#if you're ever wondering what the Kuna looks like in my head while I'm writing him
sukunasteeth · 5 months
I finally got to read more of your stories. I'm still taking it very slow, I want to savour every moment.
Please allow me to comment on them in general.
I'm absolutely enamored with the way you write Sukuna. No matter how short the story is, everything makes perfect sense, and I'm convinced that this person is a living, breathing human. Also, I'm very impressed by the quality of the writings. The vocabulary, the structure... I get the feeling you paint pictures with words.
...or that I'm reading poetry in prose. Some parts actually reminded me of haiku. Just a few, well-selected words, and yet those parts left me with a deep impression, and some things to think about.
Also, I usually view your blog on PC and this way I can see how carefully designed and curated it is. It's obvious that you put a lot of thought and energy into everything you do, both the story and the presentation. I really appreciate this.
And now, onto the actual ask!
Have you ever gotten formal education in literature? Took any course in creative writing? Or did you consciously train yourself?
Thank you. <3
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I think this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my writing. I don’t deserve to see this T.T Thank you so much innaillus <3 I think my heart will be full for the next few years with this!!! 
Coming from an artist that greatly inspires me and whose works are very reassuring to me <3 Your words mean so much and I'm so honored that you can take something away from my little stories!! I hope I can keep making you fall harder for him ^^
Even the questions are too kind T.T I have taken a few creative writing courses but none of them have ever stuck with me very much, unfortunately. I’ve just been writing/reading love stories for eleven years or so at this point, so I suppose I could say I mostly trained myself... I just have a dorky kind of love for literature and I have fun spinning words into a story that makes my heart do little somersaults <3 My only wish is that it does the same for anyone else reading my little tales hehe (kind of like how I melt into a puddle when YOU post one of your works, but that's just my wishful thinking ;))
Thank you for your ask <3 I'll be over there in the corner trying not spontaneously combust from pure happiness if you guys need me
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