#ig i'm stuck bc i don't like how i started this chapter but rewriting it is gonna be hard bc i gotta figure out a whole new vibe
daz4i · 1 year
someone send me writing energy bc i haven't touched my wip in over a month and at this pace i will never finish it.........
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young-powerpuffgirl · 3 years
I am currently reading your masterpiece "Angrezni" and still I'm marveled at your storytelling, but having the dates there is a really cool touch of detail that I really appreciate! But as a writer, do you ever find the dates challenging or have you written it all out beforehand? I've read before that other writers are afraid that they would unintentionally cram too much details in an unrealistic timeframe because of an accidental miscalculation of time. I'm curious to hear a bit about your planning and writing process
I think I put dates there to remind myself of how young my character is- and the headspace she's in. Hayley Atwell was around 30 or something when she played Peggy in TFA. But Peggy was like 25 in TFA. Not a huge age difference, I know. But when I'm writing the chapters- I'm writing Peggy in her early 20s, late teens.
Peggy is newly stepping out into the world, despite the wartime backdrop. I need to remind myself that she's going to be dumb as hell sometimes, be immature sometimes, and have this pent up anger from her childhood.
Look- I love Steggy fics. I've read a lot of them and saved them in a flashdrive and will never give them up until I die. But she acts fully mature sometimes in those fics- and it make me curious how she got there. How did she become a diplomat and a director of an international agency? I mean this is the girl who shot homeboy's shield for treating her incorrectly. First scene we see her in- she punches a dude's eyes out. Dugan describes her as "fun" in TFA.
I do have a vague timeline of what I want Peggy to accomplish. My goal is to show character development and so I use the dates as a crutch. Oh man, thinking about it, I really never noticed how much I depend on dates to help me out lol.
(Also- fun fact- Angrezni is my first fic. Which meant I wasn't really good at writing. Therefore, I started the story off when Peggy was really young in hopes that my writing would develop and grow more nuanced just as Peggy would. For example, Chapter 1 is immature and fun bc I was immature and new- so Peggy and I were existing on the same level. But my writing skills slowly grew- and so did Peggy's character!)
But I also don't take myself that seriously- if I push myself in a corner with dates- I can always invent something in the parts of later chapters that didn't work. For example, there may be a scene in Chapter 2 that I didn't like- but wrote to the best of my ability at that time. So, if I find myself stuck in say Chapter 5- I can find my answer in Chapter 2- in the scene that I didn't like, and rewrite the meaning of that scene. Ahhh!
Yeah, so thats my jumbled process ig. Thanks for the question and I'm sorry for word-vomiting an entire essay at you! 😉😘
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