#if you're a somewhat awkward person envious of those who can just say anything to anybody lucy is so appealing
booasaur · 2 years
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NCIS: Hawai’i - 2x02
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The Yule Man (1/7)
As told by ME
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This was meant to be a short story, but it became too big, so I separated it in seven parts. I want to turn my blog in a space where I can share my writting every once and a while.
This is the first time I post one of my stories on a public space. This is the first time anyone besides my sister will be able to read, so I'm pretty exciting and anxious. I want honest criticism. I hope you all enjoy it.
"It's he who brings the Yule ice and snow to Arnsberg." The little girl said.
Everything seemed somehow brighter and warmer on that peaceful afternoon.
The lines of holly hanged above the walls and windows gave an otherworld feel to the street. The jingle of the bells of the market down the avenue helped to remind how happiness sounded like. Silver bells adorned the rooftops. The traditional statues of silver stood on the churches’ terrains.
They promised that the Silver God would once again bless his holy season. The store windows promised an affable and cozy night. That was not what that beggar boy received.
The confectionery attendant shoved him away with all scorn and disdain possible in a man. Why did he should show him kindness? The boy couldn't pay, and he was so filthy dressed he would drive customers away. And as he said beneath his breath while coming back to the store:
"Magic only brings trouble."
Mia Hayek and her baby sister were stepping in their carriage when they saw the scene. The poor young man looked at the sweets in the windows of the confectionery with so much craving. He looked as if he hadn't eaten anything in a long time.
She took out her long wide hat and her cotton scarf and asked her sister if she knew that boy. The little girl, with all sincerity that a child is capable off, responded.
He had a slender and thin body, but the enormous, hooded fur coat worn swallowed it completely. He carried a huge bag of shabby cloth against his back. The fur hood and the cloth around his lower face made it hard to give him an age. Mia was sure he couldn't be older than twenty.
Everyone in Arnsberg knew the boy. Always seen wandering without destination in the Solstice Eve carrying that stained bag. He arrives in town no sooner than the first snow. He stays for the twelve days of the Yule Festival, then he disappears. And no one can find him before the next one.
Mia saw him in the last year. He lived near the park in front of the bakery. The baker shoved him away as if he was a stray dog. He has not changed a thing from then.
"He never changes." Sophia mindlessly added. "Even mother remembers him from her time. He never changes."
Mia stared at the boy. Ragged and disheveled. Time had devoured those clothes, tattered and grimy as they looked.
"Is he magical?" Mia asked.
"Yeah!" Her little sister nodded. "But he can only bring the snow, he can't control it. He's harmless."
"Stay here!" She told her.
Mia stepped out of the carriage and walked in the direction of the boy as fast as her boots allowed. Noticing being followed, he turned. She stopped in the spot.
The hood obscured his face. He maintained his back bended, and he avoided looking into her eyes. By the way he stayed quiet, she knew he was nervous. People dressed like her usually didn't had nice things to say to people dressed like him.
"You're beautiful!" He whispered to himself, hoping only he listened.
She smiled back.
"Thank you!"
She heard and he could only blush in response.
"Sorry, but I always see you around here during this time." She began saying while messing with her curly hair. "The town can get pretty cold. Do you have where to pass the night."
The boy chuckled, and she could see a vague spark in his eyes.
"The cold never bothered me anyway, madam."
"What do you carry with you?" She came forward and touched his long bag. It felt so freezing that she immediately withdrew as by sheer impulse.
He lowered the cloth that covered his face and looked up to her, allowing Mia to take a deep look.
"I... I should already release this thing, but... I got distracted. I wanted to find something to eat first, so..." He sounded so nervous, trying so hard to justify himself, as if fearing punishment.
His face was pale and soft, still with signs of boyhood. His eyes were big and innocent, in bright green. His beard was as red as a fox, and it was shaggy and full of pieces of ice.
"...and now I don't know where to release this stuff."
"Do you have where to spend the holidays?" She interrupted him.
"No." He answered embarrassed.
The question really pierced through him. She saw how it affected him in the wrong way. A second question slipped through her mouth before she could have time to re-evaluate it.
"Do you found somewhere to eat?"
He didn't respond.
She drew his hands, letting his bag land on the ground. It surprised her how soft and warm they were.
"Stay the Yule with us."
Mia could just have brought him food and then forget anything about him in the next day. Any normal person would do that. Maybe she felt a genuine urge to help him. Maybe her pity for him spoke louder. Perhaps she found him too adorable to let go. Whatever the real reason may be, something drew her to him.
"My father is wealthy, but generous. I'm sure he'll allowed it."
He smiled to her by a second, as if he loved the idea, but then he frowned, as if he remembered something.
"I'm sorry. You have been very kind, but I can't."
"Please!" She insisted, her voice cracking a little. "You can't spend the Yule in the streets and in the cold."
""I already used to it."
He forced a sly grin, as if trying to tranquilize her. He continued. "I'm sure you mean well, but it's better that I stay here."
"Our mansion is always open to those who need it, and you'll be well treated there."
"A mansion?" He frowned.
"My father is Mr. Hayek. My name is Mia Angela Hayek. Ravi de vous rencontrer." She greeted him with the dress.
"Never heard of him." He joked.
"Please, stay with us. We...
"Is it comfy..."
"What?" She asked surprised.
He spoke in a tone that made her think of a timid small boy.
"Your mansion. Is it comfy and cozy? That's how I always picture these places to be." He didn't want her to see he smiled.
"Of course." She nodded.
"Does it have a fireplace?"
"Yes. You can drink hot cocoa by it and eat some gingerbread cookies if you want."
"I never eat a gingerbread cookie."
"You can eat all sweets you wish. The kitchen has smelled wonderful since morning. My father is giving a big ball tonight. It will be so full of cakes and sweets. It will make even the most illustrious confectioneries envious."
Mia saw how much the idea pleased him, how much it tempted him to say yes. Yet, something held him back.
Against his better judgment, he said:
The air grew colder on that moment. The winter breeze brought chills down her spine. Whatever it was, the boy felt it too.
"But just for one night." He soon added.
"What's your name?"
"I don't have one." He said while pulling back his bag.
She tilted her head.
"How come you have no name?"
"Never needed one."
James Hayek had all the reasons to be jolly during the holidays. This son of immigrants became the most important merchant in all the North Kingdom. The Hayeks were the wealthiest mixed family in Arnsberg. This filled him with pride, but also a deep sentiment of duty. As a child of Arnsberg by heart he felt as his duty to retribute all his good luck back to the community.
The Hayek Mansion was a charming building located near the road down to Arnsberg, far close to the forest. Mr. Hayek certified himself that its doors would be forever open to the town that welcomed him.
It was the Solstice Eve. Tomorrow the Yule Festival would begin, twelve days of tradition and merriment. A gigantic fir-tree of nine meters was brought to the mansion's courtyard. The servants of the Hayek family surrounded its needles with all sorts of ornaments. They garnished the Yule Tree with silver, gold, and all kinds of jewelry. On its top, the Solstice Sun ornament promised to shine brighter than the real one. Not even Queen Ava's tree in the Royal Palace was as beautiful as the one who stood now in the Hayek Mansion.
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Dozens of statues of goats surrounded the tree, all carefully made of pure straw. A somewhat forgotten tradition that Mr. Hayek couldn't let go in any capacity.
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Two full tables had been already set. Roast turkeys and ducks, steamed hams and caramelized cods covered the first table.
The second table looked like a small child's fever dream. Colorful palaces of gelatin and chocolate sprinkled with sugar. Snowy towns and castles of gingerbread covered with white marzipan. Fountains and rivers flowing with chocolate. Towers of cakes and pies. Mountain chains of pudding with nuts and chestnuts boulders. It had enough to maddening the youth.
When Mia and Sophia arrived at the Hayek residence, the Yule Log had been already tossed into the fire. Both her and her sister helped the fur-cladded boy stepped out of the carriage. No sooner they crossed the golden gates, the servants already whispered between themselves. They couldn't help but gaze at the peculiar young man with awe and curiosity.
As soon as the girls walked upon the carpet in the living room, their parents rushed to speak to them. When Mr. Hayek first heard the news, he had to come to see it by himself.
"You brought the Yule Man?" He gave a strong laughter that came straight from the bottom of his belly.
The boy didn't know how to react, so he stepped behind the sisters and gave him an awkward smile.
Mr. Hayek was a cheerful and youthful old man. Mrs. Hayek could be the proudest woman the world has ever seen. She fitted the role of the women who dressed to show the world her social status. Her blue eyes had troubles showing affection. Her corn-like hair was stylized in the same way as the fashion magazines. Meticulously armed.
She approached Mia to talk in particular.
"You should be getting dressed." She spoke with veiled bitterness.
Mia tried her best to argue back.
"Sorry mother, I was doing shopping when..."
Her mother definitely didn't want to know. She twisted her eyebrows and said:
"Why are you so irresponsible. I'm tired of sorries. And what are you wearing for the gods' sake" She started yelling.
Mia swallowed her mother's sermons with her best poker face. Since she was a child, she knew how harsh Mrs. Hayek's criticism could be. Nothing different from the woman that searched for defects in everything.
"You know how this night is important. It's your first ball. My daughter shouldn't look like a hag." She took a pause to breath. "Go get dressed!"
Sophia came forward.
"Can the Yule Man spend the Yule with us?" She asked with manipulative eyes.
"You can't bring him here." She whispered while offering a false smile to greet the newcomer boy.
Fritz and Thomas, Sophia's elder brothers, looked at him with intense curiosity.
"Magic always leads to trouble." She put.
"Mother, he needs us." Mia shot back. "Besides not aging, there's not that much he can do. He is harmless."
"Mia, can you stop arguing..." Her mother tried to shut her down as she always did.
Mia had other plans.
"Father..." She turned to Mr. Hayek. "This is the true Yule Man. You can show him to the town's children tonight.
"I like children." His tiny voiced ricocheted off the living room walls. They turned to face him.
"They are nice to me." He said in a small tone behind them.
They almost had forgot he was still there.
"My dear, I don't know..." Mr. Hayek gazed at his unhappy wife.
"Remember when you were young and poor, and they chased you off that department store." She pointed to the boy. “They shoved him out of the confectionery as if he were nothing. He doesn't have where to spend the Yule days. He never had."
Mr. Hayek grew quiet. Not everyone had been nice to him. The way he looked had closed a lot of doors before. He promised to never take part in any judgment by appearances.
"You win." He winked at her. "Okay. Welcome to our Yule party Mr. Yule Man.
The boy looked at Mrs. Hayek. He saw her eyes steaming.
The guest started appearing around the evening. The parties in the Hayek Mansion always yielded weeks of conversation and gossip. They were more accessible than official public events. Open to everyone who wanted to participate. Thanks to that Mr. Hayek received the charming nickname of the "Father of the Poor." from his enemies. He liked it.
In her bedchamber, Mia wore a ballgown that had the color of the winter night sky. A low busted and short sleeved gown that drew attention to her silhouette. It was richly embroidered with snowflake patterns that surrounded her skirt. A delicate bow tied her curly brown hair back, drawing attention to her delicate face. Her strong red lipstick contrasted quite well with her light-brown skin tone.
When she went down the staircase. She gasped at how beautiful her house looked. Decks of holly, ivy and winter roses scattered everywhere. When the Yule Man saw her, he gasped at how beautiful she looked. He raced to her, still with his bag.
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"Why are you still wearing this thing?" She pressed her lips together. She sounded just as her mother.
"Sorry If I was too rude. Do you like it?"
"No. No. I don't like this thing at all." He chuckled while eating a huge piece of marzipan with his free hand.
"So, why do you wear it?"
"As if I had a choice." He smirked.
He had finished his attack on the table of sweets. His mouth still was stained with sugar and chocolate. She noticed he had pockets in his suit, because they were full of gingerbread cookies and pieces of cake. The corners of her mouth lifted a smile as soon as she realized it.
When they arrived at the courtyard, the guests already crowded the place. The music had begun. The youthful couples already waltzed together amid the chatter of their families. That scene never failed to fill Mia's eyes, and now she could be officially a part of it. Her first ball as a woman.
She saw her mother approaching.
"What are you wearing." She yelled in her lowest tone.
Mia stood in her defensive position.
"Mother, you promised I could pick my own dress."
Mrs. Hayek exhaled.
"Yeah, I did. You look beautiful."
Mia smiled in relief.
"You too mother."
"You look perfect, and it's Yule, but don't exaggerate on the food." She laughed. "You know how the woman in our family have problems with weight."
Mia forced a yellow smile as a good daughter. As soon as her mother departed, the boy tried to cheer her.
"That was close. You survived the attack of the amazing shrew. Good job."
Mia laughed out loud. He felt proud with himself.
The children on the place couldn't stop looking at him with amazement. She turned to him.
"You don't really have a name?"
His smile disappeared.
He tried to physically walk out of that social interaction. She followed him.
"Do you at least have parents or relatives?"
He spent a couple seconds thinking.
"I don't know. I believe that I don't."
"Where you go when you aren't in Arnsberg? Do you visit other cities?"
"I prefer not to think about that." He said as politely as he could.
"Can I ask about the bag?" She joked.
He handled the bag over to the other hand.
He really didn't like the direction of that conversation.
"Can I least ask you about the beard? Do you like it?"
He stopped. He looked at her.
"Not even a little." He laughed. "It's shaggy, it scratches, and it annoys me so much."
"Why you don't shave it?"
"As if I had a choice."
That was getting on her nerves.
"Why wouldn't you have a choice?"
He looked deep into her eyes.
"Because only real people have a choice."
On that same moment, a man wearing a red fur cloak and carrying a sack full of toys and stepped out of the servant’s door. The children gasped and cheered his presence and rushed in his direction. The adults were left amazed. Santa Claus had arrived. By his side, a very tall man came closer, wearing a wooden goat mask and wearing a very thick coat. On his hand he carried birch branches. The children surrounded them in seconds. The Goat-masked man asked in his spookiest voice if they had been nice or naughty that year. Santa had already start delivering the presents to all the children.
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Mia nudged him.
"It's my father. He lives by the Yule Festival." She boasted. "He loves to dress like Santa. He's the only black St. Nick in the town."
"I find funny how you always seem to agree that he's an old fat man in red."
He left her confused.
"Excuse me."
"St. Nicholas is way younger than that. And he drinks." He chuckled. "A lot."
She tilted her head and frowned.
"How can you tell? No one can see him."
He stayed quiet.
"Do you know the real Santa?"
He broke the silence.
"He's a good man. He's nice to me. The Yule Goat is bad. He's very bad. He beats children."
He nodded to the goat masked man. Mia saw that it unsettled him a bit.
"Calm down. It's just Edgar, our butler. He likes to scare kids, so every year he dresses like the Yule Goat."
All the kids after receiving their presents ran to his side. Mr. Hayek as the jolly saint came closer to Mia at said in direction of the young man:
"This man..." He certified himself to be heard by everyone. "...is the Yule Man. Today he will show us the magic of the Yuletide season."
The crowd turned and stared at him in intensity. The typical hypocrisy of mortals: They fear magic but can't lose a chance to see it close. The boy himself stayed quiet as a mouse in his spot.
Mia asked in his ear:
"Crowds make you nervous"
"Yep" He almost couldn't be heard.
"I realized."
He walked to the center of the courtyard without saying no more words. Near the fir-tree he tossed his bag on the ground. Mia attended all that closely.
He pulled the knot that tighten the bag closed and opened it. A single snowflake came out first. It flew like a white butterfly in the direction of the wind. Calm, gentle, beautiful. It shimmered like nothing else. Some of the children ran after it and tried to catch. A second came out, and third, and a fourth. The snowflakes then burst out of the bag, billions of them. Small bright crystals that looked more like pixie dust.
He opened his arms and allowed the endless wave of light blast off and fill the skies. The crowd clapped and cheered in a mad frenzy. Mr. Hayek couldn't believe his eyes.
Mia stood there, speechless. The sight took all her ability to think properly.
The Yule Man closed his eyes. He shook both hands together as quick as he could. The bright outburst ceased. The bag dissolved in icicles. As if the world's largest swarm, they dashed up, up into the sky, while the snow started to fall.
He turned back to them.
"And this...This is how the Yule snow comes to Arnsberg."
The crowd clapped in pure ecstasy. He exhaled relieved.
The kids chased him. The adults had troubles understanding what happened. Mia stayed quiet in her thoughts processing everything.
The north wind blew over them all. The boy felt the message sent to him down to his bones. A dark figure appeared in the corner. He knew there were consequences to be dealt with.
Mia searched for him when he appeared and shook her hand.
"I'm grateful for everything..." He started. "... but St. Nicholas saw me. I already violated too many rules."
And he ran away.
She stayed behind, left speechless again.
Mia marched to her parents close to the mansion's entrance.
"Father, what did you said to him?"
She took Mr. Hayek by surprise.
"Nothing, I..."
Sophia stopped playing with the other girls and their new toys and walked to them.
"It was not him. It was the real Santa.
"Hey!" His heart broke. He said visibly offended. "How long do you know I am not..."
Mia interrupted him.
"Sophia, why are you talking about?"
"St. Nicholas came here to talk to him."
"How I didn't see him?"
She responded with such innocence that terrified Mia.
"He's invisible to you."
Mia rushed back inside and searched for him everywhere. She found him when he was getting nearer the front gate.
"Why did you leave?" She approached him behind pulled him by the arm. You said you would spend the night here."
"I can't. I simply can't. St. Nicholas talked to me...
"Santa? Santa threatened you?"
"No. St. Nicholas is nice to me." He argued. "Only a few like him are. The North Wind brought him here. He told him how I was breaking the rules. Different from him, I can be seen by mortals. He thinks it's not wise for me to get too close to them, to you."
He paused as soon as he realized how that sentence could be interpreted.
"To you guys, the mortals, your family." The awkwardness possessed his body.
Her forehead furrowed while pressing her lips together.
"What are the rules?"
He scratched his head and lowered it down.
"I arrive to Arnsberg by the first light of the Solstice Eve. I must leave before the first light after the Yule days are over."
Her expression lightened.
"So, you can spend the festival with us."
"Do you even listen to me?" He cried out loud.
She placed her hands over his shoulder.
"Listen, you will not violate any rules. As long as you left..." She gesticulated for him to continue it.
"Before the first light after the Yule days are over." He added.
"I know you liked here. So, what do you say.”?
"Mia, I can't."
She raised her voice.
"So, they want you to spend the holidays in the street?"
"I don't have a choice." His jaw clenched and he shut his eyes.
She drew him closer.
"Yeah, you do."
That simple phrase teared down his walls. He no longer felt the ground under his feet. His eyes teared up.
"Do you really believe that." He said in a cry voice.
She struggled to look him in the eyes now.
"I do." She smiled to him.
He closed his eyes.
"Okay, I will spend the Yule Festival with you."
He heard the wind blowing outside. A very bad omen indeed. For some Mia sensed butterflies on her stomach. She felt a sweet taste in her mouth. Something sweet and warm inside her chest.
"Okay, I will ask Edgar to lead you to the Guest room."
He shook his head.
"It isn't necessary. I hate giving people trouble. I can sleep anywhere."
She raised her eyebrows.
"But you need a name. Can I call you Christopher? I always found a beautiful name."
"Yeah, you can." His eyes twinkled while the corners of his mouth quickly turned up.
She stepped closer.
"Happy Yuletide, Chris!"
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