#if you have read sincerely jackson overland then know i am not guilty
Have an unneeded word vomit on worldbuilding for the httyd tribal courtships for my fanfic.
[btw I have not heavily researched courtships but I've some fan ideas and tiny specks of actual courtship traditions.]
There are a few things that vary from tribe to tribe in my worldbuilding but let me word vomit it all anyway:
The requirement to begin a courtship is a weapon made by the courter or paid to be made with a design the courter asked for, it is in my head a way of giving the other a way for protection and saying they wish them to be well-protected.
Through what sort of weapon one gives also says a lot, if its an unfit weapon than there is a lack of attention put into it and it is, unfortunately for unobservent lads, an offensive gift that says they do not know the person they want to court beyond physical appearance.
Heavy jewellery is never a good gift, as a courtship gift should be practical even if it's only for show and much of the characters have duties to deal with in their day-to-day lives. Light earrings, bracelets, armbands, etc. Majorly, things that do not disturb them but still show that the person is in a courtship. These gifts usually go on to be worn even after marriage.
This is a more true to life courtship point but the father of the bride (in this case groom works too I suppose) asks for hand in marriage in place of their children. In my world, it's seen as a show of good-will between in-laws to be and an acceptance of the joining of two families through marriage.
The courtship requires the two courters to have one advisor each personally and one that works between the two as a counselor of sorts. This is to insurance no misunderstandings happen that lead to a dissolve of the courtship and build better relations between the two. As majority of times the courtship can happen between previously unknown parties but also between previously friends to courters.
Courtship requires the two to spend much time together, which means they are either together during events or alone away from others. Spending time to get to know each other better, come to an understanding of what they might require from this marriage, etc.
When one is ready to move the courtship to a marriage, which usually takes a year or two at the most to happen unless the courtship is broken off, then the two come to an agreement of when, how, where through their advisors and are given a day to spend together before it is announced. This is a last effort to insurance that the marriage is a good choice through private discussions and time spent together.
So, this was my—very unneeded but wanted word vomit on—courtship ideas and how this will very likely come into play in my fanfic.
An added fact, anything made by either of the courters is seen as a sacred gift because the person spent time and effort to create it. So, Jack with his sewing and Hiccup with his smithing go a long way in this fanfic later on.
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The first husband I killed offscreen was unintentional.
The second was planned.
The third makes me a husband hunter but not for their hand in marriage.
Welcome to writing a story, you can kill anyone and no one can stop you before it's too late.
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