#if you've read this: 1. Thank you 2. I love you 3. Go wish Rae a happy birthday
ktrsss1fics · 7 years
Some questions, writer to writer: what's your favorite thing about writing? Which characters do you think you've grown the most attached to? How do you generally come up with your ideas? Are there any plot ideas brewing in your mind that you've yet to tackle? If you had to revisit and rewrite one of your projects, which would it be?
I think my favorite thing about writing is being able to create new worlds. I love reading. I grew up getting lost in fictional worlds. Narnia, Hogwarts, the Shire, Wayside School. Stories allow people to visit places they’ve never been to, live lives they would never get the chance to, and most of all feel emotions at a deeper level. That is something really special. At one point, I thought about creating one of those worlds for someone to get lost in and it sort of just stuck. It’s just crazy how a couple of characters, a few minor details, and a setting can be turned into a film inside one’s mind thanks to the stringing together of a couple sentences. Words are so powerful. They can help people escape the struggles of their every day life and that’s always amazing to me.
All of my female characters are similar in the sense that they are a little tomboyish and sarcastic so I’m always going to love them (write what you know right?). I think I would have to say that Ronnie and Niall will always be my favorite. I’m always finding things that inspire me to write about them. I would have to say that I’m more a fan of SDWM Ronnie and Niall than I am of IBYS. I think the sequel has shown them more as a normal couple than just someone famous dating someone normal. That’s why I’m excited for the sequel to be posted. They will always be my babies. With that being said, Fergie and Niall have slowly taken over my heart. They were only going to have a few chapters and then it was going to end but I think their relationship has turned into something everyone wants to see. They are so much fun to write. They weren’t planned out at all but they work so well together. I usually write very detailed outlines for each of my stories. Most of the CIP chapters were just written on my lunch break with no real planning. It’s nice to step out of that methodical comfort zone every once and a while. I think we all want someone as cute as CIP Niall to be absolutely smitten with us. I mean he freaking rearranged an entire trip just to make sure Fergie could go… talk about dedication.
When I first joined the 1DFF community, there were all these stories about Harry and Zayn but very few (if not hardly any) stories about Niall. I wanted to write something that Niall fans would enjoy and that’s how IBYS was born. I also wanted to try to do a love triangle because that was real popular in the Harry fic world at the time. I think most of my stories are based off of my favorite writing tropes and or stories that I would want to see as a television show/movie. If there was an ITV show about two best friends in uni living together and falling in love, I’d be all over that. I have a Harry story that I was writing that pulls inspiration from the show Fresh Meat, ex: shared house at uni, odd ball cast of roommates, etc. I am also a big music person. I get really inspired by songs and love love love making soundtracks/playlists for my stories. I think they are good jumping off points for fic writing.
I have a long list of story ideas that I want to write but either don’t have the energy or don’t have the kinks worked out yet or don’t think people would enjoy.
1DFF Ideas:
1. Greek AU: This show was my one true love. I have seen every episode and will always be Team Cappie and Casey. My college roommate and I cried on the series finale. Anyways, I’ve always wanted to write an AU story that is based off of this plot. I love uni fics and it would be fun to see how this would play out. 2. FRIENDS AU: I actually had this one completely worked up. It was going to be a modern version of the show and each boy was going to be a character. Liam was going to be Ross and Corinne Rae Bailey was going to be the face claim for the Rachel character and Monica was going to own a cupcake bakery. I don’t remember the rest but it was really good. But I took a break from writing and didn’t have the energy to do it. I still want to though. 3. Safe With Me: It was based off that one Sam Smith song. It originally was going to be a Liam story but then I switched it to Louis because at that time I found it hard to write Louis was a character. I was still in college so it was 2013/14. The main premise was Louis was dating the love of his life, got her pregnant, and was forced to get married to keep a “wholesome” image. Fame ruins them and they get divorced but still co-parent. Her mother passes and he steps in and takes care of them. And it’s basically them rekindling and becoming a family again. The outline is really good. But I don’t think I could write it now, with everything that has happened in real life. It’s sad because I think I could write a better Louis character now than I could back then. 4. King & Lionheart: For those of you who have read my stuff from the beginning, this was actually posted on 1DFF. I was trying to see if I could write in first person and it was so hard to do. The story was Niall dated this like indie folk singer. Their breakup was forced and it messed her up big time. 1D is going on tour a few years later and one of their headliners drops out and one of them gets the idea of asking her to take the spot. At first she doesn’t want to but then they convince her it’d be a good idea. It shows them trying to having a working relationship and eventual friendship. They both realize they are still in love with each other, all that mushy stuff. It was a good idea and there were good moments in the outline but I didn’t finish it. I don’t think I have the outline or even the first chapter anymore.
Original Fiction1. Fake relationship story: childhood crushes turned enemies turned fake lovers turned real lovers. But his an actor and she’s a ya novel writer and they are in the same realm for work but don’t realize who one another is. 2. Old friends to lovers: she moves away when she’s young and then moves back and doesn’t recognize Hottie McHot-Stuff is her nerdy bff
There is also this other story where the character has amnesia and can’t remember anything before the accent but she when she is reunited with her family and friends this one one stands out. It was gonna be an OG fic but I have started to think of it as a Niall one as of recently.
Lucky for everyone, I’m currently rewriting I’ll Be Your Safety. When it was posted on 1DFF in 2012, I thought it was pretty good. Looking back at it makes me cringe. Since the site is lost forever and people have asked me to finish the sequel, I’ve been posting it here. It’s taking forever because I am going through and writing things. I’ve eliminated quite a few chapters and I’m liking what I’ve posted so far. I wish I wasn’t a perfectionist though. I could have them all posted by now. Then we would be getting to the good stuff with Settle Down With Me. I am also thinking about rewriting parts of No One Does It Better so it’s more Solo Niall instead of 1D but I haven’t really though it through all the way yet.
These questions were awesome Marisa! Thank you so much for asking them.
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