#if this were in german id have sooo much fun with how they address each other
the-pancake-writes · 6 years
Snippet: Prince Yugi/Bodyguard Atem AU - New Year’s Ball
If you saw this post you already know about this AU of mine. The title basically says it all. Prince Yugi, body guard Atem, forbidden love, drama. ;D
While I do love the Egyptian setting I’m glad I got to explore another favourite time period of mine: the 19th century! What a refreshing change!
Take this as a little thank you for your support throughout this year. My little blog has now a lot more followers than I had expected. Thank you all for following me on my writing journey! I wish you a wonderful new year and lots of love, health, luck and kindness! :)
Puzzleshipping Fluff!
Yugi whirled through the sea of swooshing skirts and capes around him. In his arms he held a girl of his age in a teal dress and with blond, pinned-up hair. The music came to a fading halt and all the couples stopped and bowed to each other. Everyone clapped for the orchestra and its conductor.
“My prince, that was such a wonderful dance! May I have another?”, the girl said with sparkling eyes. Yugi scratched his cheek.
“Actually, Lady Rebecca, I'm a bit exhausted…”
“Oh, of course! Let us have some hot punch, yes?”, she said, linked her arm with his and pulled him off the dance floor.  But a group of young women with lace fans and silken pouches blocked their way. They were all pouting and frowning.
“Rebecca, this is enough! This is your 8th dance with the prince tonight! Let others have a chance!”, the black-haired girl in the middle said. Rebecca's grip around Yugi's arm tightened.
“Just because you're jealous doesn't mean you have to ruin my evening, Vivian!”
“You're the one ruining everyone else's evening! You're not his fiancée so you have no right to always act like this! Besides, if the prince weren't so kind he'd have pushed you away a long time ago…”, Vivian said. Rebecca rushed towards her.
“You're lying! And who are you to say such things?! You're not his fiancée either…!”
As the discussion continued, Yugi stepped further and further away until he hurried through the crowd. He found a lonely spot between a statue and a painting and sighed.
In some distance he saw Atem, leaning against a wall and sipping on his champaign. He wore his ceremonial uniform in blue with white pants and black boots. He raised his glass at Yugi with a smile that wiped Yugi's worries away. Yugi approached him. Atem placed his drink on a nearby table and bowed with a hand on his heart.
“Your highness”, he said. “Once again quite popular with the ladies, it seems.”
“Urgh, they will be the death of me, I swear”, Yugi said and ruffled his hair. “What about you? I know at least a dozen people who had hoped to see a more casual side of you at this New Year's ball. You're not on duty tonight, after all…”
Atem played with the gold medal on his chest that marked him as the prince's Royal Protector.
“A good body guard should always be on duty, your highness.”
A pink tint appeared on Atem's cheeks. Yugi sensed a chance…
“Well then…would you protect me from that unit of poofy skirts over there and…dance with me…?”
The pink shade on Atem's face turned red.
“Y-Your highness, you know I don't dance at these balls. I'll only end up embarrassing you”, he said.
“I don't think so. I've seen you dance before”, Yugi said and chuckled. To the outside, Atem was always the man with the serious stare who never laughed and always rested a hand on his sword. Only Yugi and a few others knew he could also blush and stutter like this.
“Uhm…that was in private without hundreds of people watching…”, Atem said.
“We can pretend it's just us…”
Atem chewed on his bottom lip. Yugi's heart fluttered with the hope of Atem accepting the suggestion. But both turned their heads at the sound of a bell. Near the orchestra stood an elderly man.
“Now for the last song before we all head out for the Royal Lake! You all know the tradition: share the last dance of the year with someone special to thank them for their love, friendship or the kindness they paid you this year. So choose your partner…”
The crowd chattered and everyone asked another person to be that special someone for them. Some expected it, others gasped or blushed in surprise.
“My prince…! Where are you…?”, Lady Rebecca called. Yugi looked at Atem who's eyes were shifting over the floor. Disappointment punched Yugi in the stomach.
“Well, it was just an offer”, Yugi said and wanted to walk away.
“Your highness, please wait”, Atem said. Yugi turned and saw Atem stretching out his gloved hand. Joy bubbled up inside Yugi. “May I have this dance?”
Arms linked, they walked towards the dance floor. Some whispered as the two passed.
“Isn't that Royal Protector Sennen? But he's never danced before…”
“And with the prince too! How unusual!”
“Quick, someone tell the prince's club of admirers! I need to see their silly faces!”
Like all the other couples, Yugi and Atem got into the starting position. Atem placed a hand on Yugi's lower back while Yugi rested his on Atem's shoulder.
Yugi's gaze fell on Rebecca and Vivian and the girls around them. Their jaws had all dropped, causing Yugi to grin. He looked at Atem and his expression showed nervousness.
“Just focus on me, Atem. No one else”, Yugi whispered. A shy smile spread on Atem's face. The music started.
They began with the basic steps. To Atem's obvious relief, it was a slow piece. Still, his body was tensed up and his moves were wooden.
“There, you're doing great”, Yugi said and felt Atem slightly relax. Atem gave a little laugh.
“Should we try a spin?”, he said and Yugi nodded. The performed the move and Yugi found himself back in Atem's arms. How well-trained they were… Atem was probably strong enough to carry him… Their eyes locked. Atem's irises were red like a warm fire after a long walk in the snow. And what a perfect jawline and high cheekbones…!
To Yugi, everyone around them vanished, even the music faded into the background of his perception. Only he and the handsome man with the gold-brown skin across from him existed. Together they were floating over the floor. Yugi felt the need to be closer to Atem, to close that gap of propriety between their upper bodies. From Atem's longing gaze Yugi knew that his body guard was feeling the same… He wanted to pull Yugi closer and Yugi would be more than happy to indulge the wish…
But before that could happen, the music ended and it was as if Yugi woke up from a wonderful dream. Yugi returned to the hall with its chandeliers and paintings and all the other people. Atem bowed and Yugi realised he should do the same. They clapped for the orchestra. Atem shook his head, as if he too, had to suppress something too wonderful to be true.
“I think it's time to set off now, your highness”, he said.
“Y-Yes, of course.”
They made their way through the crowd and into a chamber where a maid was ready to help Yugi into his sapphire coat, lined with white fur. Another maid put on his scarf and brought his outdoor gloves while a third one gave his shoes a quick polish.
Atem put on his navy blue coat and feathered hat himself. He avoided Yugi's eyes as if he was ashamed of something. Maybe he had enjoyed the dance as much as Yugi…?
They stepped outside onto the stony veranda and a cold breeze greeted them. Behind a line of guards the other nobles were assembling as well and getting into their sleighs. At a statue, the queen was pacing back and forth. She wore a forest green dress under her dark grey cape. Her hands were hidden in a muff and her black, pinned-up hair was topped by a golden crown. She gave Yugi a smile.
“There you are, dear. I saw you shared your last dance with Atem. That was very kind of you”, she said.
“Yes. I guess it was”, Yugi said and looked at Atem in some distance, holding the reins of his tall, white horse. Now he was the prince's Royal Protector again, with a serious stare and erect posture. “So, are we ready yet? It's the same dawdling every year, right?”
His mother chuckled.
“That sounds like something someone my age should say.”
When everyone had assembled, Yugi and his mother got into the sleigh that was pulled by six horses. The other nobles would take the side paths while the one in the middle was reserved for royalty. The sleigh began to move and they rode past the barren, snow-capped trees, bushes and hedges.
They reached the gate to the outer parts that had been opened for the commoners like every year. They greeted Yugi and the queen with applause and Yugi waved at the smiling faces. His gaze fell on Atem, riding beside them.
He checked every direction, his brows furrowed in concentration. Royal guards were positioned everywhere and all the commoners had been checked for any weapons before entering. Yet, Atem displayed the same vigilance as always. Yugi wondered if it was out of duty to the royal family or maybe out of a personal desire to keep Yugi safe…
The sleigh came to a halt. They had reached the lake and the area was full of talking and laughing commoners. Some danced to the music of a band that played much more livelier songs than the orchestra at the palace. Others stood in line at food stands that spread the smells of sugary treats, fried meat, and fresh tea.
Near the jetty a stage had been built and decorated with fir branches. Yugi and his mother got out of the sleigh and entered the stage. Upon seeing them, the commoners cheered once more. Like the queen's body guard, Atem stood behind Yugi in a corner of the stage, one hand on his sword, the other behind his back.
The nobles were assembling in a restricted area to the left of the stage. As they walked there from their sleighs, the commoners admired their fine clothing and jewellery. A girl, sitting on her father's shoulders, pointed at Vivian's pink dress and said: “Look, daddy! What a pretty lady!”
Rebecca had already made her way to the front row and waved at Yugi. She wore an emerald green cape and bonnet and his her hands in a beige-coloured muff. Yugi raised a hand at her, then rubbed his palms together. Despite his warm clothing he was freezing.
Thirty minutes before midnight, the trumpeters played a short fanfare. The band stopped playing and everyone went quiet. All eyes were on Yugi and his mother. The queen took a deep breath.
“Welcome nobles and commoners to this new year's celebration! Behind us lies a year of many challenges but also many successes…!”, she said and held her speech. She listed many accomplishments of the country's politics. Yugi couldn't help but smile at those that he had worked to achieve as well. She left out some problematic issues but Yugi understood that at this event it was wiser to focus on the positive things. The people clapped when she had finished. “Now to the winner of the annual lantern contest. Once more, the children of the capital showed us how creative they are with all the wonderful designs they submitted. The most popular one this year has been built by Sonia of Red Leaf Elementary!”
Everyone applauded when a blond girl with pigtails stepped forward, holding her mother's hand and a round lantern that was bigger than her head. They entered the stage and both Yugi and the queen congratulated them. Yugi took the lantern Sonia offered and turned it in his hands. While the mothers talked, Yugi bent down to Sonia.
“So many stars…did you cut them all out by yourself?”, Yugi said.
“Y-Yes, your highness”, Sonia said, half-hidden behind her mother's skirt.
“You did that very well. Thank you for that beautiful lantern”, Yugi said and smiled. Sonia blushed, then came forward and pointed at some of the stars.
“I…I also made some purple…because I heard that's your favourite colour, my prince!”
She told Yugi more about the lantern with sparkling eyes. She was in the middle of the story of how she had asked all the neighbours for colourful paper when her mother tapped her shoulder.
“Time to go, sweetie”, she said and took Sonia's hand.
“Don't forget to make your wish for the new year on the fireworks”, Yugi said and stood up.
“I won't, my prince!”, Sonia said. She waved at Yugi as they left the stage and disappeared into the crowd.
“He's so good with children! As my future husband should be!”, Rebecca said and Yugi sighed.
“Be quiet, Rebecca! You can't even marry him! You're not a princess!”, Vivian said and poked Rebecca with her elbow.
“Well, neither are you!”
The two began to argue once more. Yugi and his mother walked down the jetty in front of them, he with the lantern and she with a lamp in their hands. The thick layer of ice on the lake had been cut open earlier today. At the shore, the water was already starting to freeze over again.
“We shall say good-bye to the old year like we welcome the new one: with hope and light”, the queen said. She took the candle from inside the lamp and put it inside the lantern. Yugi bent down and placed it on the water. It floated towards the centre and the people cheered, then stepped forward to launch their lanterns as well. Soon the lake was full of many little lights, similar to the starry sky above them.
Yugi looked at the clock of the bell tower in some distance. Only five more minutes. He and his mother returned to the stage.
“I'm sure Lady Rebecca and Lady Vivian have already thought of ways to lure you to the winter roses?”, the queen said.
“I suppose so”, Yugi said and rubbed his temple. To their right lay a secluded part of the royal gardens with many floral arches. They were blooming with flowers of a soft pink.
“It's just a silly custom to kiss someone under one of these in the night of the new year. Not a law”, the queen said. “If you're uncomfortable with rejecting them I'm sure Atem will take care of that for you.”
“Y-Yeah”, Yugi said and turned his head. Atem was still scanning the crowd while everyone else was watching the bell tower. No one could deny how handsome he was. But his serious stare and taciturn attitude managed to scare off his potential admirers. Despite that, Yugi knew that there was no kinder or more caring person at the palace…or in the whole world…
“One more minute”, the queen said and Yugi focussed on the clock like everyone else. The second hand was moving towards the number 12. Yugi couldn't help but smile.
“Three…two…one…!”, it came from everyone. With the stroke of the bell everyone erupted in applause. The first fireworks shot into the sky and burst into thousands of glowing sparks. Blue, green, gold, red, and all shades in between lighted up the sky one after another for a short moment. Yugi and his mother hugged and wished each other a happy new year.
They left the stage and joined the other nobles. Rebecca appeared beside him and grabbed his arm.
“Happy New Year, my prince! Have you already made a wish on the fireworks? I did! May we take a walk?”, she said with a broad smile.
“Well, I…”
Vivian appeared and smacked Rebecca's arm with her fan.
“How can you be so rude, Rebecca? I wanted to take a walk with the prince!”
“I was here first!”
Yugi chewed his bottom lip, wondering how to escape the two girls and the snickering nobles around them. Rebecca and Vivian stopped arguing when Atem stepped towards them. He bowed before Yugi, one hand on his heart.
“Your highness, there's a matter I need to talk to you about”, he said. Rebecca and Vivian pouted.
“Surely it can't be that important, Royal Protector Sennen”, Rebecca said.
“I'm afraid it is, my ladies”, Atem said and cut through Rebecca's grasp with a grab of her wrist that made her flinch.
“Well then”, Yugi said and followed Atem towards the arches where many lovers were now gathering to exchange kisses.
“I assume that was a rescue operation and there is nothing to talk about?”, Yugi said. Atem chuckled.
“Nothing serious at least. Was I correct to assume that you required a rescue?”
“Absolutely. I guess in that department my mother raised me a bit too well”, Yugi said and sighed. “But anyway, is there something you're looking forward to this year?”
“Serving you, of course”, Atem said. Yugi smirked.
“Apart from that?”
“Well…if you really choose to go on that diplomatic mission to Kallias…I hope to accompany you. I haven't seen the country I grew up in in four years”, Atem said with a smile that hinted at happy memories.
“Do you miss it a lot?”
“Sometimes. But it's fine. I found a new home…by your side, my prince”, Atem said. Yugi played with his scarf, hoping to hide the blush of his cheeks. Yugi's gaze fell on the queen in some distance. He stopped and so did Atem.
“I'm nervous about that mission. It'll be the first time I'll accept such an important task. I hope I won't disappoint my mother…and everyone else…”
Yugi's heart felt heavy at the mere thought.
“I have faith in you, my prince. And whatever happens…I'll be there for you”, Atem said and the words warmed Yugi from within like a cup of hot chocolate.
“My prince, my prince…!”, Rebecca and Vivian called and Yugi rolled his eyes. They gasped and attracted the attention of the other nobles. They all chuckled at Yugi and Atem. Yugi looked up and realised they were standing right under one of the rose arches. Yugi's cheeks glowed and so did Atem's.
“My, my! Looks like the Royal Protector gets two rewards from the prince tonight!”
“That would be inappropriate! Royal Protector Sennen is not a noble!”
“Oh hush, it's just new year's kiss!”
Yugi scratched his head, his thoughts moving back and forth. It would be against the etiquette…! But it was just a custom…and maybe his only chance to…
Atem took his hand and gave it a quick kiss. The nobles gave disappointed sounds and turned away. Yugi felt his intestines turn into stone. Atem cleared his throat.
“I believe that was the only acceptable solution”, he whispered.
“Y-Yes. It was…acceptable”, Yugi said. “Now excuse me, please.”
Yugi walked away from him, fast enough so neither Rebecca nor Vivian could follow him. He reached a dark corner of the shore and leaned against a tree. He looked at his hand.
Atem's lips hadn't even touched his skin, only his gloves. He had felt only a hint of warmth, nothing more. Curse these court rules! Curse Atem for always following them so closely! Curse himself for losing control of his emotions like this…!
He always managed to keep his feelings for Atem inside a cage but tonight they had broken free several times. He had to suppress them! It couldn't work out anyway. Yugi was a prince and Atem was his body guard. But no matter how often he told himself that, his heart always fluttered at the sight of Atem, whenever they sat next to each other and at the slightest touch. It was bliss and torture at the same time.
Yugi looked around, saw all the people praying as the fireworks above them were still booming and glowing. It was said that in the first night of the new year the gods were listening closely to all the wishes the people made…and if only the gods were listening…
Yugi folded his hands and looked up to the sky. He moved his lips, hoping the gods would hear his whispered wish among all the sounds of this cheerful night. Maybe even grant it…
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