#if you wait a bit they're usually back to their normal selves a couple of videos later
seonghwasblr-moved · 7 months
I hate when people are like "this member is so quiet lately. Something must be wrong with them :(" like.. yeah, but have you considered they're human? Maybe they just have a bad day, maybe they have a headache, maybe they're tired. It doesn't always have to be deep, and even if it is, have you considered it's personal and not for you as a fan to know?
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bigoltrashpile · 2 years
Could I maybe request some yandere skeletons with reader (poly prefred but I'll take any, love your writting) - 🦢
Absolutely swan!! I hope you're doing okay! Tw for kidnapping and stalking, the normal yandere stuff
You seemed to attract skeletons. Which would sound like you were a serial killer, but thankfully all the skeletons were monsters, and not dead humans.
There were a few who were regulars at your job at Grillby's speakeasy, a couple who frequented the same stores as you, and one who even took the same bus home that you did. It was like you were a skele-magnet!
All of them were very handsome, you had to admit, but you were way too awkward to make a move on any of them. Although a few of them seemed to try to make a move on you.
"heya doll~" Speak of the devil. "can ya get me the usual?"
You smiled at Butch. "Of course! Anything else?"
"depends, are you on the menu?~"
Despite the fact that he had used that line dozens of times, you felt your face light up a bit. "I-I'll get you that burger." You walked away as quick as you could, trying to ignore the amused chuckle from behind you.
Though the attention was nice, you didn't want to get involved with Butch, since he was a famous mobster. You were pretty sure the other skeletons were in the mafia as well, but just because someone dresses nice doesn't mean they're a criminal! Thankfully, you only had about twenty minutes left on your shift, so you wouldn't have to deal with these conflicted feelings for much longer.
You continued to wait on the other customers, before noticing that there were a few other skeletons sitting at the bar. Sans and Slim, two other regulars, waved you over.
"hey honey," Slim grinned. The cigarette in his mouth gave off a surprisingly nice smell. "how's it goin?"
"Okay," you admitted. "I'm going home soon, so that's good. Can I get you anything?"
"ketchup," Sans requested. "do ya need someone to walk ya home?"
Although Sans was probably the dorkiest and friendliest looking monster you'd ever met, you never took him up on the offer. Though it was scary going home alone at night, it was scarier to have a barely-acquaintance knowing where you lived. "No thank you," you turned him down as politely as you could. "I'm a big kid, I can make it home myself."
Sans chuckled at the joke. "suit yourself." At the words, he tugged at his lapel, making sure you knew it was a pun.
You covered your mouth to hide your laugh as Slim groaned. "I'll get that ketchup for you."
As you went back to the bar, you didn't notice the three skeletons exchanging knowing looks. By the time you returned, they were back to their normal, flirty, punning selves.
Before you knew it, your shift was over, and you began the long journey home. Even though Grillby's was a far distance from your apartment (and technically illegal), it paid very well, and the customers were surprisingly more polite than at a less shady establishment.
You hopped on the bus, relieved to finally be off your feet after a long day. As usual, there was a skeleton sitting a few seats away from you. You didn't know his name, but he had bright blue eyelights, and almost looked like Sans. He gave you a friendly smile before turning back to his book.
The bus ride was uneventful, as usual. You yawned, exhausted. After a moment, you let your eyes drift shut, and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
You woke suddenly to a strong hand gently shaking your shoulder. "EXCUSE ME?" You yelped and turned to whoever was shaking you. It was the skeleton. "ISN'T THIS YOUR STOP?"
You whipped around and jumped when you realized you had slept through the whole bus ride. "Shit, yes it is! Thank you so much!" You leapt out of your seat and stumbled off the bus. In your rush, you didn't notice the skeleton getting off the bus after you.
Thank goodness that skeleton was so kind, if you had to walk an extra fifteen minutes you would have been furious. You relaxed as your apartment came closer. Your feet seemed to guide themselves along your familiar route, and you let your mind drift off. Thanks to that, you didn't even notice the shadowy figures waiting in the alley ahead.
As you passed the alley, a hand shot out and grabbed you by the wrist. You tried to scream, but you didn't even get a peep out before you were silenced by a rag pressed over your mouth and nose. You could feel your attacker's claws pressing into your cheeks.
"Just Relax." A strangely familiar voice purred into your ear. "We Won't Hurt You."
Like hell you were going to relax! You flailed your arms and legs as hard as you could and held your breath in order to not breathe in the whatever-the-hell was on the rag.
Out of nowhere, a few other hands grabbed your limbs. The only thing you could move was your eyes. You were finally forced to breathe, and to your horror, your eyes became heavy. As you slowly lost consciousness, you vaguely recognized the blue eyes of the skeleton from the bus.
The thing that woke you up was a pounding headache. You winced and rolled over further into your pillow. You breathed in the smell of fabric softener and-
That wasn't the right smell.
This wasn't your pillow.
Immediately, the memories came flooding back. You sat up as fast as you could, despite the pain behind your eyes.
You frantically looked around the room. Yup, this definitely wasn't your room. It was way bigger than your room, was lavishly decorated, and had bars over the windows. Oh yeah, and there was a skeleton sitting in the corner.
"Relax," the skeleton said softly. He stood up, raising his hands to show he wasn't armed. "You're Safe Here. Are You Okay?"
You winced, finally recognizing the skeleton. "P-Papyrus?" He was another skeleton that you knew from work. "You're the one that kidnapped me??"
"Well, Kind Of? Not Really?" Papyrus winced, clearly not happy with the way his words were coming out. "Me And My Family Took You."
Before you could make your brain work enough to ask one of the many questions running through your mind, the door opened. "Are They Awake?" You had noticed this skeleton at your local grocery store, just as sharp looking as Butch, but with purple eyes.
Papyrus nodded, and the skeleton stepped into the room. After him, more and more came in. You shrunk further into the bed, as if the blankets would protect you from your kidnappers. To your horror, you recognized every single one of them. From Butch to Sans to the skeleton from the bus, to some you had just seen around town.
"W-what's going on?" You tried to sound demanding, but it came out as weak and trembling.
"we love you," Sans said simply. He said it so casually, it was like he had just ordered his usual bottle of ketchup at Grillby's.
Your jaw fell open. "What?"
"We Love You," the purple skeleton said. He rolled his eyes. "How Hard Is It To Understand?"
"leave 'em alone bro," the lanky skeleton frowned. "they're confused, and too sweet to assume somethin' like that!"
"WE'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU FOR QUITE SOME TIME." Another tall skeleton said. You glanced down and noticed in horror that he had sharp claws, just like the one who had drugged you. "AND WE HAVE FINALLY TAKEN ACTION."
Butch approached and sat on the side of the bed. You whimpered as he stroked your hair. "we're...dangerous, doll. we knew ya'd never be with us normally, so..." He shrugged, as if kidnapping you was an obvious solution.
"You won't get away with this," you glared. "Someone will notice I'm gone! Grillby, o-or one of my friends-"
"paid off," Slim interrupted. "or blackmailed."
"We Own The Cops," the blue eyed skeleton from the bus grinned.
"face it," Sans grinned. If it weren't for your horrifying situation, his casual smile and body language would have been relaxing. Right now, though, it was chilling. "ya ain't gettin' out of here." His eyes suddenly changed into hearts. "you're ours now. and we're never gonna let you go."
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