#if we know suvi well enough to be able to apply that yet
masterkeynobi · 1 year
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is there anything better in the world than Aabria Iyengar Wizard Arrogance. is there ANYTHING BETTER IN THE WORLD than aabria iyengar wizard arrogance!!! i don't fucking think so!
[text ID:
Aabria Iyengar I slam my staff on the ground, revealing it to be that tall, jagged glass spire of the citadel. [A sound of crashing glass] She's at her full 6ft tall, and pulled back a sleeve enough to see that, like, ring. This is a big enough city that they should know how to respond to this energy. Brennan Lee Mulligan Amazing. Go ahead and give me intimidate with advantage Aabria Iyengar Thirteen! Brennan Lee Mulligan What do you say to Oscar as he's standing in front of you? Suvi [Aabria] Move.
/end ID]
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There is no Ryder without Jaal Ama Darav: Part 4
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
“Approximant Remnant ship dynamics, SAM?” Kallo asked the ever helpful AI.
We did it. Sara thought, heart beating rapidly against her chest. They found enough points in the surge to find Meridian.
“Building predictive mode.” SAM answered. She felt a surge through their connection, he was as excited for this as she was
“Between the Remnant city, Meridian, and however the Scourge fits in...pardon my Martian, but it's all weird as shit.”
Sara gave Suvi a tired laugh. “Weird doesn't even cover it, but do we have everything we need?”
“You certainly got us enough, all right: the key to it all. In here.” Suvi’s voice held its own excitement.
“The mother of all navigational aids.” Kallo added.
“Take that back to the Remnant city, find the override, and their ships will fly the same vector as Meridian.” Suvi.
“With correction for the Scourge, you’ll have its exact location.” SAM corrected but his robotic voice was full of confidence.
Sara clenched her fist, “The heart of the vault network. We can do this.” Though that last part was more for herself then Kallo or Suvi.
“Already ahead of you pathfinder.” He said as he began plotting a course to the Remnant city.”
Sara didn’t move from her spot as they speed toward the Civki system. SAM informed the crew to prepare to leave, to make any last messages they needed just incase they didn't make it back.
“It feels different coming back here now.” Kallo words were uncertain as he spoke.
“It is different.” Sara replied.
Her heart pounded faster as the Remnant city came into view. This was really happening. After the fighting and the loses, they were finally going to be able to fix the worlds, to bring the Kett to there knees.
Suvi interrupted Sara's thoughts. “SAM’s marked a potential override for the Remnant ship control. A tower with its own energy grid.”
“It may be one of the controls hat deployed Meridian. And the means to find it again.”
“Keep her steady.” Sara ordered Kallo before turning to the airlock to grab her gear. She normally wore her Initiative armor but she looked over at the locker where a gift from Kandros laid.
Opening the locker she pulled out the heavy box giving it a hug before opening it up.
Shiney, black, N7 armor along with a  handwritten card stared up at her.
Kandros, that secretly thoughtful Turian, had taken her father's armour that the Hyperion had thrown in storage and changed it to fit her.
She picked up the card.
Dear Sara,
I hope I haven't crossed a line by doing this but it seemed a waste to leave your father's armor in storage collecting dust. At least now he will be with you, protecting you and his grandchild, even if he can't be here in body.
He will be here in spirit.
If you ever need to talk, remember i'm here pathfinder.
Tirian Kandros
Sara wiped a tear away, before setting the card down and grabbing the helmet grabbing the helmet and pressing it to her forehead.
“I miss you, dad.” Taking a deep breath, Sara gave a shake of her head before putting the armour on.
Kallo dropped Sara, Jaal, and Drack off at the entres of the Remnant city.
“Everything looks right Pathfinder. Find the override, apply the hardware, and the Remnant will fly the same vector as Meridian.”
Jaal turned to her as they stepped onto the Remnant ship. “And all our work together will pay off.” He looked down at her stomach. The armour hid the small bump. “Ready, dearest?”
“Born ready, love.” Sara tried to sound confident but her stomach was turning.
Drack pulled out his weapon. “Then let’s do this.”
Taking a deep breath, Sara pulled out her sniper rifle and began walking forward. “Tempest, we're going in.”
The trio was cautious as they enter the ship. They had expected the Kett to be crawling around the ship but they were nowhere to be seen. Even the remnant seem to have all but disappeared. It was much to quiet.
“Quiet so far, but something is off.”
“Orbital scan identified a separate energy grid within the tower. ” SAM announced to the group.
“So that means?” Drack asked taking his potions at Sara’s left while Jaal began looking around.
“Defences here may not be on our side anylonger.” Using her omnitool, Sara called out her own white Remnant bot, Tiger she had named it after her old cat from earth, that she and Peebee had been working on. It squealed when it saw her and began hovering above the group, ready to strike.
They made their way forward. Jaal staying as close as he could without getting in the way of Sara’s gun.
“155 meters to over ride controls.”
Sara motioned to the door ahead of them. “Through that door and stay alert.”
They got 20 feet in before Remnant descended upon them.
“Tiger, cover Drack!” Sara commanded the bot as she jumped to the highest ledge taking out the Observers that were flying trying to shoot at Jaal.
A loud whoop drew her attention directly below her as she saw Drack smash one Assembler into another one. “Take that you stupid remnant.”
She scoffed as she watched Tiger shoot down a Breacher before it could shoot in on the old Krogan. “Don’t get excited you almost went to an early grave old man!”
Jaal jumped to the ledge opposite of her, taking out another Breacher, this one however was out for her. “Both of you! Pay more attention!”
Before she could respond, She was forced back into cover as two Nullifiers pinned her down. “Drack get the attention of the one on the left, Jaal right! Tiger and I will take them out.”
As they moved into position, Sara pulled out her one clip, destroy everything in its path, sniper aiming at the Nullifiers head. Once they had the remnants attention Sara fired, her bullet going right through its head, the Nullifier dropping the the ground with a loud thunk, sparks flying out of the whole in its head.
Seeing that Tiger hadn't yet finished off the other one, she quickly reload her gun and shot it through its glowing red ‘eye’. It dropped with a hard thunk as well.
“Everyone alive?” She yell jumping down beside the boys.
Tiger gave her a happy squeaked, as the boys nodded reloading their guns.
“Good, we must be close to the controls we need to move.”
They made their way up the ramp and into a gigantic room that held a single control module right in the center.
“Controls are a head. Projections suggested multiple lunch bays and possible links to Meridians deployment.” SAM’s voice was filled with more excitement then she knew the AI could muster.
Jaal was excited as well. “We are so close, after so much fighting.”
Heart threatening to beat out of her chest, Sara put away her gun as she placed her free hand over stomach. “Here it is boys, and girl. If we find the override then the remnant will show us the way.”  
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Sara asked her AI. “SAM, everything ready?”
“All relevant data is queued for uplink.”
“Thank you. I couldn’t do it without you SAM.”
There was a pause. “Nor I you, Sara.”
She smiled, turning to her comrades, who were close to her, protective, always there. “Alright guys, lets get this shit a going.”
Sara placed her hand on the console, closing her eyes as she began to feel the ever-so-strange pull of the remnant on her mind.
“Remnant ships have lifted off. They are following the override vector.”
She opened her eyes to see the map in front of her, places began to glow as ships began to go toward one location that looked to be on the edge of Andromeda. “The surge is moving, but their going through it so easily. Could the Jardan have made the Surge as some safety measure that only allows Remnant to go through incase they ever were to return.”
“Unknown Pathfinder, but they seem to be going to Meridian. If we follow it may lead to some insite into the matter.”
Sara nodded, pushing her curiosity aside. Questions can be asked later for now getting to Meridian was priority.
“That's Meridian?” Drack asked sounding less than impressed by the old looking black sperh. “Look’s strange.”
Jaal, on the other hand sounded sceptical. “Can this be correct? The data says It’s hollow.”
“A self contained seed world.” SAM explained to them. “It is the heart of the vault network, and when reactivated, every connected planet will be affected. It is the means to making Helaus home, Pathfinder.”
Sara felt the tears pool as she turned to her friends. “This is the day that everyone has hoped and worked so hard for.”
“Congratulations, Pathfinder.”
Sara eyes widened at the sound of that voice.
No. No. NO!
THe Archon had found them.
She felt a jolt of pain in her neck where SAM was located, sending her to her knees.
“A great day for us all.”
“Sara!” Jaal grabbed her before she hit the ground, pulling her close to him. “What's happening Sara?”
“SAM? Tempest, What's happening?” She gasped pain blowing up everywhere on her body. Holding tightly onto Jaal, Sara tried making her way to the open door while the Archon spoke in her head.
“I believed you a fitting rival, but you are a false thing. A lie.”
Sara let out a whimper as a sudden, and painful, shock come from her stomach traveling through her body.
“Sara.” Jaal voice filled with worry as he pressed a gentle hand to her stomach. Drake came around letting Sara lean all her weight on the both of them her feet barely lifting off the floor.
“Tempest. Now.” She gasped through a clenched jaw as another bolt fired around her insides.
“Once I saw what made you special,” The Archon continued. “Your connection. I know how and when to take it from you. I let you find Meridian. And now i'll take your SAM to weaponize it. All Haleus will be exalted, or, one by one your worlds will die - starting with Eos.”
They were so close to the door now. Only 7 more feet.
“All I need to start is an implant like yous.”
6 feet.
“And thanks to you memories.”
5 feet.
“I know who else has one.”
4 feet.
“Another reason to take the Hyperion.” As he finished there only way out closed before them.
“No, no, no.” Sara cried as Drack carefully released her before running over to bet on the door
Jaal laid her against the wall, chanting over and over again, you're going to be okay.
But the last thing Sara head before she fell into darkness was the Archon.
“Fall into darkness, Pathfinder. You were almost worthy.”
-Lady The Monster
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