#if we get a dante SR that's fine
zeynatura · 1 year
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I interrupt my hiatus from social media to tell y'all: LOOK AT MY BABIES ON THE NEXT EVENT!!
Shy Student Yakumo and Sensual Olivine Sensei qjbfnwjUfbcjsnencksnwndjefkwjjwisjejdhjejjjeh
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bittersweet--chaos · 2 years
@dolls-horde @dolls-circus I’m done :3
Leto: Is something burning?
Doll: Just my love for you.
Leto: Doll, the toaster is on fire.
Leto: How do I deal with my enemies
Doll: Kill them
Leto: That's a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution
Doll: Kill them only a little?
Doll: Ohhhh, we each get our own oven?
Leto: ... N-No...
Leto, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have???
Doll, motioning to their kitchen: Three, I thought!
Cam: I see a-
Leto, motioning to one device: This is a microwave.
Doll: Oh, well I-
Leto: Hey wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave*
Leto, amazed: Its got a bake setting
Neph: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
Pathos: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first?
Leto: Now I've just discovered I have more ovens than I thought, we don't have to roshambo nothin!
Leto: I am someone who owns four ovens...
Leto, louder and way too happy: I am someone... who owns FOUR OVENS...
Leto: I didn't know I was so rich with ovens...
Zethus JR., pointing to another appliance: Also the toaster oven!
Doll: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- Five ovens!
'Can I copy the homework?' 
Leto: I can help you with it!
Neph: Yeah, sure.
Pathos: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Cam: lol nope.
Zethus JR.: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Doll: *Read 5:55pm*
Cam : You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
Neph: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard.
Pathos : But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?
Zethus JR.:Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.
Cam : You know those things will kill you, right?
Neph, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
Pathos , smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
Zethus JR.: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Doll: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys.
Leto: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!
Dante: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!!
Zethus SR.: Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting.
Dante: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Zethus: Why are your tongues purple
Doll: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Leto: I had a red one.
Zethus SR: oh
Zethus SR:
Zethus SR: OH
Dante: You drank each other's slushie?
Leto: Have you seen a person named 'Doll' around here?
Dante: Ugh, yes. They made a horrible mess of the blood fountain.
Zethus SR.: It looks fine to me?
Dante: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Doll: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Leto: I got distracted about halfway through.
Zethus SR.: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Doll, about Leto: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group.
Dante: Are we stealing them?
Zethus SR.: New or used?
Leto: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Zethus SR: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste
Doll: We got spring water
Zethus SR: NO.
Dante: with EXTRA minerals
Doll: it's like licking a stalagmite
Dante: Mmmmm cave water
Doll: Dante and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Zethus SR: *Sighing* What did Doll do?
Doll: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Dante: Who wants a steering wheel?
Dante: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Zethus SR: You’re a hazard to society
Doll: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Zethus SR: What time is it?
Doll: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
Doll: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
Doll: It’s 2 am
Leto: Doll, keep an eye on Dante today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Doll: Sure, I’d love to see Dante get punched.
Leto: Try again.
Doll, sighing: I will stop Dante from getting punched.
Leto: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Dante: You were flirting with Doll.
Leto: So what? She’s my wife.
Dante: You asked them if they were single.
Dante: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Doll: Leto and I don’t use pet names.
Dante: I see. Hey, what do bees make
Doll: Honey?
Leto: Yes, dear?
Dante: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Dante: Hey, Doll? Can I get some dating advice?
Doll: Just because I’m with Leto doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Zethus JR: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Kore: Pathos, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
Pathos: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Pathos: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.
Zethus JR: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life
Bambi, tending to Pathos’ wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Pathos: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Leto: How many kids do you have?
Doll: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Kore: Zethus and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Zethus JR: Sentences.
Kore: Don't interrupt me.
Kore: So what’s for dinner?
Zethus JR, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Bambi: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Pathos: Killed without hesitation.
Bambi: No.
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Okay . Every single anon no more summer Kiara , three GreeK Gods , complaning . We will talked about apocrypha today please ?
Ah hello there, new anon. If you’re a different anon, and not the same anon..... Which I’ve lost track which anon I’m talking today and for the past whole week OTL
Welp, I’m definitely looking forward to Apocrypha because..... *cracks knuckles* It’s time to teach some Servants a lesson, until they fork me out QP! But kinda curious how much differ it will be in NA from JP, as this is another raid event... So who’s gonna be bullied first for material?
Gacha, I’m hoping low with my recent pull.......... Ahaha, anyway! For those who are preparing to whale for Skadi, I suggest getting Achilles in for NP loop farming. He’s another Servant aside Edgelord Dantes and Zerker-Papalot to be the best farming Servant. Chiron definitely one of the best ST NP Archers with both support and killer NP
Both are thankfully in story gacha and not limited, so either you can get spooked by them...... Or, your next SR ticket Chiron is available to be pick
Also, now with the official translation, I do like to see how it plays out for Sieg, Mordred + Fran interaction, a different Jack from the one in Chaldea... Plus that climax in regards to Apocrypha ending event is what I want to see
Back to your ask and to the other anons, I’m fine with it...... Speculations is nice, though do note as always DW and Nasu enjoys doing surprise twist. Which... Just remember not to get disappointed if it didn’t happen
Greek Gods, I’ll say again, I’m leaving it to DW to decide. In terms of how they gonna shove their existence to appear, or eventually JP twitter side is also complaining both about Greek Gods and LB5.2 story’s writer. The latter is on the reddit, but I’m not sure how true it is
If not my ask is always open, except if I didn’t reply for more than 8 hours, I’m asleep by my timezone! :D
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geeangel · 6 years
this was supposed to be like 2 sentences whoops
dont get me wrong... im very excited for luigis mansion 3 (working title) and Animal Crossing 2019 (srs no title drops tho?) but uh............ nice ports?
idk do we need to re-release wii games on the 3ds? i understand the angle nintendo has with the wiiu games, the console sold like shit and not many ppl got one so theyre bringing a lot of good games to a new market but...... its all fucking ports rn. and imo we DONT need ds-->3ds ports period lol. like that was just last gen for their handhelds. what abt all the bitchin gba games? i guess maybe they dont know what to do stylistically with pixel art games in a “remastered HD 1080p60fps LIMITED EDITION featuring DANTE from Devil May Cry”
i mean you know where they COULD sell gb/a games??? heres a hint: nintendo has ALREADY done this on 3 previous consoles.. hmmmmmmm.. AHA!!!! THATS IT!!! we charge people $35 CAD a year so they can play from a selection of 29 NES titles!!!! thats what people want right??? they want to pay  $35 dollars to play 20 29 of our TOP games from 35 YEARS AGO
but be real how many of you have played minish cap? that game is BOMB and i know a lot of zelda fans whove never touched it (same for gb zelda games but thats a diff story) the gb/a was really one off my first consoles and i loved it to death. i think i played more gba games on my ds lite than ds games and i missed out on a TONNE of good games
like i know this wasnt meant to b a massive direct and i wasnt expecting a lot from it but.... it was just a whole lot of ports & remasters which is... fine but the switch market is just going to be flooded with them and it makes me sort of worry for the future of its library
and i thought this when it was announced but. pokemon lets go eeveechu is like the lamest thing ever. fire red and leaf green were great remakes imo but oh huh looks like were not making money off of gen 1 pokemon games anymore since we made them legally unattainable unless youre willing to pay for the original/remake cart and a working gb/a to play it on and well we dont make any money from THOSE sales BETTER RE-RE-RELEASE IT WITH A SPECIAL BUNDLE AND A $65 CAD POKEBALL (at least that switch actually looks nice. that smash ultimate bundle was BORING AF)
idk i think ppl feed too much into nintendo hype and cream themselves over PENDING TITLES with NO FINISHED IN GAME FOOTAGE
also NOTHING ON PRIME 4????????????? U WANT ME DO DIE?????
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parkerjasmine1996 · 4 years
driving without insurance in nc
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :bestinsurancequotes.top
driving without insurance in nc
driving without insurance in nc? It’s not only illegal, it could be more severe. Here’s what states have to say regarding car insurance externalToEVA oreAndOnline� �  rawdownload RandomRedditor � �  � � � quickShip � 龍� RandomRedditor . driving without insurance in nc? They’re not too expensive for me, and I live in one of the States. My driver’s license is taken to be good in june, this does take me about 15 minutes. Can be a problem. Just a very small area! Thank you for helping me get life insured. And thanks again for helping others understand my options and my options. No matter if you are looking for a quote at two of the best rates. They will insure you with a reputable company. The insurance can be much cheaper than what you might find in the marketplace, the prices vary. I m a new driver. I was asked for my insurance information in my car, and I was told no, that this was not a problem, and it would be on my auto insurance policy. I m a person who rarely needs to file a claim. I recently purchased a second car through a third-party insurer, for the first time, and my old insurance policy has been extended to. driving without insurance in nc states. You could face fines and penalties if you’re caught driving without insurance. To drive legally in all 50 states, drivers must carry liability insurance, or they can be fined between $200 and $3,000.00 for the first offense. Then, they must pay $10,000 in fines and have their license and registration suspended for a year. Drivers may be required to get SR-22 insurance, either through a car insurance company or a drivers license agency that will accept the SR-22 form. SR-22 insurance usually costs more than the average car insurance policy because it is designed to serve as proof that you’re carrying the state’s minimum required amount of car insurance. You may be able to skip the annual mandatory insurance registration and reinstatement fees and.
Can your vehicle be towed if you don t have insurance?
Can your vehicle be towed if you don t have insurance? The next time you are having problems with your car, an insurance company may ask you questions about your driving record, but your auto insurance can help you avoid a fine or a court decision. Your auto insurance policy comes with liability coverage. These are optional parts of your auto insurance plan that you can add to your policy. Even if you have full coverage, the liability auto insurance you add to your auto policy can be helpful to protect yourself and your assets. If your car is damaged, you’ll have to cover the damage itself. That means repairing the car and repairing the damage yourself. You must have collision or comprehensive coverage and sign paperwork that states whether your car belongs to you or someone else. There are often no exclusions for car insurance with or . The best car insurance companies have a good record when it comes to getting policyholders to renew their policy and staying with the same company for the rest of their lives. However, they do have to pay out-of-pocket if.
Proof of Insurance Laws and Penalties in North Carolina
Proof of Insurance Laws and Penalties in North CarolinaThe average U.S. college student pays $67 a month for car insurance, but each state sets different deadlines and financial requirements. To find the best college it takes to meet these requirements, you should consider several factors. It’s important to understand the types of car insurance you are required to carry. You should consider covering yourself for the following: While you might think car insurance is optional, it is very important, and it is part of your everyday financial plan. It can be difficult to find the information and coverage you need to legally drive your car. There are insurance options at every stage of your insurance journey. Many states require your to have no-fault insurance coverage. This means drivers in Florida are not legally required to carry car insurance beyond the limits provided by the state, so there’s no legal mandate. In other states, a driver can legally have no-fault insurance. The main reason to make this optional is that the system is used by some.
North Carolina car insurance requirements are 30/60/25 for bodily injury and property damage liability coverage. Get multiple North Carolina car insurance quotes with our comparison tool below to find the lowest North Carolina car insurance rates.
North Carolina car insurance requirements are 30/60/25 for bodily injury and property damage liability coverage. Get multiple North Carolina car insurance quotes with our comparison tool below to find the lowest North Carolina car insurance rates. Car insurance has long been a top issue in North Carolina, with its high rates and high unemployment statistics. In order to find and match the most affordable options, it’s important to shop around and get multiple North Carolina car insurance quotes before you decide. All of the auto insurance companies in North Carolina can offer a more affordable quote than standard rates, too. These companies that do stand out from the rest of the pack are GEICO Insurance, State Farm, Allstate, National General, and Nationwide. Here’s a breakdown of the top-rated car insurance companies in North Carolina: State Farm stands out for its customer service. This insurer consistently provides reasonable rates and good coverage options. GEICO may offer the most competitive price for single drivers, but that’s only to be expected. Geico even offers affordable policies with lower coverage amounts — as long as GEICO is in your life. When comparing car insurance companies, it’s important to get quotes from several providers.
Are you looking for free insurance quotes?
Are you looking for free insurance quotes? If so, check out Cheap Car Drivers in Louisville, Kentucky. They are the cheapest insurance company if you are an owner. They even take age into account when adding a 19 year old driver to a parent’s policy and then subtracting your 20 year old driver from the parent’s policy when their birth certificate is needed. You are not required to carry a valid driver’s license if you have an auto insurance policy that includes a driver’s license. All drivers must maintain their driver’s license in the event of a motor vehicle accident within the time that the car is registered or when registration is required. All vehicles must have a current valid registration and owner’s insurance policy. If you want to get auto insurance quotes for Kentucky, you have to show proof of insurance. Proof of insurance is simply a printed card or paper document that your insurance company sends to your residence. If you do not own a vehicle but still need to show proof of insurance,.
Fines for Driving Without Insurance
Fines for Driving Without Insurance This policy pays for medical expenses, funeral expenses, and lost wages if you are hurt in an accident and cannot get the person or property your client owns. Covers medical expenses and lost wages if you are injured while driving. The minimum insurance limits in Texas are: This type of auto insurance will cover your customers in some circumstances. If you decide to buy a policy without insurance and it’s determined that you will not be able to cover a client of your policy you purchased without their permission then you can still carry comprehensive insurance but not to cover all areas of your policy would be an issue even if the auto insurance company would pay and the policy would make sure the client did not own the car. So if the client was the and not owned by them then they can’t use the policy. Texas laws state that if you are using an auto insurance policy that has not been activated by law the policy will be cancelled but if you are in an accident in which the person was.
Buying Car Insurance in North Carolina
Buying Car Insurance in North Carolina on the Volusia River in Winston-Salem may be more challenging because it carries more rain and snow than the average state road can. The state of North Carolina takes a different approach to car insurance. Instead, the state mandates every driver to carry a car insurance policy to protect them from some of the risks associated with driving in North Carolina. But the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles also offers a North Carolina car insurance policy for every driver on the road. To put it simply: If you don’t carry car insurance in North Carolina, it could be hard to find affordable insurance for yourself. If you drive legally in North Carolina without insurance, you’ll have to pay fines. And that’s just for insurance, you may have to pay in full. We compare average car insurance rates from four companies for each state in the West on a scale based solely on risk. The average cost to insure a two-car household is $93 per month in North Carolina..
What happens after a car accident without insurance when you are not-at-fault
What happens after a car accident without insurance when you are not-at-fault? It does not matter. If you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or if you drive without valid insurance it does not matter. What if you are in an accident while a DUI, so long as you were not in an accident? It does not matter. If you were in an accident while you  you are not-at-fault. You do not deserve your car and when you are trying to find the BEST car to get you into an accident while driving under the influence of drugs or something else illegal it does not matter.  That is not what you are here to do.  If you get stopped by police they will ask you for driving privilege making you buy non-owner Liability only auto insurance for the DRIVERS fault insurance.  You can have your car repaired or you can use the cash then make a claim over and over again and the vehicle will be danted.  That is not how insurance works.  It will.
How to find cheap insurance if you’re uninsured
How to find cheap insurance if you’re uninsured All too often, when people’s financial situation strikes, they’re unable to do the math. There’s no way to predict the future and predict the things that will happen in the coming year. But insurance isn’t an investment. For most people, when they need insurance, it’s the protection they need. Unfortunately, it’s an expensive mistake to not put money into an insurance policy at all. Even if it seemed like a good idea, the value you’re receiving from an insurance policy is not worth it. An independent insurance agent can help you choose the best policy for your needs and the reasons you value them the most. It will help you avoid a lot of pitfalls, and it’ll help avoid any surprises if you don’t be completely honest when explaining details, or try to bluff you about being a victim of their insurance company or your employer when offering health coverage to your employees. The average.
How much is the fine for driving without insurance?
How much is the fine for driving without insurance? If someone has uninsured and can’t afford auto insurance. If I had to do it all over again, would I be charged for that? The only way to know whether or not this is an option for you is to get insurance and see what your options will be. But first, let’s talk about how insurance works and what you can do through it. We will cover the various ways that you can save money on your auto insurance policy. You can choose to have higher deductibles or increase your coverage limits, or drop what amounts that cover in most situations but don’t cover. You can talk about options, but we won’t be back to you. When getting a quote, be sure to put the name on the policy. If the vehicle you’ve bought you want to be insured, how do you cancel car insurance? How do you make sure the car you want has any type of insurance? As much as it annoys you, having.
North Carolina Optional Car Insurance Coverage
North Carolina Optional Car Insurance Coverage Covers you if you’re in an accident caused by someone else, regardless of fault. Lives in other parts of the state can be lost when state-sponsored highways are closed to drivers. When you apply for car insurance, your ZIP code is assigned a custom code that identifies the nearest areas of the state (or the areas of interest if you live nearby). For example, if you live in Durham and drive through Durham, you can insure your car in Allsortsville but not in Charlotte. If you apply in nearby Charlotte or Winston-Salem, you need the same insurance on the actual vehicle. If your auto policy is modified to meet specific requirements and you opt for optional coverage, your policy might not apply. When applying for car insurance in Oregon, drivers who have multiple violations may pay between $150 and $350 more than the average for full coverage. In addition to the minimum car insurance requirements, Oregon drivers may be required to carry: Car.
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Blue Jays Mailbag: Baseball Bloodlines, Osuna's Salary, the Future in CF
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports Canada.
Andrew Stoeten answers your questions in our Blue Jays Mailbag, which runs weekly at VICE Sports. You can send him questions at [email protected], and follow him on Twitter.
The Blue Jays' season is still going. I couldn't blame you for having tuned out a while ago, but the team is still theoretically in it, and, therefore, still capable of kicking us in our guts, the way that they did against Houston on Sunday.
But who wants to talk about that? Surely not I! And evidently not our fine mailbag readers, either, as we've got a fresh batch of questions that mostly look forward to 2018—or, at the very least, to possible August trades.
A legitimate playoff race sure would be more fun, but we can make do! So let's do it!
If you have a Blue Jays question you'd like me to tackle for next week, be sure to send it to [email protected]. As always, I have not read any of Griff's answers.
For what Osuna could bring back this offseason vs. how expensive (saves) he is going to get, do you think it's worth dealing him? Adam
I'm definitely of the mind that a great closer is worth more to an elite team than he is to one a tier or two below that, which seems to be where the Blue Jays are destined to end up in 2018. So I'd absolutely explore trading him—though the team's best shot to really cash in on him may have been at the trade deadline that just passed, especially with the way he's looked since then. But there are two things, in particular, that give me pause about this idea.
One is that the Jays simply aren't as far away from being good as it feels. Twitter's @James_in_to pointed out on Monday that the Jays have lost five games leading with two outs in the 9th—and if they'd recorded those five outs they would be 57-54 and tied for the wild card. With the right tweaks—and there are obvious places they're not getting value this year (right field and second base)—they can still be pretty good.
The other is the fact that Osuna isn't due to get that expensive. He'll pass through arbitration for the first time this winter. The record contract for a first-time-eligible reliever, according to MLB Trade Rumors, still belongs to Jonathan Papelbon, who made $6.5 million in 2009 on the back of his outstanding first three seasons in the big leagues. Osuna has been outstanding, especially in the areas that get relievers paid in arbitration, picking up 84 saves and pitching to a 2.84 ERA in his first three seasons. But Papelbon went to arbitration for the first time with 113 saves and a 1.70 ERA. Osuna should come in lower than that.
The record for a second pass through arbitration also belongs to Papelbon, who went up to $9.35 million in 2010 after a 38-save 2009 season. But he faltered slightly that season (he still had plenty of saves, but his ERA jumped to 3.90), and doesn't hold the record for a third-time-eligible reliever. That goes to O's closer Zach Britton, who after his incredible 2016 season was left on the bench in the wild-card game by Buck Showalter LOLOLOLOL made $11.4 million this year.
Osuna will start getting paid, but nothing the deep-pocketed Blue Jays can't afford. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
That's not even all that expensive, and those are records Osuna almost certainly won't quite reach.
More importantly, the Jays should never be trading a player because of how expensive he's going to get. If a trade presented itself that would make the team better, sure. But moving him out of fear of the cost? This is Toronto, not Tampa Bay.
If the Jays were to fill LF, RF, and one SP spot internally (Biagini, Hernandez, Pearce, Zeke/Smith). Where could the 30M go? Adrian
Do bloodlines artificially inflate prospect value? Bo Bichette and Vlad Jr. are media darlings, how much do their last names feed that? Neel
Honestly? I don't think very much.
I mean, I'm sure there's an element with Vlad Jr. that has fueled hype among fans, because of who Vlad Sr. was in this country, and how much Vladito reminds us of his pop, physically (though Jr. actually controls the hell out of the strike zone, rather than relying on his ability to barrel pitches off a bounce). But, no disrespect to a guy who had a really nice career, I don't think people are in a lather about Bichette because he's the son of Dante.
Bo Bichette at last month's Futures Game. Photo by Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports
The Jays have Cavan Biggio in the system, and now Kacy Clemens, who despite their Hall of Fame names don't get a fraction of the hype the other two do. That's because they haven't done anything to deserve it.
The reason you hear so much about Guerrero and Bichette is that they're really, really, really good. The same reason you heard about Travis Snider as a prospect, or Aaron Sanchez and Noah Syndergaard, or Brett Lawrie, or all the other much-hyped prospects we've heard of through the years (Kyle Drabek was hyped on merit, too—merit at the time, that is). Relax and enjoy it.
Is Kevin Pillar the answer at CF with Alford and possibly Pompey coming up soon, or even a FA replacement? Craig
The Jays will need to see Pompey and Alford healthy first before they can make that determination (and I think it's still probably a little early to be putting Alford in the bigs, since he missed so much development time during his college football career, and really was only promoted to the big leagues because of guys getting injured ahead of him on the depth chart). But yeah... Pillar...
April and early May sure were great months for Kevin Pillar, weren't they? Since then, though, it's been awful having to watch him come to the plate every day. And if that feels harsh, a quick perusal of his numbers should set you straight.
Since May 20, the day he returned from his suspension for using a homophobic slur, Pillar has slashed .206/.256/.328. That's good for a wRC+ of just 52. Over the last two calendar years, among the 125 players to have come to the plate at least 1000 times, Pillar's wRC+ of 87 ranks 120th.
It's been a rough ride for Pillar after his hot start. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
You can live with a wRC+ in the 90 range when you get the kind of value Pillar provided on the base paths and in the outfield in 2015 and 2016, but that just hasn't been the case for him this year. He's been a run below average on the bases this year—he was two runs above last year and eight runs above in 2015—and defensively he's been merely very good, as opposed to elite-elite-elite. His UZR in center field this season is 6.2, as compared to 21.4 last year, and 14 the year before that.
I must admit, it's hard to envision someone like Pompey or Alford, or anybody, being much worse than this version of Pillar—even though the glove has brought him up to 1.3 WAR on the season—but that seems to me like an issue the club would prefer to have those players force, rather than simply handing them the job and ditching the incumbent. The bar isn't exactly set high, so it's entirely possible we could see those guys—or Teoscar Hernandez—take Pillar's job at some point next season. I'd be surprised if they went another way before that, though. Unless some team actually wanted to give them something good for him.
The rumours of Dee Gordon had me excited. We need team speed badly. Do you see the Jays getting faster for next season? That Far Cry Guy
Good Lord. For the life of me, I will never understand Blue Jays fans and their obsession with speed. Don't get me wrong, it's certainly a useful element of the game—I'm not saying avoid players who might steal a few more bases and beat out a few more double plays than the guys currently on the Jays are capable of—but let's not act like it's a fucking panacea. The Jays need more good players, not more fast ones.
WATCH: VICE Sports Meets Dee Gordon
If being fast is part of what makes someone good—like Gordon—then that's great, but there's no need to elevate it into some kind of extra special force out there on the diamond. We know pretty well what Gordon's speed is worth—FanGraphs' all encompassing baserunning metric, BsR, pegs him at 6.6 runs above average this season. Impressively, that's the third-best mark in the league. But it only can do so much, as their explainer on the stat tells us:
BsR is like any other run value statistic available on FanGraphs in that it tells you the number of runs above or below average a player is at that particular aspect of the game. As usual, zero is league average for that particular year and every nine or ten runs above or below average is equal to about one win.
Gordon's speed on the basepaths has been worth less than a win this season. His speed bleeds into his athleticism as a defender, and that's helped make him even more valuable. But this stuff—especially at second base or in left field—can only go so far. Being able to hit the baseball is still pretty important. And the disruptive powers speedsters wield when they're on base isn't as significant as you think—they often end up distracting the hitters behind them as much as they do the opposing pitcher, or more.
Sure, in a perfect world, you'd like a Mike Trout at every position: fast, athletic, with an otherworldly bat. In reality, teams have to make compromises. And if that means compromising speed for the ability to hit because it means getting a better player overall—like when the Jays, who themselves admit their long-term aim is to get younger and more athletic, still went and brought in Steve Pearce and Kendrys Morales—that's completely fine.
That's three solid starts in a row now for Marco! Can we confidently say his struggles seem to be behind him now? Kate
The fact that he did so well against a really strong Houston lineup over the weekend certainly seems to bode well. It certainly bodes much better (if we're talking about boding) than pitching well against the A's and the White Sox did.
I'm not sure that three starts is enough to say that he's back to being "Good Marco," but I'd imagine that there are teams still looking to add some starting pitching that have taken notice. His next three starts are likely to be against the Yankees, Rays, and Cubs. Those should be telling.
Does Estrada have more value as an August trade chip or a buy low signing for the Jays? Leemo Legs
Why not both?
Estrada will have something to play for down the stretch even if the Blue Jays don't. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
I mean, yes, there's a chance that Estrada pitches his free agent value back up over the next couple of months—especially if he does it after being moved to a contender and into the playoffs. But he'll still look like exactly the kind of mid-tier veteran starter with upside beyond his likely salary that the Jays will be targeting this winter.
If Marco Estrada is a WWE Champion who wins a Blue Jays Royal Rumble? Jordan
This is obviously a reference to this picture of Estrada holding the WWE title belt at ringside Monday night at the Air Canada Centre. It's actually a pretty interesting question, because the guy who would be the odds-on favourite based solely on the Jays' listed heights and weights would be Joe Biagini, who at 6'5" is tied for the tallest player on the club, and at 240 pounds, outweighs Kendrys Morales (who is only 6'1") by 15 pounds, and the 6'4" Justin Smoak by 20. Of course, height and weight alone do not make a Royal Rumble champion (plus, Biagini is not technically a Blue Jay at the moment), but he'd be hard as hell to get out of the ring, even if he didn't particularly want to be there.
Blue Jays Mailbag: Baseball Bloodlines, Osuna's Salary, the Future in CF published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
Blue Jays Mailbag: Baseball Bloodlines, Osuna’s Salary, the Future in CF
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports Canada.
Andrew Stoeten answers your questions in our Blue Jays Mailbag, which runs weekly at VICE Sports. You can send him questions at [email protected], and follow him on Twitter.
The Blue Jays’ season is still going. I couldn’t blame you for having tuned out a while ago, but the team is still theoretically in it, and, therefore, still capable of kicking us in our guts, the way that they did against Houston on Sunday.
But who wants to talk about that? Surely not I! And evidently not our fine mailbag readers, either, as we’ve got a fresh batch of questions that mostly look forward to 2018—or, at the very least, to possible August trades.
A legitimate playoff race sure would be more fun, but we can make do! So let’s do it!
If you have a Blue Jays question you’d like me to tackle for next week, be sure to send it to [email protected]. As always, I have not read any of Griff’s answers.
For what Osuna could bring back this offseason vs. how expensive (saves) he is going to get, do you think it’s worth dealing him? Adam
I’m definitely of the mind that a great closer is worth more to an elite team than he is to one a tier or two below that, which seems to be where the Blue Jays are destined to end up in 2018. So I’d absolutely explore trading him—though the team’s best shot to really cash in on him may have been at the trade deadline that just passed, especially with the way he’s looked since then. But there are two things, in particular, that give me pause about this idea.
One is that the Jays simply aren’t as far away from being good as it feels. Twitter’s @James_in_to pointed out on Monday that the Jays have lost five games leading with two outs in the 9th—and if they’d recorded those five outs they would be 57-54 and tied for the wild card. With the right tweaks—and there are obvious places they’re not getting value this year (right field and second base)—they can still be pretty good.
The other is the fact that Osuna isn’t due to get that expensive. He’ll pass through arbitration for the first time this winter. The record contract for a first-time-eligible reliever, according to MLB Trade Rumors, still belongs to Jonathan Papelbon, who made $6.5 million in 2009 on the back of his outstanding first three seasons in the big leagues. Osuna has been outstanding, especially in the areas that get relievers paid in arbitration, picking up 84 saves and pitching to a 2.84 ERA in his first three seasons. But Papelbon went to arbitration for the first time with 113 saves and a 1.70 ERA. Osuna should come in lower than that.
The record for a second pass through arbitration also belongs to Papelbon, who went up to $9.35 million in 2010 after a 38-save 2009 season. But he faltered slightly that season (he still had plenty of saves, but his ERA jumped to 3.90), and doesn’t hold the record for a third-time-eligible reliever. That goes to O’s closer Zach Britton, who after his incredible 2016 season was left on the bench in the wild-card game by Buck Showalter LOLOLOLOL made $11.4 million this year.
Osuna will start getting paid, but nothing the deep-pocketed Blue Jays can’t afford. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
That’s not even all that expensive, and those are records Osuna almost certainly won’t quite reach.
More importantly, the Jays should never be trading a player because of how expensive he’s going to get. If a trade presented itself that would make the team better, sure. But moving him out of fear of the cost? This is Toronto, not Tampa Bay.
If the Jays were to fill LF, RF, and one SP spot internally (Biagini, Hernandez, Pearce, Zeke/Smith). Where could the 30M go? Adrian
Do bloodlines artificially inflate prospect value? Bo Bichette and Vlad Jr. are media darlings, how much do their last names feed that? Neel
Honestly? I don’t think very much.
I mean, I’m sure there’s an element with Vlad Jr. that has fueled hype among fans, because of who Vlad Sr. was in this country, and how much Vladito reminds us of his pop, physically (though Jr. actually controls the hell out of the strike zone, rather than relying on his ability to barrel pitches off a bounce). But, no disrespect to a guy who had a really nice career, I don’t think people are in a lather about Bichette because he’s the son of Dante.
Bo Bichette at last month’s Futures Game. Photo by Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports
The Jays have Cavan Biggio in the system, and now Kacy Clemens, who despite their Hall of Fame names don’t get a fraction of the hype the other two do. That’s because they haven’t done anything to deserve it.
The reason you hear so much about Guerrero and Bichette is that they’re really, really, really good. The same reason you heard about Travis Snider as a prospect, or Aaron Sanchez and Noah Syndergaard, or Brett Lawrie, or all the other much-hyped prospects we’ve heard of through the years (Kyle Drabek was hyped on merit, too—merit at the time, that is). Relax and enjoy it.
Is Kevin Pillar the answer at CF with Alford and possibly Pompey coming up soon, or even a FA replacement? Craig
The Jays will need to see Pompey and Alford healthy first before they can make that determination (and I think it’s still probably a little early to be putting Alford in the bigs, since he missed so much development time during his college football career, and really was only promoted to the big leagues because of guys getting injured ahead of him on the depth chart). But yeah… Pillar…
April and early May sure were great months for Kevin Pillar, weren’t they? Since then, though, it’s been awful having to watch him come to the plate every day. And if that feels harsh, a quick perusal of his numbers should set you straight.
Since May 20, the day he returned from his suspension for using a homophobic slur, Pillar has slashed .206/.256/.328. That’s good for a wRC+ of just 52. Over the last two calendar years, among the 125 players to have come to the plate at least 1000 times, Pillar’s wRC+ of 87 ranks 120th.
It’s been a rough ride for Pillar after his hot start. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
You can live with a wRC+ in the 90 range when you get the kind of value Pillar provided on the base paths and in the outfield in 2015 and 2016, but that just hasn’t been the case for him this year. He’s been a run below average on the bases this year—he was two runs above last year and eight runs above in 2015—and defensively he’s been merely very good, as opposed to elite-elite-elite. His UZR in center field this season is 6.2, as compared to 21.4 last year, and 14 the year before that.
I must admit, it’s hard to envision someone like Pompey or Alford, or anybody, being much worse than this version of Pillar—even though the glove has brought him up to 1.3 WAR on the season—but that seems to me like an issue the club would prefer to have those players force, rather than simply handing them the job and ditching the incumbent. The bar isn’t exactly set high, so it’s entirely possible we could see those guys—or Teoscar Hernandez—take Pillar’s job at some point next season. I’d be surprised if they went another way before that, though. Unless some team actually wanted to give them something good for him.
The rumours of Dee Gordon had me excited. We need team speed badly. Do you see the Jays getting faster for next season? That Far Cry Guy
Good Lord. For the life of me, I will never understand Blue Jays fans and their obsession with speed. Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly a useful element of the game—I’m not saying avoid players who might steal a few more bases and beat out a few more double plays than the guys currently on the Jays are capable of—but let’s not act like it’s a fucking panacea. The Jays need more good players, not more fast ones.
WATCH: VICE Sports Meets Dee Gordon
If being fast is part of what makes someone good—like Gordon—then that’s great, but there’s no need to elevate it into some kind of extra special force out there on the diamond. We know pretty well what Gordon’s speed is worth—FanGraphs’ all encompassing baserunning metric, BsR, pegs him at 6.6 runs above average this season. Impressively, that’s the third-best mark in the league. But it only can do so much, as their explainer on the stat tells us:
BsR is like any other run value statistic available on FanGraphs in that it tells you the number of runs above or below average a player is at that particular aspect of the game. As usual, zero is league average for that particular year and every nine or ten runs above or below average is equal to about one win.
Gordon’s speed on the basepaths has been worth less than a win this season. His speed bleeds into his athleticism as a defender, and that’s helped make him even more valuable. But this stuff—especially at second base or in left field—can only go so far. Being able to hit the baseball is still pretty important. And the disruptive powers speedsters wield when they’re on base isn’t as significant as you think—they often end up distracting the hitters behind them as much as they do the opposing pitcher, or more.
Sure, in a perfect world, you’d like a Mike Trout at every position: fast, athletic, with an otherworldly bat. In reality, teams have to make compromises. And if that means compromising speed for the ability to hit because it means getting a better player overall—like when the Jays, who themselves admit their long-term aim is to get younger and more athletic, still went and brought in Steve Pearce and Kendrys Morales—that’s completely fine.
That’s three solid starts in a row now for Marco! Can we confidently say his struggles seem to be behind him now? Kate
The fact that he did so well against a really strong Houston lineup over the weekend certainly seems to bode well. It certainly bodes much better (if we’re talking about boding) than pitching well against the A’s and the White Sox did.
I’m not sure that three starts is enough to say that he’s back to being “Good Marco,” but I’d imagine that there are teams still looking to add some starting pitching that have taken notice. His next three starts are likely to be against the Yankees, Rays, and Cubs. Those should be telling.
Does Estrada have more value as an August trade chip or a buy low signing for the Jays? Leemo Legs
Why not both?
Estrada will have something to play for down the stretch even if the Blue Jays don’t. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
I mean, yes, there’s a chance that Estrada pitches his free agent value back up over the next couple of months—especially if he does it after being moved to a contender and into the playoffs. But he’ll still look like exactly the kind of mid-tier veteran starter with upside beyond his likely salary that the Jays will be targeting this winter.
If Marco Estrada is a WWE Champion who wins a Blue Jays Royal Rumble? Jordan
This is obviously a reference to this picture of Estrada holding the WWE title belt at ringside Monday night at the Air Canada Centre. It’s actually a pretty interesting question, because the guy who would be the odds-on favourite based solely on the Jays’ listed heights and weights would be Joe Biagini, who at 6’5″ is tied for the tallest player on the club, and at 240 pounds, outweighs Kendrys Morales (who is only 6’1″) by 15 pounds, and the 6’4″ Justin Smoak by 20. Of course, height and weight alone do not make a Royal Rumble champion (plus, Biagini is not technically a Blue Jay at the moment), but he’d be hard as hell to get out of the ring, even if he didn’t particularly want to be there.
Blue Jays Mailbag: Baseball Bloodlines, Osuna’s Salary, the Future in CF syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
0 notes
flauntpage · 7 years
Blue Jays Mailbag: Baseball Bloodlines, Osuna's Salary, the Future in CF
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports Canada.
Andrew Stoeten answers your questions in our Blue Jays Mailbag, which runs weekly at VICE Sports. You can send him questions at [email protected], and follow him on Twitter.
The Blue Jays' season is still going. I couldn't blame you for having tuned out a while ago, but the team is still theoretically in it, and, therefore, still capable of kicking us in our guts, the way that they did against Houston on Sunday.
But who wants to talk about that? Surely not I! And evidently not our fine mailbag readers, either, as we've got a fresh batch of questions that mostly look forward to 2018—or, at the very least, to possible August trades.
A legitimate playoff race sure would be more fun, but we can make do! So let's do it!
If you have a Blue Jays question you'd like me to tackle for next week, be sure to send it to [email protected]. As always, I have not read any of Griff's answers.
For what Osuna could bring back this offseason vs. how expensive (saves) he is going to get, do you think it's worth dealing him? Adam
I'm definitely of the mind that a great closer is worth more to an elite team than he is to one a tier or two below that, which seems to be where the Blue Jays are destined to end up in 2018. So I'd absolutely explore trading him—though the team's best shot to really cash in on him may have been at the trade deadline that just passed, especially with the way he's looked since then. But there are two things, in particular, that give me pause about this idea.
One is that the Jays simply aren't as far away from being good as it feels. Twitter's @James_in_to pointed out on Monday that the Jays have lost five games leading with two outs in the 9th—and if they'd recorded those five outs they would be 57-54 and tied for the wild card. With the right tweaks—and there are obvious places they're not getting value this year (right field and second base)—they can still be pretty good.
The other is the fact that Osuna isn't due to get that expensive. He'll pass through arbitration for the first time this winter. The record contract for a first-time-eligible reliever, according to MLB Trade Rumors, still belongs to Jonathan Papelbon, who made $6.5 million in 2009 on the back of his outstanding first three seasons in the big leagues. Osuna has been outstanding, especially in the areas that get relievers paid in arbitration, picking up 84 saves and pitching to a 2.84 ERA in his first three seasons. But Papelbon went to arbitration for the first time with 113 saves and a 1.70 ERA. Osuna should come in lower than that.
The record for a second pass through arbitration also belongs to Papelbon, who went up to $9.35 million in 2010 after a 38-save 2009 season. But he faltered slightly that season (he still had plenty of saves, but his ERA jumped to 3.90), and doesn't hold the record for a third-time-eligible reliever. That goes to O's closer Zach Britton, who after his incredible 2016 season was left on the bench in the wild-card game by Buck Showalter LOLOLOLOL made $11.4 million this year.
Osuna will start getting paid, but nothing the deep-pocketed Blue Jays can't afford. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
That's not even all that expensive, and those are records Osuna almost certainly won't quite reach.
More importantly, the Jays should never be trading a player because of how expensive he's going to get. If a trade presented itself that would make the team better, sure. But moving him out of fear of the cost? This is Toronto, not Tampa Bay.
If the Jays were to fill LF, RF, and one SP spot internally (Biagini, Hernandez, Pearce, Zeke/Smith). Where could the 30M go? Adrian
Do bloodlines artificially inflate prospect value? Bo Bichette and Vlad Jr. are media darlings, how much do their last names feed that? Neel
Honestly? I don't think very much.
I mean, I'm sure there's an element with Vlad Jr. that has fueled hype among fans, because of who Vlad Sr. was in this country, and how much Vladito reminds us of his pop, physically (though Jr. actually controls the hell out of the strike zone, rather than relying on his ability to barrel pitches off a bounce). But, no disrespect to a guy who had a really nice career, I don't think people are in a lather about Bichette because he's the son of Dante.
Bo Bichette at last month's Futures Game. Photo by Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports
The Jays have Cavan Biggio in the system, and now Kacy Clemens, who despite their Hall of Fame names don't get a fraction of the hype the other two do. That's because they haven't done anything to deserve it.
The reason you hear so much about Guerrero and Bichette is that they're really, really, really good. The same reason you heard about Travis Snider as a prospect, or Aaron Sanchez and Noah Syndergaard, or Brett Lawrie, or all the other much-hyped prospects we've heard of through the years (Kyle Drabek was hyped on merit, too—merit at the time, that is). Relax and enjoy it.
Is Kevin Pillar the answer at CF with Alford and possibly Pompey coming up soon, or even a FA replacement? Craig
The Jays will need to see Pompey and Alford healthy first before they can make that determination (and I think it's still probably a little early to be putting Alford in the bigs, since he missed so much development time during his college football career, and really was only promoted to the big leagues because of guys getting injured ahead of him on the depth chart). But yeah... Pillar...
April and early May sure were great months for Kevin Pillar, weren't they? Since then, though, it's been awful having to watch him come to the plate every day. And if that feels harsh, a quick perusal of his numbers should set you straight.
Since May 20, the day he returned from his suspension for using a homophobic slur, Pillar has slashed .206/.256/.328. That's good for a wRC+ of just 52. Over the last two calendar years, among the 125 players to have come to the plate at least 1000 times, Pillar's wRC+ of 87 ranks 120th.
It's been a rough ride for Pillar after his hot start. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
You can live with a wRC+ in the 90 range when you get the kind of value Pillar provided on the base paths and in the outfield in 2015 and 2016, but that just hasn't been the case for him this year. He's been a run below average on the bases this year—he was two runs above last year and eight runs above in 2015—and defensively he's been merely very good, as opposed to elite-elite-elite. His UZR in center field this season is 6.2, as compared to 21.4 last year, and 14 the year before that.
I must admit, it's hard to envision someone like Pompey or Alford, or anybody, being much worse than this version of Pillar—even though the glove has brought him up to 1.3 WAR on the season—but that seems to me like an issue the club would prefer to have those players force, rather than simply handing them the job and ditching the incumbent. The bar isn't exactly set high, so it's entirely possible we could see those guys—or Teoscar Hernandez—take Pillar's job at some point next season. I'd be surprised if they went another way before that, though. Unless some team actually wanted to give them something good for him.
The rumours of Dee Gordon had me excited. We need team speed badly. Do you see the Jays getting faster for next season? That Far Cry Guy
Good Lord. For the life of me, I will never understand Blue Jays fans and their obsession with speed. Don't get me wrong, it's certainly a useful element of the game—I'm not saying avoid players who might steal a few more bases and beat out a few more double plays than the guys currently on the Jays are capable of—but let's not act like it's a fucking panacea. The Jays need more good players, not more fast ones.
WATCH: VICE Sports Meets Dee Gordon
If being fast is part of what makes someone good—like Gordon—then that's great, but there's no need to elevate it into some kind of extra special force out there on the diamond. We know pretty well what Gordon's speed is worth—FanGraphs' all encompassing baserunning metric, BsR, pegs him at 6.6 runs above average this season. Impressively, that's the third-best mark in the league. But it only can do so much, as their explainer on the stat tells us:
BsR is like any other run value statistic available on FanGraphs in that it tells you the number of runs above or below average a player is at that particular aspect of the game. As usual, zero is league average for that particular year and every nine or ten runs above or below average is equal to about one win.
Gordon's speed on the basepaths has been worth less than a win this season. His speed bleeds into his athleticism as a defender, and that's helped make him even more valuable. But this stuff—especially at second base or in left field—can only go so far. Being able to hit the baseball is still pretty important. And the disruptive powers speedsters wield when they're on base isn't as significant as you think—they often end up distracting the hitters behind them as much as they do the opposing pitcher, or more.
Sure, in a perfect world, you'd like a Mike Trout at every position: fast, athletic, with an otherworldly bat. In reality, teams have to make compromises. And if that means compromising speed for the ability to hit because it means getting a better player overall—like when the Jays, who themselves admit their long-term aim is to get younger and more athletic, still went and brought in Steve Pearce and Kendrys Morales—that's completely fine.
That's three solid starts in a row now for Marco! Can we confidently say his struggles seem to be behind him now? Kate
The fact that he did so well against a really strong Houston lineup over the weekend certainly seems to bode well. It certainly bodes much better (if we're talking about boding) than pitching well against the A's and the White Sox did.
I'm not sure that three starts is enough to say that he's back to being "Good Marco," but I'd imagine that there are teams still looking to add some starting pitching that have taken notice. His next three starts are likely to be against the Yankees, Rays, and Cubs. Those should be telling.
Does Estrada have more value as an August trade chip or a buy low signing for the Jays? Leemo Legs
Why not both?
Estrada will have something to play for down the stretch even if the Blue Jays don't. Photo by Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
I mean, yes, there's a chance that Estrada pitches his free agent value back up over the next couple of months—especially if he does it after being moved to a contender and into the playoffs. But he'll still look like exactly the kind of mid-tier veteran starter with upside beyond his likely salary that the Jays will be targeting this winter.
If Marco Estrada is a WWE Champion who wins a Blue Jays Royal Rumble? Jordan
This is obviously a reference to this picture of Estrada holding the WWE title belt at ringside Monday night at the Air Canada Centre. It's actually a pretty interesting question, because the guy who would be the odds-on favourite based solely on the Jays' listed heights and weights would be Joe Biagini, who at 6'5" is tied for the tallest player on the club, and at 240 pounds, outweighs Kendrys Morales (who is only 6'1") by 15 pounds, and the 6'4" Justin Smoak by 20. Of course, height and weight alone do not make a Royal Rumble champion (plus, Biagini is not technically a Blue Jay at the moment), but he'd be hard as hell to get out of the ring, even if he didn't particularly want to be there.
Blue Jays Mailbag: Baseball Bloodlines, Osuna's Salary, the Future in CF published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes