#if you can’t tell Sabi and Omi are my main ship
newts-and-sharks · 2 years
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Ok, here is the Ophiuchi Fleet/Crew! My alien oc’s for @maudiemoods alien au!
Rasal is the positive and cheerful person of the group, his power basically being a flash bomb, but he can control the brightness, so he can either be a homing beacon, distress signal, a night light, or a living glow stick. He is a little dumb, but he has a good heart and would do just about anything for his crew. He has poor patience and terrible memory, but luckily Sabik is there to help him out. Rasal is quick to form attachments to people and gets very sad about leaving a planet and all the friends that he had made. At least he’s got his crew with him though! That is his main comfort, knowing that his crew will never leave him behind. However, this also makes him grow a hero complex, always going out of his way and even endangering himself to save his crew mates. He would never forgive himself if one of his crew mates died under his watch, whether he could have prevented it or not. But at the end of the day, as long as his crew is safe, he will be the happiest creature in the entire universe.
Sabik is the most manipulative of the group. He has no qualms about lying to get his way and does what he has to to survive. However, they would never do anything that wasn’t in the best interest for their crew. He grew up on the streets and still likes to partake in a little shop lifting here and there, but he mostly steals stuff for Omi in hopes to impress her. They are an excellent strategist and can has the second best poker face on the ship, but he also has a slight anger issue and is terrible at intimacy or anything touchy-feely or emotional. Sabi’s power is the Siren Call, basically verbal Hypnosis. Even a whisper can convince someone to do as they ask, but he prefers not to use this. Mainly for the fun and challenge, but he also hates using his power due to the intense headaches and temporary voice loss.
Cebal is the gentle giant of the crew. He is unusually big and bulky, but don’t ask him about it. He is a selective mute and has his own collection of terrariums in his ship quarters. He cares deeply about all life on all planets, and likes to collect tiny trinkets from all the planets they visit. He is kind and gentle in everything they do and finds it difficult to harm others, even when the crew is in danger. His power is controlling plant life, which admittedly you wouldn’t guess by looking at them. They mainly just grow flowers to decorate the ship and give as gifts to everyone. They have severe social anxiety, and he’s the most introverted of them all, rivaled only by Nu.
Marfik is the prankster of the ship. She has boundless energy and is the most active of them all, always scouting ahead and finding places to settle down when they explore a planet. Their power is unnatural speed, and they love to use it to trick the others. They know just how to cheer up the others, always getting to make them laugh and smile. They even got Nu to smile one time, but it might’ve been a trick of the light. She has a very very high metabolism so they’re always hungry despite not needing to eat for several days. Sometimes they ask Cebal to grow fruit from other planets just so they can eat it and stave off the hunger. Their favorite prank victim is Sabik, mainly just because it’s easy to get him riled up. The reason their nickname is Murphy is because everyone started calling them Marfi, and eventually it just blended into Murfi/Murphy.
Omi is tired 24/7. No nonsense, and all common sense. She is a bit stressed out about everything, but uses her studies to block out any negative or unwanted feelings that arise. She is the brain cell holder of the ship and 95% of everyone’s self control. She has the best poker face, and has become apathetic to most things. Sometimes Sabik gives her gifts that he says he bought, but she knows they are stolen. She has, however, grown a soft spot for him. Her power is telekinesis, but she uses it sparingly. Her power gives her major headaches, but she will do what she must to help the crew. She has grown up with the mindset that if she can’t be of use to someone, then she was useless over all and unwanted. She cares about her crew mates and wants to be wanted and useful to them, so she has a habit of over exerting herself for them.
Nu is…Nu. They crawl around the ship and fix any damage from the journey, Murphy’s pranks, Sabi’ temper, or Attacks from other ships. Most of the time, they can’t be found on purpose. You either find them on accident, or when they want to be found. Sometimes the crew finds them crawling in the vents, or in a dark corner of the ship while repairing something only to have them spin their head at a 180 angle and stare right into their eyes. On the rare occasion, they can be found ravaging the fridge at the dead of sleeping hours for their rations. Despite their cryptid and creepy behavior, they actually really care about their crew mates, which is why they work so hard to make sure nothing is wrong with the ship. Their power is being able to walk on any surface. They use this power to walk on the wall or ceilings, and also stick to the side of the ship when doing external repairs. They sometimes help Murphy out with pranks to spook other crew mates. Their best friend is Cebal, sometimes just sitting next to him and reading a book in comfortable silence as he takes care of his terrariums.
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