#if this sounds huffy in some areas I'm a bit mad
Am I alone in thinking that a lot of transphobes/homophobes also have main character syndrome?
Like there are people out here who seem genuinely convinced that people's gender identities and sexual orientations are about upsetting them.
Boo no one knows who the fuck you are.
Trans people aren't trans in the name of pissing off transphobes, non-het people aren't things other than hetero in the name of pissing off homophobes (because we're all the same to them).
It's not about you guys, it's never been about you guys, and it's never going to be about you guys.
Okay. Full stop. Most queer people wouldn't even care what you guys think about us as long as we stopped getting murdered, and raped, and tortured about it.
Feel what you feel, even though you're a bigot, and that's just a fact, just don't abuse and murder us about it.
You think we're icky. Okay, fine, be that way. Leave us alone then.
The world isn't about you, and doesn't need to cater to you and your wants and desires, as you all love to tell us queers. Go about your business, and we'll go about our business, and we'll be polite to you if you'll be polite to us.
I feel like I'm not even asking for a lot really, literally only for basic human decency.
And sure there are plenty of other queer/lgbt+ people who disagree with me. And the rest of this post is more directed at them.
People who think everyone should love and accept us for who we are, no matter what we are and how we identify, and who we want to share our lives with.
And that's a lovely dream, it's a great goal for us to work towards, but we're not there yet.
We're on like step 12 of 200 on the universal love and acceptance plan, and we still got to get past step 20 of Hey Don't Murder Us Because We're Not Like You, before we can get to step 160 of Let's All Celebrate Are Differences Together.
It'd be great if everyone could get along and love each other as diverse individuals each portraying a completely unique and special existence in the tapestry of the human experience.
We'd all (or at least the majority of us, some of us are petty enough to still be pissed) love that.
But there's some people out there who still struggle to see other people's humanity through the surface differences of others, like their skin tone.
I don't know how it'd be possible for us to defeat homophobia/transphobia before we manage to end racism. Racism is literal ass backwards garbage that has been proven to be based on literal nothing and somehow it's still alive and well no matter what we try.
How are we supposed to convince these people that we, who have experiences so different from them, that we have the same innate humanity, when we haven't even managed to convince them that people of other ethnicity and nationalities are in possession of that innate humanity.
My hope for humanity is high, but my expectations are a few inches off the floor. Because I love my fellow human being, but also know them well enough that you have to sometimes bugs bunny fool them into not being shitty.
Some people are just mean, they're just jerks, and assholes, and hateful, and I don't want to waste anymore time and effort on them than I need to. I don't need them to like me, I just need them to respect my humanity.
It's not our jobs to fix our abusers and oppressors, and sometimes I feel like lgbt+ people can forget that.
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