#ig wali
tiny-pteranodon · 1 year
random harmless confession game
ill go first.
i have never joined a single IG live ever. never plan to either
ps: please reblog, also tagging @laut-ke-buddhu-ghar-ko-aaye @hell-lit011019 @vellibandi @mainsamayhoon @bambioleo @mirchi-wali-maggi @milli-meter-senti-meter @damnn-dorothea @bookish-alone @seriouslyalexanderlightwood @shanti-ashant-hai @yehsahihai @chandrayee @pulihora @shut-up-rabert @morally-gayy @paleodictyoptera @astrocatfizziks @akidev @stayin-alivee @kaagazkefool @sanskari-kanya @twenty-first-century-ki-laila @mohabbaat @chanda-chamke-cham-cham @ and everyone else as well
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kirtijolapara · 6 months
Happy Holi everyone!
Nandgaon wali Holi! 2024... by i.Satyam5 (IG)
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bandarrrrr · 2 months
Time to spill the tea,
So basically friend hai vo mera, we met in 2022 kyunki same event mein thy hum, I started to like him around the end of Oct 2022 and ig he knew kyunki uska best friend at the time jo ab mera bhi best friend hai was my classmate toh usne baad mein btaya he used to ask about you and all. 9th khatam hone wali thi when I found out he has a girlfriend and by that time I knew I didn't have a chance with him toh I went back to my default crush lol. March aya 2023 ka he was happily dating so was I (default crush ko) and humara friend group itna strong hogya tha and abhi bhi hai we've done so much bakchodi these 2 years. Uski gf aur mai bhi acche dost bn gye and abhi bhi hain she's a wife of mine (my female best friends are my wives, ik it's polygamous)and he also found out I'm dating toh sab sahi chalra hai hum 10-12 logo ka group hai sab date karre hain. So summer vacations ke time 2023 mein one of my friend's boyfriend left for another state and unka breakup hogya 2-3 aur breakup hue and me and him thought humara sab sahi hai humara nhi hoga, itne galat thy na bc hum. I broke up with that excuse of a man, asshole saala chutiya ex bhi nhi manti mai us bhadwe ko and that friend of mine ka exactly ek hafte baad breakup hogya👹 We both got our hearts broken kyunki hum dono ko lga tha ki our relationships will last forever bc yeh long distance bdi gandi cheez hai but truly vo issue tha nhi. We started talking kyunki we both knew what we were going through sympathy empathy whatever you wanna call it and hum bhot close friends bn gye but unfortunately iss sabke beech uski transfer ka notice aagya and kal i.e 20 July ko it's gonna be a year since I last met him and hugged him for the first time. Part-2 chahiye toh zaroor btana.
I obviously want to know the full please tell
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And it was raining almost the entire day. We walked to most places like from the Gateway of India to the museum ig I don't remember very well but we did walk a lot and yeah so when we were walking to the museum it started raining again and we had to run to it but it was so fun me paapa sister mummy everyone was laughing and running 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
We went to a beach to I don't remember which but yeah it was famous AND THE WETHER WAS SO BEAUTIFUL THERE LIKE THE SKY FULL OF DARK CLOUDS AND THANDI HAWA BUT THRN IT STARTED RAINING HEAVILY SUDDENLY and we had to take shelter under the food stalls ke canvas. But I WAS HAVING SO MUCH FUN IT WAS SO AMAZING TO SEE SO MANY PEOPLE STANDING THERE HOLDING THAT THING TOGETHER TO PREVENT GETTING WET But it was windy so we all got wet anyways lol
Got into the tour bus soaking wet from head to toe haha then the bus went around Mumbai dropping off people and we got off at some place idk where and we went to railway station and were supposed to board a local train. Now you know Mumbai local trains. We didn't know them back then. Me papa and sis got on but somehow MUMMA WAS LEFT BEHIND AT THE STATION BCZ OF THE RUSH😭😭😭😭😭😭
We got off at the nearest stop, boarded another train and went back to get mumma😭😭 My behen was crying but I couldnt decide whether to laugh or cry I was doing both lol😭😭😭 Papa was soooooo pissed off lol
Then we boarded another local, got back to CSMT and waited thoda and boarded Ahmednagar wali train and got back home.
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ek main hu aur ek tu and i hate luv stories ig those were the good ones coz imran khan ofc (personal opinion i love him) . Yjhd, this movie makes me puke, the main guy is a chalta firta red flag in both real and reel life. And the idea of love that movie portrays and how that bunny pakoda saw naina as a wife material just because she was chashme wali nerdy and that other girl who was thori idk talkative social types as someone jiske sath sirf flirt kar sakte hai larke🥲
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euclydya · 1 year
sidenote. loc waliing up front wjen I haven't fronted in a while. like. go off. it's literally disco time rn ig
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penahana · 1 year
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Satu waktu, saya dapat pesan dari seseorang yang bertanya tentang, "Apa sih kriteria pasangannya kakak?"
Nah, pertanyaan ini seperti jebakan yah. Memicu diri mengutarakan apa yang di mau, bukan apa yang di butuhkan. Terlebih dari percakapan ini, bisa jadi jalan chat berulang, tanpa sadar bisa menimbulkan efek kenyamanan kalau keterusan. #tepokjidat sambil istighfar...
Ketika dalam situasi ini, yang saya lakukan, tegas saja bilang sama dia, hubungi wali atau guruku. Dia tahu apa kriteria lelaki idaman. Kalau dia tetep maksa buat tanya langsung, cakap saja.
"Tengoklah Boy tulisanku di IG. Kubahas soal kriteria lelaki idamanku. Masih tak paham juga, mundur saja boy. Biarkan lelaki yang berhak dan pantas untuk bisa maju." #tegas
Oke, next... back to our topic...
Berbicara kriteria, dulu sebelum belajar pranikah itu, berharap dapat yang lebih dari kita. Baik sisi jabatan, kepintaran, gajinya, dan hal lainnya lebih dari kita. Wajar dan manusiawi banget yah kalau kita memilih yang lebih baik dari kita. Hidup realistis saja... Hehe
Namun, setelah belajar pranikah semua itu berubah. Memang perihal materi itu jadi salah satunya. Sayangnya, itu bukan hal utama yang harusnya ada.
Ada hal lain, yang lebih utama. Apa itu? Yes, AGAMA, AKHLAK dan ETOS KERJANYA BAIK, itu yang jadi prioritas memilih seorang lelaki untuk menjadi imam kita.
Kenapa harus yang seperti itu kak? Emang gak ada kriteria lain ya? Kita bongkar satu per satu alasannya, agar temen-temen mantap dalam menentukan pilihan.
Yang pertama, agama. Kenapa ini penting? Karena ini menjadi pondasi utama, the way of life seseorang. Ketika pemahaman akan agamanya kuat, dia mampu mengenal Tuhannya, jati dirinya, dari mana dia berasal, untuk apa hidupnya, sampai pada akhirnya dia memiliki tujuan kembali ke hadapan Allah dengan cara terbaik. Lelaki yang baik, akan memegang teguh agamanya, taat pada perintah Allah, dan menjauhi larangannya. Dia akan mengajarkan kita pentingnya landasan agama yang kuat, memastikan semua komponen keluarga di bawah kekuasaannya taat pada Sang Pencipta.
Kedua, karena akhlaknya. Kita tahu betul, kebaikan akhlak yang paling sempurna itu nampak dari pribadi Nabi Agung, Rasulullah SAW. Rasulullah hadir, sebagai penyempurna akhlak.
Lalu, apa kaitannya dengan kita memilih lelaki yang memiliki akhlak yang baik? Jika dia orang yang soleh, dia akan mengidolakan Rasulullah dan meniru aklaknya. Dia akan memperlakukan istri dan anaknya dengan baik, karena dia menyadari istri dan anak adalah titipan dari Allah yang patut dijaga.
Selain itu, dia akan memiliki kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap lingkungan dan sesamanya. Bisa menjadi figure terbaik, sehingga orang-orang yang dibawah kekuasaannya tidak merasa tertekan. Bahkan merasa bahagia karena memiliki sosok leader yang mampu jadi teladan.
Ketiga memiliki etos kerja yang baik. Kita tahu betul, wanita merasa senang jika menikah dengan lelaki yang mampu memberi kecukupan. Dalam istilah lain, mapan. Ternyata, standar ukuran mapan itu relatif. Tergantung bagaimana orang memandangnya.
Supaya tidak bingung, maka yang jadi ukuran bukan hal itu. Tapi, kita lihat bagaimana etos kerjanya. Lihat dari Tanggung jawab, konsistensi, serta semangatnya dalam bekerja. Nampak jelas, yang berkualitas akan memiliki etos kerja yang baik. Karena dia menyadari, hakikatnya kerja itu ibadah.
So, penting memilih yang etos kerjanya baik. Walaupun saat ini, ternyata dia masih merintis usaha, dan berjuang untuk bisa mapan. Siapa tahu saat berjuang sama kita, dibantu maksimal, maka dia akan jauh lebih sukses dan mapan.
Ada satu renungan yang di dapat dari gurunda, ustad lukmanul hakim dalam kajian SMK. "Wanita yang baik, yang bisa diajak susah dan senang. Sedangkan lelaki yang baik, dia tidak akan pernah membuat wanitanya susah."
Oke, itu tiga hal yang menjadi kriteria saya dalam memilih calon imam idaman. Kalau tiga hal di rangkum, intinya pilih yang soleh. Bukan namanya aja yang soleh yah, tapi orangnya juga. Hehehe...
Nah, temen-temen sendiri, apa kriteria calon idamannya? Yuk sharing di komentar...
#sumber tulisan ini didapat dari online class intensife pranikah bersama ustad Yosi Al-Muzanni.
Notes :
_Pilihlah calon imam yang soleh. Meskipun dia tidak mencintaimu, tapi dia akan tetap memperlakukanmu dengan baik._
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un-tittle-d · 2 years
Yah, sekarang ayah sudah jadi kakek kakek. Tapi pasti ayah maunya dipanggil datuk kan? Haha
It's always you, and your proud about Jambi.
Ponakan aku lucu banget tau yahh, gemacc.
Aku juga sudah menikah, jadi ayah punya dua menantu sejak 2 tahun lalu. Tapi maaf ya ayah, cucunya baru satu hehe:) satu lagi menyusul, mungkin nanti dititipin sama Allah saat aku dan Fadli sudah satu rumah lagi.
Ahh, i forgot to tell you 'bout this, aku sedang lanjut kuliah, fast-track and full scholarship, doain ya supaya aku bisa kabulin keinginan kecil ayah untuk dilampaui tingkatan pendidikannya:)
Yah happy 59th birthday, I'll never stop to count you kno' hehe. Sampai hari ini aku juga masih selalu amaze dengan perbedaan 5 hari ulang tahun ayah bunda. Happy birthday to you too my lovely bunda, 55th birthday, the fifth birthday without the love of your life :" your lovely wife becomes stronger and stronger every day yah.
Doain bunda manjanya ayah makin kuat, sehat, dan bahagia ya yah:)
Actually, i'll never want to write anything 'bout you yah, cause i feel like it's make me feel more sad if i write like this.
But somethin' happen today.
So long story short, aku si maksa ingin sekali kasih bunda kue dengan dekorasi ilustrasi wajah full family, since we didn't have any photo consist of the eight of us. Akhirnya kue pesanan mendadak ini bisa diaminkan oleh bakernya, tetapi untuk di tanggal 6. But it's okay i think, at least we have the cake to celebrate Sept 30th and Oct 5th.
Tetapi per-drama-an terjadi ketika kuenya dikirim, driver delivery ngerem mendadak dan alhasil kuenya rusak. The owner have to remake the decoration. And finally the cake arrived at home at night. Yep, that's all.
But, the thing that moved my heart isssssss.....
I found the owner ig, and she posted the drama of kue yang rusak ini. Ternyata butuh waktu 1.5 jam menyelesaikan ilustrasi kita berdelepan dan dia harus mengulang pekerjaan itu selama 1.5 jam lagi. Yang membuatku terharu sampai cirambay adalah... her effort, usahanya mewujudkan keinginanku untuk memiliki gambar lengkap personil keluarga kita:) it was really touched me :"""
I really want you in a family photo with your grandchild and two sons-in-law, fyi we always take a pic every eid al-fitr, and it never feels complete :"
I wish you can have the moment with the new family member, i bet you'll be super excited ketika akan mendapatkan menantu dan melakukan ijab kabul. Ah! Satu lagi, your little boy sudah gedeee, anw dia yang jadi wali aku dan kakak waktu menikah, you'll be super proud of him 'rite?
Ah, the tears already start to fallin' down and I can't continue the chat with you. See you again then, yah!
I miss you yah, I do, I really do :)
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farah-diba · 2 years
strong mentality
having strong mentality artinya ga gampang down by any kind of interference. it’s about getting up again and again everytime life knocks us down. gue pernah lah ya takut mencoba, sekali gagal berhenti, ciut sama omongan orang, merasa ga berdaya, weak mentality banget. kalo kalian juga pernah ngerasain hal yang sama jangan khawatir. bukan salah kamu! selain kepribadian, ga bisa bisa dipungkiri that our mentality dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan and how we were raised. beruntung buat kita yang lahir dari keluarga harmonis, tapi gimana dengan kita yang tumbuh di tengah broken home atau dihadapkan dengan situasi sulit sejak kecil? atau gimana juga kalau orangtua terlalu manjain jadi anak yang ga punya daya juang sama sekali?
well ga ada seorangpun yang pengen punya weak mentality apapun penyebabnya, gue juga ada di posisi sekarang karna I have to train myself to be a strong person. trust me, we can train ourselves, including strong mentality!
dulu weak mentality datang dari pribadi gue yang kelewat sensitif. orang yang sensitif cenderung membentengi dirinya dari hal-hal yang berpotensi membuat dirinya ‘sakit’. akhirnya jadi ga berani buat ngapa-ngapain. setelah gue rasa-rasa, rasa kecewa itu ga seburuk yang di bayangin kok. the world is a playground, go out and play setelah itu lu akan ngerasain get hurt once, get hurt twice, get hurt third time eh jadi kebal. try to laugh at your problems, face it and you still alive, breathing and OKAY.
gue ini satu orang. sedangkan people ada banyak banget. apakah perlu gue dengerin mereka semua satu persatu lalu masukin ke dalam hati? no….. they are too much for me to care their thoughts. I can be the ripest, juiciest apple in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates apple 😄 menganalisa reaksi setiap orang terhadap kita adalah buang-buang waktu. setiap aku bikin IG story entah apapun itu, aku bodo amat ama reaksi siapapun yang nonton. itu cara ku untuk always stick to what I believe.
to do what? to do things that I think I can’t. terbuka dan menerima sifat orang yang macem-macem dulu terlihat sulit untuk dilakukan, kalo ga suka ya ga suka aja ga mau coba temenan. aku mulai dari level terendah deh, ada salah satu wali murid sekolah Ara yang rada-rada annoying di grup kelas, dia ngajakin aerobik lalu aku iyain aja lah sekali kali, ternyata she turned out to be not-that-annoying kok. ternyata orangnya asik. ku rasakan dulu lalu ku percaya dan itu salah satu bentuk melatih bahwa ternyata aku bisa keluar dari jebakan pikiran ku sendiri.
as we’re getting older, kita akan semakin ngerasain kerasnya hidup. ga jarang cobaan datang bertubi-tubi. kalo lu ga train yourself, go on and do it lu akan termakan ama kerasnya hidup yang ada malah kena penyakit. get up stronger dude! it will always get better in time. enjoy what you have now and keep your mind positive. selalu libatkan Allah dalam setiap tahap kehidupan mu and everything went well. strong mentality come from a strong body, and strong body come from strong mentality. its vice versa.
October 17th, 2022
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shortansweet · 1 month
me and bus wali bestie: *yapping*
guy with a thicc ass: *enters bus*
now see, i had earphones jammed in one ear playing dont blame me. i was speaking loudly
bestie: *terrified and pretends to not know me*
guy: huh-?
me: wha-?
guy: are you talking about me?
me: uh...
guy: thanks. heres my ig. talk tonight?
me: oh?
guy: *laughs*
conductor: *in kannada* why are you screaming im the conductor its my job either shut up or get out
1. Plz i wouldve buried myself 6 ft under 2. WHY DOES THIS NEVER HAPPEN TO ME
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Sekolah UNGGULAN Berbasis Entrepreneur dan Pondok Pesantren
Program Vokasional / Kejuruhan / Double Track Desain Komunikasi Visual - DKV SMA Wahidiyah Bululawang Bidang Lukis Kaligrafi
- Sekolah sak Mondok e, Mencetak Generasi Qur' ani yang Unggul, Berprestasi dan Bernilai WALI -
Bergabunglah bersama kami !!! Segera Daftarkan Diri Anda dan Jadilah Generasi yang Unggul, Berprestasi dan Bernilai WALI
----------------------- Informasi PPDB Ig : @sma_wahidiyah_bululawang Wa : 0878 5590 0029 | 0856 4586 7564 ------------------------- #sma#smawahidiyahbululawang#smaunggulan#smadoubletrack#smaentrepreneur#vokasi#vokasikuatmenguatkanindonesia#cakapdigital#generasiqurani#tahfidz#fyp#onedayonejuz#desain#ppdb#pendidikan#santri#wahidiyah#pondokpesantren#santripreneur#dawuhguru#dawuhkyai#motivasi#osis#outingclass#belajarsejarah#merdekabelajar#kurmer#kurikulummerdeka
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That suffering from same situation wali jhappie
Yes ig haha *hugs*
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roobylavender · 9 months
I knew I was raised right when even as a child watching diyar e dil I was rooting for sanam saeed's character even though everyone hated her. Maybe it was bc of my extreme bias towards sanam since I used to adore her (still do) so much but in my eyes she could do no wrong. I only rewatched the drama two times so I don't remember much except for a few bits but there was one scene I could never forget bc just how intense it was. The moment when the ml barges into the fl house and literally dragged her to go with him to his house. Like I mean he literally dragged her she fell to the floor he still yanked her arm like that. I remember she got hurt along the way too but the mf did not care 😭 like damn maya gave her all in that scene omg. And by the end of the drama I was shocked she still managed to fall in love with him despite everything he did to her. Me personally I would've poisoned his drink or smth if I was humiliated like that but Ig that wasn't the direction the drama wanted to go 😮‍💨
wali is SO terrible and there's even one scene where they're at a dinner together and bc farah is being "insolent" (i.e., still not adjusting to the fact that she was forcefully engaged and married to him against her will) he says something like "i should slap you right now".. and yet bc he gets his "redemption" in the end everyone endlessly fawns over him lol (and i mean tbf obi and maya's chemistry was at its peak at that time and they really are very good scene partners so i think that's something to factor in too). i'm told his arc in the book is better and that he's way more remorseful about his prior dickheadedness than he is portrayed to be in the drama so there's that ig but tbh it still doesn't help the setup of the drama and its reliance on arranged marriages that turn out to be the "right" decision in the first place. the whole thing reeks and i hate it
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pio73 · 1 year
Czy lepiej mieć idealne życie, czy normalne?
To, że jesteś przyzwyczajony, iż nie wszystko idzie po Twojej myśli bardzo pomaga. Kiedy Twój świat jest idealny, to śmierć kogoś bliskiego może sprawić, iż Twój świat runie, jak domek z kart. Kiedy jesteś przyzwyczajony do świata, który nie jest idealny, to Twój świat, aż tak mocno się nie wali.
MePrzemko @pio73
YouTube: The Dark Przemko
IG: Itsmeprzemko
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Spyro, Diamond Platnumz, Teni & Iyanya - For You Lyrics
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Spyro, Diamond Platnumz, Teni & Iyanya - For You Lyrics Intro Spyro Or nor nor nor Yeah yeah Verse 1 You be the brush I be the paste You be judge and I be case You be treble I be bass Baby gone now are the days That I be searching for a babe You be my shoe, I be the lace All other girls see dem be fake I gat you all of my days Follow me kajo ma date No mind wetin dem say o ahh Chorus E ma wo awon eleyi They want to come between us baby them go fail Yawa de me I go demonstrate Baby baby baby baby I go dey for you I go dey I go say Sweet potato if you leave me na gobe Mami you no need make up You dey slay Baby baby baby baby I go dey for you I go dey Ema wo awon eleyi Verse 2 There's nothing in this life me I no fit do for you Everything I gat baby na for two But na you I go turn over for you Yeh! olomi yeh dakun dabo For you girl, I got my tatoo 'Cause baby I do, even if dem say na taboo I go still choose you Put your head on my Shoulder Make I pamper you Gbogbo nkan to ba fe, I go answer you yeah Suzy baby Cinderella oh Call my staff, tell my Amber rella Verse 3 You be tea and I be sugar mhhhh I be kizz and make you buga mhhh Bounce for me come my Ruger Tucheze paranawe, ohh baby love Foy you ibe ninja soldier man again Wali nyama uninja mboga maharage Tembea kwa kuringa mboga maana wee Umenishika mjinga zoba far away Refrain Oya check your mouth Eh Folake will be no more for me Oya check your mouth Eh Folake will be nah nah Oya check your mouth Eh Folake will be no more for me Oya check your mouth Eh Folake will be nah nah Chorus Awon eleyi They want to come between us baby them go fail Yawa dey me I go demonstrate Baby baby baby baby I go dey for you I go dey I go say Sweet potato if you leave me na gobe Mami you no need make up You dey slay Baby baby baby baby I go dey for you I go dey Ema wo awon eleyi Verse 4 It's Iyanya Make I talk Talku talku soro soke Make we open this matter Sjout at them my love life Open IG make I go on live As we dey love we dey desire Dey waka waka ayyy I for dey for you I for dey for you Like nice ma ni**a See the way I dey love See the way I dey love E dey be like kayanmata Pluto go bam bam Donto dey bam bam Don't go dey throwback..... Outro Awon eleyi I dey for you Baby dey for you Na gobe Hmmm You dey stay Read the full article
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Tagging: @a-pretty-brat @alhad-si-simran @appki-adrak-wali-chaii
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