#though she thinks kate is super charming so
booasaur · 2 years
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NCIS: Hawai’i - 2x02
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deadrayg2mf · 1 year
The Dragon’s Bride (Deal with a Demon #1) by Katee Robert
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I really can’t praise Katee Robert enough. She is by far one of my favorite authors in the genre. I know I’m going to get a female lead I can relate to, or at least actually like, right off the bat. A male lead who is going to be the perfect match for her. And some quality plot with just enough snippets of the characters backgrounds for me to beg and plead for more books about them.
The Dragon’s Bride is the kick starter to the Deal with a Demon series, the precursor (though not required read) to The Kraken’s Sacrifice (check out the post on that). It follows Briar, a charming survivor of domestic abuse who has one wish: her husband’s death. Luckily, she is also one of the five women to make a deal, seven years of partnership to a monstrous leader for anything they could possibly want in the world. That’s how she ends up in the Bargainer Demon’s castle, with her last memories of the human realm being her late husband's blood on a demon's hands, and her hand in marriage to a dragon. 
Briar is fragile but strong, cautious but daring, curious, blunt, and a little bit of a hellcat, and while this all may sound super contradictory, Katee weaves her in such a way that makes her a darling in my eyes. Briar also has a breeding kink, so there’s that sort of dirty talk coming out of her mouth. 
Sol is a dragon. He swims a little like a crocodile, he wears pants, and he is so totally smitten with Briar it’s adorable. He is patient, gentle, and kind. He doesn’t let Briar skirt around her issues but holds her when the nightmares come during the night. He doesn’t push her but makes sure she knows she is safe from whatever she may fear will come back to haunt her. Oh, and he is all too willing to play into that breeding kink fantasy. (And he’s got double the trouble to do so)
Now while some may be disappointed to hear there is no DP (double penetration) in The Dragon’s Bride (that’s what the second book is for) the spice is seriously insane, and there sure is plenty of it within the 180 pages. Now I may never be one to utter the phrase “fill me up,” I sure do enjoy reading it being used to provoke a giant dragon man. 
Another must read from Katee Robert. If you’re looking for a soft romance between a survivor who thinks she’s broken and a dragon who’s determined to show her she isn’t in 180 pages, with a bunch of sex too, then The Dragon’s Bride is your book for the night. 9/10
Would I read again? I did for this! I would still!
Would I recommend? Absolutely!
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arbitraryreveries · 10 months
My Ranking of the Bridgerton NOVELS
From someone who read all but the last two. I can't read the last two yet. But this is the first six.
The Official Reading Order Is:
The Duke & I
The Viscount Who Loved Me
An Offer from a Gentleman
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
To Sir Phillip, With Love
When He Was Wicked
But I Read Them:
The Duke & I (after I watched the show)
When He Was Wicked (because everyone said it was sexy)
The Viscount Who Loved Me (after I watched the show)
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton (because everyone likes Polin so much)
To Sir Phillip, With Love (because I was curious)
An Offer from a Gentleman (because I was at last willing to have Benedict ruined for me since everyone said he was a jerk in the books)
Now, here's my list IN ORDER OF ENJOYMENT from LEAST to MOST (discounting all factors such as the amount of sexism and quality of plot and writing, etc., because there are some wild things in these books, BUT for the sake of the ranking, this is just HOW MUCH I LIKED THEM with no other factors involved):
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
The Duke & I
To Sir Phillip, With Love
The Viscount Who Loved Me
An Offer from a Gentleman
When He Was Wicked
I didn't actively HATE any of these, though there were moments in most of them that I hated.
And here's why they are in that order.
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton - #6
I think the thing that destroyed this for me was expectations. Y'all love Polin so much, but I just felt like their relationship wasn't developed AT ALL? Like, the story relies on them being "friends" to lovers, but I never felt the friendship. It felt like Penelope had a silly crush on him, Colin suddenly found her hot after she "grew up" (got skinnier, even?), and they started wanting to bone. Further, it wasn't that sexy, and y'all have been acting like it's SO SEXY. But even things like the mirror scene are just ... a fantasy Colin has but never actually does?? Like, that's so lame? And what they do do is off screen or not very hot, with the exception of the carriage scene which is kind of weird/creepy in the first place. Plus, Colin is a jerk, and Penelope is not much better if only because she refuses to communicate in a helpful manner.
The Duke & I - #5
They really did soften that non-con in the show, didn't they? Like, in the show, I really do think Daphne had NO IDEA what she was doing. She wasn't taught consent. In the book, she feels very much in control, and that's gross. That said, I get that in the era ... like, I know it's wrong, but I get it. Anyways, all this to say, it was kind of vanilla, and not super charming, and Daphne really is "not like other girls." I did like the sibling interactions, though.
To Sir Phillip, With Love - #4
I think because y'all like Eloise in the show, you have villainized this one, but it's actually pretty solid. There are some iffy bits, and like every single hero in this series, Phillip can be ... yeah. Wildly sexist and obviously dealing with issues that are never resolved. BUT that said ... I didn't think it was half-bad? I think it could have been adapted well, but show Eloise is more a jerk who feels like discount Hyacinth (I adore Hyacinth, but she's likable). So I was pleasantly surprised with this one as I expected it to be far, far worse, especially as I don't like show Eloise. But this Eloise is fine, if she does need a little more personality!
The Viscount Who Loved Me - #3
Not actually that good of a book, but I LOVE Simone and Jonathan, so that's why this is up to high. Since I watched it after watching season 2, I JUST. I CAN'T. HELP. MYSELF. Their chemistry has made the book better. Also, the book removes the annoying subplot with Edwina and all the wedding drama and just ... it makes it better. I wish they'd found a way to work it out without the pain that was that one really bad part of season 2 (where they carried on with the wedding with Edwina) while also giving Kate and Anthony the ability to choose each other/not have an arranged marriage. Like, surely there must have been a way!
An Offer from a Gentleman - #2
The only reason this is #2 is because my expectations were on the GROUND. I read this last because I just KNEW I was going to come out DETESTING Benedict, and I didn't want to. He's like my favorite character in the show (other than Kate who is absolute perfection ... oh, and Lady Danbury, though she's a much more minor character ... and Simon, I actually really like show Simon), and like, I wasn't ready to have my baby Benedict destroyed. But again, I dreamt worse than was true! I inserted more sexism and bullying and evil in the book in my head than was true! So because my expectations were so low, I really enjoyed it, and I thought Sophie was the SWEETEST (other than Kate and Francesca, she is my favorite book heroine - they're all tied for 1st place) and ... like, I even liked her so much that I went back to Eloise's book to reread her scenes because I LOVE HER. Benedict wasn't fantastic, but their sex was sexy, and I think Sophie deserves all the world. She is a gem. Protect my baby forever. <3
When He Was Wicked - #1
I LOVE THIS BOOK. Why don't you talk about it more? Francesca and Michael are GREAT. I can't wait to see the Fran/John/Michael trio in the show (I hope!!!). The chemistry, the sex, the tragedy and heartbreak, the angst, the longing for a child ... all of it touched me in a deep place. I also think it was better written than some of the other stories, though beauty may be in the eye of the beholder. Sure, there are some typical-of-the-books weird moments (Michael at times can be really sexist/angry/borderline playing with non-con in an unhealthy way when it comes to his "seducing", but it was less creepy than some of the other ones because Fran is always so into it, and it was clear that her regrets were entirely due to John, not because she felt violated or used by Michael, which is what really would have been disturbing). That said, I felt like I was sighing and suspending my disbelief less with this novel? And really, it almost made me cry several times, sometimes even during the sexy scenes, because I just FELT FOR THEM. Like, truly, I don't know if it's because I'm dealin' with some baby issues or because it hits my sexsy times tastes so well, but like, I was INVESTED. Anyways, I just thought this book was great (for a Bridgerton novel).
I know there are some unpopular opinions here, so I may get beat up, but hey, guys, they're just books! And a TV show! Let's not be mean to each other about tastes, okay? Even though I was snarky here a bit lol so I deserve it. OKAY have at me! BULLY AWAY. I'm sorrrrrryyyy.
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I’m officially sending in my petition to rebrand Walker: Independence as a mystery. I don’t even know where to start this week.
We’ll start with Hoyt. I’m glad this week we returned to Hoyt as a serious man/wily criminal who happens to be funny vs being the comic relief. I was audibly aw-ing throughout the entire exchange between him and Luis. It was so sweet to see that the Reyes’ actually do care for Hoyt, and we got to find out a little bit more about Hoyt’s family. Everyone is so untwined in Independence, it makes for such an interesting story. I died when Hoyt protected the tree stump as a landmark, so funny. Him throwing the fight and passing out on a chance for glory to get money and pull his weight on the ranch was indicative of the kind of man he is (secretly honorable underneath all of the ruffian behavior). And not to skip forward too far, but did anyone else catch the look on Francis’ face when his father mentioned there’s potentially a place for Hoyt at the ranch? I’m wondering if he killed his father in order to keep the ranch for himself, he did not look happy at the prospect of sharing the ranch with Hoyt.
A surprising amount of insight into Kate this episode, though it’s not super obvious. A past affair with her boss (no matter what wording she used with Abby) has me wondering if she used her feminine charms to get her job as a Pinkerton agent. Her inability to see who Hoyt actually is has me thinking that sometimes her self confidence blinds her, and while it’s what the team needs it could be her downfall at some point. Side note: I don’t trust Elliot at all. Between his meeting with the Sheriff and brushing Kate off after it became apparent that she wasn’t interested in sleeping with him, I think Kate might be a free agent soon.
I was not expecting the former sheriff to be Gus’ suspect! I really thought it was going to be Abby. In fact, I wasn’t expecting the former sheriff to make an appearance at all. I had just assumed he was an old man who died. What a character Otis is (or rather was, do we think he survived a shot to the abdomen?). Obviously looks are in the job description for sheriff of Independence, and I appreciate that. The case of who killed Liam Collins that seemed so straightforward has so many twists and turns. Plus now we have even more unanswered questions. And it looks like Abby is going to have to take a little break from that mystery to solve a more pressing one and clearing Calian’s name. A shame that it looked like Gus and Calian’s relationship was on the mend only for another suspicious death to happen. Was Calian hallucinating the little girl and accidentally shot Luis in a trance? Did Francis shoot his father and take advantage of Calian’s state to frame him? Who was that little girl, and what does the town of Independence/Otis have to do with her disappearance? It’s a shame that Calian’s fears about getting involved with the town had come true- he’s framed and behind bars in a world that doesn’t care to understand him or even see him as human. At least he has allies now, but will they be enough? Will his people stand behind him? What’s going through Gus’ brain? Augustus is so hard to read. I have so many questions! What a good cliffhanger.
I fall more in love with Tom Davidson every week. He’s scheming, but not in the way we all originally thought. I think he wants to put his criminal past behind him, become an honest (or as honest as you can be in the west) man, do his aunt/family proud and put Independence on the map. It was so hot when he got in that ring, and he didn’t even have to take his shirt off. What a man. And the way Abby’s presence gave him the strength to get up and got back to fighting? I will do anything for a Tom and Abby slow burn romance!!! His smile when he saw her, and her look of disgust 😍 I’m also so here for a Kai and Tom alliance, those two could effortless run the town. It was so sweet that Tom made sure that Kai got a shout out in the paper alongside him, I love that he sees him as an equal. And I would love to see Kai go from working the railroads to helping run them.
Not a lot of Abby this episode, but everyone is this cast is so good I didn’t really feel her absence. I loved her dress and hair this week, and her horse matching her so well (meaning they’re both beautiful and polished lol). I love that Abby never backs down when the men are trying to protect her. She’s really finding herself. And Kat did such a good job portraying Abby’s heartbreak over her husband not being the man she thought he was. How do you mourn someone you didn’t actually know? How do you avenge the death of a man who may have been just as corrupt as his killer? Is it even worth doing so, or should she officially leave Boston and Liam behind in favor of moving forward? Her life is very promising for a widow (law career that she thought would never be possible as a woman, handsome men, good friends), it’s almost as though she’s better off without him.
And of course the cliffhanger! Tom being stabbed! Clearly there’s a conspiracy going regarding the Independence sheriffs office, and now that Tom is a casualty the previous suspect the Davidson’s aren’t the ones behind it. Nothing is as it seems. I’m assuming Tom lives because Greg has been filming, but it still hit me hard! How am I supposed to wait for next week? How will I survive the holiday season hiatus? This show is so good, it has surpassed all of my expectations and blown me out of the water.
"I’m wondering if he killed his father in order to keep the ranch for himself," Ooh... I hadn't thought of that! (I'm rewatching right now and Hoyt called the father Francis, so Luis is the son.)
Interesting thoughts about Kate and her self-confidence. I have a feeling if there is a downfall, it will be at the expense of a friend and might shake that confidence.
Why do I get the feeling there's an incredibly tragic story behind the little girl. Also, I'm going to have to listen to the conversation about Calian and Gus' backstory (and the references to someone being shot) because I'm reading the biography of Bass Reeves, and as the story goes, he was a slave who ended up in an altercation with his owner and fled (as a runaway slave) to Indian territory where he joined up to fight against the confederacy as a Buffalo Soldier. It sounded like Gus may have a similar story.
I worried about Kai owing Tom, but it sounds like Tom might be the right kind of ally. And I loved Kai offering boxing tips! Tom is a sweetheart that needs to be protected (especially from his scheming relatives.)
I find it interesting that Abby is technically the main protagonist, but I'm so much more enamored of all the other characters. I know Abby's story drives the plot, but I'm afraid I'm losing interest in her... (don't kill me!)
"How will I survive the holiday season hiatus?" I have no clue, because I have a sneaking suspicion they're going to end on a cliffhanger next week.
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spidermook · 11 months
Ranking the MCU shows cause I'm bored and think I have controversial opinions.
1. Wandavision (Feel like this one is obvious.)
2. She-Hulk (Pure fun for me, has problems but all of these shows do and I see through this one the most.)
3. Falcon and The Winter Soldier (Seeing the boys hanging out is worth the price of admission for me. Wish villains were better.)
4. Loki (Character interactions are very fun for me but I felt this was over-hyped. I just never really understood why this is considered so good, maybe I need a rewatch)
5. Hawkeye (I still enjoyed this one! Even though it's pretty low on this ranking, I really liked Kate Bishop and hope to see her again soon.)
6. Ms. Marvel (I really liked the first episode but the plot got really bloated and convoluted real fast. Kamala is still really charming though.)
7. Moon Knight (I didn't enjoy this one much, I almost fell asleep during the finale. I rewatched it to make sure I just wasn't biased but I still don't find much to latch onto here. Characters aren't super interesting, Action is okay. I don't think this is bad, I just can't call it good either.)
8. Secret Invasion (I kept waiting for the rug pull that would make this show amazing. I was waiting for some crazy twist that they were saving would amaze me and make this all feel worthwhile. It didn't happen.)
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ramblingromance · 2 years
A Reckless Match: Book Review
A family that's been at odds for centuries, secret caves, and a smugglers' plot! There's all this and more in A Reckless Match by Kate Bateman, so read along for some of my thoughts, feelings, and rambles on...
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Meet the Davies and Montgomery families - two households locked in an ancient feud, destined to be on opposing sides forever. Until now... CAN LIFELONG HATE Madeline Montgomery grew up despising––and secretly loving––the roguish Gryffud “Gryff” Davies. Their families have been bitter rivals for hundreds of years, but even if her feelings once crossed the line between love and hate, she’s certain Gryff never felt the same. Now, she’s too busy saving her family from ruin to think about Gryff and the other “devilish” Davies siblings. Since he’s off being scandalous in London, it’s not like she’ll ever see him again... TURN TO TRUE LOVE As the new Earl of Powys, Gryff Davies planned on spending his post-war life enjoying the pleasures of London. But when an illegal duel forces him to retreat to his family’s Welsh castle, he realizes the only exciting thing in the dull countryside will be seeing the fiery Maddie Montgomery. Thoughts of his nemesis sustained Gryff throughout the war; but the girl he loved to tease has grown into a gorgeous, headstrong woman – who loathes him just as much as she ever did. Will secret tunnels, dangerous smugglers, and meddling from their feuding families be enough to make Maddie and Gryff realize that their animosity is really attraction...and maybe even love.
If you're looking for an enemies to lovers in the same vein as Darcy and Elizabeth, you'll probably find that this isn't quite an exact match. There's definitely witty teasing to be found, but despite the fact that Maddie and Gryff's families have been at odds for centuries, they don't exactly hold any real disdain for each other. Think of it more along the lines of the boy that tugged the pigtails of the girl that he liked.
In a way I was relieved by this, because I almost feared it was going to take on a melodramatic Romeo and Juliet sort of feel, but it never delves much past its initial genre: romantic comedy.
Thankfully this isn't a tragedy, and while I knew that there would be a happily ever after waiting for me at the end, I still worried that the melodrama of two feuding families might be a bit too much for me.
No, if anything, this family feud is much more like the Hatfields and McCoys (although certainly not quite as bloody, especially during the regency era where this is all taking place), all the way down to a supposed stolen pig which started the feud all those years ago.
This novel is charming, and takes on a tone reminiscent of Tessa Dare, I would say. There's nothing too serious about it, which is nice when you're not looking for anything that's particularly dramatic or angsty. The characters are fun, and I'm certainly interested to see what other adventures this family takes in the future. I think the second installment in the series is already out, which I'm sure I'll get to in the future.
I think a few of my only complaints would be in, one, the odd chapter lengths. They were incredibly short, usually only ranging five pages long. This in itself isn't a major issue, but it just sort of made the story feel a little disjointed at times when you're expecting a new scene in a new chapter or a different POV. With the chapters being so short, it left me wondering why some of them weren't just combined to make one longer chapter, but that's just a nitpick on my part.
And two... I know I said I didn't want anything super melodramatic, but I do wish our main characters had been fleshed out just a tiny bit more. It felt as if I was missing something about them, though I'm not sure what. I think maybe it as the fact that there was never really a moment where the focus was on any sort of past traumas or insecurities. Gryff reflects a bit about his time in the war, and the guilt he feels about leaving his friends behind when he suddenly became the new earl. Still, the surface was only just scratched there, and there wasn't even too much talk on the grief he felt about losing his father. On Maddie's part, she talks a bit about her near death experience and the literal scars that were left behind, but again, we only get a light scratch here.
Aside from that, this novel gets a few extra points for featuring a sex in one of the more unique places: a cave!
Thanks for reading this far! I've noticed that with Twitter going up in flames, a resurgence seems to be happening here on tumblr. I never left, but I did start to miss how active the romance novel community had once been on here. Let's hope we can bring it back to its heyday! Until then, happy reading!
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, war, and violence. Attempted blackmail, Claustrophobia (there's a cave trapped scene).
Heat Level: 3/5
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project1939 · 8 months
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Day 53- Film: The Quiet Man 
Release date: August 21st, 1952. 
Studio: Republic 
Genre: Comedy 
Director: John Ford 
Producer: John Ford, Merian C. Cooper 
Actors: John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, Barry Fitzgerald, Ward Bond, Victor McLaglen 
Plot Summary: Boxer Sean Thornton retires and leaves the U.S. when he unintentionally kills another boxer in the ring. He moves to Ireland, hoping to buy his family farm. Once there, he falls in love with a beautiful neighbor, but conflicts with her brother make courting and marrying her almost impossible. 
My Rating (out of five stars): *** 
For some people, I know, giving this only three stars would be insulting. In some circles, this is a classic film. I’ll stand by my opinions of it, while acknowledging they are just opinions, after all. I think it’s a good film, but not a great or near-perfect one. 
The Good: 
The location shooting. Much of the film was actually shot in Ireland, and it shows. There are a lot of beautiful shots in this. 
The Technicolor. It was gorgeous. 
Maureen O'Hara as Mary Kate. It’s easy to understand why Wayne would fall in love with her on the spot. Her character doesn’t give O’Hara much to work with, though. 
I appreciate that John Ford branched out and tried his hand at a non-Western film. 
The Bad: 
It’s waaay too long. At 129 minutes, and with a basic uncomplicated plot, it could have easily been trimmed down. 
The way the locals were portrayed. The film tried way too hard to make everybody charming and “colorful,” to the point they are almost cartoonish. You’d think Ireland was only populated by cheery simple folk. And alcoholics. 
The very thinly drawn main characters. I couldn’t tell you much about Sean, except that he tries to act tough and doesn’t say much. I couldn’t tell you much about Mary Kate except that she is “fiery.” The characters just aren’t fully formed and fleshed out. 
The way Wayne treated O’Hara. Do you enjoy being forcibly kissed? Literally shoved around? Thrown angrily onto a bed? Dragged by your wrist? Dragged by your shirt collar? Or literally dragged across the ground? If you do, all power to you. But not me, not ever. 
The way Sean has to be super macho in the end, so he can prove to everyone that he didn’t want to fight Mary Kate’s brother because he was scared, but because he had killed someone.  
There were some bad sets and rear-projection made worse when it was juxtaposed with the location shots. 
The severe alcoholic being funny and “a character.” Don’t get me wrong, I like a good “drunk scene,” and I can enjoy a humorous alcoholic (like Nick Charles, for example), but when a character is as severely alcoholic as Oge, I don’t find it funny. 
John Wayne is the kind of guy I am most turned off by- the stoic, macho, “I got no need for feelings” kind of guy. Both Wayne and the character Sean were completely unappealing to me because of this. I understand that that is an issue of personal taste, however. A lot of men, and some women, are drawn to those kinds of characters. I’m just not. 
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
could I request a romantic partner who absolutely thrives off of domestic moments with the proxies and bloody painter? if thats okay of course.
Domesticity with the Proxies and Bloody Painter
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: Sure can. Honestly BP is never on my radar so uh, he may be a little whack? Anyways, yes, I put Kate in here <3]
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kate is a cottagecore wife. That's all she wants. So, having a romantic, super sweet partner that likes domesticity,,,, it warms her to her core.
She loves all those little moments with you. Dancing in the kitchen late at night, holding you in her arms, what Sunday mornings feel like, gardening when it's finally spring, it's all so good to her.
She loves baking but doesn't have a knack for it? I think you do though, so like, she's almost always in the kitchen with you. The two of you make some gorgeous, delicious things together.
Kate is a little she when it comes to affection as sweet as yours? So it makes her bristle the first few times, but she isn't adverse to it! She's just not used to it! The romance and domesticity you bring make her feel like the days aren't that long.
Kate loves making breakfast for you though. You might be handling a lot of other things in the home, but breakfast is 100% her thing. She's a morning lark. Loves to bring you breakfast in bed and spend the morning with you. You make her feel safe.
Good,,, luck getting him to sit down. I don't think Toby actually craves domesticity? Stability and domesticity are two entirely different things and Toby definitely lets you know that.
He doesn't mind you really loving and performing domesticity, but it really isn't his cup of tea. Toby is a racecar. He does not stop unless it's to refuel. I think that's where the domesticity thing really comes in handy? He's really prone to burnout.
He loves the romantic aspect to you though. He's as gentle as he can be, which admittedly isn't that gentle, Toby is kinda rough at times. However, he tries hard to amuse you and the things you're into.
I feel you spend a lot of soft moments with him in your home, taking care of him. You feed him, and love him, give him a sense of stability he's never really had before.
He can never really stay in one place for very long, but he wants to be with you. The domestic moments with you make him smile, they really do, but he can't,, stay still. He always comes back to you though, scooping you up in his arms, helping you around the home where he can before he's back out and about in the world again.
Written more as Hoodie than Brian, I think Hoodie is relatively indifferent about domesticity until he realizes what that means for your relationship. Hoodie likes to exercise dominance, and in a way, this lets him do so. Is he toxic? The way I write him, yes.
He likes you being his and his alone, and the domesticity element feels like that for him. He likes how sweet and romantic you are because he's not,, that sweet and romantic? Like, he's got his charm, but Hoodie is kinda scary.
I think he tries to be as domestic as he can with you in a very typical way expected for him as a man. That means providing for you, taking care of you, generally being the one in charge. It does not matter if you're a man, woman, nb, he takes the dominant role in the relationship.
He's not a dick though? Just subscribes to traditional gender roles that's really kicked into motion by your craving domesticity, the slice of life, things like that.
Hoodie is a sweetheart when he wants to be. He comes back home to you, doesn't bring up his job, and takes care of you as much and more than you take care of him in ways you wouldn't even expect. He is in every sense, dude that gets a newspaper and lets you flutter around the house as he reads.
Yeah he's nuts about the domestic life. Lives for it, both him and Tim, as I'm writing him a lot more as Masky than Tim. He's always wanted a normal life, so your romantic, domestic nature really, really spur him on.
He gets really, really protective of you. He craves that normalcy. Wants to hold you, cook with you, do little house hold fixing things with you when he can... He and Tim are mirror images of each other when it comes to the domestic element.
A lot like Brian, he's also really, really big on providing for you. Masky likes being needed and taking care of you. Gives you lots of little gifts in many different forms.
He tries to be as domestic and romantic, sweet and affectionate as you are. Masky really does try his best, and it manifests in handling things for you. That's just,,, what he does. You want anything, he's got it. Sink needs fixing? Cool, he's got that too.
Oh, he likes to gift you flowers. Sees wildflowers and gets them for you because he thinks they're almost as pretty as you. Likes seeing them in a glass vase on the kitchen table as the two of you cook together, his hands on your hips as you sway, singing softly to each other.
Bloody Painter
The energy I get from Helen is someone who loves domesticity in theory, and not in practice. Like, I just kinda feel he loves seeing you participate in it, he just cannot stand it for himself. He almost feels trapped.
But still, he amuses you when he can. Likes to sit and sketch you as you do things around your home. You are his biggest muse, after all. It makes him happy just to see you existing, and the light frames you so beautifully. You're gorgeous in his eyes, and something about the home life makes you even more so.
He,,,, is a lot like Toby? He does what he can for you, but domesticity makes him a bit cagey. He likes moving around, going where the wind takes him. He's an artist and has so many places he wants to see, to sketch and paint, all of it. He doesn't actually stay for very long.
He lives for your love though. The domestic life makes you very sweet and affectionate towards him, you'd be like that regardless as you're his romantic partner, but I feel it spurs you on even more. Loves to curl up on the couch with you with something warm to drink, a clean house he's helped you with, rain falling outside... It's a dream of his.
Overall, let him play house with you once and a while and then send him loose. That's the best dynamic the two of you are getting tbh.
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ithebookhoarder · 3 years
Dating Kate Bishop Would Include:
A/N: I just watched the first two episodes of Hawkeye and I’m in LOVE with it and how they’ve brought the comics to life. If you haven’t seen it - go, now, do it! I’m also in love with Kate Bishop so this kind of flowed out XD 
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If you’re dating Kate Bishop then you should expect to be spoiled absolutely rotten by her. Whether it’s spending some of her extortionate wealth on something you’ve been wanting, or performing some super cheesy gesture like doing laundry so you have clean sheets to crawl under after a long day at work. 
She’d consider you her best friend first (even if Clint insists he owns that title) and partner second 
She’d make sure she’s the first person you see or speak to every morning, and the last person you think about before going to bed. 
She’s always sending you texts and tagging you in dumb memes she thinks you’ll enjoy or that have her howling like a crazy person.
“But look! The dog has a tiny hat! And he’s dancing!” 
You knew making her get TikTok account was a mistake. 
You should also expect to have a third person in your relationship as the Hawkeyes come as a pair… as you’ve found out more than once. As it is you’re basically a member of team, rotating between being their medic, therapist, and general voice of reason. 
That, and apparently you make the best coffee in the city which means they’re always swinging by for a cup
“No, Kate. Pizza is not a good group and I swear if you don’t drink some water soon your body is going to shrivel up and die.” 
“Coffee has water in it though.” 
You get pretty good at giving her your best unimpressed stare and are relieved that it works like a charm. (You can thank Natasha for teaching you that one at your next ‘my best friend is Hawkeye, an idiot, but I love them’ support group). 
In fact, most nights are spent with the dopey loveable idiots you’ve somehow adopted as your own. Kate crawls into bed with you and there’s a perfect Clint sized crater on your couch. So, you do your best to remember to pull on clothes before walking into the living room most mornings just in case. (No one needed a repeat of the one time you’d gone to make breakfast in a t-shirt and basically blinded Clint after he’d crashed on the couch for the night)
Dating Kate means lots of laughter
It also means dates spent hitting the town, enjoying the best and craziest New York has to offer. 
Although, as much as you enjoy the odd tickets to Broadway shows or tables at exclusive clubs, you’re both happiest when you’re cuddled up on the couch, armed with take out and whatever box set you haven’t seen yet. 
She also enjoys taking you up to the rooftop of her building and watching the city lights at night. 
“It’s just peaceful up here, you know?” she explains the first time she takes you there, armed with blankets. 
Being Kate’s partner also means plenty of phone calls too at odd hours from Kate to come help her get out of whatever mess or dumpster she’s in. 
You’ve lost track of how many pairs of pants you’ve had to toss after getting garbage juice on them. 
However Kate is always quick to replace them, or even lend you pairs of her own. You can tell she really enjoys seeing you in her clothes and loves stealing your hoodies as payback to wear when she’s cold. 
Kate texting when she’s super embarrassed or knows you’re gonna hit the roof when you find out what idiotic situation she’s in now. 
You live in fear of those bubbles on your phone showing she’s typing a message. 
“You know I don’t think Captain America ever gets hauled out of dumpsters. Nor does he ever piss off Russian mobsters without checking he had arrows first.”
“Then he’s missing out. My step count is through the roof lately from all this running. No wonder my ass looks great.”
It does but you don’t want to give her the satisfaction of telling her. 
You really love seeing Kate when she gets dressed up. Like. A suit was sexy before but Kate wearing one is enough to melt you in to a puddle. Hence you rather enjoy it when Clint or Kate’s mother drags you both to formal events. 
Kate can be a hot head at times too, which drives you insane but only because you care about her so much. 
At least she can use her anger for good though, and is quick to defend you from any and all threats, no matter how big or small. 
You’ve had to stop her from going after a dickhead ex, a grumpy mail man, and even a bird that decided to swoop at you for your hotdog. 
She also thinks emojis are a language in them self 
“What the hell does that even mean, Kate? A middle finger, a crying face and a coffee cup?” 
“It means I’m sad and mad and need coffee? Duh.” 
You would also dog sit Lucky so regularly that you basically considered him yours now and have told Kate as much. 
You’ve even warned her that if you two ever break up you will be suing her for custody of your fur baby. 
Kate swears that would never happen though, simply because Lucky liked you and he’s a great judge of character. If he approves of you then that was it. You were one of them for life. 
Basically the two of you are like the epitome of ‘stay, stay, stay’ by Taylor Swift and have a relationship most people would be envious of full of thrills, spills and memories that will last a lifetime. 
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discotechque · 3 years
some kind of secret I will share with you
pairing: atom eve/female! reader word count: 1.1k rating: T
anyways bisexual eve bc im projecting the internalized homophobia i went thru as a pre teen
Atom Eve does not like girls, it does no good to meddle between labels and meet somewhere in the middle that will only provoke questions. So saying she can indulge with men is far from what she actually means to say. She can love them, there's no doubt about it, but there's something more.
She can remember the third grade, kissing her friend's cheeks and squeezing pudgy flesh between fingers. Samantha Eve Wilkins likes girls, enjoys the way they flush under her polite stare and hold their breath as she innocently tucks hair behind their ears. At eight, she knows what the little thump in her chest in her means and she ignores it. Always stopping it before it goes a half too far, but she lets it go when she joins Teen Team.
She first looks at Rex, towering over the others with gangly limbs, and he returns a lazy half smile in her direction. Then her eye catches yours, bored and wandering off from introductions, maybe it's the subtle indifference in your demeanor she's attracted to. Yet, you're no different ( simply a temptation she has to overcome ) and her gaze tears away to stare back at Rex.
And she dates him because in her mind, it's that simple ( and it's meant to be ). Just the way her parents were, vowing to care for each other as man and woman because any other pairing rubs the wrong way. It's what she was taught and it rings true amongst eras so it's why she avoids you.
If she lets her heart go on for a half a beat too long, she would regret whatever else she would pursue.
She sits on the roof one night, hearing your laugh meld into one of Kate's many clones. Something you said must've been funny but she doesn't care, she's funny too ( even if her sarcastic quips garner more groans than chuckles ). Eve does this too often, avoiding your presence like the plague, afraid that you'll infect her with something she wasn't prepared for.
Because even if she is not all knowing, she has answers and she is prepared. It's why Mark asks her for advice and she's the supposed leader of this small team. If does not have answers, she has nothing and the thought crushes her like no other.
"Avoiding me again, Sam?" your voice echoes across the sea of a cricket symphony, all the noises looping around the shell of her ear. She doesn't like her birth name, it doesn't sound natural ( but it's like your lips was made for it ).
Yet, it's still a chore to correct and her sighs sound vexed, "It's Eve. Atom Eve at work,"
Still, you don't push it; not like he does. Instead, regret contorts your features, "Sorry, I got shit manners and a shittier memory." she thinks this might be the end of the conversation but you choose to sit next to her.
Another annoyed sigh leaves her and if you notice it, you don't comment on it. "But you didn't answer the question."
It's because she doesn't want to if she's honest with herself ( and that's not a rare occurrence, rather she just chooses to ignore it ). There are many things Eve would rather not admit like how much her gaze gravitates towards your dull expression rather than her boyfriend's and how she likes the calloused pads of your fingertips pressing against her skin because she knows how much touch relieves you of stress. So many things she isn't willing to be honest about, so many of those things revolve around you.
You sigh, copying her signature move but yours sounds far more intense. Her eyes flicker towards you, you're looking away. "I mean, you don't have to tell me an answer because I don't care—"
"You really know how to charm a girl,"
"I don't care about why, just wanna know if you're okay."
Her breath catches in the back of her throat and she nearly coughs, "If I'm okay?"
That thought doesn't normally leave your head. Even if the world were to crumble and erode into a bittersweet void, she's sure you wouldn't ask anybody about their well-being. Still, you're there acting like you care and babbling on as if you're oblivious to the way you make her feel. This flush she was only used to witnessing on others and the thrumming bouncing against her ears.
As you can't hear the way she silently cries for your presence.
"Listen, I know I'm not like Mother Tereasa—"
"Y'know, she's not a saint either,"
"Listen, please," and she recedes, a shaky smile crossing your features in gratitude. Maybe you're just as anxious as her ( she wishes, at least ), "I'm not a saint like you said and I'm aware of it, so if you're avoiding me then I must've been an asshole or something. So I don't know what I did but it must've been bad enough to avoid me. I'm sorry, like super duper fucking sorry."
She didn't expect and apology, those are far and few when it comes to you. Always the one to be right, always taking charge and never the blame, always having to be the loudest one. Yet, you're so earnest to earn her grace again and she doesn't know what to say ( doesn't know if it's appropriate to feel the way she does ).
But she holds your hand, like she's done countless times with Rex but this is different. ( Do you feel it too?) Mumbling first, "This is gonna sound cheesy; it's not you, it's me. I've been going through some stuff and it made me single you out."
You grip her hand tightly, enough pressure from it to feel as if you were trying to cradle something so small you couldn't dare hurt it. Her eyes trail down at your hand before looking up, unprepared to be caught within your solemn stare. "We're friends, Eve, you can talk to me about anything."
She wish this stopped at friends, then the word wouldn't sting as much. Still, you are as oblivious as you are stubborn and it's the little things like that have her unfurling at the sight.
"Not this, but I'll tell you if I'm ready. Promise."
"I just want you to feel safe around me, dude,"
"I do," she just doesn't know how to say it. Doesn't know if you can tell from the way her palm seamlessly fits within yours and she's left without words by a simple hold.
"I'll always be here, can't swear it'll be all good though."
"But you'll try," and that's all she ever really wants from someone.
A grin encasing your lips, stronger than the last and still gently caressing her hand within yours. "Yeah, I will."
All she ever wanted was you. ( Do you know that? )
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love-takes-work · 3 years
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Live on Instagram, Rebecca Sugar and Ben Levin (with help from Ian Jones-Quartey) have given us a two-hour fundraiser to benefit the Trevor Project, in honor of Bi+ Awareness Week.
It was a lovely evening hanging out with them. Please see below for a little breakdown of what songs they played and what was discussed during the stream in terms of bi+ youth resources, Rebecca’s experiences, and the importance of having support for bi+ people.
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Please go to The Trevor Project and learn more about what they do and how you can help. Their Resources for Bi+ Youth packet is available on the site! You can also donate through Rebecca’s specific fundraiser.
More below:
Rebecca announces this event is for Bi+ Awareness week for the Trevor Project. Ian Jones-Quartey is giving some help with the fundraiser in the background.
First Rebecca plays "Love Like You" on guitar. It's a lovely stripped down version. They're a little bashful about making a couple glitches on the guitar. It's very sweet and charming, Rebecca, no one minds. :)
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Next Ben Levin joins on bass and they play "Fries," a longer version than was in the Adventure Time show.
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Then Rebecca talks about the Trevor Project and its suicide hotline that they provide for the LGBTQIA+ youth they support. After some tech glitches, they discuss how great Trevor is and what resources and research they provide on why it's so important to support these communities. Since this is Bi+ Awareness Week, they have put together a resource guide. They encourage us to donate to this organization.
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Rebecca discusses Ben Levin's involvement on Steven Universe and Craig of the Creek. They decide to play Jeff Rosenstock's song "Illegal Fireworks and Hiding Bottles in the Sand" as a mashup with the Craig of the Creek ending song.
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Then they give an update on the donation amounts and Rebecca gets so excited about the support. They admit to being really nervous after no performances for so long.
Rebecca decides to play a solo song and doesn't announce the title at first but Steven Universe fans all know "Escapism." It's a slightly different version with some great guitar additions in an added interlude, and they even throw in some fun super-high squeaky notes at the end.
They give a shoutout to Jeff Liu for the beautiful guitar part. They tell a story about Adam Muto (who worked on "Escapism" with Joe and was Rebecca's board partner on Adventure Time), and how he asked Rebecca to write a song for the Adventure Time finale. Rebecca goes on to play "Time Adventure."
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Then they bring Ben back to do the bass while Rebecca sings "I'm Just Your Problem." Rebecca does a cool guitar solo in the middle while Ben rocks on the bass.
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Then they do a nice little instrument switch and bring in the omnichord and set up "True Kinda Love." They shout out Chance the Rapper, aivi and surasshu, and of course Estelle for the help writing this song.
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Rebecca gets excited again about the amount of people who have donated and gives us info about the hotline for the Trevor Project, how their hotline is available for phone, chat, and text. They also point out the existence of Trevor Project's available pamphlet, which can help people understand their Bi+ friends and family, as well as helping actually Bi+ people understand how they can expect to be treated, how to understand themselves, and that they aren't defined by their partner.
Rebecca then takes a moment to set up with an acoustic guitar (so they can have their foot on a box since they don't have a strap) and they cut out briefly to get it organized. Then they do indeed come back with their foot on box.
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With a shoutout to Kate Micucci (who is watching on Instagram Live), Rebecca says she will play "a Lars and Sadie song" that she's figuring out on guitar, and plays "Be Wherever You Are."
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Rebecca goes back to getting excited about the donation amount and they can't believe it's as high as it is with the concert less than half over! They say they'd like to make a tradition of doing a Bi+ Awareness Week fundraiser every year. She didn't have access to information that Trevor is now providing to bi youth when she was growing up in the 2000s, and thinks their resources are so vital. She suggests using their resources yourself or that you slip the resources to people in your life who want to support (or need to know more about how to support) bi youth.
Rebecca says they're about to play a "really really hard" song that they're nevertheless excited to go for. They said maybe we can guess what it is. They shout out Nick DeMayo, who's in the audience, the animation director of Steven Universe who is Greg's namesake and taught them a lot about music. And then they jump into . . . a guitar and bass version of "Other Friends"!
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They shout out aivi and surasshu, Jeff Liu, and Sarah Stiles for all their contributions to that song, and how cool it is to play a "campfire version" of the song even though it's different.
Next, she wants to play a solo (but will need Ben again right after!) but takes a moment to thank everyone in attendance for supporting the stream and the Trevor Project. They say "thank you for bearing with me" regarding the performance rockiness. 
They talk about Marceline and how they felt so connected to this character--writing episodes like "What Was Missing" where Marceline would be revealed to have had a relationship with Bubblegum and be known to be a bi character, and Rebecca felt so astonished that the audience understood Marceline was bi and understood she would always be bi, not fluctuating in orientation based on current relationships defining her. Rebecca explored this about herself only after she saw it explored with Marceline, and understood it was so important to have media that helps people understand who a bi person might be. She never related to the "party person" or extrovert stereotype of bi people as they’re usually shown in media, and thought as a nerdy person who was shy, she couldn't be bi if that was true. Cartoons helped her connect with people who understood those things about Marceline and eventually about herself. 
Trevor is so important as an organization to help the next generation understand all of this. Rebecca has felt that knowing herself wasn't possible if she didn't understand her bisexuality or accept it as what it is, and it spread instability throughout the rest of her life. What brought her to finally being able to process and understand this aspect of her identity was cartoons, and she hopes cartoons can bring some others in as well. With that, she brings out the song she was asked to write for Marceline even though she had left the show. Rebecca plays "Everything Stays."
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Rebecca then says they were a little conflicted about whether they were going to say all that stuff, about why this issue is personal to them. (It's okay, Rebecca, this is the best!!!) 
She says that song was about her stuffed black rabbit that was her favorite toy that she thought she loved so much, but she forgot it in the garden and it was damaged. That it was so surprising to her that she could have loved this rabbit the way she did and not realize it was missing, and that it could change without her. "Everything Stays" was obviously about that, but she also says the situation with Spinel was inspired by the same toy. She switches to electric guitar to sing and play "Drift Away" with Ben back on board on bass.
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They point out that they're rocketing through the set list and Ian suggests maybe they'll have to do some encores. In thinking about what songs to play, they point out that so many songs were written about their mental health journey and coming out to family and friends. A song that was "at the end of that whole arc" for Rebecca was "Change Your Mind." It can go on forever, they point out, but they'll only play it a few times. On we go with a really smooth guitar version of "Change Your Mind." (It's the extended looping version.)
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They announce that now with the Instagram contributions and the landing page we've reached the goal of $20,000, and they can't believe it's at the halfway point of the stream and we have already reached it despite that the show's been done for a long time and they "broke a lot of social media rules" by stepping away for so long, but that's been crucial to their mental health and their journey.
After they come back from a break, they discuss some funny artifacts that they finally got to take home that were left in the office--a Steven Universe piñata that they were supposed to smash in celebration of a pickup and they didn't want to because, you know, hitting a representation of their younger brother is kinda wack? Haha. 
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They also had a model of Marceline's bass. 
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These items were left in the office and just kind of frozen in time because Rebecca's last day (written on the white board, still, when they returned!) was March 13, 2020, just as the pandemic was coming down. Returning to collect stuff was like visiting a room that had been frozen in time!
Rebecca offers a stretch goal to get to $30,000 instead of the original $20,000, and talks a little more about the Trevor Project, discussing how important representation has been, to have bi representation in terms of DIRECT support for LGBTQ+ youth. What they've gotten to do with cartoon representation, having queer characters who can just have fun the way heteronormative kids can and see representatives of themselves is great, but these specific resources are also so important.
Rebecca then plays "Heart of the Country," a Paul McCartney song they're learning that has a hard solo they hope they'll nail. After playing it, they say they flubbed some of it but it was super fun.
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Rebecca comes out with an old ukulele--older than the one they wrote the Steven theme song on and auctioned off for National Bailout--that they wrote a bunch of Adventure Time songs and got as a Hanukkah present. (They mention happy 5782 for those of us who celebrate Rosh Hashanah.) Ben is also using his first bass! They recommend musical instruments as gifts for bi people because those are the gifts that keep on giving! They mention working on guitar during the lockdown (which has been therapeutic!) and not having played uke in a while because of that. With that, she dives into "Here Comes a Thought."
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They decide to talk about the background of "Mindful Education," how they were coming out at the time they were writing that episode and song. They said coming out was like having the ground spin around. They thought mindful meditation, being so wonderful and helpful, could become an 11-minute episode where Steven leads kids in mindful meditation. With help from Ben (and Matt Burnett), Rebecca realized it would work better if they show characters benefiting from the lessons. They have a little joke about how the episode number was 108 and they prided themselves on knowing the episode numbers. Then they put aside the uke and pick up a big black guitar to play "Found."
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After this, she talks more about Trevor Project's hotline, chat, text, and resources. They remind us that bi+ people experience very specific forms of marginalization and this organization can help everyone who wants to understand. She thanks everyone for helping with donations and she can't believe the Instagram fundraiser has gotten to $10,000. She's amazed that "the thermometer is bursting" and promises to draw it later. Ben thinks he could be part of future fundraisers and Rebecca reminisces about times they've played together, like in 2016 at SDCC and a Gallery Nucleus show.
Rebecca goes back to the other guitar to do some audience requests for repeat songs and talks about the song "Fries." The story behind this one, when she was writing it--the first song she wrote for television and the first episode she boarded--since she was introverted and struggled with pitching, she went on the roof of Cartoon Network to practice being louder until she was actually audible. Ian helped.
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They decide to do the ending Craig song again and Ben says Jeff Rosenstock's song is really nice and Rebecca talks about getting teary over the Craig ending with people sitting around the dinner table. Rebecca's favorite line is "speaking in a stupid secret language." She feels like she still hasn't moved on from that in her life and likes to surround herself with people who speak that language. After it's over, Rebecca says hi to Jeff Rosenstock in the chat.
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They do more shoutouts for the Trevor Project and then discuss encore songs. Rebecca decides to do "Love Like You" again because they were sad they messed up a chord during the first performance. It's another lovely version.
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After more great discussion of the Trevor Project's resources and Bi+ Awareness Week, Rebecca says hi to her Brazilian friends and how awesome it was to visit there for a convention, and she loves that Trevor is trying to expand resources to be more global. She knows how important those resources would be to help people worldwide. She thanks people for coming out to see her, and admits to being surprised that her life has come to include actual performances since she always thought she'd just be behind a desk as an animator. She gets very nervous about performing but loves that people support her. They love being able to perform and once got a sweet comment from John DiMaggio (the voice of Jake on Adventure Time) who would hear the early demos that were a struggle to be audible, and he told her that she's come so far that it now sounds like she enjoys performing, enjoys the sound of her own voice now. She feels that coming out and all the support from friends, family, and organizations has made that confidence and comfort with herself possible.
With that, Rebecca plays the Steven Universe theme song on guitar!
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And then, they play "Time Adventure" again.
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Rebecca talks more about the astounding amount of support for Bi+ Awareness Week, how moving it is and how hard it is to hold it together while talking about what it was like to be an adult who didn't know if they were even allowed to be bisexual and nonbinary, how much of their adult life was in such a quagmire over not knowing fully who they were.
For their next to last song, they play a song written by aivi and surasshu with lyrics by Rebecca: "Being Human" from the ending theme of Steven Universe Future.
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Finally, Rebecca says thank you to everyone who's been involved in the songs--the performers, aivi and surasshu, Jeff Ball, the Crew, Ben Levin, Ian Jones-Quartey--and everyone who's helped raise over $11,000 just through the Instagram concert. She plays "Change Your Mind" one more time, adding that the journey is ongoing even though this song was written at a time she considers at the end of an arc of self-discovery for her.
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Thank you!
(Yes, I did a donation.)
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 2 years
Rambling thoughts/analyses on even more (!) stills (p.ii):
Part 1 here
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11. This is a really fun picture and I’d assume it’s maybe from middle episodes? Instinct is to say its Anthony that they’re looking at bc of the happiness from Lady D, the skeptical look on Mary’s face, and nervous on Kates. Which makes Edwina’s reaction very interesting! She may be in a phase of souring on him (which makes me think it’s not super early). Hopefully she isnt mad at Kate. They could very well be looking at someone else tho! Another thing ppl have noticed is that Kate’s dress is the same fabric as her pap boat dress but the wig and jacket are different. so I don’t think it’s the same scene. In an interview Simone said Kate starts out “wanting to blend into the background” so it makes sense to reuse dresses bc we haven’t seen the same dresses on Edwina. All in all love this still. It’s so funny and their little line up of faces so charming.
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12. Another great still and this one is most mysterious to me of them all! Anthony and Lady D dancing and laughing is so sweet to me also spot little greg in the background. This is a smaller party at Bridgerton house I believe and people have speculated a birthday or maybe (??) an engagement ball. Brazilian fan sources say this is ep 2 but we have no confirmation of that and it doesn’t make much sense to me because why is Anthony smiling so big? What occasion? And what sort of fallout/drama could there be so early on (see maids in the background reading whistledown and the fallout of it in the next still). Also interesting because since I think this is bridgerton house, they aren’t in the country but that’s where middle eps take place? I’d love to know when this one is so hopefully someone finds out soon. Also note the markings on the floor -- I *think* someone said it may have some cultural significance (don’t quote me on that) I don’t remember who said it or what it meant though and I can’t find the tweet. I’m interested to hear if it does have significance, what it is because it’s just interesting to know and it might be an indicator as to what type of event this is. LMK if you know once I open up my asks again! EDIT: It’s prob just paint. 
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13. Okay onto the next one from the same event. See the big cake in the background. It’s a celebration of something for sure and they allow kids to be there so birthday seems like a fun idea. In this still they’re clearly dealing with the consequence of whistledown. Mary is worried and Kate is kind of still and concerned and Edwina is...spiteful. Whether she’s mad at Anthony or at Kate or the ton OR on her sister’s behalf is so interesting. Notice we haven’t seen an Anthony/Edwina interaction beyond ep 2 (that scene of them dancing in the teaser is confirmed like the second ball in the show from Charithas q and a). But we also know that Edwina/Anthony dance in the pink ball in episode 4 because we saw bts pic of them rehearsing so this shall be interesting how it plays out. Other things: they all look hot. Love Mary’s hair. Love the color of Kate’s dress. Ed and Kate have matching jewelry. 
Okay now quick commentary on some of the posters before back to stills
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14. Love Kate’s dress so much. Peacock feathers and it’s the same scene is as when she’s fanning herself but that doesnt necessarily mean that’s her *actual* pall mall dress? i would say it’s most likely tho. 
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15. BY FAR THE MOST INTERESTING POSTER. First off love pens dress it’s the one from episode 7 still (which i suppose can mean anything but it’s interesting they chose that one!) I love the flowers but theyre real sus to me. Does she hang out in the garden and see the bees sting/expose Kathony in whistledown? Am I just overthinking this? Lol. 
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16. See Eloise’s dress from ep 7 still. Now that I think on it more I don’t think Pen or El will be present for Pall Mall. 
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17. Now I’m only including this because it looks so weird. They do all the actresses so dirty when the mamas (milfs) are the most important in this show. No mary (BOOO!!) and portia looks so out of place. Netflix. Do better. 
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18. Last poster bc these are the only ones that interest me. Love the heart wig. Kinda dumb that they’re keeping the pall mall balls in even her still. Also I know she’s not in front of AH here but...they’re not dragging the queen to aubrey hall just so she doesn’t miss out on the drama? That would be fuckin stupid imho. I guess QC feels isolated and also throws herself into gossip but inviting herself to the Bridgerton’s party is maybe a step drastic for her characterization. 
Okay back to stills that came out this morning bc honestly the posters are just kinda underwhelming. They don’t inspire many thoughts other than I wish they were more action oriented. like you think ppl are gonna love them and be enticed just because of the mallets? eh. They could’ve done better but s1 posters are bad too. Anyway I don’t wanna talk about the posters beyond this. 
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19. Pen and Eloise in Eloise’s room! This room was featured in the Architectural Digest article but it’s unclear whether it’s her aubrey hall room or the one in bridgerton house. Did Daphne give eloise her room at the end of s1? Am I making that up? I cannot be bothered to check myself. My gut is bridgerton house tho bc Pen and El were there in ep 7 and why would they still be hanging around Aubrey hall? This goes back to the big group photo in front of Aubrey hall where my gut said Kathony were married but that didn’t make sense based on their location. Maybe they just spend time at AH in later episodes too? ANyway onto the actual still. Eloise is still wearing her dresses way up to the neck. Pen’s dress is still cute. And their faces--Pen excited el overwhelmed? Is it about the debut or about a guy (would explain the reactions) or something else entirely?
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20. Love that we’ll be getting an awkward dinner party! Kate’s wearing that color again and it’s clearly at Lady D’s house bc she’s head of the table but also the red curtains. Looks like Mary’s family is there which makes me wonder what that relationship is? Is her (I assume) sister supportive? Is the husband kind? Would Lady D even invite them if they aren’t? I love that this almost confirms Mary gets an arc or at least some interesting relationships beyond the main cast to play off of. 
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21. Last one. Episode 2x04 Pen looking over the pink ball (shits really gonna go down there isnt it?) I forgot to include this earlier. Oh well. Nothing to say really other than I like the idea of her overlooking everything. It alludes to the looming and seemingly all knowing presence of LW. Dress is fine wig is weird. 
I know there’s ones I haven’t analylzed like the theo sharpe one from weeks and weeks ago (nothing to say there) and some bts photos dropped today. I will say there was that Lady D + Mary photo of them in a carriage in the costumes from the big group photo in front of Aubrey Hall. So clearly Lady D and Mary are involved in whatever the Bridgertons are watching in the trailer in some way or coming up on it? Maybe they’re sharing a carriage with Kate and Edwina, maybe not. Maybe Anthony goes down the steps to greet the 4 of them or maybe he’s already with them. 
Anyway. This is tiring and i bet more still are still to come or maybe more posters? (No Daph, no solo Kathony, no mary?) They’ve also teased pall mall so much I’m surprised there isn’t a still of that. If we get episode numbers or even titles maybe I’ll do another update. 
Good luck to you for reading all this.
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Top 5 Reasons Javier Garcia’s Pretty Great
Of all the games in TWDG, A New Frontier seems to get the most shit. Stick around this fandom long enough and that’ll become apparently pretty quick, especially on other platforms such as reddit and instagram... and y’know, I get it. ANF is far from perfect, parts of the storyline go no where and characters don’t get the development they should have, a lot of people were upset that Clementine wasn’t the main playable protagonist, and certain character models look like... well, they look like potatoes. 
Hell, I’ve talked to some people who flat out say they don’t even consider ANF as part of the canon and skip it when they replay the series, which.... harsh, but you do you. However, if you do skip over ANF for whatever personal reasons you have, you are missing out on what I would consider the best part of that game: Javier Garcia. 
I love Javi, and I will stand by the fact that he’s a pretty damn good playable protagonist. I just wish more love and time was put into developing ANF to give him an even better story but y’know... Telltale was goin’ through shit, so we got this... 
But, I still wanna talk about how great I think Javi is so c’mon, let’s take a walk. 
5. Javi’s relationship with David
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Now this might come off as a weird one, especially if your Javi has a more hostile relationship with David. Even so, I find the dynamic between Javi and David to be one of the more compelling aspects of ANF and I wish it was more front and center than it is but y’know. 
So we got Javi, who is the younger, more irresponsible brother who became this hotshot baseball star only to lose it all by gambling. Then you got older brother David who is a military man with a couple kids and a second wife, and he’s always felt a little overshadowed by Javi. This creates this dynamic of brothers who do love each other, but don’t always know how to communicate and confide in one another and it can lead to a lot of tension or hostility.
The route I usually take with a Javier who tries his best with David, who wants this connection despite everything, who made the promise to their father to look out for David and be there for him, to stand with him when he needs it, y’know? 
Some stand out moments for me is during the baseball flashback when David’s trying to open up about something, but struggles because Javi isn’t taking a hint about the serious nature, when they stand together on the roof, and the last conversation we see between them if David survives. 
Oh, and ya can’t forget the “I love you”’s when David is two seconds away from murdering Javi... that’s the good shit. 
And y’know, on the flip side where Javi is against David every step of the way, you can still argue that acts as a more tragic yet compelling story of two brothers who never saw eye to eye, never tried to, and it ended in tragedy... I personally don’t prefer this route, but to each their own. 
Again, this is at #5 because it’s not handled the greatest and it’s a bit of an unpopular choice.... but I don’t care, Javi and his relationship with David is one of my favorites. 
4. He’s pretty charming, isn’t he?
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I’m sorry, I can’t help it.... if a charming character can make me laugh, then I almost always end up loving them. Javier Garcia is so damn funny and I love him for it. 
Yeah, ANF is a mess but this dude makes it so much better with his dialogue, a great performance by Jeff Schine, great facial expressions, and just an overall charismatic air around him. 
He’s just super likable, okay? Even when you play him as a total bastard, I have a hard time not enjoying his presence. I’ll be honest, if Javi wasn’t the playable protagonist or if he was this bland, watered down version of himself... I might be one of those people who skip over ANF. 
He’s easily one of my favorite parts of this game and one of the few redeeming things about it. 
3. His growth as a character
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Like I mentioned in #5, when we first meet Javi he’s this irresponsible ex-professional baseball player who wasn’t around, even though his father was dying from cancer. After his father dies and he runs to try and make it home in time... he’s too late and David and their mother are pretty upset with him. 
And then his father turns into a walker, and the apocalypse happens. Javi is now trying to survive with Kate, Gabe, and Mariana while everything goes to hell around them. But for someone known to not be around or to skip out when things get a little tough, Javi doesn’t abandon them. Nope, he stays with them for years, traveling around and surviving, making sure they have what they need. 
By the end of the game? Javi’s proved to be a leader, proved that he’s better than he once was. Again, this is ANF so this growth isn’t super smooth or the greatest, but damn it, Javi makes it work. 
He and his family, no matter the combo you got, are staying in Richmond and they’re going to try to start over and rebuild it, make it better than it was.... which I can only assume they succeeded because after that they were never heard from again. 
Also, Javi is constantly having shit thrown his way and somehow he manages to pull through. 
So good job, Javi, you did it. 
2. Javi’s got a lot of force
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Listen... Javi is so fun to play as. Like okay, I know that Telltale games don’t have the most complex combat system... you literally just push the buttons as they appear on screen. But I don’t care because Javi makes that fun. 
Javi really puts all of his weight into each hit and you feel it. I don’t know how to explain it, but there’s something satisfying about the way Javi fights with a melee weapon, and it’s not something you feel when you play as Lee or Clementine. You do get it a few times when you place as Michonne in the mini-series, but even then, I would argue that Javi did it better. 
It’s especially prominent towards the end of ep5 if you go after David and Gabe,  and Javi’s on this motorcycle with his damn bat knocking over walker after walker until he finds them... then you get all this intense force when Javi is just gunning and beating down walker after walker to get to the vehicle Gabe and David are trapped in. I love it so much, it’s easily one of my favorite moments in ANF. 
Don’t get me wrong, I have fun playing as Lee and Clementine, but Javier Garcia hits different, y’know? 
1.  He’s really trying his best to care for everyone, okay? 
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When we think of Lee as a playable protagonist, we tend to think about how wise he was, how he always seemed to know what he was doing and how much he was willing to sacrifice for Clementine... and when we think of Clem as a playable protagonist in S2, we’ve got this sad little girl who gets punished no matter what she does, she’s smart and often underestimated, but she makes plenty of mistakes which she learns from.
And then we have Javi who has a bit of both in him. He’s older and can have his moments of wisdom [like with Gabe and Clem] but he also has plenty of mistakes he’s gotta learn from and sometimes no matter what he does, everything goes to hell... but Javi does manage to stand out on his own among these two. 
Javi does what he can, he tries his hardest to look after these kids even though he never planned to be a father figure, he works with Kate to make sure they’re safe. When he fucks up, he tries to make things right... even though it doesn’t always work out. He loves Gabe and Mariana, and you can see and feel his heartbreak when he’s the one to bury Mari after she’s killed.... and now he has Gabe, who’s hurting, and he does what he can to make sure he doesn’t meet the same fate which.... sometimes doesn’t work out depending on your ending.
I just-- he’s trying, okay? Javi is trying his best and I love him for it.  
Honorable Mentions
-Javi has some of the best deaths/fails moments... seriously, I could watch him confidently run right into those metal stairs and fall to his doom a hundred times. -He’s a literal disaster bi.   -He fucking loves pudding and I mean, who doesn’t? Y’know?  -His bromance with Tripp is pretty good until Tripp dies for death quota reasons. 
So what are your thoughts on Javier Garcia? Do you agree with these reasons, or do you have any to add? Lemme know, it’s always fun to have character discussions.
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F
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batfam-rewrites · 3 years
Batfam During Quarantine: Retirement
Dick pulls up in front of the apartment that Barbara and her family lives in. He takes out his boom box and sets in a cassette tape. He sets the volume to the maximum setting. He holds the boom box over his head as Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” starts playing.
Dick: BABS!!!!
He waits out there for a few minutes until she opens up the window and leans out of it.
Barbara: You Dick!
The song ends and starts playing “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” from Aerosmith.
Neighbor 1: GO HOME!
Dick: FINE!
The next night
Dick walks up to the door to the Gordon family’s apartment. He knocks on the door and Jim opens the door.
Dick: Hey Jim, I was sorta expecting Babs to open the door.
Jim: *looks at the cards in Dick’s hands* Just take a hint kid. You’re making this harder than it needs to be.
Dick: I’m persistent, it’s part of my charm.
Jim: Whatever. *shuts the door*
A minute late Barbara opens the door.
Dick: *holding the cards*
Barbara: They’re facing you.
Dick: *looks down and flips the cards around* “Babs, I know I messed things up by *flips the card* not telling you Helena was staying at the *flips the card* mansion. I want you to know that you are *flips the card*
Barbara: *shuts the door on Dick*
Dick: I still have twenty-something cards left. At least finish reading them.
Two days later at the grocery store
Barbara is walking down the aisle looking for food. The music playing over the speakers as a voice replaces the music.
Dick: You’re just to good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you. You'd be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. 
Barbara starts looking around the store for Dick and sees him leaning against a wall with one of the phones.
Dick: *notices Barbara and points to hear and then makes a heart with his hands* At long last, love has arrived. And I thank God I'm alive. You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you. *plays the instrumental part on his phone*
A store employee now spots Dick and heads towards him.
Dick: I love you, baby. And if it's quite alright. *struggles to keep possession of the phone* Get away, you’ll sing next. I need you baby *still fighting for the phone* To warm the lonely night. *starts climbing between the wall and the refrigerated section* I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say.
Barbara starts walking away embarrassed.
Dick: Oh, pretty baby, wait Babs, where you going? Babs? Babs? BAAABBS! LET ME ME LOVE YOUUUUU!
Daily Briefing
Dick: Okay, while things are a bit peaceful now, they’re not going to stay that way forever. Let’s try to plan ahead now and see if we can recruit any former members of Batman Inc. Tim, Steph, and Duke, you guys need to try and convince Luke to come out of retirement. Kate and Babs you go try and convince Bette to join us in Gotham.
Jason: What are the rest of us doing?
Dick: Selina, Jason, Harper, Cass, and Damian will patrol and hand out mask later today....
Harper: Cool, glad I can finally do something!
Jason: Got it!
Dick: And I will be sulking in my room!
Damian: Try again, Grayson.
Dick: I will be on patrol and handing out mask as Nightwing! Julia will be on monitor duty and Helena, tonight you’ll be on sanitation duty.
Helena: *sexually* Whatever you say.
Selina: Oh god!
Duke: Please stop!
Tim: There is a child present!
Jason: *Laughs hysterically* Am I the only one who still thinks this is funny?
Stephanie: Apparently so!
Dick: Alright, let’s get moving.
Tim, Duke, Stephanie, and Luke
Tim: Damn, it’s nice to finally be out of the mansion!
Duke: We were on patrol almost every night.
Tim: Yeah, but as Red Robin, not Tim Drake.
Stephanie: I mean, I guess that’s true.
Tim: *knocks on the door* 
Luke: *opens the door* Hey guys, it’s been a while!
Tim: Hey Luke, how have you been!
Luke: Not bad, Tim! What about you guys?
Tim: Could be better!
Stephanie: Not bad!
Duke: Send help!
Luke: Their dysfunction has gotten to you I’m assuming?
Duke: Maybe.
Tim and Stephanie: We’re not dysfunctional!!!
Luke: Relax! I’m talking about the others.
Tim: Kay, coolcoolcool.
Stephanie: Yeah, the others are pretty dysfunctional.
Luke: Anyways, come on in guys. Take a seat in the living room.
All three walk in and sit in the living room.
Tim: Okay I’m going to cut straight to the point, things aren’t going to be so peaceful for so long. It’s only a matter of time until the Joker pops up with a futuristic Batsuit or some dude comes in with a plan to destroy Batman in multiple ways.
Luke: I’m not coming out of retirement, Tim.
Stephanie: Why not?
Luke: Because I can’t stand to go back being some vigilante trying to save the city. I mean don’t you guys get tired of feeling like the weight of this city is pressing down on you every time you put on that mask.
Tim: Yeah, but I mean it’s not that bad.
Luke: When was the last time you slept.
Tim: Like 6 hours. Plus 2 days.
Luke: That’s my point! This is a thankless job that you guys work your ass off for.
Duke: Yeah coming here may have been a mistake. Let’s go guys, Luke’s not coming back.
Stephanie: Why not stay here Duke. I mean, Luke is right. We risk our lives to save some fucks who don’t give two shits whether we live or die. Sure they’d be sad if we did, but they would only be sad because that would mean they’d have to actually defend themselves!
Tim: Yeah, that is a great point!
Stephanie: Woooo let’s get hammered, this is my retirement party fuckers!
Luke: You’re not drinking alcohol! You’re under age!
Stephanie: Whatever! *stands up and walks out the door*
Duke: Tim, let’s go!
Tim: Yeah, I mean it’s probably about time I retired too!
Duke: Damn it!
Damian and Jon
Damian sets up a zoom call with Jon
Damian: Hey, Kent.
Jon: Hey, Wayne.
Damian: Why must you mock me?
Jon: Why must you mock me?
Damian: Goodbye!
Jon: No, wait, I want attention!!!!
Damian: Works like a charm. How’s it going over there?
Jon: Not bad, it’s super boring. I wish I had 50 people staying at my place.
Damian: No you don’t! It is awful. I want to punch Drake constantly, Grayson is always trying to hand out hugs, Todd tried to kill me!
Jon: The hugs don’t sound....
Damian: Row turned my knife into an electric razor...
Jon: How...
Damian: Kyle keeps trying to bond with me, Cain tried to stab me because I stole a waffle from her, Bertinelli and her lust for Grayson is annoying! Honestly, Pennyworth and Thomas are the only ones who haven’t managed to piss me off.
Jon: You know what, I take back what I said earlier.
Damian: Wise choice.
Jon: Hey, remember the time your dad almost adopted me?
Jason: *talking in the hallway*
Damian: That was funny. Hey I got to go, I’m about to go on patrol.
Jon: During the day, I thought you guys were nocturnal.
Damian: No, we are not. We’ll talk later.
Jon: See ya!
Damian: Bye. *rushes to the door to see if he could hear Jason*
Jason: I’ll see you there. *walks off*
Damian: *walks out of his room and sees Selina* 
Selina: Hey Dami, you ready to go on patrol?
Damian: Actually, we have a change in plans.
Nightwing: *sees a kid walking by without a mask, he squats down and waves* Hey what’s up little dude!
Little kid: *runs away from parents and hugs Nightwing*
Parent: Hey! Sorry, we’re still trying to get him to understand what social distancing is.
Nightwing: It’s okay, he’s young, he’ll eventually get the idea. I see that someone lost their mask though! Do you like super heroes kiddo!
Little kid: *nods excitedly* Batgirl is my favorite!
Nightwing: Really! Batgirl is my favorite, too! Hey, let’s get you another mask buddy! *reaches into the box of mask he has and hands a Batgirl mask to the parent to put on the kid’s face*
Parent: Thank you so much! *puts the mask on the little kids face*
Nightwing: No problem! Stay safe! *waits a bit longer and puts in an earbud*
Nightwing: *sees another guy not wearing a mask* Hey, how about we wear a mask buddy!
Guy: Piss off!
Nightwing: Come on. Let’s try to think about everyone else.
Guy: Who cares! If I get the virus I won’t die! It’s only the old people who are dying! 
Nightwing: Okay, please tell me your joking.
Guy: I mean, you don’t really see much other people dying.
Nightwing: If you pay attention to the statistics you would see that there are other people who are 20, 30, 40 years old and dying from this virus! Can you just put the mask on?
Guy: Hell no, it’s uncomfortable for me!
Guy: Damn. *starts walking away*
Nightwing: *grabs cologne* Sir, don’t make me do this.
Guy: Do what? Bit......
Nightwing: *sprays cologne all over the guys face*
Guy: pffft. pfffffftt. 
Nightwing: I bet you’d like a mask now!
Nightwing: *spays the cologne at his face again* Hey! *throws a mask at the guy* No profanity! There’s kids around. Put on the mask, too. 
Guy: *puts the mask on reluctantly and walks away* Stupid vigilante in this stupid damn city. Hate this damn place.
Nightwing: *watches him walk away for a bit* Never thought I’d take a page out of Jay’s book.
Julia: Nightwing, need you over in Gotham Heights. There’s a.... *clears throat*..... situation over there. I’m sending you the coordinates now.
Nightwing: On my way! *takes off firing the grappling hook into the side of a building as he takes off*
Jason walks towards the house, checking his surroundings to see if any of his “family” members followed him. Fortunate for him, Dick is preoccupied with his thoughts and Damian and Selina left after he did.
He opens the door and walks inside of his safe house. He then sits down, takes off his helmet, sets it down on the table, and turns on the tv to watch Supernatural. Not long after Roy walks downstairs.
Roy: What’s up Jaybird?
Jason: Not much Roy.
Roy then sits down on the couch next to him to watch with him.
Roy: Is it just me or would Jensen Ackles be the perfect person to play you if there was to ever be a movie about you?
Jason: I KNOW, RIGHT!!!! Hey do you want to order some pizza?
Roy: Sure!
Roy begins to pull out his phone when they hear a knock at the door.
Jason: Hide! 
Roy: Hey it’s my safe house, too!
Jason: It’s my city! Hide!
Roy begins to hide as Jason looks outside the door to see Damian and Selina outside the door. 
Jason: *opens the door* Hey Catwoman, Robin! What are you guys doing here?
Damian: More importantly, what are you doing here?
Jason: Following up on a lead. I saw a very shady guy leave here so I’m looking for some evidence.
Selina: Are those your guns on the counter? And your helmet and phone on the table?
Jason: No.
Damian: Then where’s your guns?
Jason: Okay, I hate to admit it, but I came across a dog and decided to pet it, then it bit the barrel of both guns and ran off.
Selina: Mmmmhhhmmmm and why don’t I believe you?
Jason: Because everyone but Duke has trust issues.
Damian: Give it up, Todd.
Jason: Give what up?
Damian: *walks over to the closet and opens the door*
Roy: Woah, how the hell did I get here!
Jason: *shakes his head*
Tim, Duke, Stephanie, and Luke
Duke: Dude, you broke Tim and Steph.
Luke: No I didn’t!
Duke: Really because we came here to try and convince you to be Batwing again and yet you somehow got them both to decide to retire!
Luke: So, they should! They deserve it. No kid should have to deal with that kind of stress!
Duke: Dude, we live in Gotham freaking City. Stress is literally stuff we learn in 6th grade because our parents need us to get jobs!
Luke: You had to get a job in 6th grade?
Duke: Oh right, sorry I forgot you all are rich! Hey, where’s Steph and Tim?
Luke: Outside somewhere.
Luke: They’ll be fine!
Duke: Whatever. *walks towards the door* If you change your mind, you know where to call. *he walks out the door*
Tim: *grabs a helium tank* Hey Steph!
Stephanie: *turns around*
Tim: *pulls down the mask and inhales the helium* I am vengeance, I am the night, I am BATMAN!
Stephanie: O-M-G!!! That is amazing!
Jason, Roy, Damian, and Selina
Selina: So again, Jason, what are you doing here?
Jason: Trying to get away from you people! Do you know how often I want to shoot Dick alone from all of the stupid stuff he does! 
Damian: Yes!
Jason: You’re no better. You can not adopt stray animals every week!
Damian: They can catch the virus, too! They need a home!
Jason: They have one! In the wild somewhere!
Selina: What’s your point?
Jason: I needed a place to escape you idiots at the mansion. There’s only so much I can take before I break B’s no killing rule.
Damian: Then why is Harper here?
Roy: Jaybird has been my emotional support person since Kori left Earth for Tamaran.
Selina: I can see that.
Damian: Is this where you’ve been every single patrol?
Jason: Not every one. Only when I get sick of you all. 
Selina: Everyday!!!!
Roy: *laughs uncontrollably*
Jason: Not everyday!!! Look, this is why I need this place, because I can’t stand you fuckers!!! Get out of my house!
Damian: How did you even pay for this place?
Selina: Jason, your not supposed to even be here. We need to leave now.
Jason: Yes you fucking should!
Selina: I meant all of us!
Jason: Good luck with that! You’ll have to drag me out.
Damian: Just watch us do it!
Roy: This is getting a bit personal, I’m gunna grab my bow and leave.
Jason: Stay Roy!
Roy: Okay, I’ll stay!
Selina: How are we so awful? What is it that we do that bothers you so much?
Jason: I don’t want to talk about it!
Selina: What is it?
Jason: You guys make me want to actually be a part of the family! You guys care for me, and make fun of me *starts crying* and make me laugh, and it’s not fucking fair!
Selina: Jason..... I’m.... I’m sorry. Why are you crying?
Jason: Because this shit has always been unfamiliar to me! Family has always been fucked up for me before Bruce. When he took me in I didn’t know how to feel because at that point my life was filled with rage, sadness, and confusion. *sits down on the couch* Then came in Dick, who at first made me feel at home with how much he hated the fact that I replaced him, until a few months go by for him to accept me as a brother he never had. Then I fuckin’ died!
Selina: *sits down next to Jason* It’s okay if you want some time away from us, I understand now that this is new. We won’t ever stop loving you Jason. If you ever need a break from us then I’ll cover for you, just don’t be out for too long.
Jason: Thanks Selina.
Roy: *starts humming Love Is A Battlefield*
Selina: Are you humming Love Is A Battlefield?
Jason: He is so humming Pat Benatar right now.
Roy: No, you’re all just hearing things.
Damian: Who’s Pat Benatar?
Jason: Okay, GET OUT!!!!
Selina: *rushes themselves out the door* Let’s go Dami, we’ve overstayed our welcome!
Damian: But my phone!
Roy and Jason: GET OUT!
Tim and Stephanie
Stephanie: *dancing in a strangers house* Woooo!!!
Tim: *break dancing to “Dirrty” in the middle of a dance circle*
Stephanie: *nudges the person next to her* I’m friends with that guy!
Stranger: Nice!
Stephanie: I know right!
Tim: *steps out of the dance circle* Hey!
Stephanie: How many Red Bulls did you have?
Tim: How many legs does a wolf-tigark have.
Stephanie: What!
Tim: I’m super fucked up!
Stephanie: Same! Wanna have sex?
Tim: Sure!
Duke, Cassandra, and Harper
Duke: Hey, Harper! Do you remember that time you were totally surrounded by the Riddler’s henchmen and I swooped in and saved you, and you were like “Thanks dude! You’re the best! I totally owe you one!”
Harper: Yes, I remember part of that being true!
Duke: Well, I need you to return that favor and you can not tell any of the others. I lost Tim and Stephanie and need help finding them.
Harper: What the hell Duke! How did this happen?
Duke: Well, Luke broke Tim and Steph, causing them to decide to retire, then they disappeared.
Harper: Okay, Orphan and I will be right there after we take down these two drug dealing pimps!
Duke: Thank you!
Harper: *hangs up the phone* Okay, let’s take care of this Orphan!
They both jump down landing a kick to their chest. Harper then grabbed her dudes arm and broke his wrist, finally stomping on his face, knocking the dude out. Cass walked towards her guy reaching down and throwing him against a wall, then kicking his back.
Nightwing: *arrives at the apartment door*
Girlfriend: *through tears* I’m sorry!
Boyfriend: *slaps the girlfriend* SHUT UP BITCH!
Nightwing: *knocks on the door*
Boyfriend: *opens door* Can I help you?
Nightwing: Yes hi. I was walking around the neighborhood and wanted to know if you wanted to donate to the charity of whoop-ass?
Boyfriend: Not interested. *tries to close the door*
Nightwing: *pushes the door open* Hold on, you need to hear the rest of my pitch! *kicks the boyfriend in the chest* 
Girlfriend: *still crying* NO! PLEASE STOP!
Nightwing: Wha-
Boyfriend: *tries to throws a few punch at Nightwing’s face*
Nightwing: *drops to the floor and goes for a flare, sweeping the boyfriend off his feet*
The sound of sirens is heard out side.
Nightwing: *temporarily distracted by the sirens*
Boyfriend: *gets up* YOU CALLED THE COPS! YOU UNGRATEFUL GOOD FOR NOTHING BITCH! *tries to punch his girlfriend*
Nightwing: *catches his fist* Not gunna happen. *tosses the boyfriend against the wall and has him put his hands over his head*
Police Officer: G-C-P-D! GET YOUR..... Oh, Nightwing? How random seeing one of you guys here. Like always. *goes in to arrest the boyfriend*
Nightwing: *kneels down to where the girlfriend is sitting and takes note of the cuts and marks on her arms* Are you okay?
Girlfriend: I-*sob* I don’t *sob* know what *sob* I did *sob* wrong?
Nightwing: You did nothing wrong. Everything will be okay. Did he hit you?
Girlfriend: *nods her head yes*
Nightwing: Where did he hit you?
Girlfriend: *looks up to reveal a black eye and cuts on her face* My *sob* face, arms *sob*, stomach. *buries her head in her arms and starts to cry even harder*
Nightwing: Hey, it’s going to be okay. It’s all going to be okay. 
Nightwing tries the best he can to comfort the girl before the EMT arrived. After that he stuck around for a bit to give a statement of what happened when he arrived and to make sure everything was fine before he left.
Duke, Stephanie, Tim, Harper, and Cassandra
Stephanie: *wakes up* Ugh. My head! *she looks over at Tim and smiles as she gets out of the bed*
Tim: *starts to wake* Ow! *sees Stephanie* Hey!
Stephanie: Hey! 
Tim: *sits up on the bed*
Stephanie: Look about what happened, can we agree it was a drunk mistake.
Tim: Yeah! *rubs the back of his head and stands up close to Stephanie* I’m sorry, I can’t pretend! *he pulls her in and kisses her* I really like you!
Stephanie: I like you, too.
Tim: Wanna crawl back under the covers again for a bit?
Stephanie: Absolutely!
Desk Clerk: Thank you, hope you enjoyed your stay!
Tim: We certainly did, thank you! *both Stephanie and Tim walk out the door and see Duke, Cassandra, and Harper* 
Stephanie: Hey, you found us!
Duke: Get in the car!
Harper: Spent most of the night looking for you suckers until we saw that Tim used his credit card to purchase a hotel room there! 
Tim: We’re sorry you had to go searching for us!
Duke: Also, if you are even still thinking about retiring, you’re going to have to tell Bruce yourself.
Stephanie: We’re not retiring. We probably just thought it was a good idea because we were both sleep deprived.
Duke: Good, because I didn’t want to see Bruce lose his shit!
Dick and Julia/Dick and Jason
Back at the Batcave
Julia: How did it go?
Dick: Rough. That building was well into Harper’s sector though, why did you have me take care of it?
Julia: I think you know why.
Dick: *thinks for a moment* Because of the way I’ve been reacting to my breakup with Bab’s.
Julia: If you stopped thinking of how to win her back for one second, you would see that she is most likely suffering as much as you are. 
Dick: I understand. I’m going to head upstairs. Don’t stay down here much longer, that’s an order.
Julia: Are you still entitled to give orders?
Dick: I still get to wear the cowl, don’t I?
Julia: Fair enough.
Dick quickly showers and heads upstairs.
Jason: Hey, Dickwad. Over here.
Dick: Sup, Jay?
Jason: Follow me.
Jason leads Dick to the parking garage and into one of Bruce’s cars and drives to the safe house.
Jason: Welcome, to the safe house. I heard you had a rough day so I thought it would be worth it to take you here. Wayne house free zone so feel free to cry, let out your feeling, whatever you need to do to process this. I’ll wait in the car.
Dick: *crying* Jay.
Jason: Yeah.
Dick: *hugs Jason* Thank you!
Jason: No problem. If you tell Bruce, I will end you though.
Dick: Got it!
While I try to make these stories for the most part humorous and entertaining, domestic violence is a very serious topic. Since quarantine, domestic violence rates have gone up. If you or some one you know is in an abusive relationship or has found themselves in one since quarantine began, don’t hesitate to call the Domestic Violence Support hotline at 1 (800) 799 7233. You can also go to thehotline.org to contact them.
If someone you know has just left an abusive relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, parent/child) remember to be there for them. Allow them to talk but don’t force them too if they don’t want to. Make sure not to bash the guilty party and respond about them neutrally. Most of all, make sure to let them know that they are still loved, and that they are still the same person, even if they feel that they are not.
I will be reblogging this message on my blog. I ask you to please share and reblog as much as you can.
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Why Batwoman 2x01 was so good:
1. The writers managed to strike a great balance between paying respect to Kate Kane and introducing Ryan. Kate Kane as a character is, of course, significant to DC. She’s an important source of representation as a Jewish lesbian, and she has a large legacy/mythos within the larger DC Comics history. Batwoman first showed respect to Kate as a character by wisely chosing to not kill her off. Next, there’s one scene where Ryan is reading up on Kate, developing new understanding and respect in the process, and every few seconds the camera cuts over to where Mary and Luke are reading up on Ryan, similarly gaining understanding and respect for Ryan. I think this scene effectively facilitate the batsuit’s—as a mantle, as a symbol, and as a mythos—being passed on to Ryan. It paid a large amount of respect to Kate as a character, pointing out some of the most significant aspects of her character, and sort of drew Ryan into Kate’s mythos as Batwoman in a way that helps facilitate her becoming Batwoman - she comes to learn and respect the history and the gravity of Batwoman as a person, as an entity, as a figure of justice, and as an icon; and as a result, she can now carry on that legacy and expand it, using it to bring even more good to the world.
But even before she learned about Kate, Ryan respected her. When Ryan first met Mary and Luke, she offers genuine condolences for their loss. She doesn’t disrespect them or make light of their grief. Even though these two people are strangers,
In the process of paying due respect to Kate, however, Batwoman did not minimize Ryan or treat her as “second” to Kate. Ryan got a significant amount of screentime and focus—as she should—and her time on screen was all truly meaningful. We’ve begun to see her backstory, see who she is as a person, and see what that will mean for her as Batwoman.
2. Ryan is a lovable character, and Javicia did an excellent job portraying her. I love Ryan a lot, guys. She’s passionate, earnest, and driven. She’s down-to-earth and has a strong sense of justice that leads her through life. And at the same time, she’s a charming dork - the type of charming dork who yells “I’m bulletproof, bitches!” after dangling helplessly from the sky by a grappling hook. I, obviously, fucking love her for it.
I also think that the writers did a great job of keeping the vibe of season 1 to a good extent. The way Ryan was introduced felt like a proper introduction considering what we know about this show’s Gotham and considering how things were done in season 1. It worked well. Additionally, it is not lost on me how meaningful it is that from Ryan’s very first scene, we see that her instinct is to selflessly help victims to the best of her ability, and it is because she went out to help them that she stumbled upon the Batsuit. Furthermore, in that scene where she does discover the suit, the flashbacks establish that this moment in meaningful beyond just this one moment of time - it has connection to Ryan’s history and motivations for becoming Batwoman. During the DC Fandome this past summer, Caroline Dries said this season would deal with destiny. I think that that first scene was a great way to introduce it as a concept without taking away any of the sense that Ryan truly deserves this mantle as well. (One last side note - the use of music and sound effects in that first scene was excellent.)
While the writers certainly deserve a good bit of credit for creating this amazing character from scratch, I think Javicia also deserves a lot of credit here - she did an absolutely stunning job as Ryan. The charm I saw in Ryan was very similar to the goofy charm she brought to Ali in God Friended Me (which I loved, by the way), and those lighter scenes were played with the same adeptness as the dark, intense, and gutwrenchingly emotional scenes.
3. Batwoman acknowledged Alice’s grief and trauma in a way that also gave viewers some closure regarding season 1 matters. I think that Alice’s grief process was written pretty well considering her already existing trauma. And that succinct summary of Alice’s plan to get her dad to kill Kate was pretty clever on the writer’s part, as it gave us some closure regarding season 1’s goings on that were interrupted by COVID (and that were unable to be seen to completion since Kate Kane is no longer Batwoman).
4. The episode had many powerful moments. Some quotes that really struck me:
“You make it sound like these are all my choices...You wanna know why I haven’t paid my fines? Because I can’t find a job. Because I don’t have a home. Because no land lord wants to rent to an ex-con on post-release. You see how this works? No one cares that the dope wasn’t mine or that the Crows were dirty. Or that I’m actually a decent human. I am a file in your cabinet. That is not having power. That is thr very definition of powerless.” This line is made all the more powerful by the fact that Ryan’s first words upon donning the Batsuit are “Time to be powerful.”
“Trust me, I know I’m not a symbol, or a name, or a legacy...I am a number. I am the 327th baby of a Black woman who died of childbirth that year. I am a twenty-dollar-a-day check to a group home. I’m Inmate 4075 serving eighteen months for a crime I didn’t commit. But I can live with all those numbers because the mama who adopted me? I was her number one. But it turns out she’s just one of a quarter million murders in this country who have not seen justice. And that is a number I can’t live with.”
“I’m bulletproof, bitches!”
5. Batwoman has a truly excellent supporting cast. I know that a significant portion of the Batwoman fandom has been in love with Mary, Luke, and Alice since day one. One common fear within the fandom was that season 2 would feel like a completely different show, but at least in this episode, that wasn’t the case. The supporting characters were all prominently featured and given a good amount of emotional depth to cover - and seeing their journey helped the show feel familiar and helped carry us viewers over into this new era of Batwoman. And because the transition from Kate to Ryan was so well done, as I discussed in point 1, I didn’t feel like there was any absence or lacking in the show.
6. They did a great job carrying over that Kryptonite storyline from last season. In fact, it makes a lot more sense to me now. I was admittedly a bit confused by the whole Kryptonite storyline last season (it felt a bit like a mere device to facilitate Kate’s relationship with Kara - which, hey, I’m not complaining; I loved that friendship and think they should have hooked up once). Perhaps it was confusing since COVID cut it short. But whatever the reason, I’m glad that I now understand the deeper purpose behind this Kryptonite storyline. And, wow, this has the potential to be super cool and interesting!
7. They called out the Crows in a meaningful way. I think I’m not the only person who is a bit uncomfortable with the Crows in both concept and practice (yes, I do understand that they’re based on the comics, though). So I really appreciated—and found it super powerful—that it was Ryan who delivered the line “The Crows were dirty.” Sometimes I get confused as to whether Batwoman is portraying the Crows as good or bad, so lines like that give me comfort in knowing that the show at the very least acknowledges the problematic nature of an overmilitarized private police force that has been contracted out to have dominion over a city whose population includes a significant amount of low income people.
8. Bonus: They did good by the shippers. Batmoore shippers got some closure by observing Sophie’s grief process and hearing the letter Kate left her. Pennymoore shippers are certainly getting emotional and significant content for their ship. And for clowns like me, the show introduced a great new ship, Mary/Ryan, that I adore even though I know it won’t be canoning, lol.
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wisdom-walks-alone · 3 years
we’ve got mistletoe and firelight
a christmas fic for my friend @queerbutstillhere! this was originally for the @damijonsecretsanta but i didn’t finish it in time fhnusihf sorry it’s a bit late korey but you know me DHFUSHYFSL
read it on ao3 The first Christmas was spent in Hamilton County, at Jon and his family’s house. It was snowing. Jon was just about to lose hope for a white Christmas, but mother nature seemed to pull through.
There was excitement in the air, as there always was during this time of year, and Jon was watching as the snow fell lazily outside the window.
"Down, boy," his mom chided, chuckling and putting a hand on his back as he realized he was hovering.
"Sorry, Mom." Jon lowered himself back onto the couch, a sheepish smile on his face.
Mom shook her head, smiling herself. "It's fine, Jon. You know powers are fine in the house, I just don't want you getting in the habit of using them without realizing."
"I know, Mom, I'll be careful," Jon assured her. She ruffled his hair, was met with his protests, then disappeared back into the kitchen to check on dinner.
Just then, Dad walked out of the kitchen, a steaming mug in each hand. He handed the one piled high with whipped cream to Jon, who thanked him avidly. "I would say it's hot and to be careful, but I'm not sure that really matters anymore," Dad commented, and Jon took a tentative sip of his hot chocolate to test it.
It felt fine to him, so he shrugged. "Don't think so. Tastes good, though."
Dad smiled. "You got a little something on your lip there." He pointed and Jon went cross-eyed for a second, then licked the whipped cream off his lips. "You're a bit too young to be shaving, still."
Jon rolled his eyes. "Daaad, you're not nearly as funny as you think you are sometimes."
"It's Christmas, Jon, humor me."
Jon stuck his tongue out and took another sip of hot chocolate.
When the doorbell rang, Jon was the first one up, at the door in a split second, mug left forgotten on the coffee table. “Damian!”
Damian stood in the door, wearing a long coat and a nice shirt and tie, contrasting Jon and his family’s matching sweaters. His dad stood behind him, dressed similarly.
It was a little surreal to have Batman over for Christmas Eve dinner, but then Jon was starting to get used to surreal.
“Bruce, Damian, thank you for joining us!” Jon’s dad came up behind him, placing a hand on Jon’s shoulder. 
“Thank you for having us, Clark,” Mr. Wayne replied, stepping inside and reaching to shake his hand.
“Hello, Corncob.” Damian brushed snow off of his shoulder before shrugging his coat off, handing it to his father when he held out a hand for it.
“You can hang those right here.” Dad gestured to the coat rack. “Dinner’s almost ready. And Lois made pie!”
“Can’t wait. It’s been too long since I’ve had Lois’s pie,” Mr. Wayne said.
“Me, too,” Dad agreed.
“Mom made pie last week,” Jon commented, looking at his dad quizzically.
“Exactly,” Dad replied solemnly.
Damian shakes his head. “Tt.”
Dinner went by without much fanfare. And Mom's pie was delicious, as always. Dad had three slices and Damian's dad had two. Luckily, Mom had thought ahead and made two pies. Always one for preparedness.
Once they were all full and done, Damian wiped his mouth and stood. "Now that dinner is finished, I believe it is time for the main event…" He paused, looking around at all of them. Drama queen. "Presents."
"Yes!" Jon leapt out of his seat and made a beeline for the tree.
"Just one, Jon!" Mom called after him. "It's only Christmas Eve!"
Damian met him by the tree, picking up a box that Jon knew wasn't there before. "Here, open mine."
Jon took the box slowly, looking at Damian. "Really? For me?"
Damian scoffed and turned away. "Yes, Jonathan, for you. Who else would it be for?"
Jon smiled widely. "So we are friends,” he said, smile turning devilish.
“Tt. Don't push your luck.”
“You loooove me,” Jon taunted, floating over Damian’s head. “Can’t get enough of me!”
“Just open your present, Hayseed.”
Jon laughed, landing cross-legged on the floor. He started tearing open the wrapping paper, eyes widening when he saw what was inside.
"Monk-E-Monsters! I've wanted this game for months! How did you know?"
Damian shrugged, a knowing smirk on his face. "I'm Robin," he said simply.
"But I thought it was all sold out until after the Christmas season," Jon remembered, looking at him quizzically.
Damian shrugged again. "I'm also Damian Wayne. I pulled a few strings."
Jon grinned and threw himself at his friend (they were friends, whether Damian liked it or not). "Thanks, Damian."
Damian froze for a second, then relaxed. "Of course," he replied, patting Jon on the back. "Merry Christmas, Jon."
Wayne Manor was always cold this time of year. It was an unbelievably old house, and unbelievably big. But gathered in one of the smaller living rooms by a roaring fireplace, it wasn't so bad.
Decorations covered so many of the rooms that Jon would have thought it impossible if he didn’t know who lived here. Even then, the bats must have really had to pull together for something like this—probably all under Alfred’s watchful eye, of course.
A good amount of the caped community was here for one big Christmas party. Jon and Damian's dads were talking with some other members of the League. Dick and his friends were testing how many ornaments he could juggle before dropping one. From his vantage point, Jon guessed they were up to eight or so. He could see some more of Batman's allies in the hallway, Kate and Duke sitting on the stairs chatting, Harper, Cass, and Steph giggling over something on their phones. Conner was hanging out with Tim and the rest of their Titans team, while Jon and Damian sat on the couch with their own Titans playing Super Smash Bros.
"Again?" Gar whined, throwing his hands up.
"Man, you gotta let someone else win every once in a while," Wally added, already resigned. He and Gar sat on the floor, Damian on the couch with Emiko on one side and Jon on the other. Raven sat on Jon's other side, her controller floating in front of her, most of her attention taken up by her drink and her book.
Damian shrugged. "Emiko wins sometimes. So does Raven, when she's paying attention."
"We mean you should let one of us win for once!" Gar wailed.
"You'd win if you were good at the game."
"You little sh—"
"Hey, hey, hey." Jon put a hand on Gar's shoulder to keep him from lunging at Damian. "We are not having a brawl on Christmas."
"But it would be so entertaining," Emiko said disappointedly.
"He is kinda right, though," Raven piped up, not taking her eyes off of her book. "Just get better at the game and maybe you'll win."
"Et tu, RaeRae?" Gar looked up at her, looking like a sad puppy. Literally. He had turned into a little green puppy and was staring up at her pathetically.
Raven wasn't even phased, just turned a page in her book. Jon snorted.
Gar turned back, but the pout remained.
Just then, somebody wolf whistled, and everyone in the room turned to the culprit: Tim. And once everybody saw who it was, they followed his line of sight, right over to Jon and Damian. Jon suddenly felt very vulnerable, which was ironic in of itself, shrinking in on himself a bit while he tried to figure out why everybody was staring at him.
"Hey, Rob." Gar grinned toothily, staring at the space above their heads. Damian's face turned beet red, and Jon looked up to see Kon floating over them, dangling what was unmistakably mistletoe over their heads.
Damian crossed his arms haughtily, pulling a leg closer to his body, clearly trying to downplay his embarrassment. "Tt. As if anyone would partake in your childish holiday games."
Jon couldn't help but laugh. He leaned over, pressing a quick peck to Damian's cheek. "Merry Christmas, Damian." Somehow, Damian's face had managed to turn a deeper shade of red, and he looked away as he pulled his other leg onto the couch.
"Tt. Whatever." Then, when the room had once again filled with chatter and they were about to start another round of Smash, Jon heard Damian mutter a quiet, "Merry Christmas, Jon."
Their first Christmas in their new apartment wasn't looking too shabby, if you asked Jon. He was quite satisfied with the way everything was decorated, by the lights laid out on the TV stand, the tree in the corner letting off a soft glow. Of course, Damian was a perfectionist, so obviously everything would look perfect.
Damian walked out of the kitchen with a mug of hot chocolate, sweater sleeves pulled over his hands, and plopped on the couch next to Jon. He pulled the blanket over his bare legs and tucked himself under Jon’s arm, turning his attention to the Hallmark movie Jon had put on. Jon still didn’t understand the point of wearing shorts with a sweater, and when asked, Damian would just shrug.
He leaned his head on Damian’s, nursing his own mug of hot chocolate. “This is nice,” he said, squeezing Damian a bit tighter.
“Arguable. This movie is maybe mediocre at best,” Daman replied, a smirk audible in his voice.
Jon rolled his eyes. “I don’t mean the movie and you know it.” Damian snorted. “I mean this. You. Me. Us. It’s nice.”
“You’re such a sap,” Damian said, turning his face further into Jon’s chest. “But I agree with the sentiment. I must admit, this is nice.” He played idly with the hem of Jon’s shirt, and Jon pressed a kiss to his head as the movie continued to play.
As the credits rolled, Jon stood up, earning him a whine, with grabby hands following after him as Damian flopped the rest of the way onto the couch. Jon chuckled, walking over to the tree and picking up a small box. He brought it back over to the couch, and Damian’s eyebrows scrunched. “It’s only Christmas Eve,” he pointed out.
“Yeah,” Jon agreed, “but I think you deserve to open one tonight. I hope you like it.” He smiled, holding the box out to his boyfriend.
Damian took the box gingerly, undoing the ribbon carefully and lifting the lid. He pulled out a silver charm bracelet, laying it out on his palm so that he could look at the charms. They were small, nothing fancy, just disks with their initials and a pair of green and blue jewels. “Like I said before, you’re a sap,” Damian told him, but he was smiling. “I love it, thank you.”
He pulled Jon in for a kiss, hand on the back of his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. When they pulled away, Jon gestured to the bracelet, and Damian held out his hand as Jon did the clasp.
Damian smiled. “It’s beautiful. Thank you again.”
“You’re welcome,” Jon said, taking his hands. “Merry Christmas, Damian.”
“Merry Christmas, Jon.”
Damian's never been one for mornings. So when sunlight spills in through the window, all he does is roll over and push his face into the pillow. It smells like lemon scented shampoo.
The bed dips behind him, and strong arms wrap around his waist, pulling him close to a warm body. Damian relaxes into it.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Jon mumbles into his skin, nuzzling into his neck.
Damian pulls Jon’s arms tighter around him, and he feels Jon press a kiss into his shoulder. “Morning, love,” he replies drowsily, his voice still thick with sleep. He twists and rolls over in Jon’s arms to face him, reaching up to brush a lock of hair from Jon’s face. Jon hums, pulling him in for a kiss.
“Daddy! Baba!” a little voice screeches from down the hallway. “Santa was here, Santa was here! Wake up, wake up, Santa was here!”
Damian groans, turning his face back into the pillows. Jon just chuckles. “Your son is calling.”
“Before 8 AM, he’s your son.”
“Was that a Lion King reference? Color me impressed.”
“Ari! Ari, Santa came!”
Damian sits up at that, Jon’s arms falling to his lap. “Sebastian Phillip Wayne-Kent, do not wake your sister up this early in the morning!”
Jon sits up next to him and drags a hand down his face. “It’s too late, she’s awake.”
An excited shriek sounds from Aria’s bedroom, and Damian sighs into his hands. “You heard her, Hayseed. I’m going back to sleep.”
“You can’t go back to sleep, you have to see what Santa brought you,” Jon teases. Damian flops back onto the bed.
“Nope, it’s too early for this, goodnight.”
Too quick for him to process, Damian is standing in Aria’s room, the excited and very awake toddler standing up in her crib, jumping and bouncing. “That’s cheating!” he calls out the door. Jon just cackles from down the hall.
“Ba!” Aria smacks him on the chest.
“Alright, alright, let’s go, you little terror. Santa came last night.” Damian lifts her out of the crib and settles her on his hip, making his way downstairs, the smell of pancakes, eggs, toast, and coffee flooding his nose. Of course Jon already made breakfast. He continues to the living room, where Jon is just barely managing to restrain Bash from opening anything too soon.
When he sees Damian he finally lets go, and Bash zooms over to the tree, floating around as he looks for which gifts are for him. Seeing Bash’s excitement and wanting to follow suit, Aria wriggles free from Damian’s arms and Jon has to use his superspeed to catch her before she hits the floor.
Damian sighs and drops onto the couch beside Jon, watching Aria toddle after Bash, trying to keep up.
“Look, Ari, this one’s for you!” Bash holds out a large box that’s almost as big as Aria. Damian knows there’s a doll in that one.
“Yay!” Aria sits down on the floor with it and starts ripping it open, and Bash finds one to tear open for himself.
“Hey.” Jon gets his attention and holds out a small box, a dopey smile on his face. Damian takes the box gingerly, taking off the lid. It’s a new ID tag clip for his scrubs, with a rubber cartoon cat. He laughs.
“Thank you, habibi, it’s perfect.” Jon clears his throat and glances up for a second, and Damian follows his gaze to where Jon is dangling a piece of mistletoe above their heads. Jon looks at him expectantly, and Damian laughs as he leans in.
“Eeewww,” Bash cuts in, making a disgusted face at them.
“Eeww!” Aria echoes happily, scrunching her nose in an attempt to copy her brother.
Jon rests their foreheads together as they laugh. He looks up at Damian through his lashes and says, “Merry Christmas, Damian.”
Damian smiles. “Merry Christmas, Jon.”
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