#if you're american i know you've got tacos somewhere near you
pennyserenade · 5 months
i love being mexican. i know i say that a lot but its because i really fucking love that i'm mexican
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littlewalken · 3 years
Ap 13
Nice to know I can get a video of the version of the circus I saw. I'd order but I don't know how long they'd take to ship so until I know where we're we're going I can't risk it :/
But if any of y'all have Danny Kaye hosting a real circus with Gunther Gebel-Williams on file and can share it LMK. It's really pictures of some of the costumes in the spectacular that I'm wanting to see.
Put some thoughts in to writing on a different story than the one I had previously been thinking about.
Still taking everything one day at a time.
What ever the car thought it was doing taking it back to the mechanic scared it strait. They were ready to keep it and see if they would get to it in 2-3 days, basically the car noped its self out of there.
Strung up a thing on the heddle so when I have a moment I can stim. If you're a string stimmer a little rigid heddle is a nice thing. Mine's about the size of a post card. Or a squared off smart phone for you kids.
You can make your own shoelaces.
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I have been wanting to make an asexual Taco Bell joke ever since they redecorated it like that. I've never been inside. It's one of those places you pass all the time but never go it. I eat at Taco Bell, we just never remember that one, just the college one or the one near the junk store.
I was going to make an ass kicking joke but asexual people don't need that. We need crunch wraps. If you've never had a crunch wrap it's every basic Taco Bell flavor layered into one container.
Got to sort thru the common area books for which stay and which go.
Still one day at a time around here. It's the only way things can even slightly get done.
Like yeah, well, my little record player in its plastic shell is in the hoard somewhere but because it's mine and you didn't bother to ask what the thing with the records was it got packed away somewhere and now there's this huge thing from the back yard shed with a stuck or wonky speaker that we can get rid of. Because yeah, abuse comes in the form of "I forgot". Not like the thing in a case that is roughly record sized and was kept with the records would be a record player.
I bought it 15 years ago to digitize stuff, some which other people have done a better job of, like Carol Channing reading Madeline which really should be experienced, some which has come out on official CD like old Sesame Street stuff, and Robin Gibb solo albums which you can only find in Portuguese South American printings.
Quick note if you don't know- foreign pressings of albums are the same music, just the label and written stuff has been translated into the language for the market.
Tehre are record albums I intend to keep and frame for decor. Pretty sure I have one of the mythical copies of Valotte by Julian Lennon. It went platinum but only a handful are known to exist :p
My cassettes are back there too.
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