#if you followed me to see murph king of dreams: we will be back shortly after this brief interruption
paintedsunshine · 1 year
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two maggies and a sleepy trav
[Image Description:
Three digital sketches, two of Margaret, one of Travis Matagot from the Campaign Skyjacks podcast.
Margaret is a young woman of color with long curly hair, Travis is a young East Asian man with shoulder length hair. Margaret is drawn in pink, Travis in blue.
The first sketch is on the top left. Margaret smirks, looking to the right with her head cocked, one half of her curly hair covering her face.
The second sketch is on the top right. Travis has his right cheek resting in his hand. His head is angled toward the left. His eyes are closed. Next to his his head are little “zzz”s that descend in size, implying he is asleep.
The third sketch is on the bottom. Margaret looks to the left, grinning with her lips parted. She’s resting her chin on the back of her hand. Her hair covers most of her shoulders and neck. Next to her head on the left an implied speech bubble with hand-drawn letters and little hearts reads: “Oh, is that so, Mister Matagot?”
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