#ignore how awkward i am that's just briar being briar </3
nthee · 1 year
it's been a long while since your post, i hope you're doing okay op briar !! :) [ignore this if it's too creepy for you, im just so worried gjsjjfjc]
this is two weeks old i'm so sorry anon 😭
anyways, i'm alrighty :> i was busy with uhhh finishing the school year while keeping my sanity
i have an entrance exam tomorrow so this is a good way to calm my nerves tbh??? just going back to this blog is a treat and i'm so glad to be here againnnn :3
yeah, that's about it, sorry again for disappearing anon (and other peeps aswell). thanks for sticking around though, i appreciate it so so much !! <3
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
Hello :3 I'm the anon who requested for the kids to walk in on their dads "makin" Dadsona and I would just like to apologize for this misunderstanding. I really meant like more of a sweetheart situation than a lewd display is what the kids would've been seeing, like cuddling, cheek pecks, nose kisses or even some gentle flirting. I am not even into stuff that goes beyond making out, I just have a weird vocab -w- Please ignore my stupid wording and go on with your wonderful life
Hi there! Thank you so much for clarification and I’m sorry if my reply came across as rude or judgemental. I hope you’ll like what I’ve written! There’s a little extra something at the bottom ;)
🥃 Robertisn’t really one for public displays of affection and you could respect that;he is a very private person in general, even if that statement would surprisemost people. Sure, he talks a lot, he tells stories, but they barely containany truth. The most you expect when it comes to physical stuff when you’re out isan arm around your shoulders or him squeezing your thigh or arm, so when Robertpulls you close against him and guides your head to rest on his shoulder, you’resurprised. Judging by her expression, so is Val. She is staying the week at herfather’s place and the three of you are hanging out at Jim and Kim’s. They hadcome a long way since Amanda’s graduation party. There still are obstacles, butthey’re getting there, step by step. Sometimes, it feels like they’d never beenapart in the first place. You look up at Robert, about to ask why he’s sotouchy-feely today, but his expression makes you pause. He’s smiling. And hiseyes, they’re sparkling, like the ice in his drink. It takes your breath away.You turn your head to Val, who returns your gaze with a shrug and an eye rolladdressed to her father, who throws a grape at her. But she’s smiling too.
🍸Joseph, much to his children’s annoyance, is a very tactile person.Perhaps it’s got something to do with him being happy and wanting to let theworld know, perhaps it’s just his personality. Either way, his children don’tlike it. Part of you suspects he might be taking it up a notch just to annoythem. Something hits the back of your head and you don’t have to look to knowit was one of the tiny rubber balls Chris likes to play with. You move to turnaround, but Joseph curls his hand around your nape and gently keeps you inplace so he can continue rubbing his nose against yours in little nose kisses.It’s silly and you love it. Again, the kids, not so much. “Stop,” Christiewhines and dramatically flops down halfway across Joseph’s legs. Without stoppingthe nose kissing, he nudges her until she lies more comfortably with her headin his lap. “Stooop.” Again, he ignores her, a faint smirk on his lips the onlyevidence he heard her. Apparently Christie recruited her twin brother for herefforts, because Christian suddenly flopped down on Joseph too. “Stooooop.” Josephtries to ignore the two, but then Chris decides to join in on the fun, whichsends Joseph flat on his back, the children on top. He laughs and tries to pushthem off, but they hold on. For good measure, you place Crish on the top of thepile.
☕ Mat is a very, veryaffectionate person. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in private or in public,he’s almost constantly touching you in some way or the other, even if it’s onlya brush of his arm against yours. You’re spending some of your free time in theCoffee Spoon while Mat works behind the counter. He makes sure to drop by yourtable whenever he can to kiss the top of your head or give you a free refill –dating the owner of a coffee shop has its perks. That’s the scene Carmensitawalks in on, coming home from school: Mat kissing your forehead, his handresting on your shoulder; you nosing along his jaw, intending to find his lipsfor a quick kiss. Her backpack falling on the ground next to you causes the twoof you to break apart, the moment gone like a bubble that burst. Mat blushesdeep red, but you can feel the heat in your own cheeks, too. Carmensita gigglesand sits down on the couch next to you with a wide grin. “That was gross.”Being the mature person you are, you stick out your tongue. After making sureher day at school went okay, Mat goes back to work, leaving you two alone. You’reabout to go back to surfing on your phone when Carmensita leans in. “Thank youfor making Dad happy again,” she whispers. Mat shoots you a confused look whenyou pull her into a hug, your eyes wet.
🌹 Damien isn’t big on publicdisplays of affection, but once you’re both past the initial stage ofawkwardness in your relationship, he warms up to it at home. Apparently, hisfavourite thing to do, is to wrap his arms around your waist and kiss yourcheek. Some evenings, you will cuddle on his couch. Like you are now. Your headis cushioned on his chest, one of his arms wrapped around your middle while hedraws patterns on your back which you try to guess, and you couldn’t be morecontent. “What are you smiling about, my love?” You lift your head to findDamien looking at you with a curious expression. Instead of answering verbally,you crane your neck and kiss him. He hums, tightening his grip a little, andsettles his hand on the small of your back. There’s no sense of urgency behindthe kiss; neither of you attempts to deepen it. You just buried your fingers inhis luscious hair when the front door opens and Lucien walks inside. It takesyou two a few moments to realise you’re not alone anymore and to draw apart.Your instinct is to move off Damien, but he gently keeps you lying on top ofhim. “How was your movie, Lucien?” The teen shrugs. “It was fine. I’ll be in myroom.” Once he’s gone, you turn back to Damien and raise an eyebrow. “I’msurprised by his lack of care.” Damien chuckles. “I’ve raised him well.” You fondlyroll your eyes and kiss his chin.
🎣 Just like he’s alwaysbragging about, well, anything, Brian seems to really enjoy showing you off.The easiest way to do that in public is by wrapping his arm around your waistand kissing you, no matter the situation. At home, his love for physicalaffection doesn’t lessen – if anything, it increases. You quickly become usedto him randomly pulling you into his arms, picking you up or kissing whateverpart of your body, shoulders-up, he can reach. It’s no different today. You’reoutside; the sun is shining with just the right intensity, there’s a lightbreeze, and Brian is mowing the lawn without a shirt on. All in all, you muse,life is good. He finishes with his next set, having divided the lawn into quarters,and gets off the lawnmower. You know exactly what’s about to happen as he walksup to you and so, you’ve already lifted your head by the time he stops in frontof you. All he has to do is lean down to kiss you, cradling your face in his big,but gentle hands. “Hey Dad! Hey Y/N!” Brian draws back again and turns just intime to catch Daisy, who launched herself at him. He laughs and lifts her upinto his arms. “I’m just going to finish mowing the lawn real quick. We’ll eatdinner afterwards, alright?” He puts her back down and, before resuming hiswork, kisses you again. Daisy doesn’t even twitch. She’s more than used to itby now.
👟 It’s one of the biggest gamesof the softball season and so, emotions are running high. You’ve been on theedge of your seat ever since the opposing team took the lead. Thankfully, therest of the audience is just as excited as you are; even Craig, who usuallygives off an aura of pure calm and optimism, is agitated, varying betweenshouts of encouragement and orders. Then, finally, one of the Maple Bay girlsscores the match-winning point and the audience goes wild. You’d definitely behoarse tomorrow from all the shouting you are doing. Somehow, you make itthrough the rows of celebrants down to the field, where Craig is celebratingwith his team. Later on, you would blame the heat of the moment, the excitementstill running through your veins. You grip Craig’s shirt and pull him down intoa kiss. After a second of surprise, he tugs you closer and wraps his armsaround you, reciprocating just as eagerly. It’s only the loud “Eww”s comingfrom the girls that reminds you of where you are and, more importantly, thatyou have an audience. You flinch away from Craig and immediately blush deeply.Craig’s face isn’t any less red than yours. “C-congrats, girls! You wereawesome.” They stare at you with blank expressions. Briar and Hazel turn tolook at each other in disgust and roll their eyes. “We’ve changed our minds.You can’t date our dad anymore.” The seriousness of that statement makes youlaugh. “I’ll get you ice cream.” They communicate without words, in the wayonly twins and drunk people can, and finally nod. “Okay, you’re on probation.”
📖 You throw the door open with more vigour than necessary and let out a “whoop”.Damn, you’re pumped! You and Hugo went to the final match of the championship,the fight for the title, and The Eastern Dragon won. There’s no longer bloodrunning through your veins, but pure adrenaline. You’re almost more ecstaticthan Hugo. Or he’s just better at composing himself. “That last throw!” Youturn around, literally bouncing on your heels, and grasp his arms in an attemptto ground yourself. He grins and tugs you closer until your chests are pressedtogether. “You mean the Headlock driver?” You huff. “I don’t care what it’scalled, it was awesome! Thank you for taking me.” Hugo’s grin softens, makesway for a loving smile. You raise your arms to wrap them around his neck as heembraces you around your waist. The adrenaline slowly fades, but your skin isstill buzzing and you feel energised, almost like you’re high. You lean in atthe same time, your lips meeting halfway. You just stand there, kissing, forsome time. Just as you thought about heating things up when the door is thrownopen for a second time. Ernest barely spares you two a glance, but, stormingpast you, he still manages to scowl and bark out “Get a room!” You look from thedust he left in his hasty retreat back to Hugo and chuckle. “Want to get aroom?”
Bonus: 🐼
Thanksgiving, Amanda comes back to Maple Bay fromcollege to spend the holiday with her father. Well, her father, his boyfriendand boyfriend’s family. It’s still weird to see her Pops, the most sociallyawkward person she knows beside Mat, in a relationship – not because of herDad, but because… when did he up hisdate game?? She’s excited to see how things progressed ever since she left forcollege. She knows her Pops practically lives in [Dad]’s house now, since he told her over skype, but there are morethings than just that. Have they picked up some of their partner’s quirks andhabits? Who cooks (she sincerely hopes it’s not Pops or someone might die offood poisoning), who makes the laundry? She parks in front of their house andimmediately hops out. She doesn’t waste any time, just heads straight over to [Dad]’s home. The door is open when shetries the knob, so she pushes it open and barges right in. “Guess who’s—“Amanda trails off. Her father and [Dad] mighthave jumped apart the moment they heard her, but they weren’t quick enough forher not to have seen what they’d been up to. Pretty G, all things considered. Doesn’t mean she’s not going to do herdaughterly duty and act grossed out. “Ew!” She mock gags. “That’s so not what I wanted to see first thing Icome back home.” Her father scrambles to his feet and pulls her into abone-crushing hug. Across his shoulder, she sees [Dad] stand up as well. She winks. Glad her old man still has it inhim.
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