#if you solve my anagram i may actually write the fic bc it would be the STUPIDEST thing which means i have to
wellamarke · 6 years
since fred probably isn’t the SWS (im trying to be gritty and realistic here) i am instead going to imagine him just inserted into everyone’s storylines with no explanation:
1) he meets mattie and leo at the gas station and talks them through how they are going to manage parenting. he reminds leo that he doesn’t have to be emo about having a terrible father himself since fred was closer to a father than david ever bothered to be and “i was exemplary thank you very much”
2) he finds laura wandering the streets and listens to her detailed explanation of the thought process behind her difficult choice, gives her some absolution because he understands (and has dealt with having been forced into some ‘traitorous’ actions himself in the past). he convinces laura to return home and on the way they plan how they’re going to rescue sam
3) he overhears max’s prayer and shrine demolition and we finally get a fred/max hug when he tells max that he isn’t weak, that they can still get out of this. he laments his own absence previously because “no offence but this guy doesn’t know a thing about repairs. probably couldn’t even have fixed a fox leg. did you miss me so much that you just decided to trust the first person who reminded you of me? touching. but now how are we going to take him down” 
4) undercover as one of anatole’s lackeys, he manages to end up in charge of sam, and keeps him out of the way of the action until anatole’s been dealt with (via a fred/stanley teamup) at which point fred takes sam home to joe
5) strolls into mia’s prison cell like “this is NOT where i expected to find you but kudos on being a badass now”, they break out together and he encourages her to help him bring their little sibs back into the fold because things are kind of falling apart 
6) JOINS NISKA ON HER QUEST AND HELPS HER SMASH WHATEVER BARRIER IS BETWEEN HER AND SOME DAMNED ANSWERS. also featuring elster sibling bonding because niska/fred is obviously a magnificent dynamic. he teaches her the ‘punch through a door and strangle a bitch’ tactic and she wows him with her mastery of every imaginable sharp weapon 
7) reunites with toby and tells him that a 60:40 ratio makes no sense, “do you mean 3:2? also don’t move to new zealand toby what the actual heck”
8) ensures that stanley ends up on the right side 
9) turns up literally anywhere flanked by flash, karen and odi, nobody even questions it
10) chills with astrid in the hospital telling her adorable things about niska’s first year of consciousness while the two of them knit jumpers for everyone else to wear. possibly each jumper has a letter on it and possibly those are A A E I I K L L M M N O R R S U W Y Y if they can assemble enough friends and get them to stand in the right order to spell out the anagram 
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