#if u dont know they released the 68cm boy heads. and then. the body's 3d files got corrupted ๐Ÿ˜”
bmpmp3 ยท 2 months
i am still hoping for that 1/3 scale vinyl girl imomodoll's sculptor was teasing like a year ago................... imagine the objecthead dolls you could make with that thang
#you could put anything on her neck. go into the thrift store and find nicknacks in the perfect size...#although they have a more pressing matter to attend to. the 68cm boy body#if u dont know they released the 68cm boy heads. and then. the body's 3d files got corrupted ๐Ÿ˜”#so they then released the 75cm body instead since they needed to remake the 68cm body from scratch#but a lot of people got confused because the 68cm heads were released with no body and the 75cm bodies had no heads#and lemme tell u. they were not. compatible LOL you wouldnt think 7 cm would make that much of a difference if ur not familiar with dolls#but it does. dear LORD it does. the 75cm body's neck is like something absurd like a 15cm circumference#compared to the like. 10cm neck holes of the 68cm heads LOL#tiny head...tiny tiny head.......#i do hope they come out with that 68cm boy. and honestly i would ADORE a shorter 1/3 scale boy too#people arent making 60cm boys anymore ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” actually the 60cm size with dolls rn#regardless of gender has been a bit unpopular for sculptors#theres plenty of older models from older companies but ive noticed most new smaller sculptors#prefer 1/4 which i get. its smaller but still a decent size for both cutesy baby shaped dolls and more mature figured dolls#not too expensive but still a good size to work in#but ive also noticed smaller artists really love their uncle sized dolls. huge ass dudes. 70-80cm guys#just GIANT fucking dudes#so most new sculpts i see come out from artists i follow are either like a cute small 1/4 scale or some giant three foot tall muscle man#nothing in between hgkfsdhjdshjfjdskfd. its not bad or anything but it is funny to see the trends LOL#and i would like to see more 1/3 scales...i think its a nice size! big and a little unruly to handle BUT fantastic for sewing clothes for
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