isaacapatow · 7 months
What are you going to do if the town doesn't accept Cat?
Hah! Okay, look -- this town is gonna accept her because I said so. Sorry if that's the big dicked answer to this question but that's how it is.
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isaacapatow · 7 months
top 5 redwood residents most and least likely to survive the three years?
Am I choosing 5 in total or 5 of each?!? Due to unclear instructions have this:
Orion and Cat would survive because they wouldn't really grasp any alternative, also Lucien just for spite because he thinks he's DEFINITELY the first to die. Jimmy's for sure gonna croak in some semi-ridiculous semi-tragic way, and Clint's gonna mope himself to death.
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isaacapatow · 7 months
You think you, Orion and Cat will be able to handle raid runs while two of your raiders are out of commission?
We've been dragging ourselves along for a while now with Nicki constantly out of commission and with me recovering from getting my head sliced open, so this is actually WAY better than we've been doing! I don't have any concerns.
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isaacapatow · 7 months
Who do you think needs to pull their weight more here?
Ermano. But I can't fault him too much -- must be exhausting hauling around those dumps.
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isaacapatow · 7 months
You have to kill one person in Redwood. It can't be yourself. Who would it be?
We're all killing Clint's brother, right? Pretty sure that's the default answer and I'm not popular enough to go against the grain!!
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isaacapatow · 6 months
Don't you think it's dangerous to let murderers fixate on you? What if one of them decided they don't want to behave for you anymore?
They'll behave for me. That's the reason I'm head raider, and why I have the group I do. We're basically the dangerous animal act in the Redwood circus. We're tame scavengers, we're basically domesticated Reavers and Daybreakers and Sunfacers.
If you find it unsettling when I put it that way, that's a good thing. And they behave for me because I'm the biggest and baddest motherfucker out of them and we all know it.
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isaacapatow · 6 months
Do you think you'll ever move back into town?
Naw, I'm happy where I am. There's a certain element of 'out of sight, out of mind' at play here and I'm sure the people who were part of the reason for me wanting to live outside of town are feeling better not seeing me around too, so hey it all works out.
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isaacapatow · 7 months
Why are you trying to get people to dislike Renee? She's a good person who made one mistake.
I don't care what anybody thinks about Renee and me not liking her sure isn't gonna change minds! This is actually a hilarious question since I stumped for her to be on the Council, I went out on that raid for her when she lied to me about what she actually was looking for, and I'm the one who got my head cracked open while she still refused to listen to me in the field because she thinks I'm a big meanie-pants to her. So maybe her being "a good person" depends on who she's with, because she's no "good person" when it comes to me.
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isaacapatow · 7 months
What's your next big raid you're planning?
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isaacapatow · 7 months
Fuck Marry Kill: Orion, Cat, Nicki
uhhhhhhhhhhhh well Cat and me aren't like that in any way so she's gotta be kill, sorry my little turnip. Fuck Nicki and marry Orion bing bang boom done
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isaacapatow · 7 months
What three words best describe your personality? What three words would others probably use to describe you?
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Other people? THAT HUGE DICK 🍆
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isaacapatow · 7 months
In one dinosaur could be cloned back into existence, which would you choose?
"There's only one answer here and that's brachiosaurus!! I like raptors but they wouldn't like me, so I'm going with the classic veggiesaurus like in Jurassic Park. No sneezing."
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isaacapatow · 7 months
Why did you ask Cat to join the raiders?
I didn't. I put her on the raiders.
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isaacapatow · 7 months
random Jimmy post it : Why don't eggs tell jokes? They'd crack each other up
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That's just -- well fuck. Can't even argue.
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isaacapatow · 1 year
Gun to both of their heads, you have to choose or they both die. Who are you picking to save: Mayra or Nicki?
"Mayra. The code with the raiders is that we save people who're more vulnerable than we are. Nicki knows that and I'd never rob her of something she holds a point of pride in. I don't know if Mayra would ever forgive me, but ... that's what Nicki would want, and I'd agree with her."
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isaacapatow · 6 months
Why is it called "taking a dump"? Shouldn’t it be leaving a dump instead?
If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle
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