#ik brings up a whole made up thing that supposedly was in volume three and simeon is like
Sumeru archon ik and levi doing the quiz scene but ik wins despite only skimming through the devildom equivalent of the wikipedia article once, because shes the god of knowledge. Levi never stood a chance.
it's partially because of her proficiency in picking out and committing little details to memory (one could say she has a photographic one... if you get what i mean), and also partially because the conventions that tsl's story follow are weirdly similar to how the real-life heroes in teyvat tend to behave - and, of course, having been connected to irminsul and teyvat's history, ik uses that knowledge to very quickly extrapolate what she knows from the wikipedia article and give a correct answer
levi cannot help but begrudgingly concede, partially also so that he can call a truce and ask ik to predict what probably happened to the characters after the story ended. he knows he can trust her judgement so it's like having new installments even if peugeot hasn't released a new volume in ages!!
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