#ill do more of these design analyses if ppl ask i suppose
tai-janai · 2 months
While we’re drowning Opportunist in attention- love how poofy his feathers are. Was that a conscious decision? Like, thinking he wants to appear all soft and sweet so others will lower their guard and he can stab you in the back?
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yep !
theres actually a lot that goes into all of the voices' designs, and oppys whole dynamic is just approachable but deadly, a lot of emphasis on not getting too close.
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borzoighost · 5 years
28 Questions
tagged by @nightccrawlcr (ty bb!)
Rules: tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions, tag 20 people, love yourself
1. How tall are you? 5′10″/11″ ish?
2. What color and what style is your hair? brown and kinda a wavy floofy mess (but the ends keep going lighter and IDK WHY)
3. What color are your eyes? light brown
4. Do you wear glasses? i’m supposed to for migraines n stuff but i don’t bc who has the TIME honestly
5. Do you wear braces? nope!
6. What is your fashion style? lots of heavily patterned shirts, with matching nails and trousers if i can be bothered. i also get really into formal stuff occasionally and wanna wear waistcoats all the time!!
7. Full name? i will give my name-adjacent homophone that i always do: anbrew sploopst.
8. When were you born? 16th of july 1999! 
9. Where are you from and where do you live now? i’m from manchester but i live in exeter and it rules!
10. What school do you go to? university of exeter
11. What kind of student are you? i honestly don’t know any more?? sometimes ill feel motivated to do some work, but i am a poor planner so a lot of the time im outta the loop in whats going on unless a piece of work REALLY takes my interest (usually creative stuff) 12. Do you like school? i was GOOD at secondary school but i don’t know if i LIKED it. college was “meh”. uni is way more fun, and a lot of my syllabus is stuff i enjoy, but i do struggle a bit.
13. What are your favorite school subjects? biology and maths (but only certain areas really). in maths i basically like any theory which is interesting and exciting and has cool correlations that you can analyse.  im doing an MSc in biosci , and in biology i enjoy a lot of the theory related to sessile organisms (plants & fungi, mainly).
14. Favorite TV shows? The US Office; The Good Place; OITNB; The IT Crowd (but fuck Glinner)
15. Favorite Movies? Sister Act; Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy; Beetlejuice; Addam’s Family Values
16. Favorite Books Discworld; Cabaret of Plants; (does Homestuck count) & probably more I’m forgetting but I’m very come-and-go with what I’m into at any one time lmao
17. Favorite pastime? kinda everything?? again i just get sudden urges to get into a new hobby before moving onto another. i do like SCUBA! and looking after plants! 3d printing & design! everything!!
18. Do you have any regrets? don’t think so? ask me when i have a hangover :)
19. Dream job? uhh probably building biomimetic robots/prosthetics. that or breeding plants or working at a coral nursery!
20. Would you like to get married someday? i don’t mind? i’m kinda down for whatever my SO is, tbh
21. Would you like to have kids someday? probably not. i’m content being a cool gay uncle
22. How many? ^see above^
23. Do you like shopping? oh fuck yes. probably too much but *shrug*
24. What countries have you visited? canada, turkey, greece, spain, croatia, italy, south africa, scotland, aaaand i think thats it!
25. What is the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? any time i get AIWS it becomes a prime contender. last time i saw my own skull fly into a giant pyramid and i felt my arms touch either side of my bedroom.
26. Do you have any enemies? i was about to answer “no, i love everyone!” then i remembered Peter Kay, so yes: Peter Kay.
27. Do you have a s/o? ya
28. Do you believe in miracles? nope! i prefer to think that the universe is inherently chaotic and occasionally things just align nicely.
my tumblr is like a dead graveyard where i just shout about the things i like, so i probably couldnt tag 20 ppl if i wanted to! @protosstar , @kate-omalley , @averynerdyfeminist , @fictionisanaddiction , @renallen & anybody else who feels like it!
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