#ignore that i posted this and then deleted it i forgot the thingys but its okay caus e i remembered
ozymoron · 6 months
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hes completely taken over my life i cant stop drawing him someone help me i love him so much its nauseating
close ups under the thingamajig
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jubilantscribbler · 4 years
Scribby’s Recipe of Existential Dread and Mistakes
Whatever you can raid from the fridge without waking the 'rents
The light of your phone because your 'rent is sleeping legit next to the kitchen
For this example I have:
My dad's remaining pepper jack cheese
My dad's remaining sharp cheddar cheese
A whole thing of gruyere I was saving for a legitimate recipe but who cares lmao
Smoked salmon
For some reason we have olives so I guess that will also be added to this affair
God help me
Cut out thick slices (but not too thick) from your dad's cheeses. Leave him the bigger portion cause, you know, that's his cheese.
Cut off some of that gruyere you were saving for that One Recipe you were gonna make for your fam on your One Week Off but you know that maybe only your siblings will eat it because your parents are on diets and you work late at night and don't know what's the up and up with them until you finish a dish and realize they can't eat it because the rue uses flour so you lament buying the gruyere that was probably an extravagant buy from Costco but so was the smoked salmon and life is hard so why not spoil yourself, amiright? Also think about another recipe to feed the 'rents.
Look at your sad excuse of a cheese platter and remember that your Asian existence means that you're kinda lactose intolerant so maybe this is too much cheese for your feeble body.
Cut more gruyere.
Leave the cheese blocks that you stole and move onto the avocado. Slice it up in the dark and contemplate the fact that you're still living with your parents despite being almost 25, and imagine a life where you don't feel ashamed for buying things like Costco Smoked Salmon and Gruyere. Besides you help pay the bills and groceries anyways so splurging on food once a month is Valid.
Look up avocado toast and smoked salmon recipes and ignore the fact that most recipes call for veggies as well and just settle for what you have. Find the weird bottle of maybe lemon, maybe lime juice in your fridge and examine the partially rubbed off expiration date. It's probably expired, but the fridge is loud and squeaky and you think your dad stopped snoring so you accept your fate and season the avocado with lemon (?) juice, salt, and pepper. Mash together.
Remember to keep turning the flashlight back on as you take pics you won’t use. Also ask if we're running out of pepper. Are we running out of pepper?? Where's the grocery list? When was the last time you've seen the grocery list?? Time is unstoppable and every moment you feel a little more untethered as you realize that the house you've lived in for over five years is becoming more and more unfamiliar to you as you continue to work your life away at a job you hate.
Add a splash of cayenne pepper powder if you can find it.
You cannot find the cayenne pepper powder :(
Taste the avocado mash.
It tastes weird and unlike anything you've tasted before. That lemon juice was probably off. But no one else is gonna eat this but you, so you shrug and accept it.
Cut open the smoked salmon and realize you forgot the fucking bread. Grab a few slices and contemplate how to warm this shit up without waking the 'rent. Toaster pops too loud, but the conventional oven thingy is kinda loud too. Risk it with the oven.
Look at the olives and try to rationalize using these to replace capers. No one else is gonna eat this, so you do it anyways.
Spread the avocado mash on the two slices of bread and realize why food recipes always have a story attached to them. Refuse to elaborate any further.
Be annoyed when your phone refuses to take anymore pics because it's low on battery but also relate because mood. And anyway, you try putting the pics into the post but the Tumblr app just mixes the post up like it’s a batter so you delete all the pics.  Layer the smoked salmon on top of the mash and cut up the olives to fit.
Realize this is your first time dealing with smoked salmon and be shocked that this shit needs to sliced up. You idiot. You fool. Of course it needs to be sliced up this isn't deli meat. Sigh as you grab a new knife.
Apologize to the fish for desecrating its flesh. You're trying your best. You really are. Put on the olives.
Consider the roiling in your stomach as a foreboding. Slam this shit into that tiny ass oven and use the broil function. You don't even know if it works but goddamnit you're gonna use it.
Put the highest temp you got and choose a random number of minutes (10 for now). Now go back to the cheese and consider cutting it into palatable cubes.
Just break them to pieces with your bare hands. You're gonna get a stomachache anyways.
Clean up your mess. Pretty much everyone is working in your household so it'll be mighty nice of you to clean up the kitchen as though you were never here to begin with.
Get another plate for your salmon dish. Acknowledge that you probably cooked the salmon all wrong and accept the consequences. Greet your doggy! Hello boy! He woke up from your ruckus and now craves affection. Give him affection.
The oven bings. Food is done! You grab it and go upstairs, but your boy wants to come too. He cannot climb the stairs, so you abandon your food to carry him up to your room.
Go back for the food and plug in your phone.
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Don't acknowledge the sudden lack of cheese. An accident happened on the staircase. It was probably a sign that too much cheese was gonna destroy your stomach anyways.
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Rant/Theory time
I have lots of thoughts about Doctor Who pt. 2 except this time I won’t accidentally delete
Big big big spoilers under the cut
okayokayokayokay TIMELESS CHILD.
I had a lot of thoughts about this during season eleven and I thought the timeless child was....the doctor? I thought that maybe that the magic tarp thingies knew her as that, but obviously not, unless,,,,,,,,,,, honestly, it doesn’t bother me how chibs is yet again changing the thing with Gallifrey, I mean it’s been changed so many times, and it’s not gonna stop changing. I like the twist how the master went back and destroyed all of it because he was in a rage, because they lied to them about whatever happened. And like...everyone is sort of mad because of the Missy redemption arc being lost but what I think is that it’s either before Missy and the thing with the “burn whole cities to the ground just to see the pretty shapes the smoke made” when she was crying, maybe she was thinking of Gallifrey (as @superevilbeans said in her post that I will link at some point), but it could have been that and that Dhawan!Master is pre-Missy, post-Simm, or that....I dunno, I know we had a whole season of Missy’s redemption arc, but unpopular opinion, I don’t think she ever truly changed. I think either learning that everyone on Gallifrey lied to her is enough to change them so it could even be post-Missy, because I don’t think they could just turn the Master good. He can be like morally grey and not entirely evil, of course, they’re a very interesting character like that, but I don’t think they ever fully redeemed themselves. Even while I was watching season ten, I wasn’t really going for it. They can be good at times but that doesn’t change that the doctor and the master are enemies and I just don’t think they would be completely redeemed. So, either of those make sense, but I’m not closed off to other theories, of course (including that Chibs just forgot about Missy’s redemption arc) but also, like I said, the thing with Gallifrey has been changed like a million times, a new showrunner is going to change and it’ll just stay like that.  What I am wondering is HOW DID THE MASTER FIND OUT ABOUT THE TIMELESS CHILD? How do they know? Who told them, and why did it make them so angry? I thought that maybe he went back to Gallifrey and found out there, and then destroyed it. It’s a possibility, or maybe-- remember the magic tarps, Tim-Shaw things enchanted things knew about the timeless child. And they were like “she doesn’t know!” she maybe it’s something that all other races know about and have acknowledged it, and they all think the Timelords think it too, but they don’t. They were under the idea that it was just perfect, and the way they taught them. I also saw a thing,,, I think also on the previous blog I mentioned, that the timeless child turned into what the time vortex or whatever it was young timelords looked in. Maybe the Master found out directly from the Timeless Child.
It’s very interesting wording though. “Timeless” so that could mean that it’s either immortal or abides by different laws of time. The Timelords helped write the laws of time (I think) or they were the protectors of them anyway, so maybe they took the Timeless child and changed it and made their own. There are different dimensions, there can be different rules of time. Or maybe the Timeless child wrote the laws of time and then the Timelords took them away from them. My original theory was that the Doctor was the timeless child, and I know that doesn’t make sense, but I feel like they might weave it in somehow. I don’t have any evidence to back the theory up, it’s just a weird thing I think. It could even be that the Timeless Child is PART of Gallifrey. Like, it absorbed it or something and it had like Very Great Power and it gave all the TARDIS-es power, and was the reason for the two hearts, three brain-stems. Or maybe the TC just is....time. Like the embodiment of time, and they harnessed it to create their whole species and it’s sitting dormant somewhere....all of its power being sucked. And then when the Master found this out- did he kill the TC out of rage? Or did he save it, and is keeping it somewhere. Did he even find it? And is it a person we know, or is it new? Maybe together, the Master and the Doctor make up the TC, not as in it’s their child (ewewewewewewewew disgusting), but they are like...two sides of the same coin, it’s like, if the Doctor had gone bad, the dream lord part of the Doctor, they would be the Master. The dream lord and the master (especially this one) are very similar. It’s very interesting their similarities and contrasts.
One thing I really didn’t like- why was the Master in a nazi uniform for like....half the episode. Like, that was weird, and it kinda creeped me out. And I didn’t like it. Although, when he stormed in that convention thing in the 1800s that was a Very Nice Top Hat, one hundred percent goals. 
Also, when he was like “that was the LONGEST 77 YEARS OF MY LIFE” I burst out laughing, my god. I think he’ll be back. Deffo for the finale if not later this episode, he’s not staying in that other creepy dimension. 
Graham’s laser shoes. Need I say more.
I lovedlovedlovedlovedloved the Doctor’s mini speech at the end, I have been waiting for that since season eleven, episode one, I think everyone has. I can’t wait till the fam finds out more about her, and just who she truly is. She’s been trying to run away from her past, and hide it from her friends and try to ignore it but she can’t anymore. The Master was like “VIBE CHECK. YOU THOUGHT.” It’ll be interesting to see her dark side come out more, because I think she can do it so so so well.
ALSO- DID YAZ, RYAN AND GRAHAM’S PASSPORTS AND STUFF EVER GET FIXED ?? THEY WERE WANTED ????????? I need answers it really stressed me out.
That SCENE with the Master and Thirteen on the Eiffel tower was So Well Done, I cannot state that enough. It was so fun oh my godddd. Seeing them interact is just the most fun thing I’ve ever watched. WIll they kill each other? Will they have a civil conversation? Both ? WHO KNOWS. 
Overallll, like 13/13. 
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