#if you pick 'other' you can tell me why as a reply / anon / dm etc
majorbaby · 6 months
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diepower · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Kaiman     AGE: 27       CONTACT: IM, ask, discord
CHARACTER(S): Meninas McAllon, Orihime Inoue, Retsu Unohana, Mashiro Kuna, Tier Harribel, Charlotte Chuuhlhourne
CURRENT FANDOM(S): That I write in? It’s gonna be Bleach, OVW (super selectively im just here for one person), ASOIAF (barely- literally when the mood strikes and that one is private also). I have a lot of current interests in general though.
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR: While I don’t have anything fully established... I’ve been working with an ASOIAF au (for Harribel & Unohana specifically, though I’m considering it with other characters too), A Dorohedoro AU (for Unohana and Orihime), as well as a Persona AU (more specifically 2&3) for Orihime. I’ve also got a number of post-canon AUs or continuities for all my characters as well!
MY LANGUAGE(S): English, super basic Spanish, barest ASL, fairly good French
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: ONE-LINER / 1 PARA / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA (2para is a sweet spot but it really doesn’t matter to me)
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. (i let them build up too often but some of yall are too quick to reply jkglfjdgsd)
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  I’m pretty anal about plotting in that I often refuse to RP unless it’s been plotted or I liked a starter call. And in the case of the latter, I’ll still hop into DMs to plot further depending on where the thread takes us. That said, the best way to reach me is through IMs or Discord (available on request). The only time I turn down plots is if I feel like it would put my character in an OOC situation, and I especially dislike my character being one-sidedly used as a tool to further another character’s development without anything being reciprocated (this happens often especially wrt my healer characters)
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER: Communication is really important to me, especially with regards to comfort regarding certain plot elements, and approaching other in-character situations that might have multiple different solutions. I think it’s important that both characters involved get the same amount of development out of writing a thread, and I really hate the idea of being imbalanced as far as that goes (more on that below). That said, I’m always perfectly down to spitball plot ideas and tweak/refine other concepts because I really do enjoy plotting, it’s just super important to me that things are communicated clearly. I get extremely distressed and frustrated IRL if people just kinda throw stuff at me, and it often kills my muse.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?: I make an active effort to come up with plots that are engaging and beneficial fairly equally to both parties. I mentioned this above, but especially in the case of writing my healer characters, I have a huge disdain for characters being used as tools to further development while getting nothing substantial in return. That said, I try to be very aware of this in terms of a potential writing partner being on the receiving end. IMO it feels like shit, but I definitely don’t want to make someone else feel that way either. That said, so long as stuff is plotted out clearly and me and the writer are both okay with it, then it’s fine. COMMUNICATION IS KEY, BASICALLY.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I kinda just like to throw spaghetti at the wall and whatever sticks, I’m down to fly with. I have a lot of ideas, but again, I like to give my partners the option of doing whatever they’re comfortable with, and h aving equal contribution opportunities.
- AND WHY?: Everyone has their own circumstances, I really don’t mind. If it’s one I’ve been especially looking forward to, I might be bummed, but it’s no skin off my nose really.
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?: I don’t typically drop threads or abandon them during their writing. The only thing that would make me do so is offensive content, or huge plot elements being introduced that makes my character ooc and wasn’t previously discussed during plotting.
-AND WHY?: I already feel like I need to take a lot of extra steps to understand others and be understood, and that isn’t something often reciprocated. In my experience, just honest communication is the quickest solution to issues that crop up during writing. For those who HAVE actually had me reach out to them in this way, I really do try to be polite and respectful while being straightforward so the situation can be resolved without any hurt feelings.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: As long as it’s constructive, and not merely negativity, I welcome it. After all, I can’t fix a huge flaw in my writing without having an alternative solution. I’m open to accepting feedback and critique, especially wrt Meninas since my portrayal is quite a large departure from popular fanon perception (from those who choose to pay attention to her, lol), but I also thrive on suggested remedies and solutions to issues in my writing.
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: I like to tell stories, and I like to tell narratives that take root in emotional expression and how those feelings can act as a vehicle to the storytelling. I want to move people through feeling, because it can be a powerful experience. I use a lot of inspiration from themes in my other favorite series, as well as inspiration from my own personal experiences as well. I tend to pick characters who have one or two traits in common with myself, whether those be negative or positive. I’m very excited to share all the things I have planned for Meninas, as she’s certainly my most ambitious project to date.
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  For Meninas specifically, I want to interact with Squad 11 and Squad 9 during the CFYOW verse I have planned. Hisagi specifically would be interesting because of the clash of ideals, in addition to being the only other living person to be able to relate to the horror of being under Pepe’s thrall. I’d also like to steal Ikkaku’s bankai, and have more fight scenes. Lastly, Meninas doesn’t do much of anything in CFYOW, so more interactions with Mayuri and Squad 12 would be cool.
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE: I don’t mind briefly referencing darker themes in my writing, especially wrt my own personal experiences, but I want to be very clear that I refuse to write at length or romanticize these themes. I refuse to write anything involving rape, homophobia, transphobia, racism, pedophilia, etc, with this in mind.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: Unless previously discussed, I struggle with starters that have a character pushing mine away. If the situation is super OOC for my character to be in, or frankly too mundane. In Meninas’ case, most domestic stuff is a snoozefest for me (but I LOVE this for other characters).
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  *saoirse ronan voice* Women. UHHH but no, for real... I like fleshing out female characters quite a bit. Personality types are varied, but I like characters who have some level of nuance to their emotional expression whether it’s an internal or external struggle. I like powerful women too, and the exploration of “strength” as a theme (esp at the intersection of the theme of “femininity” and its expressions) whether this is external strength or internal fortitude. I think I play a wide variety of characters who have vastly different thoughts, beliefs, and forms of expression, but I try to find something in common with who I portray to act as a touch stone. I also like characters who have themes of “justice” and nuanced morality.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?: 99% of male characters. And I also hate tsunderes gjklsdjfd
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I really like my writing style especially wrt using emotion to set a cinematic scene and overall tone. I think I’m really strong with conveying emotion, especially with things that are often unspoken. I try to communicate with partners clearly and establish rapports. I love writing headcanons and have a TON of plot ideas as well.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: Oh I’m the slowest replier on the planet and I’m apparently intimidating lol
DO YOU PREFER TO GO INTO DETAIL?: YES / NO / DEPENDS (i prefer to go into detail about sensations, rather than the actual acts as it comes off stifled and weirdly technical)
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: Honestly I just do what Meninas tells me.
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?: Kink stuff is weird territory for me, absolutely gotta be discussed in private and comfort levels clearly established.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?: YES / NO. Relationships in general rule, and while I do have a romantic ship that plays a large part in Meninas’ plot, the romance comes secondary to the plot itself. I really enjoy writing and developing romances, but more than that I like establishing connections. I love the relationships I’ve got planned with Giselle, Candice, Liltotto, and Bambietta because there are going to be a LOT of drastically different things that inform my portrayal of Meninas coming from these relationships (both positive and negative, but ultimately places of growth).
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. Like I said, plot comes first. And especially in the case of Meninas, she has a lot of self exploration and reflection to do before she can engage in a healthy relationship or address any feelings of romance. I do place a large focus on the formation of her relationships and how they shape the way she relates to other people and grows as a person, but I am extremely sensitive to making sure I’m not writing a female character who’s entire development is dependent on a romance with a male character- perish the thought lol.
WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: For Meninas, it’s a matter of her acknowledging, understanding, and accepting that she can be worth more than how useful she is to others. She had a series of traumatizing and character defining experiences regarding love, romance, and personal worth that strongly shaped the way she perceives her relationships to others and her emotional expression. Trust is another huge factor for me, Meninas needs to be around someone she believes in. Strength is another aspect. She likes someone who challenges her, keeps her on her toes, and is sturdy like physically. Because she’ll break you. THAT SAID- Meninas tends to be open wrt her body, but closed off when it comes to her heart. Hate to see it, love to write it.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. As long as the premise makes sense. I like relationships to have some matter of significance and planning, especially because of how I’ve written the way Meninas picks and chooses who to get close to in Silbern depending on what suits her interests. Genuine friendship is a weird thing for Meninas, as most of her relationships are formed out of convenience. If you aren’t useful to Meninas’ schemeing, then she has no interest in dealing with you beyond platitudes and keeping up appearances and will interact with you as such.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: WE LOVE DUPLICITOUS WOMEN! No, but at the core of my Meninas characterization, the sentiment is “Everything is not as it appears” even down to the relationships she has with others. Meninas’ entire personality is constructed as a survival tactic from an early age (in addition to being a way to make herself more useful as a tool to others, and thus seen as having more worth in general), and as a result, she hasn’t really allowed herself to live life as a fully realized person. Her plots generally offer silent rebellion, playing a role in regards to her self presentation, chaotic mean girl level bullshit, and cool fights/training. Also you get to interact with a big buff lady. That said about her personality, it depends on the verse. CFYOW Meninas will be more unhinged, while post-CFYOW Meninas will be more honest and rowdy.
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  Muses who are standoffish or disengage right at the start. Meninas doesn’t interact with people without a certain purpose, so if they aren’t interested, she’s not going to be either.
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  Revenge, strength, redefining what “power” means in terms of how the world works. She wants to see the Shinigami dead for their role in her parents deaths, and feels the same about Yhwach.
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  Ability, potential threat, perceived strength, where loyalty lies; how potentially useful you can be to her.
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Strength both in a physical sense, but also in belief and convictions. Honesty, and understanding the flaws of the world they live in.
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  Fighting, beauty, freedom, abolishing Quincy classism based on blood purity, music, fashion, blacksmithing.
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?: Blind loyalty to Yhwach, talking about the horrors of war as if it doesn’t concern them, Bambietta, Quincy supremacy,
- DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  Her parents were killed in the first Quincy war and she was left abandoned and grew up literally fighting for her life and living on the streets. She often likens fighting pits to the bowels of Hell (and I often play with the ironic theme of crawling out of hell to appear as an angel or something divine). She is consumed by a quest for revenge, and strongly believes her ends will justify the means taken to fulfill her ideal. As a direct result of these experiences, her emotional health and maturity is severely affected, and she doesn’t view herself as a person worthy or capable of feeling as much as a tool who, in the right hands, can be utilized to bring about the revenge she craves.
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  (1) Men who feel non-consensually entitled to her body. That said, she’s done a fairly excellent job at maintaining control and an unassuming threatening nature despite the widely known understanding of her Schrift ability and how it augments. (2) Someone touching her Quincy cross, as it’s her most precious and private item. (3) Anyone who dares get in the way of her plans that can’t be manipulated in some other useful aspect.
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Meninas hates Yhwach, and the Shinigami most predominately, but she also harbors disgust for Hollows as an instinct. That said, her young life was spent detached from Quincy culture (in addition to being a Gemischt and the inherent isolation that comes with that status), so despite her early induction into the Wandenreich ranks, Meninas does not harbor the same Quincy nationalism and loyalty that others of her race do. They’re a means to an end, and just happen to help her become stronger.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?: She comes off as easy to approach, but if you want genuine Meninas I’m sorry the number you’re trying to reach has been disconnected. Goodbye!
SOMETHING YOU MAY STILL WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: Everything I’ve written about her is based in headcanon! I’ve got both a lengthy biography as well as headcanons gathered in the sidebar links on my blog.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
TAGGED BY: @bazzardburner​ TAGGING: i think this has made its rounds so steal it!
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fuukonomiko · 5 years
Hey there. I was gonna start trying to rp on tumblr in the warhammer community and I was wondering if you had any tips?
Hello Anon! Apologies for the late reply. Mun had fallen asleep while putting some munchkin to bed :-PAnyway, welcome to the RP community!I’m no expert on RP since I’ve only been doing it less than two years but I’ll share some wisdom (?) that I’ve picked up from what I’ve been doing.
1. Have an idea on what kind of RP you want to do. You don’t have to settle on specifics as you would find over time that your tastes and styles will change. But generally do know what kind you would like to indulge in. Do you like action? Drama? Angst? Fluff? Only because some folks who RP prefer one over the other, OR they are better at one rather than another style. Like me? I can’t write action so it makes sense for me to not RP that much or if at all. Some folks are more canon-adherent, some are more flexible. 
2. Reach out! Me and Spero ( @fox-n-clocks  ) can promote you all we want, but not everyone is going to see that. So go follow folks, send them asks or DMs or prompts. Some you would see on their blogs that they are looking for new RP partners. Let them know you are willing to plot! Others wouldn’t mind the direct DM for plotting, and some would. Introduce yourself first and see where it goes! A good majority of RP folks here are very friendly and would welcome you with open arms.
3. Read their rules. If you have specific folks in mind you want to RP with, check out to see if they have rules. Most people who have the, have them for a reason. They may have had bad experiences in the past which is why they have them. Not everyone has rules either.
4. Have your own set of rules.Mostly because if there’s something you prefer not to deal with (smutting, shipping, violence, gore etc.,) it is best you give folks who do want to RP with you a heads up. Needless to say you don’t want to make each other uncomfortable down the road.
5. Respect your fellow RP player, and in return they should respect you. This goes without saying. Not everyone you ask is going to say yes.You may encounter one RP player that you really, really want to RP with and yet they turn you down. Maybe their slots are full, maybe they have real life issues, maybe they don’t feel your character would jive well with theirs. Regardless, do respect their decision. BUT they should always respect yours as well! If they want to, and you don’t because of (see reasons above), they should respect your choices as well! You don’t have to RP with every single person out there who asks. Anyone who gives you crap for not wanting to RP with them is a bullet you are lucky to dodge.
6. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Entering in to an RP relationship is like any relationship…friends, roommates, neighbors. Your RP partner can’t read your mind, unless they’re Magnus the Red and if he is RPing please tell him his psycho of a fangirl still exists. So do tell them if something bothers you, if you want to change up the plot, the pace etcetera. Communication is key to ANY relationship.
7. MOST IMPORTANTLY, HAVE FUN! That’s what RP is for! :-) If you’re not having fun, then something is amiss and you have to step back and see what it is. It’s NOT supposed to be a chore. Enjoy your world of escape, because, let’s face it, a lot of the times that’s what we’re here for, yes? It’s okay to take breaks, its okay to not reply right away, it’s okay to not to be comfortable with certain topics! 
If anyone else would like to contribute to my insanity (or if you disagree, go ahead! I am not the guru of anything here except maybe for smut. MAYBE.), please feel free to add on!
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buddha-in-disguise · 5 years
That Ultimates question!
I’ve seen numerous posts about the question asked of Chyler in regards to social media at Starfury Ultimates, May 2019. (Link will be at the end for her full answer if you haven’t read it or wish to refresh your memory).
The amount of disinformation as to who asked the question or what the question actually entailed is quite startling.
I’ve seen people say it was inappropriate, that the question should never have been asked. But before I get into this too much, I need to say the question was reviewed by a number of Starfury staff after the event and all agreed that it was a well worded question. These are neutral staff, who run these events for a living, so are perfectly placed on to what is or isn’t appropriate.
So my first point is this: one person asked the question, entirely on their own initiative. Let’s not blame someone just because you believe it to be true. It isn’t.
It was also talked about to others before Ultimates, seeing if it should be asked - and the driving force behind that question was truly about social media and hate. Not how it should be worded or to attack a group or people in particular.
So look, here it is. The photo of the handwritten question (that is accurate & not a mock up). This is posted with full permission.
Tumblr media
So yes, Sanvers is mentioned, but in truth, we can easily say it was way beyond Sanvers on this question. Remember the way Chris Woods was attacked? Or how about Floriana. Both got horrific amounts of hate and that in turn led to some awful fights going on between sections of fans and it can and does still go on.
However, we can also say that once Azie was announced it became another horrible situation, and that was in part why this question was asked. I saw fans being attacked for supporting Azie, or for still supporting Chyler in her role as Alex, or still supporting the show and much more.
Let alone the hate that was spewed by fans towards the person posing the question was that was almost immediate on Twitter. Hate that could’ve had police involvement in some cases it was so bad. Yes possible police involvement was mentioned. That hate trickled down to anyone associated with the person who asked the question, the severity depending on the perceived closeness of that friendship. So I and my husband got some hate as well, albeit not to that level.
I personally got attacked by numerous fans over comments I made on my own timeline, that wasn’t directed at anyone beyond my own thoughts & opinions before Ultimates. I didn’t @ anyone or hashtag anyone or a fandom. Yet I got horrific almost immediate hate the moment I posted things. So did my husband. Both of us had posts completely misrepresented. In several instances people completely misread them and even when this was pointed out, we still got attacked.
I got DM’s telling me who I should or shouldn’t follow for months in advance of May from people I barely knew, or had never interacted with. All trying to sway my opinion on someone or something. Even when I politely asked these posters not do that, that I was getting dragged into something that had nothing to do with me, and that I really didn’t appreciate it - I’d get the replies of ‘yeah fine, we get it’ - only for them to carry on with more reasons why I should listen to them & agree with them.
Let’s just turn this around - If someone comes into your timeline or your DM’s & told you to stop posting about someone or something, or who you can & can't interact with, you’d be rightly annoyed.
I know we can’t always agree on things, but if there is one thing I am sure of it’s we should all use our own critical thinking on how we interact on social media. I absolutely do not agree with telling anyone how they should be around other users if I don’t like their friendship and especially wouldn’t say anything if I wouldn’t interact with them normally, or how they should post on your own timeline (unless it is outright bullying or racist, bigotry etc). That becomes authoritarian and in part egotistical if you turn around and say you can only listen to my opinion.
We can’t all like the same people or agree on the same things, yet too often this is taken as being an automatic attack on someone or a fandom, or group. The reality is, that is real life; we are all different, not robots to be commanded about how we think or act. That sort of expectation becomes more like a cult than fandom (and for goodness sake before anyone accuses me about making that comment specific to a fandom, I’m not).
So let me say from a personal standpoint; I was glad that question was asked, because I had seen my husband have aspects of himself attacked (especially being transgender and referred to ‘it’ more than once), or how I was pushed on how to behave, what to say or who to interact with, or just attacked especially behind the scenes. This was going too far. And yes - this was all from Sanvers fans in our instance. Not anons or alt accounts, but known active Sanvers fans. This is when I do mention a fandom, but it applies to more than one group. This doesn’t mean I’m dismissing others' experiences, but merely mentioning my own. If attacks were so bad after the question, that police involvement was a distinct possibility, that is what is not acceptable. These again were Sanvers fans and we can’t shy away from that.
Also I think it’s important we remember Chyler’s opening & closing lines on her reply, as it helps show how important it was for her to answer the question:
The start of her answer.
“So, so, I’ll be very honest with you, I’m very glad that you asked me that question, and this is a very big discussion amid our crew, in this season in particular, as far as our gaggle of gals has expanded. It includes Melissa, and it includes Azie, and it includes ah, Katie, and we’ve had multiple conversations about you know, about the fandom….”
The end.
“I love you all. And I really want to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I’m surprised I said so much.”
As for it put Chyler on the spot and she felt uncomfortable answering or it made her cry. If you go to enough conventions over the years, you know if Chyler didn’t want to answer I’m pretty sure she she wouldn’t have given the length or depth of answer she did. Reminder of her words: I’m very glad that you asked me that question.
I’ve seen guests plenty of times either politely decline to answer something (usually with; ‘this really isn’t a question I feel is right to ask or relevant to the panel’ or a variant of that, to answers that are brief & fairly basic). Chyler’s was neither of those.
Yes, Chyler did get emotional towards the end, but if you took the time to read what she said, it isn’t surprising. This was obviously something that was emotive for her, not because of the question per se, but because of what it meant as a whole. It was also asked at the Supergirl panel, not the Sanvers panel as that seems to be going around.
Plus refer to my earlier point, neutral Starfury staff had no issue over the question & thought it well worded.
I also have to ask: if this question had come from anyone else in the audience, would these kind of things be said? I truly doubt it would. For some maybe it wouldn’t change their opinion, but I really think that a lot of what has happened is not because of the question itself, but because of who asked it.
I say that in part because I saw Tweets flying around well before the question was even asked talking about who was in line to ask something, and variants of the theme of that it was bound to have a go at Sanvers fans, and how dare the bullies be given a platform to speak. So without even knowing what was going to be asked, people were placing their own opinion as fact out there on Twitter.
Another thing I should mention is that people are saying the question meant the Sanvers panel the following day became a moderated panel.
No. It didn’t. That moderation was announced by Sean before the Supergirl panel began, long before the question was asked or known. Again, don’t put your own bias on this. Why it was moderated had nothing to do with it, and placing that sort of accusation on people is not right.
Also when people say it wasn’t the right arena for the question to be asked. Why not? It’s a fandom event and the question was about fandom. This comes back to something I’ve mentioned before; if you don't like an answer to any question, it doesn't automatically make it that the question is wrong. In fact, if you simply say a question is wrong, even before an answer is given, it holds as well - it doesn’t automatically mean the question is wrong. Just as difference of opinion, no matter how unsavoury to you, doesn't mean it is bullying.
It’s also been said the question should never have been asked as it made attendees cry & get upset.
As much as I’m empathetic that some were upset, we can’t not ask questions purely because we feel it might not be well received by everyone there. We can’t know it will upset people to the point of crying, anymore than you can say it shouldn’t be asked. As I say, we have to genuinely ask, was it the person asking the question that caused that reaction, or the question itself?
If it was the question itself, what part exactly? Because as a question overall, without cherry picking out words to take them out of context, I personally feel it was valid and seeing Chyler answer as she did shows me it had merit.
Last but by no means least: It's obvious some people object to me and my opinion and that's fine. I accept people can't always agree on things. I just ask people don’t continue to come onto my account or my timeline to carry on discussions knowing we’ll never agree on something. That serves no purpose other than to browbeat someone and honestly, I don’t have the time or energy to keep repeating the same thing ad-infinitum. I post on my timeline, and don’t ask anyone to read it or retweet it. I don’t do it with any agenda beyond trying to spread kindness or awareness. If you don’t want to see my posts, by all means please block me. I don’t have issue with that, but if you or others continue to stalk my account, then you and you alone have that responsibility.
Link for Chyler’s answer:
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studylustre · 6 years
(matcha latte anon🍵) hello carol!! first up, i wanna tell you that i love reading through your posts alot!! especially the soft boy™, it's so cute!!! >u
matcha latte (!!!) and the second time i met him (which was 2 weeks after), he remembered my order which was really nice and unexpected. also, i was with my friend that day, and i offered some yam chips (in a container) to another female collegue (since i am more used to seeing her, and also because i’m kinda shy to give him). he came to the table and gave back my container, and had a very small talk, in which he offered us drinks/ice cream but we declined. after my friend left, i continued studying and suddenly, he came to collect my cup which i was going to say thank you, but to my surprise, he placed another new cup of matchalatte for me!! i was shocked and didn’t know what to do so i just mouthed a thank you to him. at this point, my heart is already melting, considering this is the first time anyone has offered me a drink like this. we also said bye when he left. our third encounter: the next day, in which he came but i don’t think he had work. he sat at the chair in front of my table, but i was so HORRIBLY SHY that i didn’t look up that much. i have no idea if he was looking at me or not but it remained like this for about (more than) 5 minutes long?? after that, he went to stand near my table and said “no matcha latte today?” so i replied “yea mocha today” !!!! but we were interrupted by the female collegue who said “haha you talking to customer ah” *in chinese* but in like a jokingly manner. then i think the situation got shy and he said no in chinese once again and then we bid farewell :c. it was such good memories and i never met him after that, and i thought i never will. the only info i had about him was that he’s a year older than me. i think i’m a person who falls in love quite easily haha, so i couldn’t stop thinking about it for quite a while. fast forward to jun 14, i signed up for a school camp (i usually don’t go to camps) with 2 of my friends. it was a camp with 5 different schools. as time passed on during the first day,i couldn’t help but notice this guy felt familiar?? i kept noticing the way he talked, the way he walked, and it hinted me that it mIGHT be him ?? (i��m not very good at remembering faces, and also his hair is also wayyyy longer than before) during that night, i was talking to my friend about how i had a feeling that it was him, but i don’t know if i really want to know if it’s him (bc he seemed close to this girl, and my self-esteem is quite low :c). but i decided that i should just ask him. during the next day, i didn’t see him around often, but i couldn’t quite find the courage to ask him, and i don’t really want to do it infront of my friends. when the camp was nearing to an end, i almost thought i won’t ask him, but man i just went with it, go up to him and awkwardly goes like “wait, did u work in a cafe before?” he seemed hesistant so i thought i got the wrong guy, but NO! IT WAS REALLY HIM! aaaa but we got interrupted again, and one person asked if we were cousins LOL.we didn’t manage to talk alot, but found out we’re in the same school??? but he’s year 3 while i’m year 2. once again, i was really amazed to meet him again such circumstances, and that we were in the same school all along?? i thought i would meet him sometime soon,,, but turns out i was wrong.. i didn’t have any contact of him and once again, as time goes by, i didn’t think much about him again. fast forward early to end jul-early aug, i signed up for a japan uni talk (once again, not something i usually go for but somehow did). on that day, i was thinking about how long i’ve never met café guy but was happy cause i’m over it. but life decides to (idek what life is trying to do to me) bring him back into the picture again! i was waiting for my friend when i suddenly saw this familiar looking guy, i only saw him walking two steps (he’s blocked by a pillar) and i had a gut feeling that it might be him. but this time he was wearing glasses and his hair is short now. after seem peaking around here and there, it turns out it really was him??!?! at that point of time, i was very shy and awkward, it was hard for me to say hi or anything, i was just freaking out. to sum up that day, i basically didn’t manage to say hi to him (regrets :cc). but my friend, managed to find a mutual friend of both of us’s instagram. i went to follow him and found café’s guy instagram eventually!! to sum up, i eventually used my main account to follow him, in which he followed back ( that was like almost a 3 day process uwu). also, i dropped huge hints to lowkey scream *i’m the matcha latte i hope u remember me!!!* aaaa he dm-ed me and ask if im the matcha latte girl!!! we talked abit (not alot really) and (yesterday) he said he’s working but at another chain of the café (which is about 3 mins walking distance to the café i met him & usually go to). he asked what time i was leaving, and since i was meeting my friend, i said around late 5 to 6. he then said his break was only at 6plus, so i thought maybe i can wait a little longer to catch him (but i was a little afraid to meet him as well haha) i was going to pack my bag when he came!!! he immediately came to my table and talked to me!!! but my friend called me so i had to pick up, when it ended, he came back to my table again and we talked for about 20mins?? it was nice talking to him (some context: my mind usually goes blank when making conversations with people!!! >u
hi angel!! sorry for the late reply - i saw ur ask a little while ago but bc i didn’t have my laptop (it was off for repairs) i couldn’t reply :(( anyway, it sounds like ur both mutually interested in each other!! i think u should go for it. i mean, from what i can tell, it sounds like u kinda like this guy (u seem rly excited whenever u catch glimpses of him and idk i feel like he definitely made a big impression on u bc why else would u a) remember all your interactions b) get so excited about seeing him time and time again and c) bother to tell me all this, right? ✨) like it just seems like u both have interest in each other but are too shy to make a move. i think u should go for it bc u’ve already nearly lost him several times now - u only get so many chances and i feel like u might regret it if u don’t do anything and just let this opportunity slide… also i think u might be overthinking it - you may be different people, yes, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing?? also u guys don’t really know each other all that well yet so it’s really too soon to be worrying so much, just try to take the time to get to know each other better and then see how things go once u have a better grasp on who he is etc. u have nothing to lose from giving it a shot, especially since u already hope for it to work out, so why hold urself back and deprive urself of something that could potentially make u a really happy? everyone’s scared of things and it’s natural to be scared of something like this, but it would be a shame to let that fear hold u back from something that could be really great
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