#ignore the fact i forgot heath's arm scars
peccatula · 1 year
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whats that i can't hear you over me celebrating myself and other trans people by projecting being trans onto fictional characters i like. happy tdov <3
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lazzyoh · 5 years
Act; HL!Joker x Reader
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Request; Heya! Could you maybe do a one- or two-shot about how the Heath Ledger Joker of TDK and the Reader meet? Like Maybe him blowing up a Party her parents held or smth and the Reader having a Special quirk… like Illusion or something? Thank you!
Warnings: Actually no important one, might contain a little swearing and strong language… cursing even… OH! and threatening yk ;)
Side note: no genderfriendly pronouns! Female!Reader; she/her; I decided to give her the skill/quirk of faking and copying others emotions (only their facial expressions and behavoir + sensing them (I forgot to Mention that earlier))… I think it’s a pretty cool thing and abolutely makeable without the Risk of being only fictional or overpowered
Everything clear? Fine. Then let’s go get it started!
                      ————-Part Two————-
,,No you ain't dollie, you surely ain't"
I stayed still, refused to show him more of my little speciality, he eyed me like a little boy who just found his favorite toy again, after missing it for years. ,,Tell me Pretty...", he circled me as if he'd be a lion waiting for the right moment to rip me, his prey, into pieces, his gloved fingers grabbed a strand of my (Your/Hair/Color) hair, wrapping it around his leather glove while looking me over causally, licking his scars for the sixth time now, ,,What makes you think... that I... wouldn't see through your pretty little... act?" The Joker started to snicker again, huskily this time, almost as if he screamed so much that his voice started to fade now. I ignored the fact how near he was, decided to instead, only watch him closely and try to make up what exactly he wanted from me.
,,Because no one ever did." I answered sober and honest. He just started to laugh loudly and held himself up with his hands on his knees. ,,Oh, you're a funny little thing!" He brandished his pointer-finger wildly in front of my nose, ,,You know.. other women only cry and beg when confronted with me... but you.. you are NOTHING like that... ha! You're... you're self-confident... brave... and... and .. fearless... so much that you even try playing me a fool! oH... and you did all that WELL, I almost believed you!" And once again the green haired started circling me, his fingers lightly stroke over my naked shoulders as he passed them. ,,But..." He stopped right behind me, his heavy breathing hitting the back of my ear, ,,... do you wanna know...", I resisted the urge to shudder as his cold gloved hands grabbed my shoulders firmly from behind, ,,... how I noticed..?"
,,How...?" My answer wasn't more than a whiffing, too distracted by his hands holding onto my shoulder firmly and the way he pressed his chest against my back to whisper in my ear to pay Attention to the actual Situation I was in. ,,Your eyes, honey, your eyes." I slightly turned to him, meeting his intimidating gaze again ,,What do you mean by that?" My brows were forrowed while he just started to snicker again, before patting my head half-heartedly, ,,Oh love... do you know why I prefer using a knife instead of guns?" circling me again, but this time watching every single move I did and pulling a knife out of one of his many pockets, made me a little nervous but even more excited than scared. ,,Because guns are too fast?" I blindely guessed, making his once moitionless face light up within seconds, ,,Ahahahahah! YOU'RE GOOD!" He turned towards the growd pushed in the Corners of the ball room, which he only successfully ignored until now, laughing pleased and loudly, ,,Isn't she amazing?!"
His Henchmen nodded to answer him, he only rolled his eyes before turning to me again. ,,Right, Princess, you're right. - They are too fast. You can't see all the Little emotions hiding in peoples eyes when killing them with a gun... but if you use a knife..." He giggled darkly while, stalking through the room, past the guests and my family, innocently playing with his knife. ,,Let me tell you Pretty..." He turned around abruptly and looked at me, brandishing the knife before himself admonishingly, ,,In the last seconds before death... People show you who they really are." He let out a spitefully chortle before, for the fifth time in a row, running his fingers through his dyed hair , ,,Eyes tell you alot my love... and yours told me how and what you really thought and felt..." He came stalked back to me, giggling maliciously and sending glares at me, that almost screamed how screwed I was now - but instead of ramming the knife into my heart or throat he only stopped and started to giggle uncontrollably, the whole room held a deadly silence within while his attack.
,,They showed me how annoyed you were, how much you wanted to be somewhere else... but the only thing I can't quite put my finger on is...." His hand softly caressed my neck while he came nearer, bending close to my ear before wrapping his fingers around my throat and applying slight pressure. My heart fluttered. ,,Why would ya want to leave a Party like this?" I looked at him embarrassed by how his moves and his closeness affected me. His fingers grabbed my chin and cheeks in a firm but still gentle way, forcing me to stare back at him. I felt dizzy, my head somewhat clouded, he hypnotized me with his eyes and voice, lulled me in with his scent. I couldn't hold myself from talking, it felt as if he'd be able to ask me anything and I wouldn't even be able to lie. ,,B..ecause I'm not willed to play the toy for my parents sake again.. I don't want to give my body to someone I don't even know." My eyes were focused on his as I whispered my answer, insecurely waiting for his answer... wanting to hear his answer... I needed to hear it.
He narrowed his brows peeved, watched my face closely for a few minutes before finally lifting up his gaze and scanning the room. ,,Who?" He mumbled absent minded, and with that pulling me out of my trance, slapping me right back into reality. ,,What do you plan on doing with her, Joker?!" Both, the Joker and I, looked at the Boy that was angrily starring at the purple-wearing man, irritated and annoyed. Surely the stupid idiot wasn't only the 'Starring you naked'-Type but also the 'I'm dumb please kill me' too. Laughters bubbled out of the madman holding my face gently but tight between his gloved fingers. ,,Who are you to ask that?"  The Joker seemed pretty pissed now, turning his eyes on me, ,,Ouch sweets, you never told me that you've got yourself a boyfriendy." He grinned down at me, changing his Expression into faking a sad and disappointed one before finally giggling at my "are-you-Fucking-kidding-me?" expression. ,,He's not my boyfriend!" I spat out, ,,I'd rather die than talk to him in any way!" That seemed to change the whole situation alot, firstly he looked at me  flabbergasted before something in his lunatic mind seemed to switch and made him stare the idiot down with a deadly glare.
,,Pretty doesn't seem to like you much my friend..." His gloved hands gave my face free again, now he moved away, stalking towards the idiot who's most likely soon to be death. ,,Not a single bit... her eyes told me..." As he was the Clown prince of Crime and normally everything but calm, his voice alerted me immediately, I couldn't decide if I whether should let him go or try to hold him back. The anger that boiled in him would've stayed uncovered... and if I wouldn't posses that special little skill of mine, I wouldn't have noticed - but I did. I took a few steps towards him, but that's when he already had slammed the knife he played with before, into the, now scared, boys throat. ,,That's why you need to leave." The room was filled with short, shocked breaths, ,,J!"  I yelped indignantly and reproachful, making him turn to me with an almost innocent look in his eyes, ,,What's the matter dear? You said you'd rather die than talk to him ever again..." Within a two of his large steps he stood in front of me again, ,,... but I don't want you to die Sweets - So I had to kill him.~"
I shook my head at this, ,,Why would you, the Clown Prince of Crime, King of Gotham, want someone, meaningless and normal, like me to stay alive?" I asked, my voice dripping of pure sarcasm and disbelieve. He grunted amused while letting his fingers trace over my left arm as if in trance, ,,Because..." He came so close that his nose tip touched mine, ,,I kinda like you, huh... couldn't live with knowing you're dead." He murmured raspyly, making me blush due to his honest and solid stare and words. Destroying the tension within seconds - wether to save himself from emotions or simply because he's a love-numb dick, who knows that - he loudly clapped his Hands together, ,,Nevermind! Guys, we needa go, get me the... äehm.... corpse over there... and get'em in the car!" His henchmen did as they were told to, he only watched them enthusiasticly before turning to me again, ,,Oh... I nearly forgot...", he stopped and bowed slightly, offering his hand to me and grinning at me from underneath, ,,Will you do me the honor of accompanying me?"
For the first time since he and his henchmen showed up I lifted my head and allowed my eyes to scan the room, stopping at my parents that were watching me intensly. I perceived what they wanted me to do and say, they wanted me to stay so they could go on with using me - but I was done. Done with it all. And thinking about going and leaving together with the Joker seemed to be the only thing, in my whole life until now, that made sense to me. So I did it. Not bothering to give my parents a last look or goodbye I accepted Jokers hand and let myself get pulled out and into the pitch black Transporter with him. Immediantly after entering he let himself fall down on the seat, pulling me with him and with one swift move into his lap, holding me tightly by the waist in place. Barking a few commands to his henchmen he nearly forgot my existence but only until I leaned against him, feeling tired after all this chaos, drawing his attention on me with that. He gave me a smuggy smile, ,,Oh my, I see someone's tired, I ain't chu princess?~"  I laughed silently, cuddling myself into his side as he lifted my legs so I could comfortably sit. ,,Sleep my dear, when you wake up you'll wake up to a new day... a new life... a new start."
He was right... and goddamn... taking J's Hand was the best thing I could ever have done.
                            ❦ 🃏 ❦ 🃏 ❦ 🃏 ❦ 🃏 ❦ 🃏 ❦
Word Count: 1.735
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