#ill be making a grand return here soon btw but. i needed to share this somewhere. i needed to screa
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bwicblog · 7 years
RS: | I Would Like to Say Two Things | One | I have Just Spent All Day Reshaping My Horns in a Fit of Pique | And | the Process is Severely Downplayed | in the Excessive Tedium |
RS: | And | Two | The Rain is Quite Successfully Masking the Deathrock in the Sky | It almost Looks Normal Out | ! |
RS: | Almost | If the Crowds were not Languishing in Fear of a little Water |
ID: so, uh. to get it out of the way and to get me out of here if you don't want to talk to me again. is it cool that i'm here or should i just go back to. not typing.
RS: | =:1 |
RS: | Are You Planning on Making a Habit of Fighting | and Maiming My Quadrants | ? | RS: | Are There any Ill Planned Murder Spars Planned for Sipara | ? |
ID: uh no. =:/ though sip kinda tried for sparring. earlier.
ID: but uh. how is em doing. if i'm allowed to care.
RS: | Then | If You are Not | We are Fine | He is an Adult | Who Made His Decision | Against My Advice | And That Is Fine | RS: | You are Both at Fault | It would be Discourteous to Shun You | Since He is Fine | RS: | | But |
RS: | If You Attempt to Spar Him or Sipara Again | I Will Cull You | So We are Clear | =:/ | RS: | He's Fine Enough |
ID: well i wasn't planning on it so that's fine with me. =:/
ID: good to hear he's recovering though.
RS: | And | How are You | ? |
RS: | Sipara was not Clear on the Details | Except that You were Recovering |
ID: uh. healing. sorry if i'm slow. got a pretty shattered arm for the moment. and the whole. shoulder gored by a halberd thing. so rocking the 'holding my phone and typing with the same hand' thing.
RS: | ! | ! |
RS: | Yes | Well | I told You Not to Fight Him | That is on the Lower End of Repercussions for Fighting with Him |
RS: | Do You have Food | ? | I Assume You have Already Seen a Mediculler | Or | Has Sipara Looked At You Yet | ? | She does not Have A License | But She is Trained |
ID: i mean, it's fine. never went in thinking i'd come out smelling like roses, so it's fine. i'll heal. i'm sturdy!
ID: i saw the mediculler at the faire, that was enough mediculler handling for me. i've got it under control, i've had to patch myself up loooaaaddds of times.
RS: | Mm | That's How You get Long Term Injuries | RS: | But | I Suppose I Am Not Your Lusus | And | Sipara can Tell You Herself | with Pictures | =:1 |
RS: | What about You | ? | RS: | Will We have to Find an Auspistice before Emerel Returns to the Chat | Or Will You be Fine | ? |
ID: i mean, no long term injuries here. too sturdy for that stuff, thanks for the concern and everything though i guess.
ID: i mean i'm not going to threaten to cull him and everything he holds dear if that's what you're worried about.
ID: is he gonna be fine though? =:/
RS: | Haha | I should Hope Not | Given This is My |- MATESPRIT -| We are Discussing | RS: | I Meant | Will You Hold Your Tongue | and not Proceed to Immediately Join Him in Riling Up Another Fight | ? | RS: | And | Why do You Keep Asking | ? | =:/ |
ID: well this time i meant fine as in. not wanting to murder me.
ID: since ps i like living an awful lot.
ID: also i'm still recovering from the first fight pheres! there's like a. fight refractory period.
ID: i'm only one man here! =:P
RS: | Haaah |
RS: | Sipara Fought Two Fish in One Perigee | You Know | If There is an Incredibly Daft Will | Then There is a Way | Unfortunately |
RS: | And | Ah | RS: | His Feelings are Unimportant | He isn't Going to Murder You | And | That is What Matters | =:/ | RS: | He is Perhaps a Little Riled | But | That is Understandable | I think |
ID: well thank the genetics i was spawned from for giving me more sense than sip. i'm not looking to get my other arm knocked out of commission. though he nearly broke that one too.
ID: yeah, yeah. well i'm not that riled. injuries in fights happen. and it was a fun fight up until the end there anyways. so. =:1
RS: || I can't Say I am Terribly Sad for the Injuries He Caused You | Considering the State that I Retrieved Him In | =:/ |
ID: yeahhh. well. i really thought he was going to dodge that first hit? like. i never expected him to. just take it like a self-maiming champ. he was supposed to drop his weapon. get the fuck out of dodge. =:/ i've never had anyone just. not at least try to move.
RS: | Mm | Well | RS: | He likes Putting on a Show | RS: | And Blood |
ID: i guess fucking so. he managed to stay pretty lively through the whole shanking thing. and, uh. the last part i thought he was about to murder me. so. i'm sorry for messing him up so bad i guess. however bad that was.
RS: || You Said that I should Say If a Conversation is Uncomfortable | RS: | So | This is Uncomfortable |
ID: alright then. uh. where's your shop at now.
RS: | For What It is Worth | I Yelled at Him Too | For Injuring You after He Promised Not To | RS: | And | I Appreciate the Apology | =:1 |
RS: | | Why |
ID: uh i was trying to change the topic to something not uncomfortable and i remember you were talking about your shop earlier. so. that seemed safer.
RS: | Oh | Haha | RS: | By the Greenblood Circle | Next to Stevia's Imported Furs |
RS: | The Great Tale of Emerel's Bloody Tragedy has Won Him Fans | and Stevia Let Me Purchase Her Second Row | to Draw Them In | =:) |
ID: well there you go! i'm sure people will brave the rain once they realize it's not going to stop anytime soon. they'll take a little wet if it means getting to enjoy the faire.
RS: | Hopefully | Haha | RS: | Are You Sure You are Doing Alright | ? |
RS: | Are You attempting to Sleep in a Tent with Those Injuries | ? |
ID: of course i am. it keeps out like. most of the rain.
ID: i'm just chilling in the tent, totally alright.
RS: | =:/ |
RS: | You need an Actual Recuperacoon | to Recuperate |
RS: | That is why They Share a Prefix |
ID: nah. seriously, i'm fine! i'm just laying low because who wants to be the gimpy maroonblood at the faire. not me.
RS: | Well | As long as You are Fine | RS: | And You realise that | If You Meet an Untimely Death through Gaining Wound Rot | By Sleeping in a Tent | in the Rain | with a Stab Wound and a Shattered Bone | RS: | A Number of People will Be Upset |
RS: | =:1 |
ID: no rot around here. i mean who knows. i might run too hot for infection to survive.
ID: i'm not looking to upset folks! just want to lay low. =:/
RS: | You can Lay Low Outside of a Tent | You Know | Somewhere Drier | Softer | Less Likely to Give You a Fever | RS: | | I have not Paid You Yet | For Your Work | The Other Day α
RS: | Have I |
ID: i mean. no? i didn't know if i got paid or not since i sort of volunteered myself to help out.
RS: | Of Course You Do | Why Would I Waste Your Time like That | ? |
RS: | My Company is Charming | But Not an Adequate Replacement for Funds | =:P |
ID: i mean you polished my horns. that's like trading skills right there. and i got to use your area for sip putting makeup on me.
ID: which btw i have not figured out how to really get off.
ID: i think i look like a panda now. especially with the white.
RS: | Have You Accepted that It is There Forever Now | ? |
ID: i will scrub my skin off if it comes to it. =:I but stolen hotel bar soap and water is not cutting it.
RS: | Haha | Don't do That | She has a Removal Cream | Then You Wash with Water | Then You Exfoliate | I Think |
RS: | I don't Know For Sure | I don't Wear The Stuff |
RS: | And | Nonsense | Those were Like a Uniform | and | So You would Look Nice for the Fight | For All That It Mattered | =:1 | RS: | I am Not Leaving My Stall until Emerel is Better | RS: | So | Should I just Give The Money to Sipara | and Have it Delivered | ? |
ID: i feel like there should have been a consent form listing the dangers before i let her do it.
ID: uh i can come get it. or get it from sipara at a drop off point if you prefer me not around.
ID: nothing against sip, i just don't like peeps knowing where my sleeping spot is.
RS: | Mm |
RS: | If You Stay Away from the Cart | It will be Fine | RS: | It is not You | Personally |
RS: | But | Emerel needs to Rest | =:/ |
ID: i get it. and you're protective of your quad. no hard feelings.
RS: | And | Haha | RS: | There Likely Should've Been | =:B | RS: | Whyever did You Agree to It | ? |
ID: to what? the fight?
RS: | What | ? | No |
RS: | The Make Up |
ID: oh. why not? never done it before and sip seemed to think it was a fun idea.
RS: | But | Also | Now I am Curious about the Fight |
ID: i mean there's no grand reason why. he challenged me. and there was money to be won to boot.
ID: didn't see a reason to turn him down.
RS: | Haha | I don't Understand You | But | That's Alright |
ID: i like to fight! and you don't and that's also alright.
RS: | I like to Tussle | Who does Not | ? | But | Money is Insufficient for Me to Injure Myself | Haha |
ID: well you got a business and such to make your money from.
RS: | Is This how You make Yours | ? |
ID: i mean, a lot of the time when i get money it's from someone i beat so. yeah i guess. not usually with a giant crowd chanting for my blood though. crowd was hella biased for em i thought. =:P
RS: | Curious | RS: | I Suppose a less Volatile Career would not Suit You |
RS: | And | Haha | Yes | They like to go with the Prettiest Fighter | RS: | Sorry | =:B | They are Fickle Like That |
ID: i mean even when i was your booth babe i went and entered a knife throwing contest so. probably not.
ID: rude! =:P i like to think they went with the fighter who had already been winning rounds and did this stuff a lot.
ID: also, y'know. higherblooded.
RS: || Ah | Yes | Knife Throwing | Should I Ask Why You know How to Do That | ? |
RS: | And | Haha | Yes | Those too | I suppose | If We must Include Them | =:B |
ID: when you're traveling you have a lot of free time! throwing knives helps relieve the boredom. and also can catch dinner. win-win skill to have really.
ID: we must! =:P i'm pretty as fuck, trying to break my pumper here. give me self-esteem issues. =:'(
ID: don't neg me bro.
RS: | I would Never Neg You | That would be Deeply Unkind | and Unnecessary | Really | RS: | Given that You are Clearly the Second Prettiest Maroon on the Faire Circuit | =:P | RS: | Put on a Proper Jerkin | Though | And | I'm Certain You could Make a Good Try of Besting Me | Haha |
ID: c'mon pheres, the bloody shredded shirt wins me total pity-points.
RS: | It Could | If You Wore It Again | Instead of Burning It | as I am Sure You have Already Done |
ID: ...have you tried taking off a shirt with a broken arm. hard pass. still rocking it.
ID: and the gored up shoulder. of course. fuck that. i could get the shirt off but i'm not putting another one on. and that seems worse.
RS: | No | I have Always Gotten Someone to Cut It Off |
RS: | Oh My God |
RS: | Just Cut off the Shirt | Clean the Wound | And Wrap It |
RS: | Clean It Again | I Mean |
RS: | Clearly It has Already Been Cleaned |
RS: | Right | ??????? |
ID: i mean it got cleaned at the tent. a few nights ago.
RS: | Oh My God |
RS: | Just |
RS: | Come to My Stall | I will Give You Your Pay | And a New Shirt |
RS: | How Is That | ? |
ID: alright, i can do that.
RS: |- GOOD -|
ID: uh. be right over then?
RS: | Give Me Five Minutes | to Get Properly Dressed | and I will Be Out |
ID: it'll probs take me at least that long to get there so alright.
SA: oh. Pheres, how are you?
RS: | Well Enough | How are You | ? | =:) |
SA: I am okay. I am happy to hear you are fine, after the fight. How is the other?
SA: hadean, i got you flowers.
ID: wait, what?
SA: was that the incorrect thing to do?
ID: i. don't know?
RS: | You're so Kind | Haha | He is as Well as Can Be Expected | RS: | And | Oh | ! | ! |
SS: (S'only the wrong thing if they ain't edible flowers.) SS: (Ain't never seen the point of flowers what ain't at least edible. (\unu/) )
RS: | That's so Sweet of You | I don't think It's Incorrect at All | RS: | Right | Hadean | ? | I mean | If You Like Flowers |
ID: i've never gotten flowers before. uh.
ID: thanks prisma. hit me up near pheres' stall? which moved btw.
SA: most flowers are ill advisd for eating.
RS: | Well | Now You'll have to Get a Room for The Day to Keep Them In | Haha |
SA: That is good, Pheres.
SS: (Protip: The edible ones ain't got thorns.) SS: (For cereals, tho, now you gotta up and live up to expectations!) SS: (Emphasis on, like, live.)
SA: I will be on my way then?
SA: it is very large.
SA: I didn't think this through I just wanted to get you a gift.
SS: (Cos, like, protip #2: if it's bleedin and you ain't changed the bandage in two nights, it's probs gonna be bleedin more next you look at it.)
ID: man you guys fuss. i'm like. mostly done bleeding.
SA: We fuss because we care about you.
SA: appreciate the fuss more. Stubborn ass.
SS: (Excuse you, these are bona fide experience-based pro tips I'm up and offerin here. (\qnq/) )
SS: (I'd need pearls to clutch and, like, more'n one set a'clothes for the whole rendin' thing if I wanted to get up to fussin', I'm just investin.)
RS: | Sipara Cooks Flowers | Ah | Prisma | You just have to Find the Right Type | ! | RS: | And | Haha | Yes | RS: | What They Said | =:B |
ID: well thanks. for caring. but i promise i'm fiiine.
SS: (Well, course you're fine. Pheres is gonna fix you up. (\unu/) )
RS: | You will be Once The Wounds are Bandaged | =:1 |
SA: sipara... cooks flowers...
ID: i mean... i'm on my way. i promise. there's just a lot of trolls on the way that think they can shove their noses in to my business.
RS: | Laledy | Oh | Have You seen Sipara Around | ? | She's rather Absconded on Me |
SS: (Well, you see, there was this incident with a bleatbeast...)
SS: (Which I maintain shoulda been, like, two bleatbeasts, tbqh.)
SS: (Tl;dr she's sacrificed herself to the Demoness to impress Hads.)
ID: thanks for the bleatbeast btw and there was no sacrificing in my sight.
SS: (Key words: "in my sight.")
SS: (She said she had to up and deliver the bleatbeast personal-like on accounta the Demoness totes deserves an apology for a shitty sacrifice of, like, used bleatbeast, you dig me?)
SA: goats...
SA: What would define a used goat?
SA: Am I used...
ID: i think we're all used goods, it's fine pris.
SA: Oh
SA: 😊
RS: | =:B |
ID: unused is like. pristine brand new. fresh out of the box!
SA: so a freshly birthed goat?
ID: or at least a young one.
RS: | Haha | Ew |
SS: (The box, SA, not the gross mammalian womb.)
SS: (Why you gotta make it weird?)
SA: I will protect them from the demoness.
SA: so they can grow up strong. and used.
SA: But strong
SA: a womb is like a box.
SS: (I have miscalculated.)
SA: why is it gross to you?
ID: hahahah woowww yeah lal, why is it gross.
SS: (And shit, pal, last I checked wombs ain't up and cubical. (\unu/) My bbbbb.)
ID: how many wombs have you been checking?
ID: maybe goats are cubical-shaped.
SS: (....)
SS: (You have a point.)
ID: of course i do.
SS: (Long's it ain't one 'bout fussin' vs protips, on accounta I got a professional rep to maintain, here, pal, and you've already up and put a dent in it. (\qnq/) )
SA: ...what reputation.
SA: I haven't heard of any reputation for you.
SS: (You also ain't never heard a'unused bleatbeasts afore, pal, so idkkkkk... (\unu/) )
SA: they are called kids.
SA: infant goats.
SA: but I don't understand how an animal becomes used.
SA: just that it must happen afte birth.
RS: | I would Like to Object to This Wonderful Knowledge of Disquieting Mammalian Reproduction I am Gaining |
RS: | Because | Gross |
SA: why is it disquieting...
SA: but yes, alright.
RS: | Can We Pretend Goats Emerge Fully Formed from The Ground | ? |
RS: | =:? |
SA: only if we can pretend you all weren't ugly worms at some point in your life.
ID: rude i was the handsomest worm that ever crawled out of an egg.
SA: squish.
SA: what about kittens, pheres.
SA: are you opposed to fresh kittens.
ID: breaking my pumper here pris. =:'(
SA: hadean you are a 7/10.
ID: let's be real, right now i'm probably a -5/10.
SA: you were an 8/10 yesterday, if that helps.
SA: before the injuries, i mean.
SA: but i don't mind those either.
ID: gee, really know how to warm a pumper pris. =:P
SA: I could tell you how much i appreciate you, would that be more adequate warming.
SA: You were very scared.
SA: I didn't like it.
RS: | I've Eaten Adolescent Meowbeasts Before | It is not Really Objectionable | ? |
SA: ---
SA: ...
SA: ☹
RS: | ? |
ID: hahahah, jeesh. don't just blast that i was scared pris, hella rude.
SA: Why did you eat kittens?
SA: it's alright, fear is a normal response.
RS: | Also | Aw | Are You Two Quadrants | ? |
SA: but if i must.
SA: you were very brave.
SA: in fact you felt no fear at all.
ID: hahah what.
SA: there.
SA: enjoy that lie.
ID: i will wear this lie like a cape.
SA: I am not allowed to have quadrants, Pheres.
SA: nor would it be appropriate.
ID: ...hahah what, not allowed by who.
RS: | Oh | ! | Well | Who Said That | ? |
SA: Well, I was raised that way.
ID: pris, part of saying fuck it to the system that wanted to use you is getting to do what you want.
RS: | Oh | But | You aren't a Pupa Anymore | So | You can have Quadrants Now | ! |
ID: you wanna quad someone, you go out and do it.
SA: Yes but there's another problem with this.
SA: I don't feel tose things.
SA: It would be cruel to quadrant with someone when I can only marginally reciprocate.
SA: But it's alright. I am happy seeing others happy in their quadrants.
SA: this is sad.
SA: Maybe i will say fuck it to the system more often, though.
SA: like stopping pheres from eating kittens.
ID: alllwaaayyssss say fuck it to the system.
RS: | | Well | Ah | I wouldn't Let That Stop You | ? | Everyone has to Learn How to Feel Properly in a Quadrant |
ID: yeah, what pheres said. you aren't like. completely emotionally dead.
RS: | You're not Born With It | RS: | And | Haha | What else do You do With Them | ? |
ID: some people keep them as pets.
SA: .. ideally, you love them and feed them and pet them
SA: No, but the most emotion I have experienced in a while came from you.
ID: ahahah well, uh. you can find someone out there that makes you feel things. i'm sure.
RS: | From Hadean | ? | 😮 | RS: | I have taken Your Emoticon as a Form of Solidarity | By the Way |
SA: Please do not take it as solidarity, eating kittens is very sad.
SA: Yes, from Hadean.
SA: I told you, i felt what he felt during the fight.
ID: oh.
ID: uh. sorry you had to feel that. i'm sure it wasn't fun times.
SA: It's quite alright.
SA: I wish i could have helped you more, is all.
SA: but I do have more fun with you than anyone else, so I suppose it goes both ways.
SA: ☺
ID: well i'm not dead so i think you all did alright in the helping department. =:P
ID: ps i will appreciate your flowers but you gotta hold them for me cause I got one functional arm right now and i need it for typing and stuff.
SA: Pheres, i will have to bring you a kitten and show you how perfect they are.
SA: when they aren't crispy.
SA: I can do that.
SA: You can also use text to speech.
ID: nah that makes me feel like a tool. plus it's hella noisy around the faire.
SA: Mmm. Well, I can still holy them.
SA: ...hold.
ID: hope you weren't looking for a knife throwing rematch too soon. =:P
SA: No, not really. Perhaps an archery contest, though 😉
RS: | Haha | Is Your Lusus a Meowbeast | Prisma | ? |
RS: | Because I am Sensing Bias | =:P |
SA: no, i just like soft helpless things.
SA: I like protecting them.
SA: I didn't have a lusus.
SA: Or. I did but I didn't.
SA: I don't remember.
SA: Why am I still talking about this..
RS: | Oh | ! | Well | I didn't Either | If That Makes You feel Better |
ID: uhh okay, we'll just blame it on highblood brain scrambles and move on?
SA: Oh!
SA: really--
RS: | Mm | ! | I don't Remember Mine Either | I think It is Common | If They are Removed Young |
SA: It's nice to know I was not the only one.
SA: 😃
SA: Statistically i couldn't be.
SA: but you know wht i mean.
RS: | 😃 |
SA: yes, the brain scrambles.
RS: | Haha | Yes | I understand |
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