#if u guys arent comfy with mpreg u can just totally ignore this lol
agentstegosaurus · 7 years
Chaebol!AU: Soft Preggo Yoongi and his Excited Walking Encyclopedia Hubby
-Yoongi realised he’s bound to be pampered sick despite only getting into the 1st week after their hospital visit (where they found out that he’s really knocked up with Taehyung’s baby) when he came into their shared bedroom after a long nap one afternoon to find Taehyung digging around their walk-in closet 
-Pooling by Taehyung’s knees were some of Taehyung’s old worn-out shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts and sweaters.
-Turns out they were all for Yoongi to wear since all Yoongi had were mostly normal medium-sized fitted shirts.
YG, picking his way through the massive pile: I’ll take this, this one, this and- no I am never wearing these ugly wide pants- oh I like this one-
-Taehyung, being a permanent prisoner of the Harry//Potter franchise, has a Gry//ffindor scarf that has now been taken permanent hostage by Yoongi 
TH: *Dramatic gasp* A Sly//therin fraternising with a Gry//ffindor? SCANDALoUS
YG: STFU I’m cold 
-When Yoongi started to show, he lounged around in loose gym shorts and looser pregnancy clothes Taehyung bought for him over the Internet (Yoongi was still grumpy about travelling to malls to shop for comfortable clothes more suited for his baby bump, so Taehyung decided it was best they opted for online shopping instead)
-Yoongi insisted that he could still travel back-and-forth between the studio and their home but his colleagues eventually coaxed him into working from home instead (where he managed to crank out a fabulous single; pretty sentimental lyrics but paired with a really fitting EDM drop that had Taehyung jamming on a continuous loop for days on end after Yoongi first let him listen to it). 
-Taehyung making huge efforts to make sure that his hubby was getting all that love and attention he deserved even when he was not around to make him feel it (bcs hospital shifts can be a major pain in the butthole). e.g. changing the vase on their nightstand with freshly picked flowers from the local florist on a regular basis (Yoongi didn’t particularly own a favourite but Taehyung got some that fell along the lines of “relaxing and calming”, as went by World Wide Web), stocking up their refrigerator with buckets of ice cream, their pantry never running out supplies of chocolate, setting up their bedroom with really nice stuff like fairy lights, dim lightings, some IKEA soft toys (one of Yoongi’s favourites was the miniature cat doll that made soft rattling noises) really nice scented Yankee candles, placing stuff he knew Yoongi likes nearer to the bed so Yoongi wouldn’t have to travel around the house too much, installing an additional landline/house phone near to Yoongi in case his phone went missing like how it usually does.   -One time Taehyung had Jungkook come over to help him move furniture while Jimin and Yoongi were at the kitchen scrolling through baby stuff on the internet
JK: Istg dude. He’s pregnant. He’s not gonna disappear if he walks 2 cm away from the comforter.
TH: Shhhh I don’t wanna hear it
-Taehyung made it a habit to fluff up Yoongi’s pillows, change his blankets to new ones, tuck Yoongi in nice and warm with a thermos of hot chocolate ready on the nightstand and finally planting a kiss atop the crown of Yoongi’s head before leaving for work
-Taehyung calling the rest of BTS to check in on Yoongi if he noticed that Yoongi hadn’t replied to his calls/messages like how he usually did  -They usually all visit together but if they were busy, they’d take turns -When they visited they always came with lots of comfort food (like home-cooked meals, egg tarts, doughnuts, or freshly cut fruits) with movies so they’d keep him company when Taehyung has long night shifts. 
-One time Jimin suggested they do a sleepover; they ended up doing maternal exercises all night together (Hoseok did his research and found a really good certified website with videos meant for that specific scope) with JK practicing with JM, Jin with Yoongi, Hoseok leading the lot and Namjoon filming all of them (since he wasn’t exactly well versed in pilates nor was he exactly ready to get kicked in the ass by Taehyung if he happened to accidentally do anything to Yoongi)  
-If Yoongi got bored, he’d call up any of them (usually Jimin and Hoseok since JK, NJ and Jin were usually busy with office work) 
-They mostly just go to the arcade or eat stuff at the nearby mall etc  -At some point in time, Yoongi’s made the sofa in their living room his permanent man cave/nest where he has his laptop with him. Because Yoongi can’t handle a long-distance relationship with the refrigerator. 
-He’d alternate between munching on chocolate coated biscuits with songwriting or mowing through online catalogues upon catalogues of baby names (he’s totally made a list) while he waits for Taehyung to come home
-Yoongi being absolutely baffled that he’s managed to write three pages worth of rap on babies and love and all that good sappy stuff 
-Of course Yoongi talks to his baby bean
YG @ Tae//gi Jr. : Ugh why are u playing soccer at 3:30 AM 
YG @ Tae//gi Jr. : Stop making me eat ice cream 
YG @ Tae//gi Jr. : *scribbling on his notepad* What even rhymes with babies. Speak to me my child. I need some serious 3rd person POV. 
-Taehyung coming back from work to find Yoongi asleep on the massage chair with one hand buried deep in a bowl of chocolate-coated popcorn 
-Taehyung carrying Yoongi bridal style up the flights of stairs to tuck him into their bed  -When on nights Taehyung manages to catch Yoongi still wide awake on his laptop and headphones on in the living room, he’d help run the bath with one of the bath bombs Jin bought for them as a housewarming gift and assist Yoongi to get in
-Taehyung would wear his prescribed glasses and scroll through The List Yoongi made and they’d survey it together as he sits on a stool by the tub with the tab on his lap and Yoongi takes his time soaking in the fragrant bath 
TH: Oh! I like this one. So//mi. If our bean is a girl, of course.
YG: What about Hee//chul 
TH: *scrunches up his nose* I have a colleague with that name and- well, he’s nice but freaky so nope
-Taehyung eventually bought Yoongi a daybed and placed it in the middle of the living room. The coffee table was prolly discarded someplace else.   -Taehyung was mostly calm at work… NOT -He’s an expecting father. Of course, he gets anxious.  -he periodically checked his handheld between his rounds -Making sure to slip in a call during lunch break to find out what Yoongi’s up to -When Yoongi was up for it, he’d find a secluded area (usually the open park outside of the hospital’s cafeteria) to facetime Yoongi with a cold turkey and egg sandwich on his lap  -Taehyung always maintained a close-knit relationship with his colleagues so sometimes when they are all lax, he’d lounge near the reception area to talk to the nurses, namely Je//nnie, Baek//hyun and Jack//son or some of the other doctors like Jae//bum and Su//ho. -he asked for tips and their opinion on certain necessities since most of them were already with children/have nieces or nephews 
-Taehyung was reluctant to share pics of Yoongi when the nurses first asked 
-When he deemed them trustworthy enough, he always stopped by their desks to gush over his hubby’s sexy form with his colleagues where 40% them make adoring chortling noises and the other 60% choke on their vomit bcs Taehyung was just too grossly adorable with his husband. 
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