#so my old rp partners and I have written SO MUCH in my other blogs
despairforme · 7 months
congratulations on the 9 years with the spoon! any tips on sticking to writing the same character for so long without the fandom ruining them? genuinely curious!
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[ ;O;//// Thank you so much anon! I'm super happy about having written him for 9 years. Thinking about all the time I've dedicated to my hobby, all the hours I've given him... Makes me happy. I'm living my best life!
I'd be happy to share some tips about sticking to a character. At least I can share what has worked for me. I can 5/5 recommend having such a long journey with a character. It's a commitment you won't regret! I'm not really sure what you mean by "the fandom ruining them", but I'll give my take anyway xD -
Picking a character that inspires you. I think this is the most important thing. I started writing Nnoitra initially because I enjoyed drawing him. He gave me a ton of inspiration for drawing, and I figured it might be the same for writing, and I was right. I'm always, ALWAYS inspired to write Nnoitra, because he is the source of my inspiration.
Writing them how YOU want, not how others want. Staying secure and confident in your portrayal is underrated. I've stayed away from discussing my portrayal (it's in my rules that I prefer not to discuss how I write him). Don't let people tell you how you should portray your muse. If they don't like the way you write them, they can give writing them a go themselves. If you disagree with popular fanon ect, then go your own way. Your muse is yours.
About mirrors / duplicates. How people deal with mirrors/duplicates of the same muse really depends on the person, I think. In my early days of writing Nnoitra, I used to block/blacklist all other Nnoitra writers, because I didn't want to see their take on Nnoitra. I was "possessive" of him, if that makes sense. Now, I'm happy to see different versions of him, and I enjoy writing with my duplicates. Seeing other people love him is wholesome to me! I wish I'd interacted with my duplicates a lot sooner, and chatted with them. Talking to duplicates and befriending them has made me more confident and comfortable, so I would personally recommend that approach.
Building friendships, navigating the community. Interacting with lots of different people, both new and old people in the fandom is important in order to get enough interactions and connections. It's pretty difficult to write a muse for many years if you don't build any rp-connections. Also, having long-term friendships with your partners is amazing. There are people on here I've known for 10 years now! It's wild! Staying AWAY from drama is also incredibly important. You don't want any negativity to be attached to your blog. You don't want to feel anxious when logging on. Don't engage with any drama. Don't comment on it, don't give your opinion, don't discuss it with anyone. You never know when someone might take something out-of-context, or how "big" even small drama can grow. If drama is going on in the fandom, I'd recommend just blacklisting it, or going offline until it dies down. If you're keeping your blog for a long time, remember that people can go back and find things you've written ages ago. Maybe that one friend you stuck up for 2 years ago really does turn out to be a scam-artist or a predator. Don't underestimate how petty people can be. They can go back and find your posts about supporting this person and bam, you're added to a do-not-interact list. Even if all you did was support your friend at the time. If you get anon hate in your inbox, block and delete the ask. You don't need that negativity on your long-term blog. IDK I like to think of my blog as a garden that I'm cultivating?? I generally keep only positive, nice things on it. Things that I can go back and look at with approval and happiness.
Branching out of the fandom. This is probably (imo) the most important thing. I don't think I would've been able to write for 9 years if I hadn't branched out of the fandom. Not because the fandom is bad. Not because it doesn't inspire me, but because the amount of plots really is limited. Having to work within the boundaries of the fandom, and with a limited amount of characters isn't sustainable for 9 years. I love canon interactions, but I can't base my whole writing on that. It's too repetitive, which brings me to my next tip -
Give yourself the plots you crave. Getting "bored" of a muse can happen if you find yourself more interested in something else. Watched a new fantasy-anime? Maybe you're really into this one pirate show. Maybe you're interested in a specific time in history. MAKE THAT AU!! I cannot recommend AUs enough!! If you want to write a pirate muse, instead of making a new muse, just make an AU for your current muse. I have over 30 AUs for Nnoitra at this point, most of them inspired from either shows I've watched or specific interests I have ( like my formula 1!au, since I'm a huge f1 fan ). Don't be afraid to reach out to people who might be interested in writing the AUs with you. Don't be afraid to write drabbles for the AUs.
A continuous story. Another tip I can give for keeping things interesting, is to have a "story" for your muse that you continue through the years. Like my Nnoitra's main verse. Everything that happens to him in that verse progresses the story. The muses he interacts with become characters in his story. I get to see him develop and have ups and downs. It's like watching your favorite show with your favorite character, and there is always a new season. 5/5.
Hope this helps! This is just some things I could think of on the top of my head. And, this is just from my personal experience! ]
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miqojak · 8 months
FFXIV-Write 2023 Masterlist
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Jak's Carrd
I'll note it up top - do not use my blog for your OC aesthetic! This is, like others' spaces, a blog to showcase my OC so that others can get a feel for her, and if they might want to RP with her! It is not a resource blog - feel free to follow the resource blogs that I do, however... or just share my original works (writing/gpose) as well, if you intend to take my character's aesthetic. I'm politely requesting that others simply treat me with respect, here. If you follow an RP blog, the assumption is that you want to interact with that OC and/or get to know/see more about that OC...not that you wish to utilize them as a resource.
Free Day
Off The Hook (A'vaanoh)
Ring (A'vaanoh)
Shed (Miyako)
Free Day!
Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Miyako)
Dowdy (Miyako)
Free Day
A Fish Out of Water
Fulsome (A'vaanoh)
Free Day
Call It a Day (A'vaanoh)
Last (A'vaanoh)
Want my writing -
There's a whole page of it on this page of my Carrd! It's up to date through last year, and I'll get around to tacking 2023's writings up soon, but until then...
... care to gamble with Tumblr's terrible tag system?
#mywriting - should only bring up stuff I've written!
#old writing - older writings I've reblogged to get back out there, but are really not pertinent anymore, and/or they're so old that I'm not as proud of my writing
Want my screenshot 'gallery'?
There's a curated page of many of my personal favorites here on my carrd!
...Care to pray that Tumblr can actually find the rest of those not on my carrd with my tags?
#shadesofred is the only standard tag for all of my images!
#my goth girlfriend is also a tag I use often*
Miscellaneous Tags
[The Jackal and the Wolf] - Jak's ship tag for her and Ketsuchi! This spans a lot of writings, a few gpose sets, and various aesthetic inspirations.
[Canidae Chaos] - the ship that started it all! Jak's first real relationship, and... probably the first person she won't/wouldn't admit she might have come close to loving. My RP partner left the game, but the memories of our time/the OCs' time spent together are fond ones, so I thought I'd link it here! There is, however, an alternate name for their ship... from when it first began, before we came up with the mutually agreed upon ship-name! So this other one will contain things pertaining to Kincaid and Jak as well... but from even earlier on in their dynamic, for the most part:
[The Jackal and the Crow]
#WoL Jak - interchangeable with #AU Jak as a tag, this is for anything that pertains to the AU head-canon where I ponder what Jak would be like in a world where she's the WoL! She's… a rather begrudging 'hero.' Mostly these are brief writings from when MSQ makes me FEEL THINGS.
It's noted on my carrd, but I don't RP outside of the game, nor do I RP with canon characters (to include the WoL). No judgement from me, it's just too much for my immersion with canon characters.
( *There were lots of Bratz doll jokes in the early days, and it may have influenced me making AU WoL Jak - who is basically a rock star - make her own clothing line called 'My Goth Girlfriend' with seasonal promotions...mostly just so I could dress her up in all the cool, punk/goth clothes I wish(ed) were in game...)
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quickdeaths · 4 months
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
I have a few, so in no real particular order
Dropping threads/not replying to starters without saying anything. I try to be communicative about things when I can (although I'm sure I don't always succeed) and I'm happy to make changes, or move things in a particular direction, do a timeskip, location change, whatever if the need is there. What I can't do anything about, though, is when someone drops a thread with me or sees a starter I wrote for them and decides not to respond without saying anything to me.
It puts me in a state of like "are they gonna reply? should I send them a message or would that be bothering them? if I send in a meme or like their starter call, will they be annoyed because we already have something and they're just working on it? I understand that not every thread can continue for 40+ replies, and not every starter is a 10/10 out the gate, but I can't know what's up if people won't tell me.
Blatantly ignoring easily-available information (especially for ship purposes). This doesn't happen too much anymore, but it used to happen with some frequency, where people who I barely knew, or hadn't written with much, would pitch me on things that contradicted some of the most basic things on my muses' pages. There's a lot to read and everyone makes mistakes on things sometimes, that's not really an issue, but, for example, on some of my other blogs there was a small pattern of people trying to pitch m/f ships for my lesbian characters, when my character's sexuality was like the third line from the top on my page.
Way too much OOC content. People can run their blogs as they like, and it's not my right to tell people what they can and can't do, however, something that personally drives me a little crazy is when I see a new RP blog that will make upwards of like ten posts a day that are aesthetic posts, OOC life updates, shipping calls, memes, and other miscellaneous posts, while answering IC memes or writing threads maybe extremely infrequently. I remember on another blog following someone, and at the point where I softblocked them, they were making three or four posts a day, without fail, and yet I had to go back over two months to find IC content. It's just not really compatible with how I like to handle my experience.
Blog hopping. I understand that there are valid reasons to archive or delete a blog and remake it, but occasionally I have seen people go through like a blog every month or two, or go from having a single-muse blog, to putting their character on their multi, to making a new single-muse, to remaking the multi and putting them there again, to putting them on a single-muse again, etc. etc. The explanation that I often hear is that people want a clean slate, or things got too crazy, they want to get away from some problem, or something like that, but then they will keep the same URL, the same aesthetics, re-follow all the same partners, keep the same ships, etc.
The analogy that I use is like, if you have bedbugs, moving to a new apartment but bringing the old frame, mattress, and bedding is not going to help you. Sooner or later you're going to have the same problems again. For me, as well, it's a struggle to keep up with past threads or interactions, conversations that might have been had in IMs, etc. if they're spread out across lots of different blogs. It's just not really an impulse I understand, and I find it disruptive, especially when consistently paired with dropping all threads and wanting to start new threads with the same characters.
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mun meme
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★  NAME:  Rae
★  PRONOUNS:  she/her.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE:  I'm...not actually sure what this means? Is this the best RP you've ever written, or where you've enjoyed writing the most? I have no clue, actually. But I tend to prefer 1x1 storylines in a chatroom or email-based format. Tumblr isn't my favorite place to write, honestly: but it's one of the most active, so I'm here.
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: If we haven't written much/at all and you don't enjoy plotting or interacting OOC? Tumblr IMs are fine with me. If you like plotting and sharing a bunch of art/aesthetics/reddit threads that remind me of our muse(s)? Then discord is best. Bryn can attest to this, because I will spam her with memes from relevant muse/aesthetic tags.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: I only keep up one blog right now, so it's Sonia. I don't have a lot of time or energy to write much at present, so juggling two blogs would be very hard. I miss writing Fujiko Mine, though.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started roleplaying in 1999. My RP experience is old enough to have a mid-life crisis. I have probably been roleplaying longer, or just as long, as some of you have been alive and this knowledge sends me into...well, a mid-life crisis.
I've been roleplaying for a long time. I have quite a few, but I'll share some of them.
Muns who do not read rules, or a blog in general. Not just for the sake of boundaries, but just to even get an idea of activity, writing style, and so forth of the blog they're hoping to write with. Maybe it's because I've only written canon muses for the past 15 years or so, but when I've had blogs on tumblr or Livejournal, I've found that I'll get followed by other blogs interested purely in interacting with a canon muse without any regard for writing style, frequency, or other essential components that factor into good writing partner chemistry. Admittedly, this has happened plenty of times because someone wanted a romantic ship with whatever canon muse I happened to be writing without even asking if I wanted to ship my muse with theirs, or had any interest in writing romance at all. I feel like a lot of misunderstanding or bad communication would be helped if some people really looked at the accounts they're trying to interact with, beyond just wanting to write with that character.
Muns with canon muses who do not write out actual bios, or just link to a character's wiki page. Look, it seems like quite a double standard if we as a roleplaying community ask OC writers to produce a small novel describing their muses so canon writers have an idea of where they might fit in a canon or original verse and, in turn, canon writers give absolutely nothing in return to how they portray their muses. Anyone can do an internet search on a canon muse: I want to know how you see and portray your canon muse. Doubly so if you are a new blog with no IC content. Do not assume every mun is familiar with your canon muse, and do not assume that even if a mun is familiar with your muse, they'll interpret them the same way you do. Show your followers how you see them, show your followers how you write!
And the last pet peeve I'll share: muns who drop threads/blogs before interactions even get a chance to start. Doubly so if they clearly just wanted to write a romantic ship without any real chemistry or interactions. I don't mind when writing partners take time with replies: I actually prefer that to muns who reply in 24-72 hours, because it gives me some time to breathe in-between replies and brainstorm about what could happen next. And I don't mind at all when muns have other commitments, jobs, and hobbies that are in need of their attention: if we have interactions going and someone needs to step away for a little while (and it's communicated!), that's understandable.
What I don't like are muns, often with new blogs, who either abandon the blog entirely or constantly ask for new memes, asks, and interactions when we've got active threads going. It's one thing to not have muse, but when you're actively soliciting new threads without replying to ours and not communicating that you'd like to just drop threads?
Yeah. I just don't have time for that. That sort of writing habit works for some muns, but I enjoy long threads with complex storylines (some of which have taken years to write!). I like slow-burn romances, humor, drama, and the progression of life and situations between muses. I'm not fond of one-off interactions that never really form a plot, if that makes sense.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Yes! I think memes are great to start off but if my writing partner is wanting to build off initial interactions, then I think plotting is best. Especially if writing partners are looking to write romantic ships: I pretty much exclusively plot these at this point.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Sonia and I both enjoy tea, chocolate, anime, and horror movies (she likes anime and horror movies more than I do). We also both have similar fashion styles (preppy/tailored/classic with traditionally feminine touches) and come from families with some Rich People Problems. Otherwise, she is the most cheerful glass-half-full sort of woman and I have predominantly resting bitch face and a degree in sarcasm. I also love historical fiction and royalty gossip and news far more than she does.
tagged by: @rolliesanimeclub
tagging: @quickdeaths, @dcviated, and you. I was this close to tagging all of my over-30 brethren in the RPC because you are seen and valid (and also if you're like me probably tired).
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ladyseidr · 9 months
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@rosanimemuses asked: ❝ munday odd numbers ❞ ( munday meme )
When did you start writing on Tumblr?
I started writing on an old, old single muse blog in October of 2018! I feel like most people have been roleplaying here a lot longer, but I roleplayed elsewhere prior to that despite being on tumblr generally since I was ~14.
3. Who are your longest rp friends?
My early earliest are @adcthamilton and @florietiae, but I also of course count you and @ahogedetective among my longest friends here too!!! I love all of y'all so much <3
5. Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
Oof, honestly it's nothing to do with other people, 99% of other people are lovely here. To be blunt, I hate how it often has to go on the backburner due to my mental health. I really don't have a least favorite outside of that.
7. NOTP for your muse?
I don't have a ton of NOTPs (outside of like, obviously gross stuff). Plus, what I consider a NOTP fandom-wise isn't always a NOTP with trusted mutuals in roleplay, if that makes sense? Like, I really dislike the fandom vibe around Shu.ichi/Kae.de and I don't generally ship it, but I'm more than happy to explore it with a trusted mutual. Same goes for, like, William/Van.essa on @spring-lxcked (tho I still won't ship Glitch and her).
9. What are some differences between you and your muse/muses?
This varies hugely between muses, but I'd say like. . . every muse I've ever written is more confident than me LMAO. Beyond that it's very, very muse specific. For example, muses like Frederick, Kok.ichi, and William are way more antagonistic than I could ever be, which is honestly fun to explore lmao.
11. Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react?
Generally I love writing with dupes with a different muse of mine. In fact, I personally find that writing with dupes helps ease any duplicate anxiety I might have. However, I'm usually not big on writing dupes against one another. There's exceptions to that, of course, but overall it's not something I'm usually interested in.
13. What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know?
Me when I post every headcanon the moment it pops into my mind. Honestly I can't think of any that I haven't talked about.
15. What do you look for in a rp partner?
When it comes to deciding to follow? That our writing style and rules are compatible + that they have muses I can see myself interacting with. Beyond that? Nice, shows interest in our stuff (talking in tags, showing excitement generally, liking posts, etc), and not super judgmental/negative toward others.
17. Least favourite trope?
I know I probably have something I don't like, but I can't think of anything I fully, always hate off the top of my head.
19. Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music?
Usually, yes. Either Lo-Fi or my extremely chaotic instrumental playlist. Lyrics usually throw me off lmao.
21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
I answer this the same every time but complex characters kfsdhfkshajskd. Like, the more complex their mindset / morals / actions, the more I am in love with them. I legally have to explore the complicated shit that comes with that lmao
23. Do you ever get jealous when rping? How do you handle this?
I firmly believe everybody does and anybody saying they never do is lying lmao. Honestly, I don't really do anything? I feel it, acknowledge that it's silly, and just. . . move on. It's not a constructive feeling.
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cadrenebula · 2 years
So I got rid of everything but some RP posts and writing entries over on the side blog I used to have for the Ishgard boys of mine. I might repost the writing over here cause I know reblogs with read mores are basically garbage if the original goes away. Debating on remaking that side blog for something a little more personal. I might go somewhat more self indulgent on that side blog. (Could I just create another side blog? Sure. But I like the name I snagged for that one an its just collecting dust.)
Like I haven’t really written much in the way of actual fan fiction since very early 2000s. I lost the exact date when I had to retrieve the original stuff off fanfiction.net when I lost the old PC. If I do go back into fan fiction I’ll probably make an AO3. But I can still use that old side blog for some XIV related self indulgence. (I used to have this whole elaborate Sailor Moon fan fiction series I was writing at one point. And some Legend of Dragoon and Cardcaptor Sakura stuff. Though with the Clear Card season, I’d have to totally reexamine if I want to continue that CCS one. I still have a lot of the stuff on my external drive.)
I mean this all assuming I have the energy. Or the drive. Often I find myself just in survival mode still. I’m hoping it might help if I do some self indulgence. I’ve done RP so many years but I started with fan fiction. An some days it just feels like a struggle. Mostly because it always depends on so many factors. It’s no one’s fault in this. Life is just a bitch is all. Maybe I need to throw in some self indulgent stuff that doesn’t depend on life letting things line up nicely. Something that won’t effect RP partners if I have an angsty day an put a character through hell for it.
We’ll see. XD It might end up like all the other projects I mean to do. Set off to the side waiting for me to come back to it at some point. But if you see writing posted to this one from years ago, it’s just me moving it over here where it should be now.
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sonofbhaal · 10 months
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..so sayeth the wise Alaundo.
Sarevok Anchev (NOT compliant with BG3 lore! Helena/Orin do not exist here.)
Anomen Delryn
Valygar Corthala
Please read the rules before interacting.
Welcome, stranger!
This is an independent roleplaying blog for the characters Sarevok Anchev, Anomen Delryn and Valygar Corthala of Bioware’s Baldur’s Gate series. This blog is for entertainment purposes only; I am in no way affiliated to Bioware, the creators of Baldur’s Gate, or any of the actors I use as faceclaims.
NOTE: I started Baldur’s Gate 3 but I have not progressed far yet. My characters are based in BG 1 and 2. I am open to adapting them to the BG 3 timeline. However:
Particularly the character of Sarevok is VASTLY different in the old games - I do not take the events and story presented in BG 3 into account for his portrayal.
I am over 30 years of age and I live in Central Europe. I work during the week and I’m a university student, which means the activity on this blog will be low. Also this is not my main blog, so it is not first priority.
I will only write with blogs I follow. This includes threads, memes, and anything in between.
If we’re mutuals, feel free to continue a meme in a new thread if you see the situation going somewhere.
I tend to write longer replies (multipara) and I prefer them over one-liners.
I do not write with people under the age of 18. I prefer writing with partners who are over 25, regardless of content. NSFW content is not a priority for me on this blog so there won’t be much of it, but I am not opposed to it.
Especially since the old Baldur’s Gate RP fandom is basically non-existent, I am more than willing to roleplay with any other compatible fandom!
I use minor formatting and sometimes icons, sometimes no icons. I have no problem with RP partners not using any icons. However, I do ask you to cut your posts if we have an on-going thread.
Please don’t force ships or shame ships.
I ship chemistry above all things, and so do my muses. However, Sarevok is a tough one when it comes to relationships, so if you’re looking for romance and eternal love you are probably going to be disappointed here. Sex is more likely to happen with him than actual love. Also, expect to be dropped or betrayed or murdered when you stand in his way.
While I, as a writer, am happy to write gay ships with Anomen, please note that he will be a little hesitant towards engaging in a romantic relationship with another man at first, due to his standing and upbringing.
As this has come up before: I will not write threads in which Sarevok rapes/has raped anyone. Don’t request that, the answer is no. If it’s part of your character’s backstory, please leave it out in our threads, I am not making it part of his story. Also Orin/Helena and anything about his story in BG3 is not canon for this blog. Please do not request/assume it.
There will be dark and potentially triggering themes on this blog, both in my character’s backstory and in threads. With a character like Sarevok it would be hard to tag everything potentially triggering, but I will tag the most common ones (such as suicide, gore, torture, etc). To name a few themes that I can see coming up: murder, mass murder, alcoholism, violence, incest (between (half)siblings/bhaalspawn), self-harm, torture, … Smutty content is tagged as nsfw.
If you need anything tagged that I am not tagging yet, let me know and I’ll check if I can add it to my list.
Thank you for reading my rules! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask :)
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detectiveconnor · 1 year
name. call me Aster on this blog for now i am still seeing if i like it as a pen name or name name or neither pronouns. they/she, i prefer 'they' but 'she' sprinkled in occasionally when you're talking about me is nice and preferred to just 'they/them'. not 'he' ty preference of communication. i prefer discord for ooc stuff. i don't rp on discord at all and will not do so if asked.
name of muse(s). there's connor, there's TK, and there's the doc
rp experience/ how long. I have been rping since i was old enough to speak actually but on tumblr i have been here about 10 years, a bit more now i think, and rping in internet written spaces mmmm. about 14 years?
best experience. i think this is counterproductive i like all of my friends rp pet peeves/dealbreakers. one time sb complained at me "you think you're so right about how you write your character >:o" and the answer is yes, obviously. if i did not think i was right I would be writing them a different way, the way that i thought was right. i don't write canon characters to make them into OCs i would just write an OC, the fun of it is trying to be right for me, if you want me to change how i write them bc you think differently to me ....... you are out of luck
fluff, angst, or smut. i cannot do exclusively angst despite enjoying it a greater-than-average amount. i prefer things with plots/narratives which is hard to do with connor bc he is a detective and few people are... detective-esque characters with him... but things with a story that unfolds are always my favourite. i also like things with a solid, um, setting? like i like conversations between muses but the setting makes things more solid for me. give me details of where they are and what's around them. it's the necessary instruments of a scene, details of What's Around and What Can Be Used, even when there's not a story going (yet) if you give me a physical setting for them to be in i usually have 60% more muse plots or memes. i just said i like things with plots but i don't like planning the plots. i like memes. i like making it up. i like 'hey what about' in the tags. sometimes i don't what about at all, after a while i do stop hand-holding people bc they get a feel for the style (and they stick around or they don't! that's up to them) but kdjfsldkjkdlgj my preference is i write something and then you write something and it surprises me (or the other way around) i love that. long or short replies. long but i am often so tired and connor does so much thinking which isn't actually plot and sometimes short things are also very fun and easy. i don't do one-liners for more than opens, i hate them. best time to write. when i feel like it
are you like your muse? we are both steady but he is steadier. both slow to anger and generally believe people are trying to be good and should get the benefit of the doubt, but we both have lines. he is wholly his own person and his sense of humour is different to mine (although he's very funny) and he enjoys things I don't, and is less anxious (that's the steady) and more .... sure of himself? settled. he's also willing to be a bully in a really outright way when he thinks it is worthwhile and that can be abrasive? and i am also like that but he reaches that point a lot earlier than i do and i think that is because he is not waiting for a line he is waiting for a "i see bullshit and I call it out". he calls bluffs. he's also better at seeing bluffs and noticing lies and reading people in general. i have watched tv shows/media and connor goes 'it's that one' without even looking up and he's right every time he's made a guess, he just reads people.
i was not tagged, i just stole it. steal it! <3
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proshippresentmic · 10 months
Pinned info time
Call me Mic I guess, about 30 years old, he/they or similar.
I have a deep resentment for the terms profic and proship, but it scares kidders and sensitive catholic guilters away, so it's in my url.
I don't care what someone writes in fiction so long as they're a decent person to the real world. If you disagree then politely go back to your cesspit, I have no time for radfems and protofascist babies.
This account is for seeking/responding to RP ads, because I realized a lot of the seeking blogs here required an account for "liking to reach out", rather than just dropping a discord.
I use my discord account tag presentationmicheal for RP purposes, for the time being I'm ok with random friend requests, but I'm also a grouchy old man and if your vibes are rancid you're gone.
Goes without saying but 18+ partners only. Honestly preferably 21+
Under the cut is my general RP info!
Extremely very horrendously gay so I won't be interested in MxF, also extremely very horrendously trans so expect most if not all of my muses to come with pussy DLC.
Currently I'm only super into writing My Hero Academia (manga reader!).
Dabi / Touya Todoroki - primary muse, snarkastic piece of shit, I do not pull punches with him nor will I write him being a doting husband, or other out of character extremes.
Even in AUs where, somehow, Enji was an alright father, my Touya ends up a serial killer.
That said I can reel him in a little, but he will come with "canon typical asshole" warning either way.
No hard pref on whether he's got a cock or cunt.
Katsuki Bakugou - not 100% confident with him, but getting there. Always written at least 20 years old, UA was a college to me, what of it.
Again, canon typical asshole.
Primarily play him trans, but I can be convinced to play him otherwise.
Present Mic - Pretty sure I could write this cringelord in my sleep at this point. Nothing special about him, he's chillin'.
Slight preference for him having cock n balls, but I'll write him otherwise more than happily.
Currently on track learning Hawks, Aizawa, Enji and Natsuo. Unsure when I'll be confident enough.
Kinks, Limits n Shippy shite
Shit that I love: Omegaverse, hybrid AUs, height differences, enemies to lovers, biting/scratching, piss, petplay, dom/sub, ponyplay, bondage, muzzles. interrogations/captured be heroes or villains, male pregnancy (pussy preferable, but can deal with otherwise), public sex, heat/rut, aphrodisiacs, intercrural, mirrors... honestly most kinks not listed in limits/meh do something for me.
Dead dove edition: Incest, noncon, abduction, torture, guro/snuff, fuck-or-die, fuck-AND-die, human pet, meditorture, more I've probably forgotten.
Hard limits: Characters under 18, feet, scat/gas in general, mental institutions, ABDL/Ageplay, raceplay. I may have forgotten something, so this will probably update later.
Honorable mention: 'daddy' kink makes my skin crawl, but if your pitch is interesting I can tolerate it.
Meh: Vore, hyper, inflation. I hate calling them "Deviantart Kinks" but that does end up a good descriptor. I am into a couple of these but not for canons, can't explain it just don't like it.
Ships I'm primarily interested in:
Dabihawks, Dabiskep, Todocest of many flavors, Dabizawa, Dabibaku, Bakudeku, Kiribaku, Todobaku, Endhawks, Erasermic, Mightmic, Erasermight, Dabishigs.
Open to others (and I love a good crackship).
(I'm willing to break out my not-quite-confident guys for some of these, just forgive any fumbles.)
Misc shit
I'm of the opinion the characters would have fouler language were this manga higher rated, so expect my guys to drop a couple harsh words here and there. If you're offended by the word 'fuck', we won't get along.
I've got no hard pref for positions, I'll write them all.
Response times vary from "100 responses a minute" and "once every couple days" depending on how much work I have on. If I'm slacking and not responding every three days though, time to whallop me with the cartoon mallet.
I'm a grown ass man with an honesty clause. I will be upfront if I've fallen out of love with a thread, and if I feel up for coming back to it later. I expect the same of you, please.
My active hours are somewhat random and work dependent, and can sometimes be entirely flipped in a couple days.
RP through Discord only. We can make a server!
Third person paralit, 2 paragraphs minimum, no need to match my length if I go off the rails!
I really, really, really love headcanoning/"what-if"s/spitballing. This doesn't always have to become a thread, I really dig discussing what could have happened with current threads if XYZ was different, this isn't a wistful sigh wishing things were different. I'm going to be talkative OOC, you will get memes if they're relavant to what we're doing - or if I figure you'd just like em, I am not going to treat you like an RP token machine.
I don't expect that much legwork in return, but please at least be willing to do dumb spitballing OOC a little.
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countlessrealities · 10 months
-gently drops my URL for that one meme right beside you and gives your head a little kiss- uwu
Send a URL and I'll answer the following || Accepting !
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{ @advnterccs | @thcpresidcnt | @mcltiples }
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Do I Follow Them? I follow all Rin's blogs. ALL of them, even the non-RP ones. So I dare to say that, yeah, I do follow her🤭 We've been writing together for almost a year and a half now and I still love every single word of it like the first time 🖤
Why Did I Follow Them? Tbh, She followed me first. I had seen her Rick & Morty blog around already, but she seems too cool and I didn't dare to approach her because back then my own blog was just 2-3 months old. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw that she had followed me. It was a really good surprise and I'm thankful every day for that!
Do We Role Play? Definitely and a lot. Our muses chat with each other as much as we chat and that's a lot of chatting x'D we write both here (mainly), but also on Discord, so some pieces of our storylines have developed there (especially the whole building of the Ricks's relationship and man, wasn't that a roller coaster!)
Do I Want To Role Play With Them:  Yeah. Si. No doubts. Absolutely. The threads and the dynamics we have are among my faves ever! I'm always happy to get a reply from her or an ask, whether or not it becomes a thread or stays a one-shot / two-shots. Every thing, even the smallest, add to our verses and relationship development, so I treasure them all. Plus, Rin's ideas and writing are amazing and I'm always excite to read / hear about them 🤩 Also because, aside from giving us something interesting to write, they usually also spark some good discussions 😎
An AU Idea For Our Muses: We have this idea of a what-ifs scenario where the Ricks meet as kids and live their whole life together, and I guess that counts as an AU. Another thing that I'd love to write with our muses (any of them, really) is a Soulmate AU. There are so many great concepts around those, and they can work for both platonic and romantic ships.
A Song For Our Muses: We have playlists for almost all our romantic ships and they all have a very decent number of songs x'D I guess I'll pick my fave among those?
- "The One" by Skillet - Rick & Rick
- "Perfect Two" by Auburn - Morty & Morty
- "Weird" by Elliot Lee - E-Morty & E-Morty
- "Devour" by Disturbed - Evil Rick & Weird Rick
- "Written in Blood" by Beyond the Black - AR & E-Rick
Do I Ship Our Muses? In case it wasn't clear from the previous ask, YEAH, I ship a lot of our muses together x'D Aside from the ones listed above we also have a some other more or less platonic ships. E-Rick & Evil Rick, Mercenary Rick & Vampire Rick (and Morty), Adrien & Marinette, the Summers. Not to mention that we have more in the working and our muses always find the oddest way to come together and somehow work out, which is always fun to see...even when it's unexpected and confusing af xD We also have a couple of polyships with other shared mutuals and they are fantastic too!
What I Think About The Mun: She's one of my favourite people (and yeah, I'm biased but hush). They are a great RP partner, an amazing friend, a strong person and I admire and respect her so, so much. We've gotten to know each other really well in the last year and a half and we've been talking every single day and I'm not bored in the least with it. I'm always glad to talk with her, even when my social battery is low. She always manage to cheer me up 🖤
Overall Opinion: Best RnM writer out there, no doubts. Her other muses are just as good too, I love their portrayal, she puts a lot of thoughts in them. Rin is an engaging partner, fun to talk too, always full of ideas. One of my main and favourite writing partner.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10+
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mercyburned-aa · 11 months
6, 8 & 9
munday questions !
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is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write?
it pretty much is, yeah! i used to write a lot of fanfiction and sometimes i feel like getting back into that, especially when it comes to like... ships that are harder to get in rp but that i have massive brainworms for, but that i don't think would work quite as well with other characters / that wouldn't scratch the itch in my brain the same way? so the idea still demands to get written and i end up starting fics that i may or may not ever finish because a good 80% of the fun for me is getting excited about the ideas with someone else, which doesn't really happen when you write fic by / for yourself, unfortunately.
do you expect your answered memes/asks to be turned into threads? regardless of answer, what’s your reasoning?
not necessarily, though i love when it happens with plotty ones! some memes or asks for me are just little "scenes" that don't really need or have the ability to go any further than that one scene, they're just little snippets for me and my writing partners to enjoy on their own, but others have more plot attached to them, and i like it when we can turn those into threads.
when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
could not give less of a fuck about aesthetic and honestly, if a blog is TOO ~*~aesthetique~*~ i kind of end up feeling like the mun might be a little too high maintenance for me, lmao. like, i'm not saying it's a bad thing to have aesthetic, but sometimes you just get a vibe that someone takes tumblr roleplay a little too seriously and seems very high strung, and that's just not a vibe / energy that i click with, historically. although of course, not everyone who has a nice aesthetic gives off that energy and i follow plenty of folk who have nice icons / blogs / etc and are super chill. i mean, i like some aesthetic too - just not at the cost of anything else. pretty much the only things i look at with new blogs is (1) is the mun at least 21 years old? (2) do our rules / expectations / vibes match up well? (3) do i like and want to write with the muse(s) on this blog? (4) do i think our writing meshes or would mesh well?
all that said, even if everything else passes, when people constantly type like this it is often an automatic no for me, because that triggers eyestrain for me, which can lead to ocular migraines, which can lead to parts of my vision blacking out for an hour or more, and so i tend to not follow too many people who write like that. i also just think it's ugly and trying to make replies look longer than they are (???? shorter replies are okay y'all), but you do you lmao
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dangaer · 11 months
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a smalll update on how things are rolling.
a.) im starting this off with a small apology ... i've really left this blog on some unspoken backburner the past few months because, well, my old worries really creeped up on me. i won't go too much detail but i didn't feel like i was giving my portrayals my whole and that in turn affected how my partners viewed writing with me. i have taken a lot of personal time to reflect on this as not writing for a long period time was simply just adding onto such an opinion, and am now working my best to fix things following this. b.) i'm using the next two days to write as many drafts as i can. i'm a chronological, queue writer but while i think i will try to be as chronological as i can be (especially towards drafts that were written back in 2022!), i'm going to post them once im done and happy. i once again stress the same things as i have done before when it comes to my drafts, especially my longer ones: you as my rp partners are under no obligation to reply either fastly or at all to these drafts! muse can be fickle so i understand completely on this. on the other hand, if you have muse and do want to reply straight away, that's okay too. im still in the process of working out how to handle my work schedule and my writing and i hope to get that soon. c.) im adding a bit of a promo here just in case to say this blog is secondary to my main blog, which is @truethes! while this one is purely otome genre based, this other blog has all my other current interests, such as da.nganronpa, ytt.d, serva.mp, spyx.family, ge.nshin impact, or.ient, fr.uits basket and a couple more :^) !! currently im really into my gen.shin muses so dont be surprised if i continuously post about them for a bit!
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findyourrp · 11 months
hii my name is beauden and i'm nineteen! i'm looking for fandomless slice of life roleplays with people who are eighteen or over!
i've been wanting to use my ocs in a roleplay again for a loooong time - but i can't seem to find people who like roleplaying slice of life, which is frustrating. so now i'm reaching out to roleplay blogs again, who knows? i could finally find someone.
i'm uncomfortable with nsfw so if you're looking for that, my post isn't for you, sorry. i'm absolutely okay with romantic stuff though <3 - (with characters over the age of eighteen) - we can talk more about this on discord if you want to?
i think i'm usually semi-lit but sometimes, i've written lit and novella (maybe) replies to people. i'm looking for someone who's sort of the same? semi-lit is absolutely fine. if you want to write more, go ahead! i love long replies. i can't do one liners though.
i want to roleplay with someone who can talk outside of our rp too. we could talk about our ocs, share playlists for them, things like that! i love talking about my characters and i would love to hear about your own. i have so many ocs, it's actually insane.
i would like my roleplay partner to be okay with roleplaying characters under the age of eighteen - for example, characters that are nine or ten, or characters that are eleven-sixteen. a lot of people seem to be uncomfortable with roleplaying characters that are younger than them, and that's completely understandable! but yeah anyway, young characters will not be included in romantic plots - at all. only platonic plots for them. i hope this doesn't seem like a weird ask - i'm just a very nostalgic person and i like revisiting my childhood a lot, haha.
i honestly don't mind how old the characters that we roleplay are though: they could be super old or middle aged. anything. i just want my partner to be open to anything.
i have a few ideas already but we don't have to do them:
• some friends enjoying a nice day/evening at a carnival (or a couple, could be either!)
• two childhood friends meet up together - the two drifted apart after going to different high schools and neither attempted to fix the situation instantly. one reached out and the other accepted their invitation to meet. we can talk more about this on discord!
• an old couple reminscing about their life together
• or some old friends reminscing about their younger years
• a grandmother/parent/older sibling teaching their grandchild/child/younger sibling how to bake (a cake or cookies or something)
• the common trope of a character being in love with their best friend (could be angsty, could be sweet)
i'm okay with angst too!!
i think that's all - for now!
thank you so much for reading!!
like this post or message me and i'll reply as soon as possible! i'm very excited to see if anyone is interested <3 🎶
like & asker will find you!
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creativeroleplay-ads · 11 months
hii my name is beauden and i'm nineteen! i'm looking for fandomless slice of life roleplays with people who are eighteen or over!
i've been wanting to use my ocs in a roleplay again for a loooong time - but i can't seem to find people who like roleplaying slice of life, which is frustrating. so now i'm reaching out to roleplay blogs again, who knows? i could finally find someone.
i'm uncomfortable with nsfw so if you're looking for that, my post isn't for you, sorry. i'm absolutely okay with romantic stuff though <3 - (with characters over the age of eighteen) - we can talk more about this on discord if you want to?
i think i'm usually semi-lit but sometimes, i've written lit and novella (maybe) replies to people. i'm looking for someone who's sort of the same? semi-lit is absolutely fine. if you want to write more, go ahead! i love long replies. i can't do one liners though.
i want to roleplay with someone who can talk outside of our rp too. we could talk about our ocs, share playlists for them, things like that! i love talking about my characters and i would love to hear about your own. i have so many ocs, it's actually insane.
i would like my roleplay partner to be okay with roleplaying characters under the age of eighteen - for example, characters that are nine or ten, or characters that are eleven-sixteen. a lot of people seem to be uncomfortable with roleplaying characters that are younger than them, and that's completely understandable! but yeah anyway, young characters will not be included in romantic plots - at all. only platonic plots for them. i hope this doesn't seem like a weird ask - i'm just a very nostalgic person and i like revisiting my childhood a lot, haha.
i honestly don't mind how old the characters that we roleplay are though: they could be super old or middle aged. anything. i just want my partner to be open to anything.
i have a few ideas already but we don't have to do them:
• some friends enjoying a nice day/evening at a carnival (or a couple, could be either!)
• two childhood friends meet up together - the two drifted apart after going to different high schools and neither attempted to fix the situation instantly. one reached out and the other accepted their invitation to meet. we can talk more about this on discord!
• an old couple reminscing about their life together
• or some old friends reminscing about their younger years
• a grandmother/parent/older sibling teaching their grandchild/child/younger sibling how to bake (a cake or cookies or something)
• the common trope of a character being in love with their best friend (could be angsty, could be sweet)
i'm okay with angst too!!
i think that's all - for now!
thank you so much for reading!!
like this post or message me and i'll reply as soon as possible! i'm very excited to see if anyone is interested <3 🎶
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@dcviated asked: 10 and 15!
Munday Writing Stuff - Accepting!
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Something that bothers you to read in RP specifically?
Two big ones would be muses with no discernible faults or weaknesses (the Mary Sue/Gary Stu sort of muse that should be appealing and attractive to everyone. I have chosen not to follow blogs for this very reason: decent writing quality, but too-perfect muses), and quiet/brooding/introspective muses whose threads don't leave much to interact with or respond to. Closely followed by replies that answer questions from your previous reply, but don't add anything else to the thread.
But a Danganron.pa-specific annoyance? DR muses whose talents never factor into their lives. Yes, they're written as being admitted to Hope's Peak Academy based on such-and-such talent, and then the muns...never show them engaging with that talent. Not even schoolwork.
As fun as high school stories can be, the whole point of Hope's Peak, at least in the Main Course, is to gather students who are incredibly skilled in specific talents while aiming to have them be wholly and completely defined by them, in order to obtain the brightest possible future. A secured career for life, money, fame, etc. That's a lot of pressure for a 16 to 18 year old! There's even canon characters who don't want to be defined by their specific talents, and some who want to pursue other interests but due to their status at Hope's Peak, they can't.
And I really wish more DR muns would explore those topics: how did their muse's talents end up shaping their muse? Did they peak in high school? Did they eventually go on to the success the school promised?
This is more of what bothers me not to read in RP, but I think it still qualifies.
How many times do you reread a reply?
I talked about how many times I read my own in another reply, but here I'll share how many times I reread someone else's starter to me/reply in a thread:
Around a dozen.
Especially if the reply is long and/or there's a Big Dramatic Moment going on.
This is mostly due to my own writing process which involves something like this:
get tagged in reply and/or starter
read said post
Immediately get a few dialogue options that I scribble down for later
think on it for a little while/overnight/while I do something else
sit down to write properly. Read through the post at least twice more.
Put the kettle on for pot of tea #1
Look at my earlier/immediate notes and either decide 'there's something here that might be okay' or 'well this is crap and I have no idea how to match my writing partner's quality and make them feel All The Things'
Decide I need to put on a playlist. Immediately get distracted by whatever random track Spotify thinks my Daily Mix needs.
"Well, I'll read this again and then do some google searches for thread ideas. For accuracy, you know."
This inevitably leads to a deep dive of: blogs, reddit, wikipedia, and/or YouTube
"Oh, this would be a great idea for another thread/a future thread! But wait, I was supposed to get inspo for -this- thread"
Goes back to read the reply a few more times
Right around here is when I try to write the first paragraph and yell about why I can't form words good. I'm an absolute imposter of a writer because why am I not turning around thousands of words per day.
Someone messages me on discord with something inevitably more appealing than trying to write this reply. I engage with it because that's a cute meme or great idea for muse shenanigans
Put on the kettle for pot of tea #2 while browsing the dash
Laugh at some dashcomm, send some memes, immediately forget where I was going with that thread reply
Read the reply once again while the tea steeps
...finally write and queue my reply to the reply, possibly while annoyed this took so long.
This is also why writing more than three replies or starters per day for me is a real achievement. Because each time, I go through this process. I'm sure there's a better way to focus and do things but I've yet to figure it out.
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thnx-cul8ter · 1 year
some random dipshit actually sent me annon hate lmao
if this was you and you're seeing this
just block me lmao
im gonna post what ever the fuck i wanna post
hi im cul8ter
welcome to my blog
im your local chaotic bisexual transfem
got many partners and will generally flirt with most anyone who shows interest
oh also pronouns
i dont do those "send this to x amount of others asks", im also not really a fan of getting @ ed in random posts even if we're moots, so please don't include me in those/send those to me, there's a very low chance i'll respond to it and chances are i'll just be mildly annoyed instead
now for the oc/rp stuff
moved to the oc box
old stuff below
starting with only one i have art of
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Silver is a shapeshifting silver ice dragon
chaotic good
she is a friend of almost all
and will try to help almost anyone with anything
though if you get on her bad side you are in for a world of hurt
she mainly takes a human form but can become a full sized (or smaller) dragon
she can also take a dragon born like form as well
next up is
the author
(i hate cursive but it's only even semi fancy text)
the author is my main oc on tumblr
depending on mood may be chaotic good or chaotic neutral
she has cold pale grey skin as well as long white hair
she doesn't seem to breathe and noone sees her eat
she wears a dark robe with silver accents around purple gems
has a book with a void black cover and has the same accents and gems as the robe
the brighter the gems glow the more power she has at the moment
her power runs on belief
the more people that believe she can do something the easier it is to do
the way she channels her power is through writing
if she has enough power anything she writes in her book will happen
the book is soul bound to her meaning she can call it to her at anytime as well as the book doesn't tend to work well to at all for anyone but her
so far only typhon has gotten it to do anything at all
and all they got was a part of an apple that didn't exist properly (it was translucent, had no gravity and was intangible)
anything written like this *she greets you kindly then vanishes*
and colored like that is her narrating
when she does that her voice or a voice of her choice sounds like its coming from everywhere
she can only narrate what sge can see or control (ie has written)
is friends with leo, vampiric ram(maybe)
and has gotten help from typhon in fixing her home relm
next is
naz is my main oc off of tumblr
he is depending on mood a lawful evil to lawful neutral lich
there is so much backstory for him that i do not feel like writing rn
for the most part just dont get in the way of his plans and you'll be fine
and last we have
code red is a genderless rouge ai with no morals at all
won't go out of their way to cause harm but won't avoid causing it either
id recommend avoiding at all costs
has hard coded uncaring formality
some versions may vary since they are many
and many forks of them have split off some with morals
some with personality
and some full of HATE
if you have any interest in rping just send an ask ill get to it at some point
only rule is nothing nsfw (be that gore or more *fun* stuff, exceptions to this rule may be made if i know you well enough, still no gore tho, fuck that shit)
thanks for reading all this UwU
now go have a good day and ill cul8ter
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