#ihave to call him onto the bed and let him get comfortable before i leave. im trying to go shower but he yelled at me
goldiipond · 1 month
shadow is 11 years old and i still have to tuck him into my bed before leaving my room otherwise he will start wailing and shredding the doorframe like an angry toddler who is actually a middle-aged man
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cuddly-bakugo · 4 years
Hiii! I’m new and shy and very excited about this, and also don’t know how to interact like a normal human, so excuse my lack of social tact 🥺 Would you be interested in writing something where Bakugou trains so much that he stops spending time with s/o (and maybe Todoroki and Izuku accidentally keep blowing them off for Momo and Uraraka?) but like she’s really insecure and starts thinking she isn’t good enough? (Happy ending tho...) Only if you want to! From someone who loves your writing 💜
A/n: This ask made my entire day so thank you for this! 🥰🥰Also I felt you on the part where you mentioned you don’t know how to interact like a normal human!✨✨ I’m so glad you love my writing and if you ever need anything don’t be scared to send an ask or message me!! I'm sorry I finished this at like 2 am. I'm sorry if I strayed too far from what you wanted. It does have a happy ending!
I’m Not Going Anywhere
3 days.
rishima. He has been ignoring all of your texts and just leaving you on read. You were starting to feel like he didnt care about you anymore. The same thing was happening with your best friends Todoroki and Midoriya.Every chance they had they would go of to spend time with Momo and Ochako. Honestly you were both jealous of how Momo and Chako were getting to spend time with their lovers while Katsu was ignoring you, and angry that basically everyone you like has been ditching you to do other fun things while your left to sit alone in your room in the dark. This was making you feel like no one liked you anymore and that you were boring. You felt like all of your friends had found people better than you. You decided to try and text your boyfriend again.
You: Hey Bakugo. What are you doing right now.
Bakubae: Im training with Kiri still.
You: I miss you.
Once again your lover left you on read. You were wondering if he was telling the truth about training with Kiri. Maybe he was actually cheating on you and just using Kirishima as an excuse. You got up and went to Kirishima's room to see if you were right or if you were just worrying as usual. You knocked on his door, no answer. You knock again and hear him yell from inside “coming!” when he opens the door and sees your sad face he gets worried. “Y/n-Chan what's wrong!” he says and it makes you finally feel like someone cares about you but at the same time it fills you with despair knowing Katsuki just lied to you.
 How long had he been doing this. What was he doing? Why would he lie to you? “So Katsu isn’t training with you.” you muttered as tears came to your eyes.
 “No i havent trained with him since last friday.” He said obviously realizing there was something wrong.
 “Do you have any idea of where he might be? He told me he was training with you.” You whisper trying not to ugly cry all over Kirishima.
  “I’m sorry I dont know but let me call him for you.” he whispers now too as he invites you into his room to wait.
He grabs his phone and calls Kastsuki. bakugo answers as soon as it rings. “Hey bro whats up?”
 you cant hear what he says but fromm the look on Kiris face its not very good. then in the middle of Katsu’s scentence Kirishima hangs up and slowly sets his phone back on his night stand. “Come on we have to go get him from 1B’s dorms.”
You swear you can hear your heart stop beating for a minute. Then you can't stop the tears from falling, Kirishima hugs you and tells you everything is going to be ok. This should be him. This should be your boyfriend. This should be Katsuki. But the cold hard truth is that its not. Its his best friend who's been there for you twice as many times as he ever has. and now you find out he was at the 1B dorms this whole time while he lied to you. You start thinking about all the girls in 1B who are prettier than you like Setsuna and Pony.You finally realize you never stood a chance against such attractive women. You were too kind for Katsukis angry personality, he wanted someone with more fire than he had. You were too innocent for his tastes. When you were walking kirishima held your hand trying his best to convince you it wasn't as bad as you were making it but you weren't actually listening. When you got there Bakugo was waiting on the porch. He didn't expect Kiri to bring you along with him. He clearly just saw you holding hands with his best friend. The second you realized you were holding his hand you quickly pulled your hand off of his. Right as you were about to say something to Bakugo he starts speaking,” Since you too seem to be all lovey dovey tonight I'll walk myself back.” You swear you feel your heart shatter in your chest right there.
“Its not what you think bro she was just worried about you! You havent talked to her in 3 days!” Kirishima yells back at him. You just stand there silently as tears fall. you feel so tired like if you cry anymore youd go blind.
“ “Just worried” my ass you two were holding hands! Bet you proabbly had your hands all over her before you came here.” He said angrily. Was... Was he drunk? You sat down on the cold hard cement as Kirishima ran to catch up with bakugo, and hopefully to talk some sense into him. Kirishima noticed as soon as he got close to bakugo. Yes, He was indeed drunk.
“Bro come on your just drunk do you really think that she would cheat on you with me? come on dude can’t you tell shes been crying! This is so unmanly of you to ignore her then accuse her of cheating on you! What were you doing here anyways and where did you get that alcohol? If anyone has a right to think your cheating it would her!” Kirishima was at his last straw with bakugo. He was ready to just pick you up and carry you back to the doorm and to keep you away from his drunk, dumbass friend.
“I dont even remember how i ended up there. All i remember is Monoma talking shit about our class again then its all just kind of blurry.” As he finished his phone went off Kirishima snatched it and ran. He looked at the notification. It was from Kendo. it said “Hope you had fun cutie cant wait to see you tomorrow (kissy face heart eyes emoji)” His heart hurt for you as he ran to show you.You saw right before Bakugo took it away.
“whats that about?” you manage to rasp out. your still crying the tears never really stopped.
“I dont know everything that happened is just blurry to me.”He says feeling a little guilty for  accusing you of cheating after he himself had done it too.
“Do you... Do you love her?” you ask with your voice now a little louder than a whisper.
“No.” Kirishima just falls to the ground and hugs you hoping to comfort you some, but that just pisses bakugo off. 
“Nothing happened.” you state as bakugo looks at you confused.
“ What do you mean?” he says rudely.
“Between Kirishima and I. Nothing Happened other than hugging and hand holding. He was just trying to comfort me when you couldnt be there for me. Just like right now. He's the one hugging me but it should be you. Hes the one rubbing my back and telling me everything is going to be ok. Hes the one doing everything you arent. Even though your standing right there watching me cry your doing nothing. Kirishima is making me feel like I mean something. You, you just make me feel like I’m nothing but a toy. Like you only like me because I have a pretty face. Let me tell you something Katsuki. Just because Ihave a pretty face doesn't give you the right to treat me like I'm useless... like I do nothing for you except look pretty... like I can't cry because that would be too embarrassing for you. Kirishima is being everything you arent right now. He is being a man. You,all your being is a fucking coward katsuki. You cant even come out and say it to my face that you cheated. The text she sent is soilid evidence. You havent even appologised. You dont think you did it just because you dont remember but you did. annd this is the mess you got yourself into.” Katsuki was in full on tears now crying on his knees in front of you because he knows everything your saying is true and that right now his best friend was being the boyfriend he could never be. he could never drop his huge ego and all of his pride for even a second to see if you were happy or if youneeded anything. deep down in his heart he knew that Kirishima was better fit to be your boyfriend than he ever was.
There you go again saying his name except this time it hurts.
Why did you sound so close yet so far away?
Katsuki! Katsuki!
What was going on? Was he dying?
Katsuki shot up in bed and started crying. You just hugged him as tight as you could and let him cry onto your shoulder. When he finally calmed down you spoke up.”Baby whats wrong? Did you have a nightmare? I woke you up because you kept screaming my name.”
“Yeah. I had a nightmare about loosing you. except everything was my fault. I got super drunk and cheated on you with Kendo. I kept ignoring you and Kirishima was there for you. and I think you ended up leaving me for him.” He said while hugging you as tight as he could just to make sure this was real.
“Well its ok now babe im here for you and im not going anywhere ever again Katsuki.”
A/n: hope you liked it. I’m sorry if it’s not really what you wanted I kinda just started writing and whatever happened happened I tried my best sorry if there’s som spelling errors!
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