#if you get annoyed you can mute the tag duck duck goose
coopzine · 10 months
an FAQ(uack)
Q: What's going on? Ducks???
A: We here at COOPzine have been overrun by ducks!
Q: Oh no! That's terrible! Why are they taking over?
A: They're peeved that it's taking so long for the special edition of COOP devoted to ducks, geese, and all other "chicken friends" to come out.
Q: Why is it taking so long?
A: We are still too low on submissions to make a full zine.
Q: How can I help stop the duckpocalypse?
A: By submitting any art or poetry that fits into the criteria for Duck Duck Goose (the name of our special edition)
Q: What are the criteria?
A: Submit art or poetry that you made that involves a "chicken friend"
Q: What's a chicken friend?
A: Any animal that you think would be the friend of a chicken! Most fitting of course are ducks and geese, but any other poultry or farmyard fowl would work! At this point I'd be willing to say we'd take pretty much any bird or farm animal.
Q: I don't have any art or poetry that fits into those criteria!
A: Why not make some?
Q: It won't be very good...
A: That's ok! We here at COOP have a radical acceptance policy! We legitimately love "bad" art! Even if it's a 1 minute doodle, we want to see it! :)
Q: Where do I submit?
A: On the special duck duck goose google form linked on the submissions page on our website.
Stay safe out there. 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆
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