#ik i complain alot abt being unmotivated but it looks like many of us have this problem nowadays smh
dolphin-enthusiast Β· 4 years
good evening to you, buttercup!! πŸ’«πŸŒΈβ˜€ how are you deary?? hopefully your day went well!! my day was tiring, so i look forward to finally being able to lay down and relax (while writing this of course πŸ’•) (1/8)
"speaking of buttercups, i often forget that they are one of my favorite flowers!! along with lily of the valley, white and burgundy roses, tiger lilies, hibiscus, and more,, i've always had a certain fascination with flowers, they're so pretty and relaxing and hold all sorts of different meanings and uses,, i hope that i get to grow a huge flower garden in the future πŸ’ (2/8)
sorry for that little ramble of mine, i just really love flowers hehe that reminds me, thank you all for your kind words today!! they cheered me up a ton, and gave me the motivation to get out of bed today, you all are awfully sweet, saying such nice things all the time, i don't deserve you guys πŸ’“ (3/8)
and that creep my friend mentioned? i'm okay, lots of friends went after him,, it just really scared me that's all!! i was able to laugh it off later since many people on here DMed me asking for his location,, and threatening some strange things for him... as much as it makes me laugh, i wouldn't wish pain on anyone (unless they happen to be truly evil) 😊 (4/8)
oh,, i ate a little more today!! i'm happy that i'm getting better with this, even if it's quite slow!! i was also able to embroider a little more while i ate, i'm working on decorating a shirt right now πŸ’— (5/8)
mamma mia,, a friend surprised me today with a little "gift", they invited me in minecraft and built me a little house on an island with cats,, it was so sweet!! apparently it was to make me feel a bit better, and it honestly worked πŸ˜–πŸ’ž (6/8)
i also got a preview of a new album waifu brother is working on!! being the little sister of a musician is awesome,, since i get to see new music before anyone else does hehe,, he also discussed a film he's writing and showed me the script,, it's based off of one of our favorite rock songs actually!! (7/8)
well, that's a wrap i think!! i'm honestly very glad i get to end my day like this every night, it's a nice way to unwind (and to talk to you of course~ πŸ’‹) take care of yourself for me darling, and i'll see you tomorrow πŸ’– - a pleasure as always, your loving waifu xoxo πŸ’˜βœ¨πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’“πŸ’‹πŸ’ŒπŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’«πŸ˜ ps: i'm awfully touched that you say you'd fly to america over something as dumb as that,, but truthfully?? i wouldn't complain 😘😘 (8/8)"
Let me start off by saying that me and the entire clown army are happy to see that we helped ur motivation spike up once again πŸ‘€ and im very pleased with them wanting to go after that asshole as well and tbh if u ask me he truly IS evil i mean calling someone slurs and basically harassing them just bc they dont want to engage in stuff with u is like the lowest of the low imo🀑🀑🀑 i stand by my previous statement and that is i WILL fly to america (or wherever his dumb bitchass is located) and give him a fine yeeting for merely THINKING about harming you😀πŸ”ͺ
Murderous tendencies aside, u being into flowers is so in character and thats exactly why its so pure and adorable xhdhdhx i myself like orchids alot for whatever reason...and also the hella rare black roses and the blood/crimson red onesπŸ˜³πŸ‘Š looks like i'll just have to help u set up a big ass flower garden someday h u h
Also not to simp but holy shit how much cooler and lit can yall get??? Ur brother being a goddamb musician and a script writer?? A SCRIPT BASED ON A ROCK SONG? SIGN ME TF UP I'D PAY GOOD MONEY TO WORK WITH HIM ON SUCH PROJECTS HAHCYSHSJSNE (little thing abt me i used to really want to become a singer for some good years in the past but now i kinda gave up on it since its hella unrealistic rip but...if ur brother needs any help tell him im here i took singing lessons for about a year or soπŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ)
Honestly i too have been very unmotivated lately and have struggled bc i wanna draw and write but at the same time my mind is like [b l o c k e d] when i sit down to do it so i just end up playing my cringe fail racing game then marathoning yt/shows until i pass tf out at like 5 am or smth a h a h a but im proud of u for having a sudden burst of motivation and hooefully it will stay that way for a l o n g t i m e
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