it together. It wasn't merely their reflexive reaction to a Forbidden name which threatened their composure. It was that they knew Lucifer would never have used that name, certainly not in such a casual manner, unless he no longer understood where, or when, he was.
"Y-yes, my Lord?"
"…You will help me…preserve our ways? Join me…against the human…usurpers?"
For the first time in their life, angelic or demonic, Beelzebub found themselves on the verge of tears.
"…I will. Of courze I will. Alwayz. My life iz yourz, Lord Lucifer."
"Good…that's good…with your help I shall…always be Her…most beloved…maintain…my purpose…my stars…I need…my stars…"
Lucifer whimpered softly, either too weak or too addled to continue speaking. Beelzebub set their flies to buzzing what they hoped was a comforting rhythm as they sat, lost and overwhelmed on the floor of a rickety lift, the fading light of the Morning Star weeping pitifully into their lap.
1. The terms for Hell's existence were determined in the truce after the War in Heaven. The demonic denizens of Hell could come and go as they pleased. But Lucifer had been eternally banished from Heaven, and barred from ever physically manifesting on Earth. Hell was an eternal prison for not only the souls of the damned, but Lucifer's own.
2. Adam might never have seen the possibility of this solution had he not been actively, if subconsciously, processing the broken state of the mated souls he'd observed only moments before. What's more, had he not enacted this solution, he might never have thought to then turn around and do the same for the angel and demon at his side. Much of the course of the Universe is dependent upon mere circumstance. Much of the course of each individual life is dependent upon the lives and choices of those around them. It is altogether unclear (daresay, ineffable) whether these aspects of existence are a bug or a feature.
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greenflamedwriter · 3 years
Angel pt 3
“We have to get him back!” Keith said eyes wide and Coran looked worried “Without the black paladin there is no Voltron. None of you are ready to battle a fleat yet and with Allura unable to use a wormhole…”
Lance could only watch as the others argued making plans and shooting each other’s down.
He bit his lip glancing to the side, Shiro was gone. The Galra had him and he was breaming with Quintessence and probably used it to escape-
Lance’s eyes widened. Shiro was exposed.
Shiro wouldn’t had bothered unless the Galra knew what he was and needed it to survive or escape and not care if they saw him reveal himself. It was such a huge risk.
And just like that the situation landed on Lance like a ton of bricks and became heavier all of a sudden he was almost hyperventilating.
It didn’t matter anymore- keeping this a secret. If the Galra knew about angels and demons that put them more at risk.
“We need to get her to a pod.” Lance said at last making the others fall silent “And if we don’t get Shiro back, she’ll die.” Keith frowned. “Allura? Why-”
Lance couldn’t explain to them, quintessence was like a blood donation a little bit is fine but too much could kill someone.
They didn’t have much time.
“What are you talking about?” Coran yelled holding Allura closer to his chest, Lance kneeled on one knee before him.
He placed his hand on the mans chest r his eyes Pleading.
“Coran- I promise, I’ll return it. Along with Allura’s you’ll both be okay- I’ll bring Shiro back.” Keith gaped “What? Are you fucking-”
Coran nodded “Of course, I trust you.” Lance looked surprised then schooled his expression. Then pulled.
Everyone gasped when Lance did something and Coran gasped as Lance touched his shoulder warmth sapping through his skin.
Lance gasped, it was so much- with no control his wings erupted from his back and his halo flickered to life.
The others fell back and Coran slumped still clinging to Allura, Lance looked down on them his expression lifeless.
“Put them both in pods, it’ll restore their quintessence.”
And then Lance was glowing, and the glow brightened. They could barely see him, his whole aura glowing gold then blue. He took a step back and the others gasped to see a small square appear in the floor a square of the galaxy but that was impossible.
Without any armour, or weapons Lance took a step forward and fell through the hole that closed up behind him.
"What- what the fuck just happened!?" Pidge cried out.
They turned towards the camera’s outside the ship and saw Lance floated outside a bit then outstretched his hands as arcane symbols rotated around his palms His golden wings growing larger. Then he clenched his fists and the golden letters were crushed as his wings glowed brighter and he shot forward like a comet.
The others stared as Lance vanished like a shooting star.
“W-What the fuck!?” Pidge yelled and even Hunk was panicking “Are we hallucinating what're we going to-”
“Enough.” Keith said turning to them, “We have to put these two in the cryo pods, Pidge help me with Coran, Hunk you take Allura.” Keith took Corans arms as Pidge took his legs and they walked quietly towards the pods.
“You seem really calm about this.” Pidge noticed and Keith paused once he placed Coran in the pod and sighed.
“Shiro told me about him and...Lance.”
“What are they?” Hunk asked Keith opened his mouth then closed it.
“They’ll have to tell you themselves.”
He found Shiro so easily, he was able to slip through the walls and pass the guards. He could tell where Shiro was, all present on this ship had certain types of aura’s. Some were purple and some were pink. There was a strange cluster of black down in the lower bays. Lance realised that’s where Shiro was.
He flew down, bypassing everyone, some glanced his way then frowned and ignored him. Probably thinking they imagined that wisp of gold.
He found the dungeon and on a table strapped down was shiro. Lance frowned as Honerva took a vial from him and his eyes widened. The Galra were experimenting on him- He had to get Shiro out now .
Lance glanced down unsure how then shot up with an idea.
He slid back outside the ship and floated his space his eyes flickering too and fro, since he knew where Shiro was he can tear down this whole Ship with no consequence.
Lance with one powerful burst of his wings speed through to the top rear and took a breath then screamed as his eyes glowed and shot a powerful laser through the strong hold, he barely wasted a second as he flew his wings slicing through the metal like a knife through butter.
He attack and destroyed each and every inch of the vessel and could feel the panic of the ones inside and how the hanger doors opened for the Galra to slip out like hornets from a nest.
He slipped back inside, chuckling as he realised the Galra would scratch their heads to see the threat had vanished without a trace.
He moved out towards the hall noticing how it erupted into chaos. No one saw him.
Lance turned as he heard the commotion as the room cleared leaving Shiro alone in it. Now was his chance.
Lance slipped inside easily and began to remove his shackles.
“Lance?” Shiro asked looking dazed then became more alert “Lance- what’re you doing here- get out!” Lance rolled his eyes “I’d rather not, seeing how our resident leader or Voltron left us-”
“Behind you!”
Lance turned and screamed to see a hulking figure with a mask come towards him like a jumpscare Lance cried out and his eyes blazed gold the thing screeched as he was burned away and vanished into the shadows. Lance panted from the shock then grabbed Shiro’s arm.
“We have to go.”
Shiro groaned as he was lifted upright “They’ll know about you too.” Lance saw the purple line as the floor gave way to reveal the galaxy.
The floor gave way and Lance stepped towards it, they both looked up just in time to see Hagger and the other druids and some Galra follow and look surprised to see them.
Using that to their advantage Lance leapt down the hole taking Shiro with him as it sealed up before the Galra could even follow.
The Galra gasped “What was that?” Hagger smirked cold and cruel “Quintessence. Pure Quintessence.”
Lance flew like a demon (Pun not intended) and soon the ship appeared Lance saw they were in the clear and beamed then it turned sour.
“Shiro…” Shiro glanced up then tensed to see Lance’s angelic- more horrifying really with ethereal rage.
“You are going to return Allura’s quintessence even if it kills you.” Shiro gulped as he felt Lance’s wings beat once behind them.
“R-Right.” He even heard Lance mumble “I don’t even want to know what you did to take it-”
“I didn’t I grabbed her arm to put her in the escape pod I swear.” Lance almost stopped flying and he glanced down at Shiro perplexed.
“I swear- I didn’t mean to take it, I didn’t think it was possible by touch.” Lance wanted to be mad but he knew Shiro was right.
Shiro never lied. That’s what made it painful.
He barely had time to crash through the barrier and slide straight into the med bay and was frantic as he ran towards the others with Shiro in hand.
They all stared in shock as Lance, glowing with white wings longer than his arms was carrying Shiro to the pods!?
Hunk was too stunned to even think rationally any more “Lance can lift?” His response was Pidge elbowing him in the gut.
“Is it too late?” Lance asked frantic seeing the levels drop on Allura (Since she was in longer) Keith stepped forward.
“You’re just in time- Shiro-” Lance instalty let go off Shiro to get Allura out the pod.
“Come on Shiro, you promised.” Shiro nodded and caught Allura in his arms she was still unconscious, she barely had any energy left. Shiro took a breath and concentrated it was easy to tell the difference between his and Allura’s. Her’s was pink and soft along with hints of blue, while Shiro’s was black. He consumed quintescence and turned it negative. Thankfully he hadn’t bonded with Allura’s long enough to infect it.
It was easy to transfer it back it was slow as her body was suddenly accustamed to regaining his strength especially against a foreign matter that took it in the first place.
“Shiro?” Her eyes widened in horror as she fell back with a scream. It hurt but he knew the risk.
Doing this his human form melted away and the others cried saw Shiro in all of his demonic glory.
Suddenly he felt a hand on his power and instantly felt warm, his whole core wanting that warmth wanting to take it in and absorb it within himself.
“Shiro- I can’t, can you help me with Coran?” Shiro turned to the voice and it took a moment for him to remember.
Then he did remember his eyes wide “Lance, you can go- you can go back!”
“What?” Shiro took his hand speaking urgently “You’re strong enough back- you can go back to Celestia! You still look like an angel they’ll let you back in!” Lance looked panicked “I can’t- Coran and my Halo-”
“Screw that halo-there’s barely a scratch they’ll forgive you. You can go home !” Shiro’s voice broke and silence fell like a heavy blanket.
The others waited with baited breath as Lance seemed to wage war with himself. His eyes growing shiny, then he shook his head closing his hand tightly around Shiro’s pleading palm.
“I can’t leave you guys- and Coran and Voltron.” Lance looked at his glowing hands and smiled looking almost...strange before them.
Like looking at a wise spirit or higher power. The others felt afraid then awed at the same time.
“And this power was stolen not earned. If I ever go back to Celestia it’s by my own will not taken from someone else.” Lance clasped Shiro’s hand his eyes hardening.
“I borrowed this. I want it to be returned.” Shiro pressed his lips together, the sacrifice Lance was making.
And the others had no clue.
“Thank you.”
Hunk held Coran as Shiro placed his hand over his heart, with Lance’s hand clenched in his other. Like a circuit all Shiro had to do was flip the switch.
Coran gasped as his quintessence was restored and colour was returned to his face.
Lance gritted his teeth, not until he everything was returned.
Keith, Pidge and Hunk watched in a daze, until Lance own glow began to fade, then get worse, he looked sick his eyes dark and glossy, his breathing laboured his Halo and wings open for all to see.
They flickered and dimmed like a broken neon sign.
What's worse, was that he always looked that haggard, the others never realised how bad it was until they saw him healthy.
Lance took a step back his legs wobbling then fell to his knees before he collapsed a was a soft ringing pounding in their ears.
The others had no clue who flinched at the sudden crack.
Lance's Halo cracked. it was violent, and it was barely connected by a sliver.
Lance woke slowly, he tried to sit up but felt a hand push him back down.
“Shh, rest.”
Allura’s soft voice spoke and Lance slumped back in his bed. She was okay, she sounded okay.
Lance gave a huff in relief “Princess, you’re alright.” He turned to see her sad face.
“I am, thanks to you...Lance- I’m afraid I misjudged you.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Are you hitting on me while I can’t recuperate? I can try- but I won’t be as charming.” He winked and her gaze dropped.
“Never mind.” Lance laughed “No- Don’t go!” He whined “I was only teasing, please continue with saying how awesome I am.”
“I think your ego doesn’t need another boost.”
“Joking already?”
Lance brightened, Hunk!
He stood in the doorway smiling “He’s definitely alright!” Lance brightened “Hunk! My crops are watered my skin is clear and I feel instantly better,” He made to sit up until Hunks hand suddenly pushed him down.
“Oh no, you need more rest. Shiro’s orders.” Lance frowned then glanced up at the two cofused.
He glanced down and sighed “Oh um...is he uh- okay?” Lance asked and saw Allura and Hunk looked confused “Yeah, why?” Lance nodded.
“So I guess, this changes things doesn’t it…” He said quietly and glanced up suddenly looking unsure “Shiro and me.” He looked up to see them finally click and realise what he meant.
“Oh Lance we um-”
“Shiro explained everything, that’s why he’s not here he’s still talking to Pidge and Coran.”
Lance thought that was one small blessing, he honestly had no idea how he could even talk to Pidge about this.
“That’s only right, Shiro knows more about what we are than I do.”
Hunk sat on the bed beside him as did Allura they looked very intrigued, guess they missed Shiro’s memo.
“How does Shiro know more?” Lance shrugged “He was around longer than me, that’s why he took me in. Plus he’s a demon.” Hunk raised an eyebrow.
“Is that like, a racist thing or-” Lance sat up and this time they let him.
“No- I uh...When Angels fall and fight against taking quintessence they starve themselves but survive, then they eat themselves up their halo’s break into horns and their wings shed and turn bat-like.” Instead of looking interested Hunk’s eyes flickered up then his face crumpled.
That...was not the reaction Lance was expecting.
He glanced at Allura and saw her eyes become downcast, suddenly Lance felt a weight settle on his shoulders...and it wasn’t his wings.
She looked up then glanced away unable to look him in the eye.
“Lance...there’s- something we have to tell you…”
“So you’re saying angels and demons need sex to survive?”
“Pidge!” Keith cried out horrified, she looked at Keith like he was stupid “What? If that was the case they shouldn’t be called angels or demons. They should be called Incubi since that’s what they are.” Shiro laughed “That’s one way to say it.”
The three were walking down the corridor towards Lance’s room, they were unsure if he was still asleep or awake yet, it had been days.
“Keith you’re surprisingly calm about this.” Pidge said suddenly her eyes squinting Keith’s way, he tensed “Wha- no I’m not!”
Before she could call him out on it they were cut off.
By Lance’s screams.
Shiro gasped instantly running towards the medic bay, “Lance!”
The door swooshed open as Lance collided with the frame his wings fluttering like a startled birds and almost fell over in his haste to sprint to his room. Shiro ran after him “Lance!”
Keith and Pidge called as the others followed, unsure what Lance might to.
He ran towards his own room, the door sliding open barely as he moved to the bathroom and slammed against the sink looking up at the mirror.
He choked as he saw his Halo.
Barely connected by a sliver.
He started screaming his hand shaking as it barely raised, suddenly he stopped screaming as he could barely get any air in, at all.
“....a….nce” Muffled sounds barely pierced through, Lance fell to his knees shaking all over.
Something grabbed his shoulders “La...nce! Breathe!” Lance couldn’t he hiccuped tears burning his eyes.
Shiro could only watch in a panic then gritted his teeth as he grabbed Lance and pulled him closer mindful of his halo.
He held him against his chest as he spoke, “Shh, it’s okay.” He tried to sound steady and hoped that Lance would breathe with him or make out his heartbeat and snap out of it.
“In then out okay, it’s okay.” Lance was still shaking his own hands gripping against Shiro’s shoulders.
Then the faint thump of Shiro’s heartbeat was all Lance could hear, he almost stopped breathing to hear it, his own breaths matching the steady beats. His fluttering wings slowly settling as he slumped against shiro his eyes wet and red rimmed. He felt felt tired and drained.
“My Halo-”
“I know, I’m so sorry Lance- I’m sorry.” Lance almost started crying again “It’s going to break-”
The others could only watch awkwardly from the side, Pidge glanced at the others and saw some confusion. Except for Allura. She looked teary eyed to see the blue paladin like this.
Pidge whispered to Hunk and Keith hopefully silent enough that the angel and demon couldn’t here.
“I think it’s like losing a tooth.” Pidge explained and saw the others frown further and Keith about to make a retort until she followed it up with “An adult tooth.” Then they grimaced.
They jumped when Shiro suddenly stood up with Lance in his arms. Keith could only watch as Shiro walked past them to take Lance back to the other room. That bed was larger than the current blue paladins and would accommodate his wings better.
“Shiro…?” Keith asked as he watched the man turn his eyes apologetic. “Keith, can you take over? I don’t think Lance should be alone.”
Keith took a long breath “I uh, yeah okay.” It wasn’t okay. He almost felt infuriated, the others can watch Lance!
He bit his tongue and nodded, missing Shiro’s grateful smile.
“Thanks Keith.”
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