#if you think about it elezen is kind of the opposite of lalafell
plenary-indulgence · 6 months
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#ffxivswap gift for @under-the-blood-moonlight!! thank you for allowing me to step in i had a lot of fun with wrath!! i hope you like it :)
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elfyourmother · 5 years
one of the little things I really enjoy about Eorzean!Gisele is that even though she’s on the shorter end of elezen height range (she’s the shortest notch possible on the height slider) she’s still tall and ofc her story there begins in Ul’dah where tons of lalafell live so for once she’s taller than virtually everyone she meets excepting the few roegadyn she runs into there (like Redolent Rose)
it’s not until she’s regularly going to Limsa and Gridania (and Ishgard obviously where the elezen grow like trees even more than usual) that she begins feeling short and it’s a weird feeling at first. more than anything it’s the thing she has the hardest time adjusting to in her new life
the absolute best though is that it means for the first time ever she’s actually taller than her partners. Remember in this au she never lived to get to the Vigil so she never met Sigrun, literally the only lover she ever has in her main verse that she’s taller than (and even then it’s only by an inch or two).
Thancred is the first person she was ever with that was shorter than her and obvs Minfilia too.
but all of this is to say the mental image of Hien princess carrying her with his beef arms and doting on her is giving me life rn on a very bad day. I love height differences like that w m/f ships bc you never see it with the woman being taller unless it’s played for a joke like the dude has some kind of weird amazon “crush me” fetish. Hien loves her but it’s not like that at all.
maybe it’s a little healing too, writing abt it. the whole reason Gisele is so short in home verse DA is bc I hate being tall so much. it was wish fulfillment in a sense but I think in a way it also fed that deep insecurity I have. it’s why I went the opposite route with my other BioWare girls that came after her.
(in general I just also love the fact that tall ladies exist in this game and get to be elegant and dainty and adored and even the designated Large Beef race has ladies that are high femme af)
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scholar-thief · 4 years
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[ RP LOG ]
Momori Meets Valeriaux Marquaile
Momori stood on the wooden deck - just one of many of the structures built amongst the trees by the Rosehouse. It felt odd, being stationed in Ishgard for the foreseeable future. She had only been to the land in passing, prior. Momori leaned against one of the railings and gazed at the blustery landscape below.
Valeriaux had recently returned to the Voyage's campsite after having been away on business in Gridania for several suns. Though the news of recent events had not brought him *terribly* much surprise, the news that there was a new member of the Research Team did pique his interest. So he began to inquire in regards to their whereabouts. It took him a bit of asking before he'd attained a solid direction of a Rose Knight having recented sighted the lalafell. So the elezen made his way up to the watch platforms with a curious gaze. Then his eyes settled upon the lalafellin individual leaning against the side rail he knew he'd found who he was looking to find. He slipped an amiable smile onto his lips as he approached. "Pray forgive me but am I interrupting aught?" The elezen's smile was a deep contrast to his generously scarred face.
Momori didn’t turn right away, but her head shifted slightly in acknowledgement to the stranger’s greeting. “No, I’m not busy at the moment. Of whom do I have the pleasure?” She turned to see a pair of boots, and looked up. A familiar face, but one that she had yet to connect a name to. “Ah, a fellow member of the expedition, I presume?”
Valeriaux placed a hand upon his chest as he bowed forward, still wearing the amiable smile. "I am indeed. I am Valeriaux Marquaile of Gridania." He returns upright. "I am a member of the Research Team under Master West. I am told that thou are also a member."
Momori: “Valeriaux, of Gridania.” She repeated the words to herself, committing them into memory. “I’m Momori. From...Ul’dah.” The last two words, she said with some difficulty, and a slight sour look crossed over her face. But as quickly as it was there, it was gone, and she was back to giving the elezen a practiced smile. “Why yes, I’m a new member, though I haven’t done much research yet. Mostly setting up, and whatnot.”
Valeriaux: "It is a pleasure to make thy acquaintance, Lady Mori." He dips his head forward politely before gesturing toward the railing. "May I join thee in thy observations?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head. "And thou can be certain that the research will come. The rest of the crew has a knack for finding...objects most curious."
Momori shrugged, and stepped to the right, making room for him to look over the railing as well. Though she was really looking between the bars. “Hm, well that’s a good thing I assume?”
Valeriaux smiled gratefully before making his way over to join the woman at the railing. He lifts his hands and rests them upon the railing as he gazes out over the Sea of Clouds. "I do suspect so, yes. It is both to further knowledge regarding that which we attain and to safeguard such artifacts from the hands of those with baleful intent."
Momori - A thoughtful look spreads on her face. “Where does the research team stash such artifacts, notes, and the like? I would enjoy combing through everything in my free time. Could say that was one reason I joined up with the crew. No better place to talk to like-minded folk.”
Valeriaux bobbed his head to the side, a hand rising up to rub his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm. The records are largely kept within the Command Room or Master West's office. Whilst I do not believe we are possessed of free access, if there is aught that thou wishes to know I can certainly proffer mine best or we could seek out Master West." He offers, a kind smile snapping into place upon his lips. "Thou has certainly found many with a heart for adventure."
Momori shelved the words in the back of her mind later. Someone named ‘West.’ The command room. Places and people that she would have great interest in later...but for now, she snapped her attention back the elezen at her side. “What sort of adventures have you gone on? Since you’ve been here longer than I.” Momori took one of her daggers and absentmindedly traced its edge from hilt to tip with a gloved hand.
Valeriaux glances down in the direction of the woman as she draws one of her daggers, eyeing it thoughtfully before bobbing his head to the side. "Being of the research team -- and not possessing martial prowess of mine own -- I fear that mine own taste for adventure is oft in the wake of those more intrepid than I." He emits quiet chuckle before shaking his head. "Though there are times in which the expertise of a scholar is a boon to have when afield. So I have found mineself on the occasional venture. One of which brought us unto a manor tainted by the presence of the Void."
Momori tosses the blade up and catches it deftly with one hand, a motion well practiced. “The void, eh? Shadowy buggers, and not easily trifled with. Hopefully everyone came out with their marbles intact?”
Valeriaux dips his head toward Momori gravely at the observation. "Indeed. A veritable taint upon the Star." He seemed to be -rather- firm on that point. Though he proceeds with a gentle smile. "All stepped away without severe injury. Fortunate favored us and revealed the lurking shadow to be of only mild potency. Whilst still a keen threat, it was dispatched and the artifact recovered."
Momori nodded. Though she had yet to really work alongside her fellow members, it was good to hear of their past achievements. Less burdens on her part. “That’s good. Hopefully we won’t have to deal with voidsent in the future, but I already know that such thoughts are wishful thinking.” She chuckles lightly. “So, you claim you’re from Gridania. Can’t say I’ve seen too many of your kind while I was last in that city.”
Valeriaux lifts his brow slightly, not having expected the woman's rather both observation. That it was was wrong, of course, but more so that many often went to great lengths to avoid the topic. "Those of Gelmorran heritage are not as prolific within the city walls as our Wildwood cousins." He clicks his tongue upon the roof of his mouth before shaking his head. "Even mine own fortune comes from the decision of mine step-father -- a wildwood man of some measure of prestige and wealth -- to take mine mother and I into his arms."
Momori stares at Valeriaux, her gaze cold and penetrating. But her words are opposite to her overall demeanor. “Sorry, it appears it’s a sensitive subject for you. I appreciate that you’re willing to speak plainly to me.” She crosses her arms and leans back slightly, thinking of Ul’dah.
Valeriaux: "Thou owes no apologies, Lady Mori." He shakes his head slowly. "'Tis a facet of mine life that I have come to accept. In truth I have fared much better than most. Though, for a time, I lived a life of meager means as a young boy I was soon given a life that lacked want." He offers the woman a small smile before looking back out toward the clouds. "And for that I am possessed of great gratitude and a desire to see that same kindness given unto others in need." He quiets for a moment.
Valeriaux: "Does thou think fondly of thy home?"
Momori: “Ul’dah? That pissant collection of the corrupt, rich, and uncaring? No, I have no love of the place.” She smiles at Valeriaux despite the words that come from her mouth. “Like you, I have someone to thank for lifting me from a life on the streets. And I have fully committed my mind to improving the situation for the have-nots, no matter the cost. It is why I look to the civilizations of eld. To discover what secrets they hide, and improve life for the people today.”
Valeriaux lifts his brow high at that answer, his head tilting to the side before a slow smile returns to his lips. "It would seem that thou and I are possessed of very same goals, Lady Mori." He replies with a touch of admiration in his voice. "It is mine goal to provide succor and relief to those that require it most. It pleasing to hear of kindred souls seeking the same."
Momori nods, happy to find a kindred spirit. Her gaze returns to over the sea of clouds, lingering on strange flowers that floated in mid-air. “Would that I was able to say that my goals, right now, are so noble. Truth to be told, I’m here to get justice. Though, hopefully after everythings said and done, I can return to work of a less...bloody nature.” She glances over to Valeriaux, scanning for any reaction.
Valeriaux lifts his brow high at the rather open way that Momori shares her rather dark motives. His head tilts to the side slightly before giving a slow nod of understanding. "Justice is of great import as well." He pauses a moment, considering the woman. "If I may be so bold as to ask, Lady Mori, against who do you seek justice?"
Momori: “Don’t worry, it’s someone in the White Rovers. A common enemy, so no problems there, right?” She gives him a sweet smile, one that hides just the faintest hint of something sinister. “I don’t like it when people steal what doesn't belong to them...wouldn't you agree?”
Valeriaux holds Momori's gaze for a prolonged and quiet moment. He seemed to be considering her words quietly before choosing to respond. His consideration ended with a slow exhale and a bob of his head. "It is, no doubt, uncouth behavior, Lady Mori."
Valeriaux: "And if it is amongst the White Devil Rovers there is no doubt that thou shall have thy chance to make matters right."
Momori nods. “Glad to hear it. But, it’s not a very pleasant topic to speak of now, is it? Hmm, what nothings do others usually enjoy chatting about. The weather, or favorite foods?” She chuckles lightly, not able to pick up on Valeriaux’s slight discomfort. “The weather is certainly very active in this region. No wonder there aren’t many lalafell around - one strong breeze would be enough to send us soaring in the air.”
Valeriaux chuckles quietly, tipping his head in gentle concession. "They speak of a great many topics, though I shan't compel thee to speak of matters that thou does not possess interest." He pauses a moment, a wry smile touching his lips at her amusing observation. "The inclement weather and frigid temperatures both do much to keep many away from these isles."
Momori: “I will have to travel with rocks in my pockets, lest I take flight, an unwilling kite.” Her expression is, as usual, completely serious, but she raises her hands and forms the shape of a diamond. Perhaps a joke of some sort?!
Valeriaux glances down at Momori in shock at first, though the expression readily gives way to amusement. A gentle and lilting laugh escaping the man as he shakes his head. "Thou might speak with Master Lune. He is an expert on the creation and flying of kites. Mayhap there is merit in this for scouting purposes?"
Momori: “Lune. Yes, I met him. Yesterday, he spoke of getting hit in the eyes by a self propelled frisbee. An interesting character, to be sure.” She closed her eyes, giving the idea of a danger kite serious thought. “Hah, perhaps! I would have to trust whoever’s on the other side of the line, however. Should they let go, I would have to  kiss my ground-based existence goodbye, and be forced to live in the clouds henceforth!”
Valeriaux shakes his head slowly, a soft chuckle escaping the man. "Most certainly should it occur in an environ such as these." At the mention of Lune, however, he offers a gentle smile. It seems the fact that the young miqo'te had been hit by some contraption didn't come as much of a surprise. "Master Lune is an ... excitable young man but possessed with a gift of invention unlike many I have seen. I foresee a bright future in him."
Momori: “You know, the man raved at length about moogles. And magnets. He’s quite mad,” she states matter-of-factly. A mischievous look shows in her eyes. “We all are, to some degree. I mean, bloody hells, yesterday someone ate a screwdriver. Nonetheless, it’ll be fun to discover your eccentricities, Valeriaux. Underneath that pish-posh, gentlemanly cover...”
Valeriaux lifts his brow slightly at -that-, eyeing the woman quietly. There's a flicker behind his violet gaze as though he's taking measure of something. Though it's quite to pass and an amiable smile finds its way upon his lips. "Thou will most like find that it is only mildly less boring than the rest of mine personage, Lady Mori. I assure thee."
Momori chuckles lightly. “Hah, spoken like someone with something worth hiding. Don’t worry, I won’t push, but perhaps over a couple glasses of ale or during a long night of working…” She gives him an innocent grin and slightly tilts her head to the side. Her motions almost appear choreographed.
Valeriaux shakes his head quietly, an amused air remaining about the man as lifts his gaze to look out over the landscape of the isles once more. "I shan't dissuade thee from thy quest, of course, Lady Mori." He emits a quiet chuckle. "I can but warn thee of the pending disappointment in what thou are to find."
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