#if you sort by kudos on ao3 for barba x reader my fic comes up on the first page
the-hopeless-haze · 1 year
Wanting a good grade in writing fanfiction….something that is normal to want and possible to achieve… 🫥
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@rootingformephistopheles posted a looooooooooong list of fanfiction questions right here.
I answered every damn one of them before I realized it was probably meant to be an askbox thing.  SO, here you fuckers go.  (it’s five pages long, wtf.  so it’s under a readmore to save your dashboard)
Fanfiction Questions
Fandom Questions
 1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Xenaverse, including Hercules: the Legendary Journeys.  I did PBeM (play by email) role play, and then moved to fanfic, and then slash fanfic.
2. What is your latest fandom?
I have three, technically.  Doctor Who, Hannibal, and Gotham
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
Hannibal.  Fannibals are the best, by 100 miles.  I’m sure there’s bad parts of the fandom, I’ve just never yet run across them.  
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
As far as the people go? Highlander.  There was a lot of overlap, at the time, with The Sentinel, both shows I enjoyed.  I just feel like there were a lot of assholes in the Highlander fandom who disliked me and my writing because of the people I was friends with, not because I sucked (and believe me, I did.  I have the fic to prove it.)  
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
From my AO3 dashboard:
Smallville --  The Sentinel -- Hannibal (TV) -- Doctor Who (2005) -- Supernatural -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Veronica Mars -- Stargate SG-1 -- Actor RPF -- Charlie Countryman/Spacedogs -- Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling -- Adam (2009)/Spacedogs – Brimstone -- Supernatural RPF  -- Stargate Atlantis -- Yami No Matsuei | Descendants of Darkness -- The Fast and the Furious (2001) -- Sherlock (TV) -- The Blair Witch Project (1999) -- Star Trek: The Original Series -- Sense and Sensibility (1995) --  Law & Order: SVU -- Lost Boys (Movies) -- Watchmen (2009) -- Lost (1) -- Smallville RPF -- Marvel Cinematic Universe (1) --  Gargoyles (TV) -- Dogma (1999)
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh my fucking God. Okay, here goes:
Xena/Ares and Xena/Autolycus, Xenaverse; Clark/Lex and Lionel/Chloe, Smallville; Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg, the Sentinel; Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham, Hannibal; Doctor/Rose, Nine/Rose/Jack, Doctor Who; Dean/Sam, Supernatural; Buffy/Spike, Giles/Ethan, Spike/Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars, John Winchester/Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars; Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson, Stargate SG-1; Ezekiel/Lucifer, Brimstone; John/Rodney, Stargate Atlantis; Muraki x Tsuzuki, Yami No Matsuei; Dom/Brian, the Fast and the Furious; John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, BBC Sherlock; Nigel Lupei/Adam Raki, Spacedogs; Kirk/Spock, Star Trek; Christopher Brandon/Eleanor Dashwood, Sense and Sensibility; Rafael Barba/Olivia Benson, Law & Order SVU; Elisa Maza/Goliath, Gargoyles.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
I don’t really have NoTPs in the fandoms I’ve written in.  I have a few NoTPs in general, though, although I’m not listing them here because wow, would I cause some hurt feelings.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
I saw the gifsets from The Wrath of the Lamb, and I saw the name Hannibal Lecter being bandied about, and I fell in love because I’ve loved Hannibal Lecter ever since Red Dragon.  I don’t know how I missed out on hearing about the show when it first came out, but holy hell, am I sorry.  I’ve been a Fannibal ever since.  It was the same story with Gotham.  I’d actively avoided Gotham because of the debacle of Smallville, but it was the Nygmobblepot gifs and Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin that finally drew me in.
 9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
Fannibals are fucking awesome, yo.  They’re the best thing about the fandom; hell, they *are* the fandom.  I love them all, every one.  From well-thought out meta to cracked out gifsets to the supportive fanfic community.  It’s amazing.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Because I write, I try not to read a lot, because I don’t want to accidentally crib from someone else’s story, or steal someone else’s idea, because I know what it’s like to pour your life into things.
 Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
 11. Who is your current OTP?
Hannibal/Will, Doctor/Rose, and Oswald/Edward
 12. Who is your current OT3?
Nine/Jack/Rose. That’s pretty much it.
 13. Any NoTPs?
None I’ll share.
 14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Jim Gordon/Harvey Bullock, and I’m sure there’s more that I can’t think of right now. 
 15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I think I’m probably the only person who actually ships it, but John Winchester/Veronica Mars.
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Destiel.  I dislike Destiel with a passion.  Ditto Barisi.  That’s about it.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Ares/Strife.  They’re not my favorite by any means, but I still have a huge soft spot for them.  
 18. What ship have you written the most about?
uh, probably Clark/Lex or Jim/Blair, just due to the length of time I was in both fandoms.  
 19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Destiel and Barisi. They’re popular ships shipped by some people I really like, but I just can’t get behind them.  It’s a knee-jerk thing.  I can’t even really voice why I dislike them as much as I do, I just do.
 20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Nygmobblepot, actually. I didn’t think I was going to like anything in Gotham, much less the Penguin and the Riddler, but damned if I don’t love it so much I’m actually writing about it as we speak.  
Author Questions
 21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Detested Sport, it was from a Shakespeare quote, I think, and it was Ares/Strife. I think it’s lost to the world, thank fucking God.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Writing?  No.  Sharing? Yes.  It’s called “My Soul’s Imaginary Sight,” and it’s the first time I used an OC, Meravin, who has gone through about a billion evolutions since, and has ended up as a Star Wars OC named Sheridan.  I wish I hadn’t shared it, because while it was a definitely needed step in my development as a writer, it’s such a blatant self-insert Mary Sue that I really regret sharing it.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Shoah.  It’s a Sentinel fic, written for one of the “Many Faces Of…” edition of My Mongoose e-zines.  I think it was MFO Jim.  But it’s an AU set during the Holocaust, in one of the concentration camps.  It’s not a particularly cheerful story, and the writing process was terrible.  I did so much research trying to make it honest to the experience that I spent whole evenings crying in chat windows with my friends Lisa and Patt, who basically hand-held me through the worst of it.  But I’m inordinately fond of it, because of the work that went into it, and of how it came out.  It’s not my best writing, by a long shot, but I think it’s probably my most emotional and evocative.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
Pretty much everything prior to my Doctor Who fic.  I’m very critical of my earlier works.
 25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
A recent one, Consortio, an ABO Hannigram sort-of Medieval-ish handwavey AU.  
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Quotations, song lyrics, poetry, Shakespeare, sometimes pulled out of my ass.
 27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
 28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
Dealer’s choice, really. I’d just be thrilled for anybody to pick SOMETHING.  
 29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
I do not, although I fear I need one for Gotham.  It’s more a personal choice than anything else.  I’ve got a particular style that doesn’t always mesh well with taking concrit, and while my grammar is very… erratic, at times (stuff it, I love my commas as you can tell), I feel like I should be the arbiter of what I create.
 30. What inspires you to write?
Practically anything. Songs, less often.  TV shows of the source material, obviously.  Movies, sometimes.  Random quotes, what ifs, conversations with friends, AU lists, prompt lists, sentence starters…
 31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
It’s from a writer named Mysenia on my fic Consortio:  “All the kudos! Just re-read this story, and I loved it every bit as much as I did the first time :D”  Because that’s honestly the first time anyone has mentioned re-reading something of mine in the comment, and it made me so happy for DAYS
 32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Actually, it depends on what I’m writing.  If I’m working on writing sex, then I need dance music, which I usually abhor.  I find the Matrix soundtracks work really well, as do Rammstein albums.  If I’m doing emotional/angsty things, then Meat Loaf is my go-to.  Otherwise, it’s kind of a mish-mash.  My music folders are here, on my Google drive, if anyone is really interested in anything I listen to.
 33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
Mostly one-shots, although I’ve been known to do a chaptered fic/series once in a while.
 34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
7,706 on “The Masks We Wear.”  I’ve got a series of fics that is 35,498, over about fifteen different stories.  Consortio and Kastytis are both chaptered, so they don’t count.  Consortio is 23,088 and Kastytis is 24,706
 35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
Strictly 100 word pieces? Not any more.  I used to write for drabble challenges, but I can never stay within the word limit any more.  If you mean 200 words or less drabble-ishes, then yes, I do write those.  About a lot of things, really.  
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
I’m kind of fond of first-times, although that’s not a given.  I don’t tend to stick to any one given genre.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
Third, unless it’s some VERY special occasion.  First person drives me nuts.  I love the Hunger Games books, but seeing things as Katniss gives me hives from time to time.  
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I’ve done both, actually, although 99% of my OC writing stays private.  Which is sometimes a pity, because I think I’ve written some pretty good shit with some of my OCs.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
I don’t know that I really have one.
 40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Staying in character, finishing what I start.
 Fanfiction Questions
 41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I’m not reading anything right now.  Except Stephen King’s IT
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Just five?  @slashyrogue, @damnslippyplanet, @granpappy-winchester, @mummyholmesisupset, @moku-youbi
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
@bonearenaofmyskull, @crossroadscastiel, @bu0nanotte, @granpappy-winchester, @moku-youbi
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
All of them.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
Home and Dry by @moku-youbi
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Consortio, or Kastytis. They’re both Hannigram AUs, and I feel like they’re the best examples of my writing style.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
AO3 and Wonderful World of Make Believe, where I am woefully behind.  But AO3, because I enjoy having everything in one place, easy to use dashboard and posting interface, and it’s pre-sorted for me.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
Mostly I do, because I know how valuable the reviews are to writers.  I try and speak to what I liked best about the story, or how it moved me.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I don’t want to care, but I do.  I want the validation, dammit.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I eased into it by way of RP.  Play by email was my thing, and I loved reading threads strung together, which was basically fanfiction.  Then a friend of mine introduced me to Ares/Joxer slash, and I’ve just gone from there.  I’ve always written it, as long as I can remember, even though I didn’t know that’s what it was called.  
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
The one thing I hate in the world of fanfiction is the kind of elitism that is absolutely bullshit. As a writer, if you don’t write the pairing du jour, or the kind of thing that the fandom at large is clamoring for (RPF, AU, ABO, ten thousand other different things) then you don’t get a bit of recognition no matter how good you are.  Hannibal fandom is the first time that I’ve not seen this.  This is the only fandom that I know of where an author can write what they want to write and still be recognized for it.  
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