wintersrcse · 4 years
@iiceandfire​ outside the medic tent
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Her heart beat against her ribcage heavily, feeling much like a professional boxer’s speed bag.  The blood thrummed in her ears loudly, a frantic tattoo, combining with her heart to create what felt like a deafening, frenzied symphony that only she could hear.  Where were they?  Her eyes had seen enough blood that night as she passed from room to room that she couldn’t help but imagine it splashed over her child.  A child who it felt like she was only at the beginning of truly getting to know.  So much of her life had been spent running and hiding, the thought that only when she had stopped for the sole reason of being there for family that she might have lost the most important member of it sent her into a near distraught state. 
“Jon?---Jon?” She called out, the panic in her voice rising with every time she called out to no answer, with every room she could not find them in.  More than a few times she had come across a body, face down with dark hair that she would flip, praying to the Gods every time that it wasn’t her baby.  So far they had been merciful.  During her search, a small, bitter part of her questioned whether this was her fault.  Although she reasoned if it had been, she most certainly wouldn’t be standing.  She also admonished herself, thinking everything was about her.  Life and death and war between the families did not stop when left, it simply stopped for her.  This had most likely been long brewing.  
Eventually she made it out to the medic tent, and her heart skipped a beat before picking up in it’s frantic pace once more, a familiar head of raven hair moving in and out of her vision as she ran towards it.  “Jon!” She called out, praying with everything in her that it would get a response and they would turn around to reveal her intuition had been right.  
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ofcatelyns · 4 years
Over the years she’d made it perfectly clear that her door was always open for family and they were all welcome to come and go as they pleased. It was becoming increasingly relevant as more and more of her children moved out and she wanted to ensure that they knew they could come home at any point. So when she came in with an armful of papers she had intended to go over, she was hardly surprised to see Jon sat there. Paperwork was soon forgotten, prepared to give them her full attention for however long they needed. They weren’t her child but she couldn’t deny that her motherly instincts still extended towards them. Jon was family and family would always be her top priority and main concern.
Slipping into the seat next to them a question left her lips with reasonable softness though her tone gently demanded answers. “When was the last time you ate? I have takeout on the way that we can share.” It was an old habit of hers, to always order more than needed. She’d long since learnt that her family had a habit of coming out of the woodwork whenever food was involved. 
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arobbstark · 4 years
Where: Robb’s Apartment, near Winterfell When: Afternoon after the wedding For: Jon ( @iiceandfire )
Most of the last day was a blur. The lights had gone out, he’d felt a flash of pain, and his next clear memory was in the hospital in the early hours of the morning. The nurses said he’d been conscious since the ambulance took him, but in and out of sleep with seemingly no memory in between. He had flashes, as if dreams, but nothing he could hold on to. With ice and pain medication and rest, it improved to the point that they allowed him to head after lunch with the advice of getting a follow-up on the concussion in a week. 
The first thing he’d done upon getting to his apartment was get his phone charging. He considered who to contact first while he fed Greywind and took a shower. Rather than trying to piece together more information as he’d intended, he texted Jon. “Pizza at my place tonight? Just us and the dogs.” They both needed it. He didn’t necessarily know how Jon was reacting to all the violence, but it couldn’t be good. He didn’t bother to wait for an answer, going ahead and scheduling the order and making the living room comfortable while he waited.
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vixerehq · 4 years
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ofmargaery · 4 years
While she’d done most of her rounds for the evening she was still keeping an eye out for anyone else that she knew or might have wanted to speak to. She was on her way to get herself a drink when she caught sight of one such person. “Jon.” Warm smile spread over rosy lips to match the brightness in her tone as she greeted them. She hadn’t been sure how many would attended given the circumstances of the last event hosted by one of them and she had been even less sure that Jon would be someone who would come. But she found herself being glad that they had and is quick to echo the sentiment. “I’m so glad you could make it.”  Even if it was a phrase she had been saying all evening this time she meant it. “I was just about to get a drink, would you join me?” 
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