#if u see an animal outside in its natural habitat or being cared for and ur immediate response is KILL IT
tetranocular · 1 year
huge pet care rant under the cut bc im passionate
my take on exotic pets (and pets in general) is that, as a general rule, if u can genuinely take care of all of their needs (see: dietarily, socially, environmentally, developmentally, etc), then its probably okay for you to take care of it
HOWEVER, the vast majority of people will NEVER be able to take care of exotic animals due to monetary and environmental limitations, and there is often actually no real reason TO get an exotic pet instead of a regular domesticated one outside of entirely selfish reasons, which will almost always automatically make an animal’s care subpar
how many acres of land would someone need to give a lion the space it deserves? how much money would you need to sink into its vet care? its food? its enrichment? lions are social creatures, are you going to get it a whole pride too? how are you going to emulate the temperature of its natural habitat over such a large space? are you going to respect the fact that it’s a large predator and therefore should be interacted with very minimally, and always with proper safeguards? at that point, why even take it out of its natural habitat? what do you have to gain by claiming you ‘own’ this wild animal? because you love it? if you really do love it, why not leave it where it is most happy? why not just get a regular housecat that you can keep in your home and pet without the risk of being mauled to death? 
and you know what........ i said get a housecat, but controversial take, but i think lots of people shouldnt even be getting regular pets like cats and dogs either
loving an animal is not the same as being able to take care of it. pets are a huge time and money sink, no matter what kind, and it doesnt matter how much you love them, love won’t stop them from becoming unhealthy from unintentional neglect
if you truly love animals, you need to reflect on whether or not you will actually be able to take care of their every need. if you can’t, you need to take a step back and understand that people are not entitled to pets. they are living beings who are wholly dependent on you for their health, safety, and happiness. like kids, you really shouldn’t get one unless you’re positive this is a commitment you are ready and willing to make
i love animals. i also know i’m not in a place to be getting one. getting one when you know your care would be subpar is a completely selfish act, and it’s why i can’t stand the people who get exotic pets (or any pets for that matter) just for clout or strictly because they’re cute
if you’re not prepared to do every single task required of you as a pet owner, why own that pet in the first place? i think when it comes to animals, people often conflate love with a selfish desire to own something cute or interesting. i don’t blame you for wanting a cool animal. but it’s important to understand that just because you want something, doesn’t mean you should necessarily have it
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petnews2day · 2 years
Family's beloved pet cat seized by police over fears it was rare Scottish wildcat
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/cat-news/familys-beloved-pet-cat-seized-by-police-over-fears-it-was-rare-scottish-wildcat/
Family's beloved pet cat seized by police over fears it was rare Scottish wildcat
Pet cat Finlay was taken away by police and examined to see if the animal was in fact a Scottish wildcat which the rarest species in Britain and requires a licence to own
Scottish Wildcats tend to be bigger and more aggressive than pet cats (
Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
A pet cat that seized by police over fears it was a rare Scottish wildcat turned out to be just a tabby.
The animal, nicknamed Finlay, was examined by experts after police received a tip off from a concerned neighbour.
Fears were sparked that the owner was keeping a Scottish wildcat, which is a Britain’s rarest species, without a licence.
It was taken from Conwy, North Wales, in February by environmental groups Natural Resources Wales and NatureScot.
Investigators assessed the animal’s features and found it may have a low proportion of wildcat genes but not enough to consider it a Scottish wildcat.
A NatureScot spokesman said: “In this case the animal was not assessed as being from a protected species.
“While there are provisions in legislation that allow for the caring and rehabilitation of protected species, NatureScot strongly encourage early communication with our licensing team to help guard against any offences being committed in relation to possession.”
A Scottish Wildcat hiding in a tree (stock image) (
Getty Images)
North Wales Police said a 43-year-old man had been helping them with inquiries and the animal is being cared for at a specialist facility.
A spokesperson said: “The animal reported to be a Scottish wildcat was located and taken to a specialist facility to determine its identity.
“It was examined by an expert in wildcat identification, who concluded it to be a domestic tabby cat which may have a low proportion of wildcat genes, lower than that required to consider it to be a Scottish Wildcat.”
Scottish wildcats are extinct in England and Wales but there are believed to be only a few hundred left in northern and eastern Scotland.
A Scottish Wildcat prowling in the wild (stock image) (
Getty Images/iStockphoto)
They are similar to a large tabby cat and have been under threat because of habitat loss and being bred with domestic cats.
Scottish wildcats have much thicker fur than domestic cats with distinctive solid black and brown stripes.
Another notable feature is its thick banded tail, perfectly ringed with no dorsal stripe running off of the spine.
Thought to be man-killers as recently as the 1950s, Scottish wildcats are aggressive when defending themselves or their young.
They can grow up to twice the size of domestic cats and are much more ferocious.
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dragonherder2030 · 3 years
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Smaugust Day 9: Galaxy
I’m leaving tomorrow morning, my sister is going to look over the farm while I’m away. Echo Bel and Kory are coming with me, they can help with transportation and have separation anxiety. Xandra is showing me her camp, she has many followers, I’m going to be the first lizard to join it. That fact will be kept secret from the rest of the “humans” as to not cause hysteria, she has done the same with herself, hiding herself as an amphibian. I’m bringing my journal, I need to be able to write my thoughts
See you soon, Niki~
*we find out who the narrator is 👀. Another first person written segment, hopefully this one won’t be as long XD. Also, if by the end of Smaugust I feel there are some odd unintended plot holes or threads that need to be resolved I’ll make sure to do so. Ik it’s confusing right now, but I will continue right where we left off on the last writing segment for easiness*
Half my tea was gone in under a minute, it was jasmine green from what I tasted and was made very well.
“Please do explain what you mean by non-lizard kind though… Are you talking Amphibious sentience?” I ask, leaning back on the couch I had been placed on.
“No not sentient Amphibians that walk like us, I mean a species on another planet called Humans. They are a scaleless race with no tails, and can grow fur at an alarming rate. They can be dangerous to us, but not all of them. If you join me you can meet them, but many of them do not have the best interests of the dragons in mind.” Her creature tightened itself onto her neck. Has it experienced these “humans” before?
“Does that planet have dragons too? Also how do you, uh, go to another planet? Do you have access to a rocket?”
“No, I have something much better and easier to fuel… but you have to commit before learning of that. Keep your questions to a minimum till I finish explaining please, it will be easier.” Saying with a small hand wave. I nob in agreement.
“The planet is called earth and is very similar to ours. But dragons do not live naturally there, and have been brought there by a lizard who wanted a new environment for sport hunting, and didn’t get them all… They ended up breeding and creating homes for themselves, few and far apart. I used to monitor and catch some of the dragons to bring them back when I could along with my brother. When he passed I couldn’t do it by myself anymore, so I seeked the assistance of other lizards to return the dragons to their natural habitat. Not many believed me, and those who did I knew didn’t have the intentions of the animals in mind. So, I decided to start recruiting humans using my magic-“
“Wait wait wait, you have magic abilities?” I ask, needing to know more about this.
“Yes I possess magic, I’m no lizard, but we don’t need to know about that for now. All you need to know is that I can give objects the ability to transform a human into a lizard or amphibian sentient if worn, that’s what I can do,” Xandra says with a sigh. I speculate what she could be, and remember a legend about the creation of our world, something similar to that happening, where a being gave sentience to all of the lizards, and later some of the amphibians. There was another part of it where they wiped out a different race beforehand but I couldn’t remember it too well.
Xandra continued her explanation, “I chose humans because they would do the best capturing dragons in the human planet, since they are not killed on sight when seen… The humans I choose were specifically selected by my familiar, Davey here,” She pointed to the amphibian around her neck, it seemed to smile in admiration of its role.
“They are small enough to avoid detection from the humans, and not popular enough to be sought out, and they are very fast. Easily able to escape a human. I’ve gotten quite the following from animal lovers around earth, and luckily most of them speak English or know sign language, Davey doesn’t go far from our camp.”
“What do you guys Uh, do? Do you go to the human world and just, catch the dragons? And why don’t you just tell the humans that the dragons are an invasive species and, I guess take them back?” I ask, confused what I would actually be doing and why the humans are a problem.
Xandra’s calm demeanor shifted, and her eyebrows furrowed, “Most humans want the dragons, but I know they aren’t safe there. They would be hunted for sport and put in cages. I’ve watched them for thousands of years, they will never accept the dragons as any more then a fantasy creature for decoration. And for some reason now there are more being found, species that weren’t brought to earth from that initial leak. There’s another source, someone from this planet that has access to Earth and is exploiting it to bring dragons there. You can help me find them, and allow me to have more allies on this side. Plus the place I’m keeping the dragons isn’t safe anymore, I need somewhere here I can put them with someone to take care of them.” Her voice had raised slightly, this is a subject she is angry about. She must have witness terrible things. I think it’s an amazing idea, I have the whole farm I could keep the dragons. Acres of land I’m not using right now could be put to this. I didn’t care if she was legit or not, I believed her.
“Ok, I’m convinced… I want to help. I have a farm that can serve as a holding place for the dragons until we can bring them to their rightful places,” I say, trying to hide the excitement in my voice. She smiles at me, looking satisfied.
“My camp, it is all humans, they do not know of our reptilian existence, to them they are the last of the reptile kind. So to them, your just another new human recruit. That means,” Xandra gets up, walking towards the closet I had noticed before, “that means that you have to pick out an accessory to simulate the effect of you being a fake lizard.”
I stand up and walk to the closet as well. Xandra escapes into the inside of it, I follow closely. The inside wasn’t meant to hold more then one person, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Along the walls is an array of shirts, jackets, pants, hats, bracelets, necklaces, etc. in every color imaginable.
“Take your pick, it doesn’t matter what it is, other then u will need to be able to wear it for long amounts of time,” she says, picking up a hat and dusting it off, then hanging it back up.
I look around the room, spinning in place, then think of something, “Do you have a piece? How do you hide that your not a lizard?”
She thinks for moment, “Davey helps me with that too, as you know they are my familiar, and they aren’t just any normal dragon either. They become a wonderful necklace whenever I need them to. And when I wear that, I become what they would be if they were a sentient Amphibian,” she explained to me. So far she has shown me no proof of the magic she claims to have, and this seems like a simple test. Even if I was all for the cause, no reason not to speculate.
“Could u show me?”
“Of course,” Xandra said, glancing at Davey. The creature climbed to the front of her neck, then sitting still right there for a few seconds. I await the transformation. Then, they stiffen and fall loose, a small chain connecting to their mouth and tail holding them onto Xandra’s neck. Her body poofs into one of an sentient Olm, her body much longer then previously. I stare up at her in awe, it all must be true.
“Wow…” I say, stunned by the display. She smiles down at me and quickly exits the closet, since she had taken up most the room.
“I need to show u our transportation tomorrow, since it is getting late. You will be seeing the camp, and meeting the members. You may stay for a couple of days to get familiar with them,” she says, looking out the window. I understand her reasoning, my sister can watch over the farm while I’m gone, I’ll be returning there soon with suitable dragons.
I return to looking at the room and behind a puffy jacket is a bronze glimmer. I walk towards it and grab it, it’s a tail ring. A dragon spiraling around a few times. And it’s adjustable, I try it on, tightening it to my liking. I decide it would be to heavy to stay on, and I don’t really like these kinds of jewelry. Placing it back in it’s spot, I try on a few other things, including a puffy jacket(after taking my shoulder armor off), a muzzle, and a necklace with an odd diamond like pendant on it. Then another thing caught my eye, a blue bandana with a cool looking pattern on it. I tie it around my neck, I think this one will work very well.
Exiting the room I look around for Xandra, spotting her on the couch reading a book. Davey was wrapped around her wrist and she was back in her original state.
“I have chosen this bandana!” I announce, walking towards her. She looks up from her reading and smiles brightly.
“Oh wonderful sweet pea, I only ask one more question of you before you go home to rest up for tomorrow,” she says, putting her book down.
“What’s that?” I ask, holding my shoulder armor tightly.
“What’s your name?”
“Oh- oh yeah you don’t know me very well yet. I’m Niki,” I say with a smile. She smiles back at me.
“Thank you hun. One more thing though, if you have any drakes I would recommend you bring them with you, they would help with the travel aspect. Tomorrow won’t be a walk in the park,” she says, picking her book back up. I nod, looking to my left and realizing the door is right next to the couch. I mentally scorn myself for not realizing this sooner, and exit the house. I know these woods, and have seen this cottage before. It looks worn down on the outside, abandoned… but making my way home is easy. It was evening by the time I made it back.
I call my sister, “Hi Bryn, I need you to watch the farm for a few days.”
This was fun, writing wasn’t the best, I was kinda zoned out while writing it lol. My main focus was to explain stuff and set up character motivations, sorry if it’s a bit messy, and like, long dang.
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