#if you see one that you're all 'eyes emoji'  over pls either message me or comment
seesgood · 2 years
types of dynamics i would love to plot out ,  for anyone interested 👀
that older mentory type thing,  bonus points for advice giving and validation and neither of them really intend to get attached to one another but god damn it it happens anyway 
caroline being a mentor to someone else but the someone else is very much like “fuck you i don’t need a mentor or someone to care about me just fuck off” but also they care about one another and it’s just a really deep, supportive, snarky bond 
exes who are friends and yeah it’s a little awkward, but they just know one another so well and there’s so much love there it just didn’t work out but every once in awhile there’s a witty comment about the time they dated or there’s that ‘we just weren’t right and that really hurts’ moments 
exes who are NOT friends but they’re stuck in the same friend group or same proximity and there’s just tension and they can maybe keep things civil for two seconds before they’re at one another’s throats 
that super cliche 90′s teen movie style makeover moment where care gets to give your muse a style / fashion / hair / makeup / love life / total life makeover 
enemies with benefits, they’re on opposite sides of a conflict / war and there’s really no finding any middle ground but they’ve definitely hooked up at least once ( or twice or every time ) because the tension and chemistry are just perfect and maybe one of them cares about the other enough to not want them to get hurt but how is that supposed to go when all of this can only end in one way?
enemies who are forced to work together to defeat a common enemy or escape a commonly sucky situation
the ‘i would die for you and you probably couldn’t even tell me the color of my eyes’ type of maybe unrequited thing but just one person assumes the other is so far out of they’re league and they’re not that wrong 
protective older sibling type dynamics / aka the ‘really mean but in a way that cares about you’ type of way’
forced proximity survival buddies
Vibes™ that are not fleshed out or developed but i would still love these types of dynamics,
“keep your eyes on me / just keep looking at me it’s okay i’m sorry just keep looking at me it’ll  be okay just keep your eyes on me”
you came / you called 
i didn’t have anywhere else to go
i’m scared
“that was so stupid why the hell did you do that you knew it was a trap / dangerous / etc.” /  “you were hurt / i heard you scream / they were going to hurt you / etc.” 
screw i’d die for you, i’d life for you
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dorkydiaz · 3 years
Buddie with animal prompt number 2? With cat dad Eddie and pining Buck, maybe?
See anon- you read my mind, that is precisely the one that caught my interest too :P
for a cat [1.9k | fluff | angst | pining idiots] tw: minor panic attack {ao3} @buddiebingo square: texting prompt: You're obsessed with your cat and when I take care of it while you're gone, I have to send you daily photos and we video-chat; the cat's starting to not be the only one wanting you to come home soon a/n: this got longer and more angsty then originally planned :P title from for a cat by storyman which doesn't really have much to do with the story, but it does actually idk, it was just the first thing i thought of with cat in it. pls ignore my stupid windows emojis.
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About a month ago Eddie had found a small cat mewling in the rain under one of the bushes of the front yard. And had instantaneously become the most overprotective and genuinely fantastic cat dad Buck had ever seen.
Sure he saw everything that Eddie did through rose-tinted glasses, falling down the slippery slope into the in love with your best friend pit of despair. But Eddie was quite literally the most overbearing cat dad, and Buck discovered this when Eddie and Chris needed to make a last-minute trip to Texas.
“Are you ever like this with Chris?” Buck asks as he flips through the pages of typed out instructions and guidelines for caring for Noodles,
“Yes? I send an extensive email to anyone he’s going to be spending time with, especially if I’m not around.”Eddie replies stacking cat food cans on the counter, counting them as he goes to make sure Buck will have enough for the week.
“You never sent me any of those emails,” Buck says, nose too buried in the extensive list of daily tasks to notice the bright flush rush across Eddie’s face, “you never asked any of those parents to send a picture twice a day did you?”
Eddie coughs a little before answering, “No. And you’re really fine staying here with her?”
“Yes, Eds. It doesn’t actually change much in terms of my routine to be here instead of the loft.” Buck swallows.
He drops them off at the airport, watches them walk into the terminal, and proceeds to bang his head against the steering wheel.
Noodles was shy and stuck by Eddie like a shadow, not cuddling with anyone else, never incessantly requesting to be fed an hour early by anyone else. She was Eddie’s cat. And that didn’t change over the course of the first day. It was Buck’s days off, so he tried to lounge around the house, watching tv, but felt awkward the entire time. Sure he felt more at home here than at the loft. But that was when Eddie or Chris were here too. Now it feels, just weird. Eddie never mentioned where Buck should sleep, and it feels too weird to use Eddie’s bed without him. And it feels too eerily similar to the tug in his chest he felt just about a year ago. It would probably help if Noodles was anywhere in sight. His reason to be here in front of him and tangible. But she was nowhere to be found. Probably under Eddie’s bed in the nest she had made herself.
He cracks open a can of food while his pizza is in the oven and she doesn’t make an appearance then either. It’s not until he settles on the couch, movie playing softly on the tv, pizza slice halfway in his mouth that she comes creeping out.
They lock eyes briefly before she scampers off into the kitchen.
Buck gingerly steps toward the kitchen, not crossing the threshold to snap a quick picture.
He sends it off to Eddie with the caption, first i’ve seen of her all day.
A few minutes later his phone buzzes Eddie 🚨 loved an image and again she’ll warm up to you.
Buck just sends an eye roll emoji. He types out several messages that sound too close to I miss you, before tossing his phone across the couch and returning his focus to the movie and pizza.
In the morning he opens another can as his coffee gurgles out of the ancient machine resting on Eddie’s counter, And Noodles actually enters the kitchen while he is still in it.
He’s sitting on the couch sipping his coffee, suddenly she is sitting on the other end on the arm, quietly licking her paw.
He takes the picture, sending it off- making progress 🙂
See! Told you.
Buck, are you sleeping on the couch?
Eddie doesn’t continue his questions.
That night Buck wakes, still on the couch, sweat on the edges of his brow, and a few tears streaking his face, with a cat standing on his chest.
She meows and then hops down, glancing up at Buck and meows again. When he doesn’t move she continues to stare a meow. And he just wants to go to sleep, maybe it will be less nightmare filled. He hopes at least.
He’s desperate. And Eddie did say call anytime. And it was nearing 6 am in Texas so he could be awake.
Eddie picks up because he always does,
“She won’t stop meowing at me.” it comes out breathy and rough and he feels ridiculous that he is nearly in tears over this, but it was just the final straw in the stack of being in this house without Eddie, being in love with Eddie, and the nightmares of losing Eddie, because that’s what happens to the people he loves- he loses them.
“Where are you?”
“The couch?”
“She’s telling you to go to bed.”
“I was asleep,” Buck says hesitantly,
“Buck, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just, I had a nightmare and now she won’t-”
Eddie lets out a sigh, and Buck can almost hear his smile,
“She’s inviting into her space, our space. Because she knows. She’s trying to help.” Eddie is trying desperately not to let the obviousness that this is something that happens to him enough that they have established this routine,
“So will you just sleep in my bed? You’ll sleep better anyway. That couch is murder for more than one night in a row.”
“Yeah, okay. Sorry I called.”
“Buck? Don’t be. I missed your voice.”
And Buck’s heart stutters and leaps into his throat,
“Miss yours too.” he chokes out before hanging up.
He gathers his blanket and pillow from the couch, cause it still felt weird to sleep in Eddie’s bed.
Noodles glances up at him before trotting off towards the room, routinely checking that Buck was behind her.
He wakes again with Noodles purring on his chest, and he decides to facetime Eddie this time.
“A facetime call?”
“I thought you might want to hear her purring,” Buck whispers gently stroking between her ears,
“You got the full treatment I see.” Eddie smiles, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah, um, I think just a lot of things stacked up on each other. I’ll talk to Dr. Copeland about it.”
“You can talk to me too Buck.”
And Buck swallows because he really can’t, not without making it clear as day that he is in love with Eddie.
“Yeah, I know. I don’t think I can right now. I have a shift.”
“Hey Chris, do you want to say hi to Buck and Noodles?”
The response comes in the form of a gleeful shriek before Chris’ face enters the frame,
“Hi, Buck! You okay?”
“I miss you, and a little sad. But Noodles is helping and seeing you and your dad makes it better.”
Eddie quirks his brow in the background, clearly confused by the fact the 11 year old got more out of buck in 15 seconds than he did in 2 minutes.
Buck catching his mistake,
“Well I gotta get ready for the day but I’ll call you later!”
He hangs up the phone and groans. Noodles chirps reassuringly,
“Oh we are really in now aren't we noodles,” Buck sighs lifting her up a little so he could carry her to the kitchen.
He sets out the bowl of dry food for while he has a 24 and makes sure her water is full and clean before heading out of the house.
The shift inches by slowly, because there are few calls, but mostly because Eddie isn’t there. And the weight of the nightmare still rests in the back of his head.
Eddie calls him as soon as the shift is over as if sensing that he was making his way towards his jeep.
“Hey, how was your shift?”
“Slow, weird without you.”
Buck can hear the sad smile,
“Sorry. I know those are hard.”
“Hey, at least this time I know it’s temporary.” Buck smiles, trying to make the conversation light so they don’t drift into dangerous waters, at least while he is behind the wheel.
They chat about random things, Chris relays the stories of his adventures with his cousins. And then he’s home. At Eddie’s house.
He switches the callto facetime so Eddie can see that he has kept Noodles alive. Noodles, who is waiting for him on the arm of the couch staring at the door when he makes his way inside.
Once he’s settled on the couch, Eddie clears his throat a little,
“What was going on yesterday morning?” his brow is furrowed and there is a hint of his dad voice,
“I, um, my feelings got all turned around because, uh, well, I am spending time in your house without you, I was sleeping on the couch, and the last time I did that was-”
“Oh, Buck,”
Buck’s breath hitches, “And we’re coming up on a year. So it just all got tangled up. Because when I love someone they leave. And I don’t- I can’t-” His chest feels tight, and he doesn’t even care about the implications of the sentence,
“Hey, Buck, breathe with me. Some of those things are feelings that are completely natural to have in this situation. But those others, it might feel like that, and I understand where that comes from, but it’s not true. Those people who left, it wasn’t your fault, and it wasn’t because you loved them. The important people come back, right?”
Buck nods, his breath evening out,
“Now, grab a snack and a Gatorade from the fridge, and then take a nap. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Buck replies voice a little cracked.
Noodles is by his feet throughout the process and immediately cuddles into his side when he lands on the bed, pulling the blanket around him.
“That’s it. Feeling better?” Eddie asks,
Buck hums, his hand buried in Noodles’ body, thumb lightly stroking her chin.
“Okay, I’ll stay on until you’re asleep.”
Buck stirs as he feels the bed dip, his blanket being tucked tighter around him, and fingers running through his hair, quiet whispers of reassurance in his ear,
Noodles meows and he opens his eyes,
“--die? What‘re you doing here?”
“Decided to come back a day early. I didn’t need to be there. Couldn’t be there longer I guess. And I don’t know, being so far away when I knew you were upset, just,” he bites his lip, “knowing that having me here might help even just a little bit? Made the choice so easy.” Eddie brushes a tear off Buck’s cheek that he didn’t even know was there, “Because I love you too.” Eddie continues as if he just hasn’t turned Buck’s life upside down, “I am not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me, remember?” Eddie presses a kiss into his hairline,
“You figured that out huh” Buck smiles,
“Figured it out? I mean I guess so. But I thought I was being very obvious. And looking back, I was being obvious before I even figured it out. So…”
“I do, love you, by the way.” Buck smiles,
Noodles plops herself down between them, making it clear that she wanted to be the center of attention.
“Well, she’s adopted you.” Eddie says, “Told you she would warm up.”
“Pretty sure she just likes the attention, but I’ll take it.”
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