#if we get the ice heist/crooked kingdom; im rearranging the scenes on my head to make it fit to that rather than the show lmao
magneticflower · 11 months
It irks me the way that the fight scene in Per Haskell's bar makes little sense in the show because they decided to for some reason forgo Per Haskell and Kaz's real relationship even though his assent through the ranks of the Dregs and the blood, sweat, and tears he put in into making the Dregs into an actually reputable gang is a big part of his journey into who he is today. He put everything into that gang because he had always intended to get to the point where he could come and collect on his hard work when the time came for him to stake his claim as the real leader of the Dregs that they are today because Per Haskell was not that by a long shot. Why they decided to omit that I'll never understand.
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