#if you see instashipping it's probably because I've been writing princess since 2012
obviously you ship emma and killian, but was wondering what other canon characters you ship emma with? your post about shipping got me curious, so what are your other emma ships?
okay, this is an interesting question! Because in canon-canon I’m happy with her ship, obviously, so it’s hard to picture her with anybody else, I feel like it’s a ‘if they exist in the same place and time they are true love’ BUT, in rp, when it comes to canon characters, I can see different characters maybe clicking, whether because there is some canon bases or because they weren’t fleshed out enough and I can connect dots that I want? So I’m speaking for canon Emma now because I’m not sure if you meant with her or the princess. Then the princess. Putting under read more because it’s a lot
For example:-Graham. Loved it, loved the whole story they had, loved the ‘Huntsman who cries when killing animals’ and how he felt something around Emma despite the curse, and just… yes, lots of potential. In canon too. -Jefferson… I can see both the ‘he’s a father and a broken man’ and ‘he was a sarcastic little shit’ that gives lots of potential emotional connection and sparks (but in that case some work would be needed since he wasn’t exactly… healthy for obvious reasons during the curse and I want to think it was also part of the curse because come on, he was scary in his episode. But he also said the truth. And I don’t think he’d have shot Emma, what good does it make? But he was scary so yeah, work there). If Jefferson had somehow become a main (gotten some therapy too), been there as a more responsible father but still with some of the attitude he had when younger, possibly, yes.-I could ship her with Whale because that man cracks me up most of the time but not in canon, because… I don’t know. Like, he broke my heart with his brother and feeling like a monster, but the way the show wrote him makes them a bit weird to me, so it’s just a what if, not against it, but probably only if he had been a main character with lots of development, his own arc, changing. So it’s more of a rp ship than canon one I guess? With a maybe next to it. In canon I doubt she’d let her walls down around him so… no. -August. It changes from time to time, I love that they are hella platonic, I do, but I also tend to be able to ship some kinds of friendships in a romantic way too, because love should have a friendly base for me… he did take responsibility for how he behaved, he almost died/did die trying to fix it, he’s very encouraging and pro-Emma as an adult, so… maybe. But it’s also a case of ‘I can ship this canon character in rp but not in canon with Emma’.-I… don’t know if there are minor characters or other characters I’d ship with them because I don’t remember all of them, but it gets harder and harder the less they had focus because canon Emma means so much to me, and I can only ship her either with other characters I love nearly as much or character that will love her very much and make her happy, encourage her, admire her, make her feel like she can open up, you know, a mutually supportive sort of thing. Of course, like I said, in rp can happen even with characters I wouldn’t ship with her in the show, keeping a good part of their personalities but changing them the way rp does due to putting them through different situations (that goes for Emma too, she changes too depending on what happens), and some ships are more realistic than others, some are just funny and become deeper in rps like it happens for everybody because we all develop characters in ways the show doesn’t.   
Now the princess? The princess could probably manage to make things work out with nearly everybody lol Canon and oc, if they make her feel safe in an emotional sense, make her laugh, also make her feel it’s okay to be loving and funny in a dumb way… Some she can sass with but who also accepts her love, someone who either was never evil or can get a real redemption, someone who can appreciate a reckless knight but also a loving princess. Any of those men too, sure, if it happens in threads (because after all any rper could write with Emma and feel that their character feels nothing like that for her, it’s cool, I hate forcing things, if I think I must make her fall in love I can’t write), and in a far more ‘realistic’ way than canon Emma could click with them. There is all the angst that can come from their problems, and also from her fear of romantic love breaking her heart and the issues of her ‘arc’ in my blog, but also all the fun from potential dumb interactions, the softness, me loving cliches as hell… (’oh my god that character is now getting cuddled for the first time in his life’ ‘oohh there is only one bed’).So it’s easy to ship them with those characters that I’ve seen around canon Emma, but also with characters who will treat her in a way that makes me ship them, who have that kind of personality that clicks. 
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