#ikemen prince roderich
scummy-writes · 5 months
coup d'œil
Rating: General
Pairing: Roderic/Gilbert
Words: 885
Tags: nightmares, death mention, SPOILERS, fluffed up Roderic's backstory because idk all his details, impromptu drabble, unrequited if you squint
This has Gilbert Route spoilers, and is also set back when Gilbert and Roderic are teenagers- not an exact age but not 18.
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When Roderic first arrived, sharing a bed was not unusual between them. At first, Gilbert explained it away as Roderic being too scared to sleep alone in a castle stained with blood. And while he wasn't wrong, Roderic could tell there was more to it than that. However, he kept his mouth shut. Nodding along at Gilbert's request.
He sleeps light, just like Gilbert- an advantage at times, but a curse they both know well. And it’s there, on a stormy night, that Roderic stares up at the far ceiling. He can hear the rain pattering against the windows, a faint howl of wind. Briefly, he thinks of his time in the orphanage. How storms there would have the kids huddling together, the chill seeping in with the wind.
Here, the chill exists for different reasons. Due to the wide room they’re in, the natural chill of the castle… The body next to him, cold even beneath several layers of blankets.
Roderic scooches over bit by bit, until Gilbert stirs, his body seeking out Roderic’s warmth on his own accord. Cold hands reach for his arm, then across his chest, burrowing against his makeshift twin.
Then, he wakes.
It’s a startled gasp, strangled by a weak cry that Roderic has never heard before- and he jumps, scared that Gilbert’s pain has gotten worse, that he’s experiencing a new type of attack. He sits up, ready to go run for Walter- anyone, but he hears a whimpering of a name he knows all too well.
With that uttered, Gilbert curls in on himself. Between sniffles, Roderic can hear quiet gaspings for air, whines that Gilbert tries to muffle as he hides his face. It’s the first time he’s ever seen him cry before. No matter how much his body tried to revolt against him, his eyes never watered- just a strained expression as he fought back on bad days.
He… Can’t stop staring. So far, Gilbert had been an unstoppable force, even when so young. Full of teases, threats, knowledge… well hidden kindness… But he’s never seen his body shaking from grief. It makes him realize just how small Gilbert seems.
There’s never been a situation like this between them. Despite his own past, Roderic was constantly thankful for Gilbert, for being rescued from that poor excuse of an orphanage. There were no tears spent on the memories, just odd nostalgia and focus on doing what he could for Gilbert. And for Gilbert, although he’s told Roderic of his original purpose for him - with smiles and far away glances - he’s never sought comfort.
So Roderic’s motions are stifled. Awkward and clumsy. He lays back down beside Gilbert’s shaking form, taking in a slow breath before reaching out towards him, grasping his shoulder. He’s too scared to speak - he knows that one wrong word could have Gilbert scorning him for days, so he carefully rubs at his shoulder and back, trying.
It’s enough that it causes Gilbert to hiccup back some of his heavy breaths, and the cries die down into an odd silence mixed with trying to steady his breathing. Slowly, Gilbert uncurls, refusing to show his face as his own hand clumsily reaches out.
But his grasp is harsh, nails digging into Roderic’s arm with a surprising strength. In that moment where Roderic grunts in pain, Gilbert moves fast, burying his teeth into Roderic’s shoulder.
It takes everything in him not to stumble over curses, wincing at how hard Gilbert’s teeth mark him. He knows if it weren’t for his nightclothes, blood would be prickle at his skin, just like the tears in his eyes.
His name is on Roderic’s lips, ready to try and apologize, however… Gilbert takes in another shuddering breath, a fresh wave of tears spilling forth despite the stubborn expression on his face. Gilbert once again hides his face, but this time against the crook of Roderic’s neck, his grip tight on his clothes.
All of the annoyance and guilt evaporates from Roderic, a slow sigh slipping out as he gingerly tries to rub Gilbert’s back again. This time, there isn’t fierce pushback, just a quiet sob muffled against his skin.
They won't talk about this in the morning. Gilbert would be his usual self, complaining about breakfast being bland again, how Roderic hogged space on the bed, or some other tease he makes up in his head.
Meanwhile, Roderic would notice that Gilbert begins to stay up later than him. That soon, Gilbert starts wanting to sleep in separate spaces. The warmth he sought from Roderic is replaced by thicker blankets and extra pillows, and the time that they shared a bed slowly starts to fade away.
In order to be more like him, Roderic was taught to keep eye on what would usually go unnoticed by others. Unfortunately, this means Roderic subconsciously uses this with everyone - including Gilbert. He notes how Gilbert begins to wear his eyepatch everywhere, except for cleaning. That the first few nights they stayed apart, Gilbert's exhaustion was apparent, until he slowly began getting accustomed to a lack of rest.
It solidifies a simple fact: there is a wall between them that can never be breached.
And Roderic has to be alright with that. For who is he to argue against his savior?
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Steeples my hands.
RJThirtsy on Ao3 wrote two fanfics, one called To Protect My Love and another called Is This Love? The first one dealt with Gilbert having (oc) and Roderic get closer, to successfully keep up appearances, with an idea about Gilbert escalating it. I talked about how I believed Roderic loves Gilbert, because imo he either loves him or loves him in a very pedestal-ey way in order to be willing to be his body double. We ended up talking about how this could work.
So, in response, RJ wrote Is This Love? and explored Roderic and Gilbert being each other's first kiss. And I went insane and wrote this out in response.
Hilariously... I accidentally made this very akin to The Beast's Torment, my fanfic where Gilbert also wakes up from a nightmare with the reader/mc, and he runs off at first... but with them, he relents. He comes back and lets them see him at his worse. Meanwhile, Roderic never gets that closure. Hahaha another layer of pain I didn't consider until Mimi asked about it.... pain.
Anyway, RJThirsty on ao3. Please look at their fanfics. They also write smut as well, and I like how they write Gilbert a ton. Thank u, Love Suicide, for giving me the brainworms for this. Also the title. Very last minute. Very bs. Don't look at me.
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chandeliermichel · 14 days
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Roderich I choose you!💥 No one draw him so I do!!
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Cyran: Okay, so, have you ever tried telling him no?
Roderich: (puts his mug down) We're talking about the same person, right?
Cyran: Okay, fair point. But what if you just, kind of...
Lucien: Negotiation.
Cyran: (points his drink at Lucien) That.
Roderich: I'm sorry, but again, we're talking about the same person, right?
Cyran: But have you ever actually tried it out?
Roderich: Of course I have. Why do you think I wear a hood and not an entire suit of armor?
Lucien: Noisy.
Lucien: Cumbersome.
Cyran: That's a good point there. Meaning you didn't actually negotiate so much as he was probably just messing with you from the start.
Lucien: Illusion of choice.
Lucien: Mindfuckery.
Roderich: Okay! If you think you know so much, how come you never negotiated with your master to be able to speak more than a couple words at a time?
Lucien: I did.
Cyran: Yeah, he used to speak in entire poems consisting of iambic pentameter before Prince Chevalier gave him permission to chill.
Roderich: (trying to comprehend the backwards logic) He needed permission for that?
Cyran: Pfft. Says the guy who can't even take restroom breaks without asking his master first.
Roderich: (aside to Gilbert) Permission to respond in all-caps, Sir?
Gilbert: Hehe, go wild.
Roderich: Thank you, Sir.
Gilbert: (waves gleefully) Thank you for having me.
Roderich: I don't keep any secrets from my master.
Lucien: (glares monosyllabically)
Lucien: Tool.
Gilbert: I hope you don't mind , but I also invited along—
Cyran: Do NOT say his name to me.
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wordycheeseblob · 5 months
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aquagirl1978 · 7 months
Uuummm hi , 👋😊. I was wondering if U make like stories on ikemen prince . If u do , can u pls pls pls pls make one on Gilbert being a father🤞🤞.I NEED IT 😩😫 plssssss . Ofc you are not force to . TYsm ❤️👑💋
Thank you @alfonssylvaticasbitch for this very lovely ask - as his route is releasing in EN in just a few hours, I thought it would be fitting to post this today.
Anti-Hero - Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N #1: This is now the third Gilbert as a dad fic I've written and also the third fic I've titled after a Taylor Swift song (I promise I am not a Swiftie!) - make of this what you will.
A/N #2: Happy Route Release Day Gilbert - congratulations, now all your secrets will soon be known.
Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
Prompt: Gilbert as a dad
Word Count: 680
Tags: fluff, no spoilers (other than an appearance by Walter who is just "some guy" in this fic), Gilbert has a daughter
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“Here,” the little girl said, placing a toy dragon into Roderich’s hands, “you get to be the dragon today.”
The man wearing a dark hood covering his face stared down at the toy. “Why am I always the dragon?” he muttered.
“Would you rather be the troll?” Walter asked, eyeing the very ugly toy in his hand. “Just go along with it, you don’t want to make him angry.”
Roderich turned his head to see Gilbert seated on a large stone, his little rabbit not far from him. 
“Why isn’t he ever the dragon?” Roderich mumbled under his breath. He turned his attention back to the game at hand and moved his dragon to the entrance of the play-castle. 
He made loud roaring sounds; the little girl smiled and shrieked, happy to see her friend play along.
“Papa, Papa ! Help me!!!!” she called out frantically. Her arms flailing, she flopped over onto her side, the doll in her hand falling from her fingers. “The dragon…” she gasped, “is coming to get me!”
“Rawr!” Roderich shouted as he moved the dragon closer to the little girl’s doll. He watched as she clutched her heart, sighing dramatically – something her father had done on more than one occasion.
“Papa!” she cried breathlessly. “I need you,” she gasped, “I need my hero to save me!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at your daughter’s theatrics – while she inherited your hair and eyes, she inherited her melodramatics from Gilbert.
“Go,” you urged, “she needs you.”
Gilbert looked at his daughter and then back at you. “I’m not a hero,” he said. “Anti-hero, maybe. But I’m the villain…”
His voice trailed off as his focus turned to his daughter. Sprawled out on the floor, she lay still as the mean and scary dragon approached the princess. 
You tugged gently on Gilbert’s sleeve, his gaze returning to you. “In her eyes, you are her papa. A great and wonderful man who adores her. In her world, she only knows the good you have done.”
“I have done bad things. Terrible things.” He tilted his head, sadness washing over his face. “And I might do them again.”
“You won't," you replied softly, to which Gilbert huffed a puff of air.
“And you, little rabbit, how do you see me?”
“I see a man with a good heart who loves his family and his country.”
His expression softened, the way he looked at you was so gentle; he couldn't argue with you – there was not a lie in your voice. His rose-red eye wavered as he pulled you into an embrace, his arms circling your waist, squeezing you so tight.
“I wouldn’t survive without you,” he whispered into a kiss placed upon the crown of your hair.
You pressed your cheek into the dark fabric covering his chest, humming your acknowledgment. 
“That’s why I’ll never let you leave my side.”
You pulled away, needing to look into his eye when you spoke. “I wouldn't want it any other way.”
He pressed his lips against yours in a rare sign of affection in front of others. Cool against warmth, it was over before it could go any further.
You ran your palms slowly down his arms, your hands slipping into his. “Now go, be her hero.” You let go of his hands, and watched him walk away.
He took a seat on the ground next to his daughter; once she was calmed, Gilbert turned to you. He held out his hands, his fingers curving into a heart as he smiled at you.
Your heart filled with warmth as Gilbert picked up the toy knight and played the part of the hero, slaying the mean dragon and saving the princess. Nothing could have made you happier than when you saw the smile on your daughter’s face.
“Thank you for saving me, papa,” she squealed as he lifted her in the air. “I love you!”
“I love you, too,” you whispered, giving your husband and child a moment together, their laughter so loud and infectious you couldn't help but join in their joy.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381 @judejazza @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja @sh0jun
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Roderich: (finishes his drink) So remember that time you decided to not be Cyril anymore?
Cyran: Yeah. You wouldn't stop crying.
Roderich: Really? I don't remember that.
Cyran: No but I wanted to gaslight you into believing it since you were actually VERY normal about it.
Roderich: Yeah, well. I am the most normal out of us.
Lucien: Objection.
Roderich: Anyway, I'm considering just not having an H in my name anymore.
Cyran: Okay. I mean, that's a great change. The H was pretty much silent the entire time anyway.
Roderich: That's because you have an annoying Rhodolite accent now and haven't been pronouncing it the way Godbert intended.
Lucien: (sighs into his drink) SO normal.
Cyran: Then why are you dropping the H?
Roderich: I don't know. I just woke up in the middle of the night while perched like a raven on my master's balcony and felt a powerful, intervening force from beyond this world deciding that that's just the way it's going to be.
Roderic: Oh, would you look there. It's happened.
Roderic: (whispering in duress) Help me.
a/n: @/candied-boys if you see this, more fourth-wall breakage for you
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clavissionary-position · 11 months
Lucien: What's it like?
Cyran: What's what like?
Roderich: Having a last name.
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wordycheeseblob · 6 months
(Roderic in his route)
Roderic: nothing in this world belongs to me but my love
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Meanwhile at the Society of Men Who Sleep With Their Swords...
Chevalier: (leaves)
Roderic: (Jennifer-Lawrence-type sobbing) —and because His Imperial I mean His Royal Majesty is just so good with his hands, the craftsmanship on it is enough to make a grown man cry, not to mention just how deadly it is in combat, and if you think about it, entrusting me with a weapon he made himself using his precious time and effort is his way of saying 'Don't you dare get yourself killed, Roderic', and even though he has a good reason to not have me get killed, that alone shows that he's still a good, kind and caring man deep down inside, and he's just so talented and amazing and—
Kagari: Calm down, Hideyoshi.
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
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clavissionary-position · 11 months
Emma: Thanks for helping babysit.
Cyran: Don't worry about it. I have a lot of experience with a baby.
Lucien: I don't have any experience, but I am happy to help.
Roderich: Just tell me when he has to take his medicine and I'll pin him in place. I'll make sure he takes every last spoonful. There is nowhere he can crawl where I will not find him.
Emma: Uh. Well. He's not sick, but uh... Right, just call if you need anything?
Baby: (tugs Lucien's hair)
Lucien: (playfully faceplants like a dummy)
Baby: (tries to tug Roderich's hood down)
Roderich: (taps the tiny little hand away)
Baby: (tries again)
Roderich: (taps away)
Baby: (about to start crying)
Roderich: (lowers his hood and hides his face with a kermit plushie)
Baby: (tugs Cyran's shirt sleeve)
Cyran: (from the bottom of a pit that just opened up) No... No, it makes complete sense that he'd go so far as to rig me one day.
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"My Castle Has A Lot of Guns"
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Gilbert: *pulls gun from cane*
Roderich: *pulls gun from whiskey bottle*
Luke: *pulls gun from beehive*
Walter: *injects gun from syringe*
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Gilly Vonka and the Cookie Factory
warning: Gilbert spoilers cuz this whole thing is just a shitty allegory for his route
Luke: Ooh. A golden ticket. In my honey. That I definitely didn't buy at the store. Nice
Jin: My Mongrel Eyepatch senses are tingling
Luke: Nah, you're just overthinkin things
Jin: You trying to gaslight me?
Luke: Me? Gaslight? I don't even know what that word means. And I definitely didn't learn it from my dad
Jin: Well yeah cuz he's dead
Luke: What? WHEN?
Luke: Somebody patch me thru to Obsidian
Emma: I'm not eating this, Clavis. And there's something sticking out of it
Clavis: Hahaha, those are the bunny ears!
Emma: No, I mean this... ticket-looking thing...
Emma + Clavis: *grabs ticket at the same time*
Clavis: Gasp, can it be
Emma: Uh, whatever it is, you can have it
Gilbert: What's all the fun commotion over here? Gasp, is that a golden ticket?
Emma: It's gold and ticket-shaped, so I guess so?
Gilbert: You know what this means! You've been invited to the world-renown Obsidian Cookie Factory
Gilbert: Sigh. Weep. I'm so jealous. I wish I could go. SNiffle
Emma: You can have my ticket
Clavis: Whoa whoa, hold on now. It's my ticket too
Gilbert: Wrong. That ticket is for the Little Rabbit
Clavis: Says who?
Gilbert: Says the Emperor of the Cookie Factory, whom I speak for. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. Look at me twirl my cane
Clavis: Well I see no reason to doubt you even though no one has heard from or seen the Emperor of the Cookie Factory in 10 years
Gilbert: Baking cookies is a full-time job. The Emperor doesn't have time to run around twirling his cane for just anybody. Little Rabbit, are you watching me twirl my cane? Don't think I won't notice you ignoring me if you stand on my eyepatch side. I have eyes everywhere
Roderich: *from the bushes* She's ignoring you, Your Highness
Clavis: Cyran, is she ignoring me too?
Cyran: *from beside Roderich* I don't know. You have eyes, you tell me
Cyran: Say, you sound familiar. Have we met before?
Roderich: *randomly inhales helium* I don't know. Obsidian's a big place. Is that your golden ticket?
Cyran: What?
Roderich: *points to the golden ticket sticking out of Cyran's hair*
Cyran: Ew, I don't want this
Gilbert: Even though I placed it so gently...
Cyran: What?
Roderich: I didn't say anything
Cyran: It sounded like you
Roderich: *microdoses helium* I think you're mistaken
Cyran: Are you gaslighting me?
Roderich: Are you taking the fucking ticket or not
To be continued
Partially inspired by this hilarious post with randonauticrap here, oh and that hilarious fic thenovelartist wrote based on my headcanon about gilbert being the host of a children's television tv show. I'll link if i can find it again
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
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A/N: a short dark fairytale fic Inspired by this post over here
Featuring: Emma the Hunter, Gilbert as Mr. Wolf, and starring Roderich in the role of Little Red Riding Hood.
Warnings: mentions of blood and Gilbert
Word count: 730~
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Emma was familiar with the woods.
She knew the dangers lurking within, unbeknownst to those foolish enough to trespass. The beast that preyed on unsuspecting travelers who strayed from their path. As a hunter, she sometimes helped these lost souls find their path anew. Until nightfall. Before it was too late.
The sky was tinted in a soft pink, the long day was finally approaching its end when she ran into a trail. Dark red droplets scattered leaving a thin streak on the frozen winter ground. The raspy call of crows confirmed her suspicions. Another victim, the second within a week. It was not long before the wolves showed themselves, invited by the deathly song, to tear the carcass while leaving the spare parts for the birds.
Emma spread the ice-covered barren branches, leading to a clearing. Grip tightening around the axe handle only to soften at the sight of a petite hooded figure, the red of their attire clashed in stark contrast with the freshly fallen snow. This is where the trail ended.
Even though she spent her whole life there, the forest kept its darkest secrets well guarded, hidden from the ordinary man, so despite practically growing up surrounded by the wilderness Emma still found things that mystified her.
"Hello? This is not a place to stroll"
Her words were met with silence, the stranger didn't as much as flinch at her sudden appearance. Emma worried her wording might have sounded too harsh, but this really was not the time and place for a regular civilian.
"Look, I'm sorry, you stand out like a sore thumb, dressing up bright red for a snowy day is not a good idea, especially in a place like this. You may attract someone. Predators and what have you. If you're lost there's a settlement not far away from here. I can take you there."
Huffing a vapor cloud, she wondered whether to approach any closer.
"Do you hear?"
The character did not move, did not turn, and did not speak a word in return.
"Let's move before it's-"
"Too late?" Emma quivered, but the cold was not to blame. The amiable voice didn't come from the figure but anywhere from the side.
"Mrs. Rabbit, well what a surprise to find you here so deep in the forest" A shadow branched out from the dark mass of trees.
Unlike the hideous monster rumors made him out to be, his beauty was alluring, ethereal even. Mr. Wolf wasn't here to scare, but to draw you in with his words, like the devil himself.
"Before it got dark, I was going to say," replied Emma dismissively, untying the wood from her shoulders. The bundle fell onto the snowy ground with a mute clatter. A matter of caution, both fleeing and throwing hands was easier with no weight on your back.
"Too bad," he said with a shrug,
"What are you going to do now?"
Emma gripped her weapon with one hand and tugged on the caped stranger's arm with the other.
"So that's your answer" Mr. Wolf only moved his head in lament. "To slaughter an innocent?" Beware that, when you fight monsters, you yourself don't become one"
Emma stood before the red hood defensively.
"Liar. You are no saint," she said through her teeth.
"Watch out for accusations." Emma wasn't sure if she imagined it, but his smile appeared sharper, like a predator showing its teeth.
"I have claimed to be innocent, not holy. Haven't done anything yet, have I? Instead, you should be concerned about protecting a sheep-clad wolf."
The stranger turned her way at last, but Emma could not see their face. It was as if she were gazing into the abyss itself under the dark hood and it felt... empty and hopeless. The same sensation she had looking into Mr. Wolf's eyes. It felt so strangely similar and every bit as chilling to the bone.
The shade moved as the sun sank behind the horizon, and Mr. Wolf moved with it. Closing In In no hurry, as if he were the one driving the light away.
"Oh well, it doesn't matter. Because If you kill me..."
Emma pulled on the hooded stranger urging them to go, but they didn't budge, only observing In an unnervingly calm manner for the situation they found themselves in. Almost as if they were in no danger to begin with. As if they never were the prey.
"someone else will take my place"
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Roderich: Master Gilbert, may I—
Gilbert: Oh yes, thank you *hands over coat*
Roderich: No, uh... *takes coat* I had a question
Gilbert: Yes, what is it
Roderich: May I wear my hood a little higher? I'm having some trouble see—
Gilbert: ...?
Gilbert: *looks down pitfall* Oh. How unfortunate
Gilbert: This one wasn't even covered or anything
Roderich: I'm okay! I landed on the purple one!
Gilbert: Oh, that's a relief!
Gilbert: Well. You two have fun then!
Roderich: Wait! Master Gilbert? Master Gilbert?!
Clavis: Get off my back. Then do the yelling
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Clavis: *observing the open pit in the ground*
Clavis: Just how does he keep escaping? He's truly more infuriating than Chev in some ways
Clavis: *grumbles* I'd take mildly inconveniencing him at this point
Gilbert: *walking*
Gilbert: *stumbles*
Roderich: Your Highness!?
Gilbert: *measuring his cane with calipers*
Gilbert: *sigh*
Gilbert: 0.76 centimeters
Gilbert: I don't suppose you can collect the shavings from the pit...?
Roderich: Is that a joke?
Gilbert: Aw, come on. You're supposed to come back with what you think are the shavings, and that's when I'd say "Ahaha, oh Roderich. As obedient as ever! Are you sure you weren't a dog in your past life?"
Roderich: I'm sure
Gilbert: No, that was part of the hypothetical scenario
Roderich: So do you want those shavings?
Gilbert: I don't know. Surprise me
Roderich: It's impossible to surprise you
Gilbert: Then you have your answer
Roderich: *trying to decipher the logic* My head hurts
Gilbert: Here, take my nasty painkillers
Roderich: My head no longer hurts
Gilbert: Hm? Did you think you had a choice in the matter?
Roderich: *crying at the club under his hood*
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