#if you know me?? quiet cuddles in the dark is where it's at šŸ˜”
flowercrowngods Ā· 2 years
in which they lie on the floor and take care of each other, falling in love somewhere along the way between music and silence
šŸ¤ also on ao3
When Eddie makes it to Steveā€™s a few hours after the others because he sort of got lost in that song he was working on and completely lost track of time when the words finally cooperated with him and the chords, he is not surprised to hear the sound of laughter and chaotic conversation, accompanied with the upbeat pop music Steve likes so much. What does surprise him, though, is the picture presented to him once he reaches the spacious living room.
The group is sitting in a circle on the luxurious sofa and on the plush carpet, talking and laughing and throwing the occasional pillow. So far so normal. Whatā€™s decidedly not normal is the fact that Steve is lying a bit away from the group, still included in their circle from the way theyā€™re sitting, and he is absolutely still.
Eddieā€™s first instinct is to panic because surely Steve is having a flashback, an episode of some sort, maybe heā€™s been possessed, maybe heā€”
No. No, the others wouldnā€™t let that happen, wouldnā€™t let him lie there like that if it were at all concerning. Eddie tries to calm himself, to breathe away the panic and just be fucking normal.
He catches Dustin watching him and clears his throat, willing an easy expression as he asks, ā€œHey, uh. Whatā€™s up with Harrington?ā€
ā€œOh, heā€™s having floor time,ā€ is what Dustin tells him like itā€™s the simplest, most obvious thing in the world. Like Eddie is supposed to know what that means.
Except, he does. Sort of.
And now that the panic is gone and he looks closer at Steve, he sees that his eyes are open but not unseeing as he is staring at the ceiling. He looks calm. That crease between his brows his gone and everything about him seems relaxed.
Floor time.
Of all the things Eddie could have imagined learning about Steve fucking Harrington, nail bat swinging national hero and hair care extraordinaire, this wouldnā€™t even have made the list.
And so, with a careful eye still on the boy starfishing on the white carpet, Eddie goes to sit down beside Dustin.
ā€œSo. Floor time, huh?ā€
The boy gives him a sideways glance and nods. ā€œYeah, itā€™s sacred. We used to do that at my place all time, itā€™s strangely calming. Itā€™s kind of our thing.ā€ And he says that with such pride in his voice, stage whispering like he is letting Eddie in on this huge secret, he canā€™t even find it in him to tap into that jealousy that always used to accompany every mention of Steve Harrington coming out of Hendersonā€™s mouth.
Eddie bumps their shoulders together gently and promptly joins in on the discussion over whether or not it was boring to choose the human race in Dungeons and Dragons, which then turns into explaining to Jonathan why a paladin and a wizard are not the same, until everything derails completely and there are five discussions at the same time and Eddie is having a wonderful time keeping up with all of them.
All the while, though, he lets his eyes wander back to Steve. To the steady rise and fall of his chest, to his hands where they are still relaxed and twitching, not clenched, knuckles white, bracing to fight for his life.
He does feel oddly protective over the boy who usually does all the protecting, at least in that moment. Part of him wants to cross the distance and lie down beside him. Not to talk, not to touch, just to be there. Just so Steve doesnā€™t have to be alone.
Itā€™s stupid. Steveā€™s not alone. He has a house full of his closest friends who let him lie on the floor and donā€™t ask for his attention until Robin grabs the phone to order some pizza. When Steve is back, he looksā€¦ Well, he looks good. He always does, sure, but this time he also looks like he feels good. And Eddie stares a bit before Will and Lucas vie for his attention again.
It does indeed become a Thing, like Dustin told him, because the next few times theyā€™re meeting ā€“ sometimes at the Byersā€™, sometimes at the Wheelerā€™s, but mostly at Steveā€™s ā€“ Eddie will find him lying on the floor at some point of the evening. Not always quiet and zoned out, sometimes heā€™s actively participating in whatever conversation is the loudest, sometimes heā€™s watching with a smile on his lips.
Eddie has stopped watching him. Or at least thatā€™s what heā€™s trying to tell himself. But Steve is okay, itā€™s his Thing, there is no need to worry, no need to watch. Even when sometimes Steve needs several tries at finding his words again, Eddie has stopped worrying.
Itā€™s a Steve Thing. And itā€™s really fucking endearing.
He tries not to watch.
But then one day, after a really rough week and one too many threats directed at him, Eddie justā€¦ Doesnā€™t feel like talking. But he doesnā€™t feel like being alone, either, his hands still slightly shaking from running into Tommy H and his goons that seem to have missed the memo that high school is over and they can start behaving like adults now.
And so he finds himself standing in front of Harringtonā€™s house, bracing himself for the noise, the questions, the demands, the stories, for all the words he really doesnā€™t want to say today. It takes him another five minutes to ring the bell.
Robin lets him in, and Eddie feels overwhelmed already, but itā€™s too late to turn around now, so he swallows and heads inside. His heart sinks further when he finds Steve walking around, joking, chiding. Chasing after El when she steals a cinnamon roll that just came out of the oven. Eddieā€™s heart sinks and it flutters at the same time, and it is that sensation that makes him crumble.
He lies down on the living room floor and hopes that itā€™s enough, that he wonā€™t have to explain, that he can justā€¦ exist.
The noise around him doesnā€™t stop, but he finds that he doesnā€™t need it to, because they leave him alone, donā€™t try to talk to him, give him time to breathe, to gather himself, to be okay. The world fades a bit, but it doesnā€™t turn upside down.
Floor time is sacred. And heā€™s starting to understand why. Thereā€™s something oddly calming about feeling the hard floor beneath him, about watching everyone from this angle, about staring at the ceiling with no thoughts in his mind.
And he understands why Steve does this so often. Where his hands have been shaking just moments prior, they are calm now. Where his mind revolved around the Upside Down and Tommy H and run, run, run, now they are quiet. Dulled. Like they canā€™t rech him, like he is safe here. On the floor.
The only thought that comes to him is that everything would be even better with a weight on his body. And for a moment, he imagines Steve lying down on top of him, to ground him some more. Or Nancy or Robin or Jonathan. Hell, even Eleven would do. Maybe one day. Itā€™s about time they implement cuddle piles into their weekly routine, but Eddie doesnā€™t feel like opening his mouth and asking for that right about now.
He zones out. Lets the magic of the Sacred Floor wash over him and thinks how that would actually make a fine addition to his campaign. Maybe another riddle for Dustin to decipher.
By the time he hears the music, he feels like a completely new person and it takes him a while for the fog to life enough, but thenā€”No way. His eyes widen and immediately find Steveā€™s where heā€™s leaning against the doorway to his right with a gentle, knowing smile on his lips.
ā€œItā€™s always better with music,ā€ he says, almost sheepish, like heā€™s worried he maybe crossed a line. ā€œHot chocolate is coming up right away. Leave it if you donā€™t want it, Dustin will also drink it cold.ā€ Definitely a smile now, fond this time as Steveā€™s eyes wander to where Eddie assumes he can find Dustin.
He doesnā€™t look away from Steve, the expression on his face probably still somewhere between disbelief and wonder. And heā€™s staring. He knows, because Steve gives him that sheepish smile again and starts to speak after a moment.
ā€œI hope Twisted Sister is okay? I actually quite like this album, but I can go see if I can grab something from that Sabbath band you were talking about, orā€¦ Metallica? Something like that. Sorry, uhm. Metal is not really my strong suit, as you may have noticed.ā€ He laughs almost nervously and Eddie just melts.
Steve, worried about his music choice for Eddieā€™s floor time, which he is absolutely ready and willing to go out of his way for as it seems, laughing and rubbing the back of his neck as Weā€™re Not Gonna Take It starts playing is not what Eddie expected of his day when he woke up this morning.
He might actually have a little crush on the Harrington boy, he realises in that moment, as he smiles up at Steve in a way he hopes is reassuring. Itā€™s perfect, he thinks. Like your stupid hair and your nervous little smile.
Steve seems to understand as he answers with another smile of his own, though all traces of nervousness or worry are gone now, replaced with patience and kindness and understanding. Itā€™s almost too much for Eddie to bear and he looks away.
Moments later, Steve reappears in his line of sight and places a mug of hot chocolate well within his reach but still safe from overly energised teenagers.
Eddie is hesitant about it, but in the end itā€™s the best hot chocolate he has ever had, not even ruined by the smug grin on Steveā€™s face that said something along the lines of, ā€˜I have been babysitting this bunch of teenagers for three years now. I know how to make damn fine hot chocolate and you cannot deny it.ā€™
Eddie just shakes his head in dramatic exasperation and hides his smile in his mug.
Eddie tries not to think too hard about his little crush on Steve ā€˜The Hairā€™ Harrington. Itā€™s probably nothing but a trauma-related attachment anyway, just like he has with all the kids, with Robin and Nancy and Jonathan. Itā€™s nothing. Itā€™s stupid.
But then one night thereā€™s a thunderstorm rolling over Hawkins and everyoneā€™s probably having a shit night, but Eddie? Oh, Eddie is a mess. Every noise is a bat ripping into his flesh, every time he wants to open his mouth he feels like heā€™s choking on his own blood. He canā€™t breathe, canā€™t drink, canā€™t eat, canā€™t stop fucking shaking. Pulling his hair has stopped working a while ago, and he wants nothing more than to go over to Steveā€™s stupid big house and feel safe again.
Before he knows it, heā€™s in his van waiting in front of Steveā€™s house, the lights still on, always on, holding his walkie talkie in shaking hands.
ā€œHey Stevie?ā€ he finally begins, just as a particularly loud crash of thunder makes him gasp, but he bites his lip desperately and braves on. ā€œYou there?ā€
The answer is immediate and it makes Eddie breathe a sigh of relief. ā€œEds? Yeah, Iā€™m here. Are you okay?ā€
Itā€™s past 1:30am, but neither of them are surprised that the other is still awake.
ā€œYeah,ā€ Eddie laughs, but itā€™s too shaky to be anything but pathetic. ā€œSure am. Was justā€¦ thinking, yā€™know.ā€
A silence follows and Eddie cringes at himself, at his words, at his presence. Why did he think it was a good idea to come over here again without so much as a plan? Oh right, he didnā€™t think. At all. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
ā€œHey, listen, man, do you wanna come over? I meanā€¦ Is Wayne home? Stupid thunder, right? Iā€™mā€¦ Iā€™m here if you wanna talk, yeah?ā€
ā€œI donā€™t wanna talk,ā€ is all Eddie says, his eyes clenched shut as another bolt of lightning lights up the night sky and he counts twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, until he hears that dreadful thunder rolling above.
No, he doesnā€™t want to talk. What he wants is to just not be alone. To be in the same room, lie on the same floor and share the same air as Steve. The thought of talking while thunder is rolling above them makes his skin crawl, and he deosnā€™t want to talk, doesnā€™t want to speak, just wants toā€” Steve.
ā€œHey, itā€™s going to be okay, right? Eds? Hang on, is thatā€”Oh Eddie.ā€ Steve sighs, but itā€™s not exasperated, not annoyed, not angry. Itā€™s fond. Kind. Patient. And Eddie wants to cry.
But he doesnā€™t. Instead, he just looks at the curtain moving behind the window before Steve spots his van. Eddie lifts his hand and just says, ā€œSurprise?ā€
And then thereā€™s a bit of static on the other end of the line before Eddie is only met with silence. The sudden moment of complete silence is a stark contrast to, well, everything, and Eddie panics for a moment. But then he sees the front door opening, Steve illuminated by the lights he always keeps on. He looks like an angel, even through the curtain of constant drizzle between them. Eddieā€™s treacherous insides melt some more when he sees that Steve is coming over with an umbrella in his hand. When he opens the driverā€™s door with that gentle little smile on his lips and simply offers his arm to Eddie in a gesture so chivalrous that the metalhead cracks a laugh and considers swooning for all but one second before he realizes that his laugh sounded more like a sob of relief.
Gods, but he is a mess.
Whether that is because of the thunderstorm that seems to creep closer and closer, or because he has just compared Stevie to an angel, and now here he is treating him like a gentleman, at ass oā€™clock, with a look in his eyes like thereā€™s nowhere he would rather be, well. Thatā€™s between Eddie and his stupid heart.
Steve leads them inside, shutting and locking the door like he always does before turning back to Eddie. He takes one look at him, enough for Eddie to want to apologise for dropping in like this, but he canā€™t get the words out before Steveā€™s already asking, ā€œMetallica or Motƶrhead?ā€
And Eddie wants to cry again. Because maybe Steve knows. Maybe he understands.
ā€œMetallica,ā€ he rasps and Steve nods. Smiles. Turns around to head into the kitchen and leaves Eddie where he is, allowing him to follow along or to find his own way, trusting him with that big empty house.
Thatā€™s when Eddie realises that heā€™s never been alone with Steve. Not here, at least. And he kind of wishes that he had come over in a better state, not quite this much of a wreck. But then he wouldnā€™t have gotten to see the kindness, the patience, the ā€˜Weā€™re all fucked up here but youā€™re family so let me take care of you, dammitā€™-look that Dustin had to suitably dubbed.
Standing in the entry hall, feeling a bit lost and small, Eddie realises that he wants to follow Steve into the kitchen. Wants to stay close, touch him, drape himself over his back and just exist there, in silence and mutual understanding. He doesnā€™t. But it takes great physical effort to go find his way into the living room instead, sitting down in the white carpet where he had first seen Steve lying on the floor all those weeks ago. He breathes easier now as he runs his hand over the soft, plushy texture and finds himself unwilling to stop. Heā€™s always had a knack for sensory stuff, and touch was by far the most intense, so he splays his palm over the carpet and moves his hands back and forth.
Then the music starts playing and itā€™s the rather slow first notes of ā€œFight Fire With Fireā€ that make Eddie look away from the white plush and back up at Steve, who is standing and watching with a barely-there smile.
The music isnā€™t very loud, just enough to create a comfortable atmosphere and drown out the rolling thunder. Just for him.
His heart is doing the traitorous shit again where it thinks itā€™s only beating for Steve Harrington in that moment. He doesnā€™t have the strength or the will to stop it, though.
And Steve, angel that he is, looking down at him in the dim, warm living room light, puts the two mugs of steaming hot chocolate on the coffee table beside Eddie before promptly sitting down beside him. He meets Eddieā€™s eyes with all that patience, all that compassion that it gets kind of heavy after a while.
ā€œDo you want to talk about it?ā€ Steve murmurs, barely audible over the music, and Eddie just shakes his head. Thereā€™s nothing to talk about, just stupid thunder and lightning making his brain feel like itā€™s being fried and splintering.
ā€œAlright,ā€ Steve whispers and falls back, lying down beside Eddie, who doesnā€™t have it in him to follow quite yet. His eyes sting. He will not cry in front of Steve fucking Harrington! But then thereā€™s a hand brushing lightly over his back and his voice, so impossibly gentle, telling him, ā€œCā€™m here, Eds.ā€
And who is he to deny, to resist, to refuse Steve ā€˜Kind Eyesā€™ Harrington?
Eddie slowly lets himself fall backwards, and they just lie there for a while. Not touching, not talking, not moving.
But this time, Eddieā€™s mind isnā€™t quiet, because Steve, Steve, Stevie is so close. So gentle. Heā€™s there, heā€™s here, he understands, and he doesnā€™t judge. Doesnā€™t talk. Doesnā€™t question. How can his mind be quiet when Steve is perfect?
How can his mind be quiet when his heart is racing as he slowly, achingly slowly like they do in the stupid movies Nancy loves to watch, moves his hand closer to Steveā€™s. Heā€™s powerless against the pull of the boy beside him. His heart is beating in his throat when Steve meets his hand halfway, wrapping his pointer finger around Eddieā€™s pinkie. Their feet find their way to each other, just resting there, basking in each otherā€™s warmth.
He is weak when his head lands on Steveā€™s shoulder. His eyes close and he breathes ā€” quietly, shallowly, for fear of breaking the moment.
He doesnā€™t break it. In fact, the moment lasts far longer than the record Steve had put on ā€“ because of course he had to play a Metallica record instead of a cassette like normal people would ā€“, and then it is quiet. The soft lights fill the room with warm, indirect safety and finally help his mind quiet down.
Of course, the realisation that heā€™s maybe a little bit in love with Steve Harrington had to be a quiet one. Soft, gentle, kind, and definitely far from what he ever would have expected. Just like Steve himself.
Of course, where everything else in Eddieā€™s life was loud ā€” from his music to his kids to the thoughts in his head when he canā€™t sleep at night ā€”, this one had to be different. Quiet. And when Steve begins to draw patterns into his back where Eddie is now essentially lying on top of him, Eddie dares once more to reach for Steveā€™s unoccupied hand, tangling their fingers. Not to hold him, because Steve isnā€™t going anywhere, but simply to touch.
Steve understands, Eddie realises, because he brushes his lips over his temple and then leaves them there. Not to kiss, not really, but simply to touch.
And while Eddieā€™s heart is busy feeling like itā€™s going to burst from these sudden realisations, from how quiet and how safe he feels, from how utterly, indescribably right this feels, Eddie just closes his eyes and accepts the fact that he is actually, absolutely, irrefutably and completely in love with Steve ā€˜Floor Timeā€™ Harrington.
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iamyourdailydoseofbi Ā· 3 months
the platonic little sister relationship aegon has to someone like reader šŸ˜­ i hope we can see more, but like without the darkness of house of the dragon nor gore of it, just aegon ii staring at his little sister and vowing the world and even the throne for her, relinquishing it the first chance that he gets to rhaenyra whilst in tears holding his littlest sister šŸ˜­ he wishes no throne, no treasures, no liquor, only her safety and nothing more. i can imagine him trying to escape with her to the free lands because she is the only good in his world and heā€™d be damned if he let otto try and spoil the only kindness that the gods have give him. i can also imagine him stowing away on his dragon and flying on dragonback to the blacks to proclaim his loyalty with little reader bundled up in his cloak. i can imagine him fiercely protective but also relenting when he knows she is happy, being by her side as her older brother and uncle to her children to whomever it may be šŸ˜­
(sorry for the long anon, i just wish to see more šŸ˜­)
- familial issues anon šŸ˜”
author notes: I promise, I'm gonna write a fluffy part 3 after this.. pairing: King Aegon ii Targaryen x Younger Sister! Reader ( Platonic ) prompt: When Blood and Cheese attack, the feeling of being safe in the Red Keep dies along with your sweet nephew and son. word count: 1, 000+ words
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The night of Blood and Cheese, you had wandered into the children's bedchamber. Something pulled you from your dreams, telling you that the children needed you. You did not know a thing. The night was quiet and cool, the gentle pouring of rain filling the air. Everyone was safe and content. No harm could come to any of you with Vhagar in the City. But, as you got closer and closer, blissfully unaware.
You did not know the horrors that awaited you. Helaena held at knife point, her eyes so wide and full of silent horror. Your son cuddled up next to Jaehaera and Jaehaerys like he always did, all three of them dead asleep and unaware. Two men, one tall and imposing. The other thin and chuckling like a mad man. A debt they said, "A son for a son."
A son for a son. A son for a son. The world that that point is going silent and you think of was, why? Why? Why? Why?
You don't remember much of anything, no matter how much you tried to, just the muffled screams and sound of flesh being cut. You stumbled and wandered down the empty halls of the Red Keep, a dead look on your face. A thousand unspoken words on your tongue.
A son for a son. A son for a son. A son for a son. A son for a son. Where the fuck were the guards? Where were the maids? Where was everyone? They liked to snoop, so why this time were they gone?
You did not know when Helaena had departed from your side. You just vaguely remembered bumping into one of Aegon's friends, the drunken smile on his face falling. His face went pale and a stuttered call for Aegon.
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Staring dead at the man, you could not remember his name, just that he was kind and one of Aegon's friends. Feeling your bottom lip wobble, you tried to hold back the sobs, emotions bubbling up. Feeling familiar hands on your shoulder, you dreadfully become aware of the wetness in your nightgown, though it was not your monthly blood or rain that soaked the linen. The realization trickled in that it was blood sinking in. Blood. Jaehaerys blood. Your son's blood.
"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me, look at me, not the blood. Tell me what's happened." A voice faintly orders, "Y/n, look at me. Look at me."
Blinking back the tears that bubbled up, your vision clears up, seeing Aegon standing right in front of you. He reeks of strongwine. But, the look on his face was deadly sober. Seeing his lips moving, you couldn't hear him, the haunting sound of Jaehaerys and your son slowly being beheaded still ringing in your ears. Son for a son. A son for a son. Jaehaerys was just a boy. He was barely six years old. A baby. Helaena's baby. Your boy was a year his younger, only five.
"You weren't there. Why weren't you there?" You hiccup, "You were always there. Why weren't you there?!"
"You said you'd be there if we were in trouble. ThatāŽÆThatāŽÆThat if we need you, you would be there. Why weren't you there? Why weren't you there?!" You scream out, your pained voice echoing loudly.
"Who's blood is that? Where is your son?" Aegon asks, his face and voice of panic.
Son for a son. A son for a son. Son for a son. A son for a son. Your son. Why him? He wasn't Aegon's heir. He wasn't Aegon's son in any way. He wasn't anyone's but your own. Your baby. Your sweet baby. Why did they pick him? He was no threat. He was just sleeping. He wasn't harming anyone.
"Gods damn it, Y/n! Where is your son?! Where is he?! Who's blood is that?" He demands, "Tell me, tell me."
"The...They took his head..The boy...My boy..Blood..He's in the bed...They came from the walls..Helaena.." You choke out, not able to properly string together a sentence.
Bursting into a fit of tears, the throne exploded into chaos the moment tears were spilled, orders and demands being spouted out to anyone in ear shot. Why? Why? Why? The Red Keep was safe. Aegon told you it was safe. It was supposed to be safe. That they would not dare to harm any of you. It was supposed to be safe.
'You will never have to marry again. You and your son are under my protection. No harm shall come to you whilst you stay in the Red Keep, sweet sister. I swear upon it.' He had said, tucking back a strand of hair from your face.
'No harm shall come to you whilst you stay in the Red Keep, sweet sister. I swear upon it.'
'No harm shall come to you whilst you stay in the Red Keep, sweet sister.
'No harm shall come to you...I swear upon it.'
When did your big brother become such a fucking liar?
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Watching you collapse to the ground, Aegon swiftly follows you to the ground, cuddling you close to his chest. He may have been a little tipsy, but now he was dead sober. You stumbled in, looking more like a ghost than a person. Your hair down, you always loved to leave it down when going to bed. Your nightgown, white with little butterflies sewn into the hem, now stained in blood. Who's? He did not know and dreaded finding out.
Stroking your hair tenderly, he prayed, truly prayed for the first time since his youth. Not for your safe return home. Not for his Father's love or a fragment of his time. Not for the Seven to rid him of all the bad in him. He prayed that you were just spouting out about some nightmare. That this was just like all those times in your youth, when you'd sneak into his chambers. A whimpering mess, spouting about the monster under your bed.
"It's just a dream. It's just a dream." Aegon tries to reassure, not sure if he was trying to convince you or himself.
"Aegon, whatāŽÆwhatāŽÆwhat do we do?" One of his friends stutters out, a shell shocked look on his face.
"Get the fucking guards! Wake the fucking Keep up! Damn it!" Aegon bellows, his face flushing red from anger.
Struggling to figure out what to focus on, he couldn't keep up as the Red Keep seemingly exploded. Guards are everywhere. Orders being spouted out. He wasn't sure if his voice was one of them. It was all just a blur. This could not be real. This had to be a nightmare or a figment of his drunken mind. Soon enough he would awake. You'd come into his chamber's like you do every morning, warning him that your Mother was on her way. Yes, yes, that was it. He would wake up and everything would be good.
"Aegon. Aegon." Someone calls out for him, his grip tightening on you instinctively.
"Your grace, the Prince Jaehaerys and PrinceāŽÆ" A guard stops speaking, the look on his face enough to make his blood cold.
"No, they are alright. Tis' just a minor wound, no?" Aegon shakes his head, not wanting to think of the worse. "Just a bloody nose or.."
"Your grace.." The guard shakes his head, "I am afraid tis' more grave than a bloody nose."
Feeling tears bubbling up in his eyes, he shakes his head, laughing bitterly in disbelief. This could not be true. This had to be some jest. Some dream of his. There was no way that his son and your own were dead. The Red Keep was safe. Rhaenyra would be a fool to attack with Vhagar flying above. Hearing your wails grow louder and more heart wrenching, it felt like the world just fucking snapped. Tears of sadness morphing into red hot anger. His face hardening.
They killed your son. They killed his son, his heir. They fucking made you cry. They made you and Helaena watch. Fuck the peace treaty. Fuck being kind and being cordial. Fuck doing this the proper way. Fuck all of them. He'd killed them. He'd kill them all for this. He'd kill anyone who dared to do this. He'd fucking murder all of their bloodline for this. This was war. This was fucking war.
"I'll kill them! I'll kill them all! Traitor's and murderer's!"
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hotxcheeto Ā· 3 years
Can I please request a Ellie x Fem!reader oneshot, where reader is a lesbian who came from an abusive home before losing her family to the virus and finding Jackson?! It'd happen after the revenge, Ellie and reader get along and start dating after a while since they both understand loneliness and well... Traumas in general lol.. i know it's too specific pls don't ask šŸ˜” (oh if there's a bit of smut ill love you forever) XOXOOXOXO šŸ˜˜
ā” š…š‘šˆš„ššƒš’
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š™„š™–š™žš™§š™žš™£š™œ(š™Ø) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader š™¬š™–š™§š™£š™žš™£š™œš™Ø - Cursing, Mention of bad home/family, hint towards death, Nsfw warning towards the very end
š™„š™§š™¤š™¤š™›š™§š™šš™–š™™? - Yeah/Nope
š™–š™Ŗš™©š™š™¤š™§'š™Ø š™£š™¤š™©š™š - Sorry this took so long! Did my best lovely <3
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"Hey, do you know where my favorite blanket is?" You appeared from the hallway, looking into the living room where Ellie was sitting on the couch. She'd been here for a few days, telling you she had trouble at night. You'd made her stay.
Ellie didn't like being alone, especially once the sun began to set. The girl hated the dark, especially when she was alone. And despite you both being friends for only a few months. She felt like she could stay. And who were you to argue, you hated the dark just as much as she did.
"Which one's your favorite?" Ellie was laid back, arm resting above her head as you crossed your arms. "The one you're using." She glanced down at the blanket before looking at you with a grin. "Whoops." You rolled your eyes and walked over to the couch, picking her feet up and sitting down.
"What are you watching?" "Some corny action movie." You sat down on the couch, opposite of Ellie so you could see her face. "How have you been doing?" She shrugged, crossing her arms. "Fine, I guess. You?" "Fine." You had a little smile on your face while she shook her head.
"You're so annoying." "Then why are you here? If I'm so unbearable?" She shrugged, "I could leave." "But you're warm." You complained, snuggling underneath the blanket as she laughed. "I hate you." "But you live with me." "Oh I do?" "Basically." You shrugged.
It was quiet for a moment, a comforting silence between you both as you stared up at the ceiling. You hadn't felt the girls green eyes on you, but they were. They were settled on you, softly staring as your eyebrows would furrow then your face would relax again.
"I've never lived in a home with someone... that I felt comfortable with. I was either alone or... or hating every second of where I was." You muttered out, looking back to Ellie, her eyes showing nothing but content. "My family wasn't the best." You choked out a laugh, looking down at your hands on the blanket.
"I never really had a family." She shrugged. "So what you're saying is we should move in together. Roommates?" You grinned, looking at her while wiggling your eyebrows. "I mean I wasn't planning on leaving yet." "Were you planning on leaving at all?" A small silence filled the room as you laughed to yourself.
"I mean... at some point." "I feel like a little kid at a sleepover. But it just doesn't end. Maybe it's because I never really got sleepovers. Or friends." You said, then frowned, looking at your feet barely covered by the blanket from how you were laying. "Well, now you have me." "Mm, it's better than nothing."
She scoffed as you shrugged, biting back a grin. "I'm not talking to you anymore." "Fine." You sat forward and moved so you were sitting next to her on the couch. Practically laying on her. "But you're warm."
She'd gotten used to the touches, the hugs, the cuddling despite barely knowing each other at first. You both felt so alone, but you both made each other feel.. together again. Not in so many pieces.
You constantly sat close to her, just enough so that your knees would at least touch. You didn't like being alone, but you didn't like being around people. But you liked being with her.
"Have you seen this before?" She then asked, her arm moving behind you on the arm of the couch. "I don't think so. I think someone gave it to me." "Joel had this one, we just never watched it." Ellie's tone held slight sadness, her voice quiet and shaky.
"Yeah? I think he'd like it. From how you talk about him." She smiled slightly, watching as you turned your head to see her hand resting on the back of the couch. "My hands are cold too." You picked her hand up and held it, feeling it slightly shaking under your touch.
They were warm, both of you knew that. "Have you thought about getting a tattoo on this arm? I know you don't have anything to cover on this side, but I think you'd look good with more tattoos." She hummed, but only stared at you as you messed with her fingers.
"Maybe." She then quietly said, remembering the small confession she'd told you one night. A terrifying memory surfaced as she shakily spit out random things. You put two and two together, and at first she was scared. But you never really brought it up after.
"What's wrong?" She hadn't realized you'd looked up at her, your eyes meeting her own before she quickly looked away shaking her head. "Nothing." "Okay." You both knew she wasn't telling the truth, but you never wanted to push it. Instead, you laid your head on her upper arm.
You dropped her hand on your lap, the girl sneaking it underneath the blanket and onto your hip. "We should watch that sad romance movie next. I wanna cry about something that isn't my life." Ellie laughed a bit, looking down at you again. "Hey, joking about it makes me feel better." "I have three pun books."
She stared dead at you as you covered your mouth hiding your grin. "That's fucking great. I wanna read each one." "I'll bring them over one of these days." Her fingers messed with the waistline of your pants, going unnoticed by you as you tilted your head back on her arm looking at the ceiling.
"Ellie?" "Hm?" Her eyes never left you, not even when you turned your head to meet them. "Nevermind." "What?" She pushed, a teasing smile on her face. Her fingers still messing with your waistband, which you finally noticed.
Looking down at her hand, your face becoming slightly warm. "I... I've been thinking lately..." She followed your eyes to her hand, covered by the blanket. Suddenly growing nervous until she seen you biting your lip. Avoiding her eyes, a light blush on your face.
"About?" You opened your mouth but felt her hand push into your waistband. Suddenly at a loss of words, eyes fixated on her hand as it crept along your thigh. "Y/n?" Your head then snapped to look at her, a little smirk on her face. "You're an ass." You then whispered, your eyes flickering down to her lips before back into her eyes.
"That's not nice." Her hand went to move away before you grabbed it through the blanket stopping her. "You're not being nice." "Oh yeah? You wanna see not nice?" Ellie's face moved closer, inching towards you, your heart racing. You felt like it was going to fly out of your chest.
Your breath hitching in your throat when her eyes moved to your lips. Finally, she closed the gap, pushing against you roughly. Her hand rested on your cheek as the other rested on your thigh underneath your pants.
"Ellie-" "Hm?" She pulled back, watching you take in a sharp breath. "I was gonna say... I like you. But I think we've jumped over that line." "There was a line?" You grinned as she kissed you again, moving to hover above you. Her fingers grazing your clothed slit.
She felt you gasp, your hips jerking towards her mindlessly.
"This is gonna be fun." "Don't be mean." You pouted slightly, the feeling of her fingers creeping into your underwear. "Ellie.." "You wanted to see mean." "I'm so kicking you out after this." "Rude."
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A/n: I slept all day today :)
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