onelittlesparkx · 7 years
Rylan/Isolde - "Always" by Saliva, omg this is so them dude.
Was healways slinking in her shadow? Always ready to wriggle out into the light ather most vulnerable? When she felt most alone, most conflicted, and most tired,those silent nights she escaped to be alone and not be plagued with a thousandhearts sounding in her head and every emotion on the spectrum in the air. Shewatched from her perch, settled on the windowsill of one of the windows in the shriekingshack, eyes tracing the outline of the castle’s silhouette. Already sensinghim, already feeling him, her dull and desolate moment gone before she couldenjoy it.
“Yehforget yerself,” she stated as head tilted slightly to catch his shadowcrawling over the uneven floorboards. “But at least now I know tha wardsin this section need fortifying.”  Because that’s what she needed, anotherreminder of this damn war. “I dun’t feel like try'na kill yeh rightnow…can yeh just leave?” It was rare for such sincerity to escape herbut in truth she was tired.
“Good,”came the simple response. “‘Cause this is supposed to be strictly reconanyways,” he didn’t let his concern become notable but she could sense it.The last thing she needed was another complication to deal with and Rylan Brownwas the very definition of complicated; a part of her past she believed to haveshed when she came back last year but in fact never seemed to go away. Not whenhe kept physically coming back. “Boy, did I find a mess of breaks.” Hetaunted. “You [the Resistance] might be able to hold the castle but neverHogsmeade. Kind of frustrating don’t you t–”
Her fingerswrapped around his neck, claws digging into his skin just beneath a break.There was a quickly flare in her eyes; her temper radiating but the reactiononly caused him to stifle a short laugh. “There’s my girl,” hestruggled to take in a breath but he seemed to enjoy it, a genuine flicker ofamusement on his features.
“Thisis get'n kinda old, Brown.” She forced his head to turn slightly away fromher but his gaze lingered on.
“Heh,kind of like your brooding.” The retort seemed to catch off guard longenough for him to reach up and force her hand off of him. In a single movementhe crackled his neck. “But I know you, worrying about your family, yourfriends. Changing right before their eyes but into whom, I wonder? Someone theymight not like maybe. ”She let out a huff of exasperation, cracking herown knuckles to relieve the strain as she looked back at the castle.  "Do they know what you do to people?Those nights you leave the grounds alone?“
“Thosemen you leave dead in the alley’s?” Revealing that he followed her moreoften than she thought she scowled. “They deserved it, don’t get me wrong.Treating women like that.” There was an ominous tone to the words thatdidn’t need any more explanation. Not when you considered the way Isolde’s packsister was killed. “I mean, Addison might understand. She’s darker thanyou…” he left that statement lingering in the air. As if they were justtalking like any two people who knew each other as well as they did do. “Bythe way, caught a peek of that new number her brother’s been yanking around.New one every other month it seems. Must be nice to forget about you liketha-” This time he caught her arm before she could strike a hit. Isoldehad almost forgotten how strong he was, preferring to keep the impression thathe was beneath her, less than. But that did not equate to weakness.
“I meanit. It must be nice to forget you,” he let go and pointed to his head.“Cause having you in here, all the time?” He didn’t bother to finish.“But I can’t can I? And really I can’t understand how anyone could.”There was a somber sort of anger to his tone, like he was offended for her.Isolde was past the point of offense otherwise she would just feel the pain ofthat situation all over again and it wasn’t one she was willing to face soeasily. “The downside to werewolf healing I guess? That obliviation won’tstick.”
“Notuntil you do.”
They stoodat a stand-still, both of them following every twitch of the other’s muscles.Sure that at any moment someone would attack.
“I’mtired o’ game,” she sighed, relaxing her fists.
“Thenstop playing, stop fighting me.”
Anger struckher again, blinding her of his actions. She dug her forearm into his chestuntil she felt the wall behind him. “Never,” she proclaimed withheavy agitation. “Yer a monster.” His arms came up to wrest on hershoulder, pressing into them as if he was trying to wake her up from a dream.
“So areyou,” he replied in defiant whisper with wolf eyes searching for hers.“Atleast I don’t hide from what I am.” Taking the flare as achallenger her wolf shone through sharp, amber irises and while there was a displayof dominance in her gaze there was also an appreciation for his boldness.
Isoldeblinked it back, “I’m not hiding.” She finally realized how closethey were and it made her uneasy. Afraid but not of him, but of herself; he sensed that and took advantage of it.
“Youare,” he moved his hands down from her shoulders and it was enough for hergive up the force she had on arm. The trail was familiar despite the years thathad past and soon enough his hands found their resting point on her hips.“And you shouldn’t be,” he leaned in close, nose grazing the skin onher cheek. “You’re a werewolf, you’re an Alpha.” He nipped at thecorner of her jaw line, “it’s a good life.”
Somethingabout those last words let down her defenses or maybe it was the recollection ofhow comfortable she used to feel when Rylan was this close. She closed hereyes, “Not yer alpha.” One of his hands moved to the small of herback while the other slipped beneath her waist line, his lips tickling herearlobes.
“Rightnow you are,” he caught her breath in his mouth as she curved into histouch. His eyes still as he watched her give in, his heart racing when he felther kissing him back. There was almost a sense of desperation each time theyparted, thirsty for the other. He felt her reaching for his belt but just asquickly as the moment had started she pushed him away.
The angerand disappointment she had felt went away but when she realized exactly how, agood sense took over. “No,” now she was anxious, tucking her hair behindher ears as she always did when she was nervous. She looked at the floor,worried that if she looked at him she’d hesitate. “I’m done.” Asecond past and then another, until she was finally able to move and when shedid it was out the door in haste. “I’m done,” hoping this time shecould believe it.
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onelittlesparkx · 7 years
“I always thought I might be bad now I’m sure that it’s true; Cause I think you’re so good, but I’m nothing like you.” -- Rylan/Iz
“I’m where I was meant to be, where I’m supposed to be.I don’t need your judgement.” Rylan’s words were meant to be threateningbut they came off as annoyed. All around them fire blazed, flames cracking andlicking the air until the smell of smoke and ash filled their lungs. Isoldecoughed, buying the pups time to evacuate the mission and get themselves far awayfrom the woods that were surely going to die tonight.
Her packs had new wolves and two of those new wolves werefacing the guy she had once loved in school. She knew how ruthless he could beor believed himself to be. She didn’t want them anywhere near him.
“I’d say you’re better than this…but I’m starting tobelieve less and less every time we meet.”  It was one thing to be done with someone andleave it at that. But it wasn’t enough for Rylan to join Voldemort’s cause healso had to become a werewolf and a member of the opposing pack and a positionthat frequently put her in this position time and time again facing her past.
“Yeh don’t need it but yer gett'n it anyway.” Shegrowled. “Yeh used tuh be bett'r than this.”
“But I’m not. We can’t all be like you; the Good andRighteous Isolde.”
There was a crack and the sound of a tree branch fallingnearby. It pushed the smoke and she cough again. “Yeh think I’mgood?” She either coughed or laughed. “Righteous? I’ve hurt people, killed peoplewho done less than yeh an’ yet–” Another crack and she reacted. Throwingherself forward to push him away. She jumped back as the fiery branch fellbetween them, signaling it was time to good. “Yer still alive,” shehuffed. “Remember tha’.”
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