#if you don't want to continue these shakespeare shenanigans
shiorinotshiori · 2 years
Love and Dares
The thing with Hellfire is that, they always come up with ideas to make a campaign a little more interesting. What they didn’t think of, for their next shenanigans, someone might get hurt; Unfortunately, it was you.
(Eddie Munson x F!Reader)
Warnings: Mean Hellfire :((, swearing Notes: ' ' means it is the characters' inside thought Hellfire might be ooc Multi-chap, this is just part 1 !! Word count: 3.4k
I don't give permission to repost or translate my work please have mercy
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credits to palmviolet in Pinterest for this GIF !!
Members of Hellfire were convinced that everyone else in Hawkins High, hates them. It was kind of true, if people weren’t hating on them- others just don’t acknowledge their existence at all. At least that’s what they thought- You, on the other hand, wanted to get along with everyone. You had been eyeing the said club for a while now because you realized you haven’t got the chance to interact with them. How can you? When your friends would drag you away every damn time you were near the Hellfire. They believed those silly rumors about the club sacrificing innocent students for their ‘rituals’.
You also never failed to see their club leader- I mean, Eddie’s pretty hard to ignore with his scenes in the cafeteria. Despite being one of the ‘popular’ students, you knew what your type was- it just happens to be a guy like Eddie Munson. People just turned a blind eye to Eddie’s looks because he was a ‘freak’ but, some people knew that if he dressed up and acted ‘normal’ to please everyone- students might actually fall for him. None of that was needed for you, you admired the guy for as long as you can remember. You also genuinely could tell that whatever it was that the club’s doing, they were always having fun especially with Eddie around.
Being in the same class as Eddie didn’t help too, you couldn’t miss his cute confused face, the way his brows furrowed whenever your professor talks about Shakespeare. It took you many denials before admitting to yourself that you have a crush on the one and only Eddie Munson. After that, you would always find yourself staring at the club’s table.
Bad news for you, your looks of longing’s been misread by the Hellfire club. Whenever they catch your stare, they thought you were judging them. You were known to be the ‘nice’ girl but Hellfire refused to settle with that- for some reason, they believe that you somewhat have a mean side to you. It was driven by their hatred for the popular people. Which, made you their next target.
“If I may interject, gentlemen, Lady Applejack. Whilst I respect the passion, you’d be wise to take Gareth the Great’s concern to heart. There is no shame in running.” Eddie told his players, they were in a risky situation. The group huddled back together to discuss their strategy, “Eddie’s making fun of us at this point. We can’t win this man.” Jeff whispered to the group, slightly shaking his head. Right then, Gareth thought of something “Why not make this fun for Eddie too?”
“What? What do you mean?” Mike asked, visibly confused at what’s Gareth indicating. “Let’s make a deal with Eddie. If we win, we get to dare him.” Everyone stared at him with their brows raised. “Annnnd, if we don’t?” Dustin questioned, actually starting to consider fighting still with the thought of how hilarious would it be to dare Eddie to do something. “Same thing. C’mon, it would make things interesting!” Members inside the circle began deciding, it was an opportunity to bite Eddie back in the ass if ever they do win. Eventually, everyone agreed as they came up with a dare for Eddie.
Every member’s head now turned to Eddie “Hey Eddie! We’ve got something for you too.”
Eddie just raised his brows, gesturing for Gareth to continue. “You up for making this campaign more fun?” When Eddie heard this, he smiled. He was confident that there was no hope for the group, so he agreed without knowing what’ll cost him “Always.” Everybody’s dignity now lies in the hands of Dustin and Erica.
When Dustin missed a hit, a chorus of groans erupted. Players began to feel nervous because of the same thing they came up with- they were nervous to lose and let Eddie order them around with dares. What no one expected was for Erica to roll a crit hit. They won! Cheers surrounded the room. Gareth, with a smug smile, looked at Eddie. “So, ready for your punishment, DM?”
For a guy who’s done a lot of attention-grabbing shit, Eddie didn’t even wince, he anticipated the punishment to be something goofy but, that’s where he was wrong. “We want you to date (Y/N) (Y/L/N) ‘till graduation.” Eddie’s once confident smile- faltered. “Are you crazy? Y’think she’d even let me near her?!” Eddie knew that you were untouchable, you were at the top of the food chain and he’s- he’s at the lowest. “That’s part of the challenge Eddie, and also, it’ll be like your- drive to graduate so you can end the dreadful relationship. Good luck man.” Jeff chimed in with a teasing smile. ‘These little shits’ Eddie mentally cursed. He was aware that the club’s enjoying his suffering too much. “Okay, but why- why her though?”
“Have you seen the way she looks at us?! It’s like- not a day goes by that she doesn’t stare at us.” Mike explained. “Right, she’s like… silently judging us, I bet.” Dustin backed up. “Eddie, this is our chance to get back at them! Imagine she falls for you then gets dumped by the Eddie Munson. How embarrassing!” Gareth laughed as if he just made a grand plan to ruin your crowd. Eddie was skeptical to do the dare, he didn’t want anyone else to get involved in such thing, regardless of his hate for your people. But, as he would like to say, he was a man of his words.
Eddie figured that the strongest chance he has- was to ask you to be his tutor. It was still a long run but, it was a better plan to get close to you first instead of just straight up asking you out on a date. He still didn’t know what you were like, he just assumed that you’re like your friends. Someone who thinks that he’s a freak. Fortunately for Eddie, their D&D session ended the same time your cheer practice did. He waited on a corner in the hallway, watching you exit the gym. In Eddie’s point of view, it seemed like you told your friends to not wait for you as you head to your locker. You were now alone and this was Eddie’s chance to talk to you.
Gathering up enough self-assurance, Eddie went near you and rested himself against the locker beside yours. Your locker’s door blocked your vision so you were not able to notice him there and once you finally closed it- your whole body jumped. “Shit! What the fuck!” you almost screamed on Eddie’s face. You were startled, it was a normal reaction when you see someone suddenly standing beside you. Eddie stared at you with wide eyes, exactly not expecting cursed words to fall out of your mouth in such a loud manner. ‘Right, as expected’ Eddie said to himself, he thought that your reaction was because of him- technically, it was but, more because he surprised you not because it was Eddie. But he didn’t know any better and thought you were just being rude.
“Heyyyy.” Eddie greeted you carefully, afraid because of what happened. You, you calmed down after your shock and realized- you were talking to Eddie! Eddie, who’s your newly found crush! “Oh my god, I’m so sorry for that I- I just got scared… What’s up, Eddie?” you immediately came up with an apology, still nervous you were face to face with him. Eddie got lost in his thoughts for a second, he was thinking of how you apologized and how you knew him- but then again, he also thought about how he’s the school freak- how could you not know him. He decided to still ask you anyway. “You know me?”
You smiled and thought about how adorable he looked asking the question, how could you not know him? He’s the guy that invaded your mind 24/7. “Yeah… we’re on the same class, right? English?”
Eddie went and scratched the back of his head, he looked down as he talked to you “Ah, that’s actually the reason why I came here. You- you’re top in English, yeah? Well… I was just gonna ask If uh- you can tutor me? Y’know, so I can finally leave this hell hole.” Eddie let out a nervous chuckle, he had no idea where his confidence went. To be honest, you were jumping inside, you were ecstatic. Eddie just asked you to be his tutor, meaning, you get to spend some of your time with him. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. Sure, why not? Your place or mine?”
“Wait, you’re actually agreeing that fast? I know this may seem… bad, y’know, hanging around with the school freak-“
You hated that Eddie thought so low of himself, if only you could tell him how much you admired him. But of course, you wouldn’t, so you came up with a rule. “Okay, tutoring rules number one- don’t call yourself a freak, especially around me.”
This stunned Eddie and made him look at you, ‘wait, what?’. For a moment, the guy had no reaction. He had to process what was happening; you, (Y/N), just told him that he was not a freak. That was a first for Eddie and it made him feel something inside, something he was not used to. “O-okay.” At last, he managed to utter out a word. You offered him a sweet smile, repeating the question he did not respond to. “Soooo, your place or mine?”
Eddie panicked, he’d never been to a girl’s house and that made his stomach churn. In the end, he just decided to suggest his little spot in the middle of the woods. He couldn’t let you see where he lived because, frankly, he was embarrassed. The trailer’s filled with unwashed dishes, laundry clothes all over his room’s floor, and their ‘withering’ couch. He thought about how maybe you were not used to places like his home, so he went against the idea to bring you with him there.
Let’s just say that- a lot of tutoring happened by now. It’s almost a month in after he asked you to be his tutor. Eddie did tell you to keep it a secret because he didn’t want any rumors to spark- not yet, at least. And now here you were, in another session.
“Ughhhh, I can’t do this anymore!” Eddie slumped on to the picnic table’s desk, as usual, he was just being dramatic when it comes to studying. And as usual, you thought it was cute whenever it frustrates the shit out of him. You still remember the first tutoring session you had, Eddie literally started to pull his hair because he hated it so much. “Eddie, if you wanna graduate- you have to work for it,”
“I know, I know. I just don’t get it! Why do we have to study something that was made ages ago?!” Eddie yelled while facing another Shakespeare book. You shook your head but you couldn’t stop the smile that crept on your face, “Okay, that concludes our session anyway. You can go now, be free Eddie!” you laughed as you bow down with one of your hands bent in front of you, gesturing for him to go and do his daily activities. Eddie felt himself grin, he couldn’t deny it- you looked adorable when you did that. Especially that it matched his usual energy. He didn’t want to admit it yet but, he actually enjoyed your company. You were not what he thought, unless, you were faking it- maybe that’s the reason he kept being in denial. He didn’t want to feel secured with what you were showing him, he couldn’t let his guard down. It was still a running dare, it would be ironic if he liked you first- he thought. That was not the plan!
Because of it, he kept pushing the fondness he was feeling for you away, FOR WEEKS, whenever you do something, anything at this point actually. Every time you were with him, this image of you that he created, slowly burns away as you continue to prove him wrong. You had taken it to your advantage to show Eddie, little by little, that you admired him. Jesus, you even started listening to metal just so you guys could talk about it- you also started to like it too. The excitement that coursed through Eddie’s body, when you first asked him if he already listened to Metallica’s new song, was the reason he started feeling this way. Call it shallow but, Eddie hardly talked to girls, let alone girls who actually have the same music taste. Maybe, that was the beginning of it all.
Eddie knew he should stop thinking about you and how it feels like time’s so fast with you but, before he realized it, he was inviting you to Hellfire- which he thought was a bad idea but he already uttered out the words. “Hey, if you’re not doing anything tonight… maybe you should come see us. Uhm, I think it’s my turn to torture you- tutor you, I mean.” Eddie wasn’t really sure why he thought you would like the idea of learning D&D, but in all honesty, he was just finding ways to spend more time with you, even when he’s refusing to admit that he likes you.
Not gonna lie, you almost jumped out of your seat as you hear Eddie’s suggestion. He’s inviting to you his own club! It was also your chance to talk to his friends and maybe, make a good impression. “S-sure, yeah! I- I would love to.” With that, you proved him wrong again. You’re actually coming, now he’s nervous. You both sat up from the bench and head towards the club’s room.
Everyone else was already there, they were discussing how their characters upgraded since last session when the door burst open. Looking at them was their Dungeon Master- and you. Everyone smiled, but not for the reason you thought about them being nice, they smiled because they were proud of Eddie for making progress with the dare. For weeks, they avoided talking to Eddie about it, just letting him make his own moves with his own pace. Eddie cleared his throat, “Everyone, please welcome (Y/N). She- will be joining us for tonight’s session.”
A chorus of ‘Hi’s’ and ‘Hello’s’ welcomed you, you thought it was nice to finally have a conversation with them. You greeted them back as Eddie leads you to a seat beside his throne, he said it’d be easier to understand the game if you could also see his point of view. The game started.
It had been a few hours by now, usually, when you sit down just to watch something for that long, you’d get bored but- it was Eddie you were watching anyway. It was nice for you to see him in his own element, you thought it was impossible to admire him more but here you were. You were fucking lovestruck, mostly because of the fact that Eddie included you in every step of the way. He made sure that you didn’t feel left out so, every now and then- he would tell you things about the game.
For example, when he saw your furrowed brows while Dustin rolled a dice, he quickly told you how the dice decides for everyone’s fate during the gameplay. At this point, you learned every single basic rule in D&D. The game then ended, before you got the chance to get to know the other members, they quickly waved goodbye to you and Eddie- them thinking about giving both of you some privacy, for the dare that is.
Eddie began sloppily packing up, giving him time to think about what to say to you. Eddie should be satisfied with the amount of time he got to hang around with you- but he’s not. Once again, his intrusive thoughts won, “Wanna watch a movie? I uh- got a new one…” he said quickly, looking up from his various sheets of paper. To be honest, you didn’t want to go home yet. Having Eddie around for almost the whole day, you knew you didn’t want this day to end, so of course- you agreed.
Once you arrived at his house, after an awkward silent van ride, Eddie immediately felt the regret of inviting you. Not that he regrets you, it’s just that he hadn’t really thought about what you might think of the trailer he’s currently living in. But as soon as you guys entered his little home, his regret vanished when you said, “It looks cozy in here!” you looked around the room, admiring every little detail there was. You also saw some of his pictures hanged, “You had a buzz cut?!” you turned to Eddie with a look of surprise. You walked closer to the picture, not noticing Eddie’s blushing face. If the trailer didn’t embarrass him, that picture surely did. “Uh- yeah, middle school.” Eddie answered, scratching the back of his head.
He then remembered why you were here in the first place, ‘Shit!’ he mentally cursed as he quickly ran towards his movie collection. He knew damn well he didn’t have a new movie, he just said that out of panic. Eddie figured to just watch the movie he’s seen a million times, it was his favorite one. “Here it is… ready to watch?”
You turned to look at Eddie who’s holding a tape, you went closer to grab it from his hands- inspecting. “Eddie, this came out years ago! I thought you had a new one? It- it doesn’t matter anyway. I haven’t seen it… yet.” You trailed off because you knew you had seen it a couple of times, you just wanted to stay so you lied, assuming he hasn’t watched it. “M-me too! That’s why I said new…” you both stared at each other, completely unaware that both of you lied. You and Eddie were idiots when it comes to feelings, AND that’s how you both ended up re-watching you guys’ favorite movie, oblivious about it too- just for the sake of extending your time together.
Halfway thru the film, you felt yourself drifting to sleep, forcing yourself to stay awake because you thought it might offend Eddie that you didn’t join him thru the whole thing. But eventually, you fell asleep. Eddie felt something heavy landed on his shoulder, he looked beside him to see you fast asleep. Then it dawned to him- on his shoulders, you, asleep. Eddie couldn’t help but stare at your sleeping figure, he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you looked up-close. Intrusive thoughts came again and he raised his hand, carefully bringing it closer to your face. When he was about to caress your cheek, you stir in your sleep, Eddie swiftly retreated his hand back. His heart was racing.
“Oh my god, did I fall asleep? I’m so sorry…” You said, lifting your head up. “That’s okay. It’s almost midnight… you uh- need a ride home?” He managed to offer you even with his heart still racing. You didn’t want to disturb Eddie more but, it was dangerous to go home alone at this hour so you gladly accepted.
Eddie drove you home and while he was driving, you fell asleep against the window in the passenger seat. “Hey (Y/N)… wake up, we’re here.” You heard a soft voice called, you looked out the window to see your front porch. All you wanted to do was to flop on your bed and sleep. You opened the van’s door and landed on your feet, you waited for Eddie to also get out so you can properly thank him for the day. You hugged yourself as you felt the cold wind on your skin when Eddie joined your side. “Thank you for the day Eddie, I enjoyed it.” Still on your dazed state, you stood on your tip toes and planted a soft kiss on Eddie’s cheek. Right after that, your consciousness went back to you in a flash and realized what you just did. Not wanting to see Eddie’s disgusted face, you hurriedly send off your feet to walk towards the house- not looking back, you entered the door and slammed yourself against the back of it inside. ‘Why did I do that’ you mentally cursed yourself, you thought about how maybe you made Eddie uncomfortable… but because you made your own escape from the situation, you failed to see Eddie frozen from his spot.
Eddie stared at the door you just went thru, not a thing on his mind, just letting the feelings he pushed away come again. With his mouth agape, he reached to touch the side of his cheek you kissed. Warm emotions were the only thing he could feel- and that’s when he finally admitted to himself.
He likes you.
___ A/N: andddd that's it for part 1 !! I had this idea for months now ashdgahd this was originally going to be my first fic but it took me a while to start it bc the idea itself was like,,, 2k words?? I reduced the scenes for a bit, so I'm sorry if there's a lot of time skips in this fic !! Also sorry if they r very ooc hasfh. Any thoughts are welcome !! just not hateful ones hehe. Thank you for reading !! I already started part 2 so hang on <33
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@moonshadowed asked: ‘ here, let me help you. ’
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‘Thank you, Captain. Computer, pause program.’
    In order to experience an actor’s innate ability to learn and remember their lines, Data had created a program that would allow him to memorise his lines in a similar way humans would. Additionally, to make it a more authentic experience, the program was designed to omit chunks of his soliloquies at random intervals, hence why he had requested the Captain’s presence. Aside from the fact that he knew the Captain derived great pleasure from virtually anything that involved William Shakespeare, he was also of opinion that the Captain would make an excellent prompter.
... Now, o’ver the one half-world,
 Nature seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse,
 The curtained sleep; witchcraft celebrates
Pale Heccat’s offerings; and...
    The android revisited Macbeth’s soliloquy up to the part where his program had omitted his lines. There was no recollection of the following set of words. He waited patiently for Picard to cite the next couple of lines, so they could continue rehearsing the scene.
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likeastarstar · 2 years
My Little Monster Pt. 5
(A/N: LONG AWAITED PART FIIIIVE! LIke I previously mentioned, Yoongi and OC broke up (sorry) so this is Jungkook x OC. Consider this my apology to everyone left heartbroken after the last part....feedback is appreciated!)
WARNING! Rated R, penetrative sex, OC x Jungkook, ex-bf!Yoongi, fmf threesome, vaginal fingering, fxf type shenanigans, kissing, spanking, oral sex, mentions of death, slight angst, loveable yet messy af OC
Prequel, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four. masterlist.
It had been months since you left Yoongi. Or since he had left you- the details weren't important and hurt too much to think back on. You didn't know your heart could hurt even after you died- you weren't even sure demons had hearts.
You spent a lot of time alone, you spent a lot of time with Jungkook. He didn't say more than you wanted him to, didn't ask any questions or push you to do anything out of your scope of reason.
You got better eventually- things got easier. Slowly, the fog that followed you around with Yoongi, the lovesick cloud that tinted everything pink and red, lifted gradually and left you with a clarity. It was the first time you hadn't been weighed down by anything- anger or spite or love.
It was light and airy and you didn't know what to do with yourself.
"Is it bad that I don't feel worse?" You asked one day, stretched out on the chaise lounge Jungkook kept in his living room.
Moving back in with him felt like coming home, a feeling you initially felt reluctant to accept. Jungkook was more than happy to have you- he always said the two of you belonged at each other's side. Jungkook looked up from the guitar he was putting new strings on, an expression of concentration still on his face. He pursed his lips thoughtfully for a moment, humming in that silvery tone of his.
"No, that part I understand," He shrugged, "That's how I felt too."
You frowned, narrowing your eyes at him, "What do you mean?"
He smirked, setting down the guitar and settling into his place on the carpet, back leaning against the couch opposite to you, "I forget that you haven't always been with me. I guess that's stupid, since I'm the one who changed you from human to demon."
You grumbled in response, feeling vaguely like a teenager. He laughed and continued, sighing wistfully.
"I too was victim to the charms of a human once," He flourished in a wistfully dramatic tone, "She was like a drug to me- I did everything for her, even went hunting for a way to turn her into a demon so we could be together forever like some twisted shakespeare shit."
You laughed softly, rolling onto your side and propping your head up with your palm under your cheek, full attention turned towards him now.
"So what happened?" You asked eagerly, "Am I just the millionth girl you've turned in hopes of a girlfriend or something?"
He laughed and shook his head, hair bouncing around, jet black locks seemingly completely unaffected by gravity in the way yours was. Yours ran past your shoulder and pooled by your elbow, tickling skin on the way down.
"No, you're the only one I've ever turned." He said lightly. "And I'm never doing it again- you're it."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. Part of you wanted to ask more- pry into his mind that he rarely let you in. He didn't say anything more, going back to restringing his guitar.
You let out a puff of annoyance, whining dramatically, "I hate not being able to know exactly what you're thinking- Yoongi was always so easy to read, I could always tell what he was feeling and what was going through his head. Now all I can feel is my own fucking emotions and I don't what to do with them."
Jungkook snorted and gave you a pointed look, eyebrow piercing catching the light as he raised his eyebrows, "That's how people normally work- ironic, right? You're forced to act more human when you're with other demons and you don't have to constantly be aware of someone else's feelings and thoughts."
He had a point- but that was also the problem, wasn't it? Ever since you had separated yourself from Yoongi- your mind was full of thoughts you couldn't control. Before Yoongi, you were all consumed with thoughts of disgust for humans, surrounded by their negative feelings of dread and hate. Then, when you met Yoongi- it all switched to obsessive love that left no room for anything else.
Now that you were alone, your mind couldn't help but wander. Your eyes did the same now, lingering on Jungkook and the way his fingers stretched and flexed around the neck of his guitar, winding thick cords around tuning knobs.
"Well how am I supposed to know how you feel about things then?" You ask obliviously, feeling like a child. You had gotten so used to always being in control of the situation but here was Jungkook, throwing you for a loop.
"Ask me," He challenged, sitting upright and staring at you. "I'll tell you the truth, don't you trust me?"
"More than anyone else," You mumbled under your breath, barely above a whisper.
"Good," He said softly. The two of you stared at each other, eyes drifting over each others' figures. You hummed, an intruding thought wondering when Jungkook got so...
Jungkook narrowed his eyes at you in humorous suspicion, a small smile on his face, "We've been getting along too well lately, haven't we?"
"Wanna fight instead?" You joked, grinning at him.
He didn't- but he did want to eat. The two of you found yourselves at the club you used to frequent before you went psycho-killer.
"Do you want to share?" You asked, raising your eyebrows expectantly at Jungkook.
He smirked, sizing you up with a surprised look in his eye. You didn't like to share- it was a historical fact that had led to a million arguments between the two of you but here you were, asking for it. He shrugged, taking a deep breath like he was about to embark on a treacherous journey.
"We haven't done that in awhile, sure you can handle it?" He teased, gaze flicking between your eyes and your lips. You felt your body warm to the idea and your hands tingle, nodding quickly. You were sure- you were ready. He sucked in a quick breath and reflected your nod back to you, placing you directly in front of him, so close his chest brushed against your shoulder blades and you could feel his breath warm the shell of your ear, "Let's go dancing then."
You had forgotten how dangerous dancing with Jungkook could be. His solid chest anchoring you as warm hands closed over your waist. It was getting hard to breath, his hands steading you as you rocked against him to the beat of the music blaring in your ear. There was so much palpable energy in the air- it was the one reason Jungkook referred to clubs like this as demon restaurants.
Everybody gets horny when they dance, he would say with an annoying laugh.
You were simply along for the ride, swayed by the sweet cotton candy taste of lust melting on your tongue. It wasn't enough- you needed something closer to feel truly full, but it would do for now. You thought of it as an appetizer, spinning around in Jungkook's arms so that your hips were pressed together, letting him slip his thigh between your legs and push up.
His fingers dragged up your sides to your shoulders, trailing back down the length of your arm. You shuddered at the light touch tickling your skin, letting him entangle your smaller hands in his. Jungkook knew what you liked, swaying you around like a puppet on strings. His touches were unpredictable, the two of you moving around like magnets. The top you were wearing didn't cover much and your pants hugged close to your curves, giving you direct contact with Jungkook's searing hot skin- why did he run so warm?
"Missed this- dancing with you like this," You confessed, looking up at him. He had an unfocused look in his eye that only sharpened when he noticed your gaze on him, pupils blown out.
He watched you out of the corner of his eye, grinning openly, "Feels right, doesn't it?"
It felt like your pulse blended into the bass of whatever song was playing, unaware of much beside the way Jungkook felt against you. The two of you had done this a million times and synced your movements seamlessly, hands pulling and pushing each other. Jungkook laughed, spinning you around twice rapidly, the room blurring out.
You steadied yourself against him, smiling more genuinely than you had in months. You let out a shaky breath, hands squeezing at his thick biceps as your tits pressed into his chest. You hadn't bothered to wear a bra- you were sure he could tell and you rested your forehead on his shoulder just to avoid the look that must be plastered all over his face.
"Good job, you've already got a few good options staring at us," He mumbled in your ear, his hand coming up to push your face up to his. He dipped down to bite your earlobe, making you jerk in reaction and grind down onto his leg, still swaying to the music. "Did you want a boy or a girl?"
"W-Which do you want?" You stammered, looking at him with wide eyes.
He smiled a little, just enough to make his dimples pop out. It was the kind of smile that reached his eyes before his mouth- your favorite one, "Tonight's about you. You decided you wanted us to do this, you can choose. Just relax and blow off some steam, don't you think you deserve it?"
No- you didn't. The thought of being close to another human still made your stomach turn- made you feel weak and foolish. You wished this was enough- being here with Jungkook. It was strange, your own feelings and emotions weren't at all affected by his. You thought it would make you feel lonely, not having Yoongi and his moods to dictate your own- but it felt different, clear. Like cool water running over you.
"Girl," You said decisively, "Girl."
He grinned, nodding before spinning you around sharply. He pressed into your back, his thick erection pushing into the small of your back. You panted, having to physically stop yourself from moaning as you felt him grind into you. The room felt a million degrees hotter- like molten lava cracking and fizzing with the energy flooding the air around you, coursing through you and Jungkook.
You drew an arm above your head, reaching behind you to cup the back of Jungkook's neck, liking the feeling of his tongue gliding down your neck.
"Do you see her? Across the room- tall, long legs, blonde?" He mumbled, voice barely above a whisper.
You blinked hazily, eyes skating over the hundreds of faces in the club before falling on the girl who was practically drooling watching Jungkook and you. You narrowed your eyes, noticing the slight smirk on her face when you made eye contact. You sighed, looking a couple feet over until you spotted another pair of eyes on you- jet black straight hair down to her ass, an almost disinterested look on her face until she noticed you looking back at her. She cocked an eyebrow and finished her drink, starting to walk over in your direction.
"Fuck the blonde- not my type," You said quickly, "Look at her."
"Oh fuck yes," Jungkook said gleefully, following your line of sight. He was about to say more before you cut him off and tugged him by the neck to kiss him. The angle was wrong and you had to tilt your head too far back but he tasted good and pressed you impossibly close to him. His tongue pushed and pulled against yours with an aggressive ferocity. He pulled away from you abruptly, confusing you until you straightened out and saw her.
She stood in front of you with an innocent smile, looking from you and Jungkook with a shy energy. She felt good- you could taste her from here and you hadn't even touched her yet. You sized her up and smiled, pleased with your choice. It didn't really matter what she looked like or what she kissed like- she was the meal and nothing more- but she kissed well.
Her lips were soft on yours and you smiled against her touch- kissing girls was an entirely divine experience. You felt Jungkook's lips on your neck while yours remained on hers and hands were everywhere on you- all at once. You were already wet and you wondered if Jungkook could tell, his knee still pressing up in between your legs as you swayed your hips against the meat of his thigh.
Was this wrong? Enjoying this so much? You should feel guilty- right? You squeezed your eyes shut- trying to drill it into your head that Yoongi didn't even remember who you were. He wouldn't care, it wouldn't hurt him.
This won't hurt him.
You pulled the girl close to you by the waist and liked that she was so transparent about her reactions- the flush of her cheeks and the trained gaze on you made you hungrier.
The three of you danced like that for awhile, swaying impossibly close with both of them pressed to either side of you. There was barely enough air between you to breathe but you liked it that way, liked the way she rolled into you as Jungkook pushed back- ebbing and flowing like fluid water. Jungkook kept his attention on you, liking the rare glimpse of you letting go completely. He told you as much, whispering encouraging words in your ear. You looked back at him, "Kiss her."
Jungkook's eyes widened, taken aback for a moment before nodding. You made a pleased noise and watched as he leaned over you, pinning you in place so that you couldn't move from in between them even if you wanted to. You tracked his eyes as he looked to the girl for confirmation, touching his lips to hers in the softest motion. She kissed him back, almost politely at first. You frowned, wondering if he was holding back to make you more comfortable and nudged him, pushing him closer to her.
Jungkook grunted in response and put more weight behind his lips, kissing her more intently now as she matched his energy. You felt the girl's hands tighten around you, holding you closer to her front as your chest pressed up against hers. She held you close by the hip, delicious friction distracting you for a moment. Jungkook was the first to pull away, nudging you towards her.
"You guys are a pretty couple," She mumbled, biting her lip.
"Thanks," Jungkook smiled before you could correct her. "Wanna get out of here?"
You weren't sure when it was decided that this was happening- normally you'd just make out with someone until you were satiated and then you left them high and dry. Jungkook clearly operated under different rules- not that you protested much. Suddenly the girl from the club was splayed out on your bed, legs parted as Jungkook undressed you behind, pressing kisses to newly exposed skin, "Is this okay? Are you okay with this?"
You nodded dumbly, eyes hazed over. How was she giving off this much energy? You felt enchanted, possessed by the familiar feeling of human lust. It was like you were an addict, relapsing after one tiny hit. You froze, turning to him, "Are you gonna let her touch you?"
You weren't sure why you asked or what you meant by it- but it was out there now and there was no taking it back.
He paused, looking back and forth from you to the girl clearly within earshot, "N-Not if you don't want me to?"
You looked back towards the girl, smiling at her. She smiled back at you and sat up, taking your hands and kissing up your stomach, "It's fine."
The thought of anyone besides you touching Jungkook didn't bother you much- not when she was basically a meal for him. You pictured instead the girl Jungkook had alluded to earlier- the human who he fell for- and you got nauseous. The thought of that was worse, the thought of that girl who you knew nothing about bothered you a lot for some reason.
So you pushed the thought away, telling yourself that it didn't matter. You body was flushed, hot to the touch as Jungkook said nothing more, pressing a hand flat on your back until you were forced to bend over, hovering above the girl.
"Can I touch you?" She asked, hand hovering over your exposed chest. You nodded and asked her the same, smiling at the polite tone she used in an all too impolite situation. Her fingers grazed your tits and rolled over yours nipples, getting more daring after a moment and beading them between her thumb and middle finger.
You kissed her to have something to do, pushing her lightly by the shoulder so she crept up the bed until your knees hit the bed frame. You anchored yourself to the bed with your hands on the soft comforter, jumping slightly when Jungkook dragged a finger under the elastic of your underwear, beginning at one hip and circling your leg until he got to your pussy, fiddling with the wet spot soaking the lace of your panties before ripping them off completely. You gasped when he began playing with you, erratically moving from your clit to your sticky, honeyed hole and back again.
Your body wasn't used to anyone else's touch- a long drought after Yoongi broken by Jungkook's familiar hands. He's touched you like this before, shared you with a human before- none of this was new and yet every brush of his skin against yours felt surprising, throwing you off kilter. Something felt different about it this time, something felt different about him.
"I don't normally deal with cocks, are you gonna walk me through this?" The girl beneath you joked, looking behind your shoulder towards Jungkook.
Did the human he loved look like her? Did she look like you?
You felt a tugging in your gut and wondered what response he gave- it wasn't anything he said aloud, but she seemed satisfied by the answer. You distracted yourself and kissed from her neck to her chest, taking one breast in your mouth and licking over her nipple. She moaned and sunk a hand in your hair, pushing you down further until your lips hovered over her pussy. You looked up at her, checking in quickly until she nodded and you latched your lips around her clit. Jungkook did the same to you instantly.
You touched her like you touched yourself, like you knew you liked so she must like it too. You mimicked Jungkook's motions, moaning against her pussy and trying to remember exactly what he was doing.
Jungkook's fingers dove into your pussy, spreading your folds and making your vision white out for a moment. His tongue licked at your clit, sucking it into his mouth and pushing against it rhythmically. Your hands were shaking and you felt overwhelmed as he handled you firmly and confidently. He tongued at your clit and you felt him circle around, switching between a pointed tip of his tongue and flattened, broad licks.
"Look at her- look at how good you're making her feel," Jungkook said softly behind you, words vibrating against your skin. "You like being in control- I can tell by how wet you are."
You moaned loudly in response- withering against his hot tongue tracing shapes against your clit. Jungkook's touch on your body was more confident than yours was on the girl who's name you hadn't even bothered to ask. Moans filled the air and you could barely distinguish which were yours and which were hers but she came first, squirming underneath you so harshly you had to pin her hips down.
"Good job," Jungkook congratulated behind you, making you laugh as he slapped your ass.
"Yeah, holy shit," The girl panted, releasing her grip on your hair. She pushed your face up to hers and kissed you.
You felt Jungkook pull you up and against his body, lips mouthing at the back of your neck, "Feels good?"
You nodded silently, afraid you couldn't articulate full words at the moment, his fingers digging circles against your walls and hitting a different angle deep in your pussy.
"Why are you being so quiet then? I don't remember you being so docile in bed- what, do you want me to take care of you? Make you feel good while you just do whatever I say?"
You whimpered before you could stop yourself, withering beneath him as he pumped his fingers into you, pulling out completely and circling your hole before sinking back in, "Y-Yeah, wanna feel good- please."
"Please," He repeated in a soft tone, "Okay- yeah, sure. I'll make you feel good."
"Fuck my mouth," You mumbled, words slurred and jumbled.
Jungkook clicked his tongue idly, releasing you of your hold and letting you fall forwards, barely catching yourself on your elbows before crashing into the other girl's chest, "No."
"No?" You whined, trying to look back at him. Jungkook slapped your ass again and you yelped, confused as hell. Jungkook usually wasn't like this with you- normally he kept things pretty simple when it came to sex with you, limiting the chances of either of you carrying on sexual attraction past the odd night the two of you ended up in the same bed.
"No," He confirmed, voice flat and serious, "I said I'd take care of you so stop arguing and keep your legs spread."
You felt an animalistic urge to swipe at Jungkook rise in your chest but lost it once his free hand rubbed at your back soothingly, as if he was playing two characters at once.
You were distracted almost instantly by Jungkook's fingers filling you up, slapping your ass again with his other hand. You clenched instinctively around his fingers and felt sharp pleasure course through your pussy to the rest of your body. He moved impossibly fast and ignored your whine until you were cumming too, legs shaking and threatening to send you crashing down onto the bed if the girl from the club wasn't holding you up.
"Want you-" You hissed, snapping your face back towards Jungkook so that you two met heated eyes, an almost angry intensity in your gaze, "Want you now."
"There's the girl I remember," He smiled, pushing down the waistband of his pants and stroking his hard cock, fingers that were just sunk deep into you now pinching at the spongy head of his cock. "Sure you can handle it?"
"Y-Yes," You stuttered, pushing your ass up to him in a lewd show of arousal. The other girl had scooted away to sit up against the headboard.
You really weren't a great person- you felt guilt weighing down on you, aware that you had completely sidelined the girl who was currently touching herself, eyes trained on Jungkook pushing into you.
"Fuck you're tight," Jungkook breathed, thrusting into you fully. You moaned, reaching back a hand which Jungkook took instantly, wrapping his hand around your forearm and you did the same, bridging the two of you.
Jungkook kissed down your spine, leaning over your body and covering you in him as the two of you rocked back and forth. You could feel him stretching you to your limits, filled to the hilt by a thick veiny cock that twitched against your walls delightfully, "That's it gorgeous, take me- take my cock."
"S-So full," You moaned, dropping your head between your shoulder blades, "You feel so good."
"Yeah?" He mumbled, sounding pleased before he straightened out, bucking his hips against you. "Let go- I wanna see you fall apart."
Your back arched for more and he pushed into you harshly, slamming his thighs against yours as his balls slapped against your clit. He fucked you like he owned you, possessing your entire body but influencing none of your headspace. That was all you and all of it screamed how much you wanted this- wanted him. He pulled out sharply and you hissed, about to snap at him until he pushed you onto your back, gripping your hips in his large hands.
No- it was better this way. You could see him like this, see the hazy look in his eye and the tattoos covering his skin. He stared down at you, hooded eyes blinking slowly as he pushed into you once more. You moaned, pushing your hips up to meet him, "Keep your eyes on me." He mumbled, dragging a hand down your torso and closing his hand around your lower stomach possessively.
You said nothing, obliging his order as you reached up, hooking a hand around his neck and pulling him down towards you. He kissed you feverishly, hips bucking in a rapid pace.
"Jungkook-" You moaned against his lips, tongue entangling in his.
"I'm gonna cum just watching you two- he's fucking you so hard," The girl moaned, triggering something massively performative in you, wanting to push him harder- make him go harder.
You blinked up at him and he had a mischievous glint in his eye that matched yours. He drove his hips into yours, hands touching you everywhere and anywhere. His body felt like a machine against yours, moving with a fluidity you hadn't known before. You arched to meet his thrusts, legs wrapping around his hips tightly as he reached a hand back to cup your thigh securely, driving his knees into the mattress to pin you down.
You were practically bent in half, knees shoved up into your chest but barely felt the stretch- burning desire erasing everything else.
You looked up at him, unable to tear your eyes away from the depths of his onyx pupils, heavy with desperation in chasing his own high. You felt your fingers entangle in his and let him pin your arm above your head against the sheets, rocking against your body. He leaned down, soft lips grazing your skin cut off by the hard metal of his lip ring before he said something you could only barely make out, too quiet for anyone else beside you to hear.
"I wish we were alone," He mumbled, "Wish I was with you like this, just us."
You gasped in response, eyes flashing towards him. Jungkook just smirked and drove his cock into you harder, fucking you fully now as if you could take him any deeper. His body felt hard on top of you, pushing you to your limits and demanding more from you then you thought you had to give. You couldn't think of anything else but how badly you wished it was just the two of you as well- you wanted this moment with Jungkook to be pure, unpolluted of anyone else but him.
He ground against your clit with every thrust, your clit throbbing as you felt heat spread through your body. You angled your hips up and dug your heels into the small of his back, pinning him to you until he had no choice but to slow his pace, reduced to small grinding circles against you as you fell apart beneath him.
You didn't recognize the noise that left your lips but you heard the one Jungkook made, a low pitched grunt as his brows furrowed, eyes squeezed shut as he came inside of you- a chain reaction to the pulsing of your pussy. Your head lolled to the side, barely registering the look the other girl was giving you as your eyes fluttered shut, Jungkook's lips pressing attentive kisses to any exposed skin he could reach.
"Don't let me pass out," You mumbled, a weightless feeling in your body.
"Why on earth would you pass out?" The girl said softly, hand running through your hair.
"Small appetite," You heard Jungkook say with a chuckle. You didn't even have the energy to say something snappy back, settling for a soft squeeze of your thighs around his waist. "It's okay, you can sleep. I'll take care of everything else."
What did that mean? Did that mean he was going to sleep with her? What if he fell in love with her like the human he mentioned earlier?
Don't fall in love with her.
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