#ill draw more of them later heehoo
rockintapper · 4 months
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horizonandstar · 2 years
OK SO. who want more thoughts of “heehoo i import sun and moon into my oc world :]”
i have Comics and Pictures in my brain that i cannot draw out so the next best thing is giant text post under the cut
lot of explanations and context incoming! i did not fucking realize that importing sun and moon into the world would actually be beneficial as all hell
they have inadvertently helped me worldbuild on the lore with all the gods and stuff and im actually happy with how it came out! i had god lore before with a bunch of pieces that i knew would happen but it was all janky, disconnected, and i just did not like it
pro tip that apparently works, at least for me: imagine what if blorbos exist in your oc world. you just gain free worldbuilding apparently
OK OK NOW ONTO THE SUN MOON PART. there’s still missing parts and i’m not done with them yet but here’s what i’ve got so far
sun’s name is gold and moon’s name is silver, and eclipse is their father (because i just like dadclipse for reasons that are unknown to me) and eclipse’s name is most likely saturn. shit does saturn even exist in this oc world. ANYWAYS i just straight up ripped the 7 planetary metals, i saw the associations that the several metals had with the sun/moon/planets and went oooh cool. this part may be scrapped or reworked later, it’s a bit shaky. it is really shaky actually
BACKSTORY: reincarnation is a thing in the oc world, maintained by the god of rebirth, whose role i originally created to stand in for the y/n character but now they’re an actual oc. oops. the god of rebirth is canon in the lore now. no more y/n character my bad
they are the one god that has no true name! assuming you know every god’s true name and everything, you hold the least power over the god of rebirth. the closest to a true name you can get is ouroboros, which is a title equal to god of rebirth anyways
to the other gods, ouroboros is known for being MIA, and very hard to track that it’s usually not worth the effort. the reason for that is because they’re usually off living their next life as Some Animal and keeps going to their next life. however, recent events means that it’s actually possible to track down ouroboros, now that they’ve stopped bouncing off to live their next life and are actually staying down as a god for this while
why? the world is Mega Fucked. gods are concepts given form, and some guy killed a majority of the pantheon. as you can imagine, this has some Extreme Consequences
the most relevant god to ouroboros (and some other gods) that got killed is the god of death. life, death, and rebirth are a trio of gods, and now death is missing, so life and rebirth have to step up. life is doing his best to pull people’s lifespans out and cut them shorter, which doesn’t work that well
rebirth has to keep a lot of things from coming back and living their next life, which makes them incredibly ill to essentially go against themself. the navigator, an entirely separate god that used to have nothing to do with all of this, is also stepping in to fill death’s role as best as he can by tracking down the wayward souls, and forcibly cutting people’s lives short if he finds them living past what should’ve killed them
everything is just not dying :V this includes disease too, so flu season is Hell On Earth
rebirth is still letting a few souls through, but keeping a lot of them behind what is basically a gate. 2 of the souls that rebirth lets through is sun and moon :]
the machine lore isn’t all that well built yet but before The Apocalypse, humans were just building giant machines and vibing with them. like i am imagining shadows of the colossus here (mainly the bird honestly) but they look a lot more mechanical
yes, the machines are alive. rebirth is also surprised, they thought they’d have to keep back the billions of microbes that made up the machine (like rain world!) from going to their next life, which, yeah, they did have to do that, but the machines themselves each counted as One Guy too which made rebirth go ! (exclamation mark)
rebirth is very excited about this and takes the opportunity to introduce themself to the boys when the 2 of them made a crooked little shrine in their backyard
eventually into adulthood, i have some possible events that might happen
1) moon nearly dies (he was like👌this close to dying and was in a lot of pain) when a Mysterious Person shows up, asks if he “accepts the consequences of their help” (he agreed), and then gets better!
the other living fears, if they ever meet him, call him Nyctophobia (they don’t even ask for his name) (why is spellcheck trying to get me to rewrite Nyctophobia into Arachnophobia). turns out the Mysterious Person was a living fear that turned him into one of their kin
except, Uh Oh, that sure had consequences! he and his family watches day by day as he becomes less human and become more of a living shadowy wisp. he becomes more hungry the more along the transformation is, until he figures out what his new form feeds on: the fear others have of the night and of the dark.
-side note: i say fear but it’s pretty flexible. fear, doubt, etc, as long as it’s a Thing the person embodies, they feed off of it. moon’s Person was Imposter Syndrome, who at one point, took the imposter part of it pretty literally
EDIT: i feel like i should describe moon’s meeting with this guy further. moon definitely knew something was up even before they opened their mouth, given that he was talking to his doppleganger
2) i’m not too sure what to do with sun. i’ve been juggling the idea of him becoming the emissary of a god! he gains powers, and in return, helps them with their duties and whatever tasks they assign him. i’ve been bouncing him as emissary of the moon or as emissary of the hunt
if he’s the emissary of the moon, he actually performs duties more related to the sun inside. the god of the sun is dead (which is why there’s a Big Fucking Ice Age and why a majority of humans live underground now), and the only person who can take over is the god of the moon, who’s doing a shit job at it since the sun is not under his domain and control
sun is going to struggle taking over the god of the moon’s solar duties though, since the powers he gets from this is related to the moon, not the sun
if sun instead becomes an emissary of the hunt (a position i thought of giving to moon a few times), then he hunts people down! it’s not limited to humans, anything that’s alive is free game. at some point, the god of the hunt joins the cycle trio (life, death, rebirth), filling in death’s missing role alongside the navigator (who guides people to rebirth)
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