#if your critique could be followed up with a cut to kyouko kirigiri or byakuya togami reading and a smarmy jackass going
detectivenyx · 1 year
broke: sayaka was a bitch who deserved what she got still broke: sayaka was completely innocent! celestia's the TRUE bitch who deserved what she got my massive galaxy brain: both sayaka and celestia were deeply flawed individuals and entirely different people from entirely different walks of life before hope's peak beyond the fact both girls had extreme ambitions for their life. both were ultimately shoved into a corner by simultaneously an uncaring world that only cared about their output to the point where both were doing horrible things to continue meeting that quota, and by its literal end by a master manipulator who pulled the right strings to cause the fragile broken system to completely collapse and cause the actual fucking apocalypse. and ultimately neither of them would've lifted a finger against their classmates and alongside the rest of them, did not deserve to be shoved into a life or death scenario where they both died trying to save their lives from a force that had already ended their lives as they knew them. both characters are flawed to the point where murder is something they will consider or do if it's the only way to keep their dreams alive - and to some degree they consider it in order to keep THEMSELVES alive, especially in celestia's instance where just about everyone left by time she was committing her murder could've overpowered her. neither of them are perfect innocent little angels because both of them are human fucking beings just as subject to vice and temptation as the rest of us. my massive galaxy brain, adding on: and also they're kissing :)))
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